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Wild Cards

"Phone call," Shania said "if you want to eaves drop the walls are pretty thin," She stated.

Kai smirked "I though i was the nosie one, ah... how much poison did you use death bringer?" Kai asked Sage "Oh and if my dad does have a party you all want to come? You can bring your families. Dancing free food rich snobish boarish idiots and free gifts," Kai said eyeing the food not putting it past someone to try and poison him.

"Oh i'd jump for joy at the chance," Shania said sarcastically.

Ebony looked at Sage "I think it might be good to get us all together and let our families meet so they don't start to think we are just weird classmates," She said quietly
"Not enough for you to die, but just enough to make you wish you would." Sage said, handing Kai a plate with a smile. "And sounds like not my kind of party, however, the party could prove good for out parents. The question is will Rhea's parents came?"

At that moment, Rhea walked back in, shuffling up to Shania, handing her the phone back,
"Thank you." She said, a small smile on her lips. "What are we talking about?"

"A party! Kai is gunna have a party and invite everyone's parents too it!" Lucifer said happily.

Rhea glanced up at Kai and thought for a moment,
"Kai... What does your family do? You own a business?"
"Do you want the truth or what we tell everyone?" Kai asked with a grin. Shania rolled her eyes and took a plate thankint Sage.

"Both," Shania replied making room on her couch for Rhea.

"The facade is we own a fashion Line which is true we also own a few stocks in cosmetics, The truth is more complicated and dark sinester even," he bust out laughing it wans't a good laugh it was a 'I've lost my mind' laugh.

Ebony hid behind Sage KAi scared the pants off her!
Rhea followed, thanking Sage taking her own food, what was Kai even talking about?

Sage leaned foreword,
"Do tell Kai." She said, obviously interested in what the male in question had to tell him. "Relax Ebony, Kai is just a psychopathy. Nothing new." She said with a smirk as the girl hid behind her.

Lucifer remained uninterested, completely engrossed in his own food in front of him.
"We own half the city's underground," Kai said "I can't fight but I can shoot anything from a flintlock pistal to an AK 50." his grin was frightening to be honest.

"Why does it not suprise me?" Shania asked before taking a bite of the sandwitch.

"So you're in a gang?" Ebony asked.

"I my dear am the prince of the underground," Kai smirked and looked at Sage "and before you say anything we don't deal in drugs, mostly weapons," he sighed "Now if anyone tells anyone I'll be forced to off you,"
Sage laughed, "I am afraid Kai that that will be VERY hard to do with out new abilities and our sweet priestess here. Besides, your parent's business is not my business." She said simply. She was not afraid, and she knew Shania was not either. Of course, Lucifer was kind of clueless to something like that. Rhea and Ebony on the other hand, looked a little more then slightly terrified.

"My parents... They own the shipping company by the docks..." Rhea said, looking away from Kai... she did not want to be around him anymore... if demons did not kill her he would. Rhea was now officially terrified.
"Ah you all know me better then that I'd rather design a new outfit then hold a gun," he said "Relax preistess I've never killed before," he took a bite of his sandwhich.

Shania pulled Rhea next to her "Kai is all bark no bite," she said "so the party are we all going?" she asked.

"My parents will..I will too," Ebony said knowing her parents loved social gatherings.
"I can try..." Rhea said, feeling Shania pull her closer. It was comforting and made Rhea relax a bit. "What is the dress code?" She asked, this was not her first rodeo at fancy party Well in less Kai's Party is not the same as her parents party.

Sage smiled and patted Ebony on the back,
"My mother and I will come. Ebony can you help me clean up after we are done eating?" Sage asked.

"Also I have good news..." Rhea said quietly, putting down her plate after she finished eating, "My parents have agreed that I can sleep over at a friends house when we go out for our... Paranormal activities."

"that's good," Shania said "I won't have to hold you captive." she said though her tone had some amusment in it.

"The party is your standard snob fest," Kai said "pretty fluffy and way too cheap looking," he said with a sigh.

