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Wild Cards

Shania looked at herself "You must think i look like a stripper," she said seeing as the only things covered where her breasts and privates. "So any fighting training previously? sports or anything like that?" she asked plopping onto the couch tea set out on the coffee table that like everything had a sheet on it. The only rooms that looked used where her room the kitchen the bathroom and the spare room.
"No not at all. I just don't like... appearing female." Sage said, trying to put the feeling in word the best way she could.

"Oh oh! Me! Shania! I am a good fighter! Levi and my father taught me everything I know!" Lucifer said, raising his hand from where he was sitting on the floor.

Sage sighed, knowing the question was directed at her and not Lucifer. Leaning over, Sage pored herself some tea then moved to sit on the couch next to Shania.
"No. I cook and that is the extant of my abilities. Well that and I consider myself a skilled liar." She said with a straight face, "I walk a bit every day, around the nieghberhood."

Lucifer shrunk back onto the floor, obviously not liking being ignored. Lucifer really was like a dog, Sage thought to herself.
"You will not like kendo," she said "you'll go home feeling like you got hit by a plane," She pet Lucifers head almost like you would a pet a puppy. "And i bet you are an amazing fighter Lucy," she handed him his tea and poured her own.
Lucifer perked up almost immediately, taking the tea. Sage smiled, Shania seemed to have taken a liking to Lucifer. Sage on the other hand, she trusts no one on this team, not even Rhea. Everyone here can be against her for all she knew, specially Lucifer. "Well.. it sounds like your training might kill be before any demon does." She said, sarcasm in her voice.

Lucifer rolled over, tea still in hand,
"Demons are much more powerful then training Sage, if you die from it then I guess it would save the demons trouble of killing you." He said in a mater factually tone, not catching onto Sage's sarcasm.

"I suggest you sit up before I curve stomp your head into Shania's carpet." Sage said, her usual irritated smile on her face.Lucifer immediately sat up off the ground and inhaled a sharp breath. Why was Sage and Kai always so mean to him? At least Shania tries to like him. The only people who did not flat out hate him was Rhea and Ebony.
"Sage we know Lucy is stupid don't take what he says as anything," she shrugged "we still can't kill him till his usefullness is done, besides I plan on sending you all home with bruises." she said motioning Lucy to sit on the chir and not wallow in the floor. Ebony Walked to Shania's house and knocked timid as always.
Sage laughed, but this time it was not her usual good humored laugh, but more of one of horror and loathing after Shania's statement, She was going to die today. Taking a drink of tea, she let out a long sigh. Why did she get out of bed today? She also found good humor that Shania has picked up her nickname for Lucifer. Sage had no idea why she started to call Lucifer Lucey, it just stuck. Lucifer even responded too it, which indicated he did not even care.

"The doooor." Lucifer said, not really moving from where he was, even though Shania wanted him to get off the floor.
Shania tugged Lucifer by his ear to the door "Answer it," she ordered tiered of Lucifer being lazy. "If you want to eat you'll help out at least a little." she crossed her arms and glared at the demon "and if you are not good I'll keep those cookies here and drag you to training anyway.
"Owww.... Okie.. ookiiee..." Lucifer said, dragging himself to the door after Shania had picked him up. "Answering the door," Swinging the door open, Lucier smiled, "Hello!" He was even happier to see it was Ebony. "Ebony!" He said happily, "Are you ready for bruises and cookies?" He asked, moving aside to let her in, knowing if he kept the door open too long Shania would hurt him.

When Lucifer left to answer the door, Sage took another sip of tea,
"You seem quite fond of him already, he is like a little Doggie, and your his owner." She said, voicing her observations.
"I like him enough not to slit his throat and hate him enough to not care if he dies," she said simply. Ebony smiled at Lucifer "hello... um bruises?" she asked coming in she was dressed in a tee shirt and jeans that was really loose on her smal body. "Kai called and said he will come in a few minutes he's picking something up from the store," Ebony said to Sage and Shania.
"I seriously can not even fathom what he would be buying." She said seriously, taking a sip of her tea again, finishing it off. Placing the cup down on the coffee table, Sage took a deep breath, "Why is everything covered? Clean freak?" Sage asked.

Lucifer hopped beside Ebony,
"Is Rhea coming?" he asked, Rhea and Ebony were his favorite. The actually treated him nicely.

"I Texted her earlier," Sage started, "But there was no answer."
"I'm kidnapping her monday if she doesn't come," Shania said seriously "And this is how the people left the house after they carted me to the hospital and burried ... him," she said "I just havent took everything off," she sat down and Ebony sat next to Lucifer. "How do you like living here?" she asked him.
"Its great! I get free food! A soft bed!" Lucifer said, he obviously loved staying here, "I was scared Shania would kill me at first though." He said, whispering to Ebony.

"You know... I don't think Kidnapping is the best way to go Shania. I know we need her, but that is really illegal." Sage said, pouring herself another cup of tea. "Though I am sure we will find a way. Where the hell is Kai?" Sage said, a tad annoyed. She knew he was going to walk in with the most ridiculous outfit he could find in his closet. Sage was already having images of him dressed like a peacock of some kind.
Kai let himself in "Helllooo Fellow hunters I come bearing gifts to all... holy hell it's a girl!" he pointed to Sage. He was wearing no make up had his hair tied back and actually had on a pair of black jeans a blue tee and sneekers. He stood carrying three bags of who knows what.
"Oh look, you look like a male. I guess this makes us even. What the hell took you so long?" Sage said, glaring daggers at Kai. "And what is in the bag? Matching outfits?"