Ebony nodded to Sage "I'd like to help you,"
Rhea smiled a bit, "I am use to those... My parents will most likely be willing to come. I will bring my brother as well." She said thinking about how much trouble it will cause. But she knew her parents, they would never make a fool of themselves in public places and her brother would take advantage of it. Rhea gave Shania a small smile at her joke, still sure that is was not a joke.

"When is the party?" Lucifer asked, already excited to go!
"Next week Saterday, they like saterday's give em a day to sober up before work," Kai said dryly.

Shania raised an eyebrow "your dad's a boozer?" she asked and kai sighed deeply.

"He is a hard core drunk but he holds up well in public," Kai shrugged
(Haha we can skip to it.)

Rhea sighed, feeling rather uncomfortable, she was beginning to see that her and Ebony were the normal ones. Well... as normal as fledgling demon slayer can get.

After an entire week of intense training went by, Rhea was starting to notice a few chances in herself, although she was still the weakest in the party. She did fairly well learning hand to hand combat. Shania had taught her a lot of the basics and Lucifer even taught her a few things here and there. Rhea began to notice changes in the group as well, everyone seem closer. She speculated it was because of the hard training they were going through, even Sage seems to be a lot more relaxed around the group more, showing more of her... interesting colors.

Rhea walked quietly behind her parents, both dressed appropriately for the occasion. Rhea was wearing a long sleeve white ball gown, complete with a turtle neck. She thought it was the most hideous dress she had ever had the pleasure to wear. It was constricting her moments and was just flat out uncomfortable, but she wore it anyway. Her hair was also down, laying across her back, reaching almost mid back. That was the worst part about her in a dress, she was not allowed to put her hair up. For once, Rhea was one of the first people to arrive to something she was invited too within the group. Rhea fidgeted uncomfortably,
"Rhea stand still. Act more lady like." He mother told her, glancing back at her. Rhea did as she was told and looked down at her shoes.


Sage had dropped by Shania's house to help fit Lucifer into one of her suits, prepping the demon up. Lucifer complained the whole time, saying the suit was not meant for him.

"It looks as lovely on you as it does My darling Sage. She looks as handsome as ever." Sages mother said, who had come with Sage to Shania's.

When Sage has finished, she let out a long sigh, brushing down her own suit.
"There.. that should do. Are you ready to go Shania?" Sage asked.
"Yeah i'm ready," Shania sighed coming out of her room in a dress, the gown fit snuggly on her chest and flowed down her curved form to poof a little at her waist it was black that was the only thing shania liked about it. her hair was loose and fell like silk.

Ebony figited when they got to kai's huge house she wore a simple knee length pink dress with a red ribbon in her hair she hopped she wasn't underdressed... her parents wore simple clothes and didn't talk too awful much as they too were a tad nervious.

Kai however Greeted Rhea and her parents in the most odd outfit he has ever worn. "Rhea hello so glad you and your parents could make it I am Kai Sohma the host's son," he preformed a sweeping bow to them.

( said outfit! View attachment 11332)
Rhea could see her parents utter confusion in Kai's fashion sense, but recovered quickly, "Oh how polite!" Rhea's mother said, curtsying to Kai. Rhea followed her mothers suit, knowing it was the formal thing to do. "We wish if we could meet your parents too!" Rhea stood quietly behind her parents, not really speaking to Kai or looking at him.

Sage whistled when Shania came out in her dress,
"Oh Shania, if I was not always afraid for my life around you, I would take you to the ball myself." Sage said, a hit of sarcasm in her voice. "Beside, I have my beautiful mother to take instead." Sage said, making her mother smile. It was obvious Sage treasured her parents one of the few people she had ever treasured in her life.

When they had arrived, Lucifer hung back behind Shania and Sage, until he saw Ebony. Walking up behind her, Lucifer reached out to her and placed on hand on her shoulder.

(I love it!)
"Sadly my mother is no longer with us," Kai said "But I told my father how wonderful Rhea has been helpping me through her loss and he told me he wanted to meet the parents who raised such a gem," Kai said with a bright smile "Please follow me," he lead them through the people to a seat where a brunett man sat he wore a regular suit and had a wine glass in his hand. "Ah Kai my boy that must be Rhea Why isn't she the cutest! Hello to you both," he bowed to his guests "I am Shaiel Kai's father please do sit have a glass of wine, or punch for Rhea and Kai of course,"

Ebony squeeked till she saw Lucey "Oh you look so cute!" she said smileing. She hugged him then Saw sage and Shania "Hi are you guys nervious too?" she asked.