Rhea glanced behind her as she walked down the streets, she was aloud to go out with her friends in the club activities as long as she held a 'Officer' position in the club. So she told her parents that she was the treasure, taking to to help her deal with money. Her parents had told her she could not waste her time with such stupid clubs unless she was out to improve herself. It took a lot of convincing to even get them to think about letting her join such a stupid activity.

Walking up to the porch, Rhea clutched the small gift she brought for Shania, knowing it was only polite to bring things when you go to someone'e house for the first time. She hoped Shania did not hate the gift. It was just scented candles, nothing special or expensive, although Rhea could easily afford expensive. Why was she even here? She hesitated, then finally moved to knock on the door.
Kai stuck his tounge out at Sage "You may find you like this." He threw her a black jacket that had a grimm reaper on the back brandashing its scythe. It looked like it would fit perfectly. "I thought maybe we should be like a true group is all and it would make us more legitamate maybe?" he put on his that had a joker card on the back. and tossed one to Lucifer that had a skull on the back of it Shania had went to get the door. "Ah Please come in Rhea,"
Sage smirked, "I can't believe I was actually right, but for once I am glad I was." She said, admiring the jacket, at least it was not tacky like the rest of his outfits. "How much did the cost?"

Lucifer jumped up and held up the jacket,
"Awesome! My first gift!" Lucifer almost screamed, putting on the jacket, completely happy to have received it. "What dose yours have Ebony?" He asked.

Looking up at Shania, Rhea handed her a small square box,
"I got you something... thank you for your hospitality Shania... It is not much... sorry if it is bad. I hope I did not miss much." She said, spewing much of it in one breath. This was the first time she had been at someone else's house, it made her a bit nervous.
Shania patted Rhea on the head "thank you and we all just got here so you're on time. " she said. Ebony held hers up and it had a huntress on it "its so cute," she said Kai ignored the cost question.

"And for our princess," he handed her hers and it had a princess on the back of it. Shania took hers admiering the sword that adorned it's back.
Rhea flared, a bit embarrassed. Why did they always call her a Princess? Sage started that and Kai continues it, even Shania and Lucifer say it.. She much rather be Priestess. "Awww its so cute Rhea, you girls both got cute ones!" Lucifer said.

"Yeah... I guess it is kind of cute." Rhea said, looking at it a bit more. Well... it was not bad...

Sage sighed, now that the final person was here, pleasantries were over and the real pain was about the began. Sage ran her hand through her hair, a bit worried for her safety.
"Ok everyone to the spare room for a second," Shania said setting her candle on a table. She sauntered off into the room that was plain and mostly cleared exept a bunch of boxes in one corner.

Kai and Ebony followed her a bit unsure of her intentions.
Lucifer jumped up, his new jacket on, following Shania, even he had no idea what was going on. He did not explore the house much, afraid to tick Shania off by going somewhere he did not need too.

Rhea walked slowly, hold her jacket in her arms, already hot from the long sleeve shirt she was wearing. She really hoped this training was not too hard... he had hardly worked a day in her miserable life.

Sage sighed, putting down the cup of tea, and getting off the couch. She followed closely behind Ebony, just as confused as the rest.
Shania laid out six Sakaba's (wooden swords) she took one and twirled it "Pick a sword," she said and stood in a basic kendo stance. Kia went to grab one and she struck his hand "Faster then that," she said as he yelpped and craddled his hand. "Sensei said if you can't take your weapon from fire you aren't worth your steel, he made me pluck mine from a fire I'm going easy on you."
Rhea's mouth opened, when Shania yelled suddenly at Kai, she jumped. Shania wanted to them to grave a sword while she hit them? "Uh..." Rhea started.

Darting foreword, Lucifer jumped behind Shania and graved a sword before darting off to the other side of them room. He was quick, demon speed and strength already on his side and most likely just as skilled at Shania. The Gem on his forehead glowed a bit, his horns on his head visible.
"Haha!" He said!

Sage sighed, pleasure coming from Kai's pain, she would probably try next, but she had a feeling she was going to get hit the same way Kai did.
when Lucifer boasted his haha Shania took the oppertunity to wack him in the head. "Victory is never assured." she said though she barely nicked him when she saw Ebony go after a sword she smacked her right in the shoulder and the small girl cried out in shock and pain. When sage went to get one she aimed at Sage's knee on the strike.
"Ow... meany pants..." Lucifer said, rubbing his head where Shania had hit him.

Sage jumped as soon as Ebony did, though the tactic in Sage's opinion was a good one, still failed. Shania probably felt satisfied whacking her in the knee, Whos freaking idea was this? Hers? Never. Again.

Rolling to get up, Sage jumped and rushed for one of the swords again, aiming to duck if she needed too.

Rhea stood there, she refused to move. Man if she came home with bruises.... She had to get over it, its not like she was going to never get injured fighting demons. Rhea hesitated taking a step foreword but then took two steps backwards.
The second sage grabbed the sword a loud crack followed and pain on her lower back. Ebony darted for a sword and got another shoulder hit and the little girl was crying it REALLY hurt. Kai went at shania instead of a sword and she struck him in the stomach but it left the swords ungaurded.

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