Shania sighed "I'm ready to go home now," she was unconfortable in a dress she felt too... feminine.

(glad you like kai's outfit I like it myself)
Rhea blushed, Kai never talked about his mother. He was obviously just as good of liar as Sage and very verse in the affairs of politics. Rhea had a feeling if this kept up her father would finally sit down and make the arranged married he had been talking about for years. Not many people do arranged marriages, but her family still did. Part one of why her brother and her parents don't get along anymore.

"Your boy is just darling." Rhea's mother gushed. Kai had her wrapped around his finger. Rhea curtsied to Kai's father and spoke accordingly, "Pleasure to meet you. I look foreword to school and club activities with Kai. I believe we have become rather close friends." She said on que, just following the motions. Although she had felt a friendship with Kai as of late, even though he can be a bit scary.

Soon Rhea's father stepped up,
"I am sorry for such a loss in your family." He said, extending his hand to shake it, "My last name is Addora, I am the owner of the shipping company by the shipping docks. I own most of the docks and harbors." He said. "Rhea is our prize gem. She is top in her class and a lovey young lady to boot. She is well behaved." He said, "You Son looks to be fantastically well behaved as well. Quite the charmer."

Rhea shuffled a bit, wanting to find the rest of the group. Her parents only came for Kai's parents, no one else. Her mother glanced at her again, forcing Rhea to stand still again.


Sage smiled at waved at Ebony,
"You are just as sexy as Shania my dear." Sage said, taking Ebony's hand and kissing the top of it. "I would like you guys to meet my mouth." Sage said, motioning to the rather plumb women. Her mother was a little on the heavy side.

Lucifer smiled,
"Yeah Sage is right... You are really pretty like Shania!"
Ebony blushed as red as her ribbon and looked down. "Thank you." she said timidly.

Kai's father shook his hand "We own a fashion salon chain my son actually designs alot of the clothing, why don't we let the children dance and we can get better aquainted?" he asked as music began.

Shania tenced as she senced eyes on her "this is embarasing," she covered her face with her hands.
Rhea did a small curtsy again, "Thank you sir. Please excuse me then. Father, Mother." She said, waiting for them to excuse her, which they did with a slight nod. Walking over to Kai, Rhea reached out to him to take his hand for him to lead her. Rhea hated the formal atmosphere, but when ever she had to rehearse the things she was told to say, they came out confident and polite. But regardless, she did what she was told.


"Oh come on, its not that bad Shania." Sage said, Her mother had gone else ware, talking with Ebonys own parents.

"What are they doing?" Lucifer asked as people started to crowed around the dance floor.
"Danceing," Shania said "its a way to have fun," she said dryly. "Would you like a dance?" She asked Sage, "I'll even let you lead."

Kai escorted Rhea to the dance floor "I think that went rather well how about you?" he asked with a smile. the dance was a slower waltz so talking wasn't an imposability on the floor.
"Yes. It went well. Sorry for my silence. My parents wish me not to speak in less spoken too." Rhea said quietly, kind of still afraid to talk. She never talked in such social gatherings. She stretched either side of her, trying to make the dress more comfortable "I like your outfit today. It looks much better then my own." She said quietly, trying to make small talk.

Sage grind,
"Well don't mind if I do, would you have this dance with me Miss Shania?" Sage asked smoothly, bowing to the girl. Taking Shania's hand, Sage lead the girl out into the dance floor, spotting Rhea and Kai together, "Oh look, there is Rhea and Kai. Of course Rhea has got on a long sleeve dress. and Kai look liked a diva. Neither have fashion sense." Sage said, turning them around so Shania could see the two.

"Can you dance Ebony?" Lucifer said, watching Sage and Shania start to dance. He wanted to try too.
Ebony smiled "Oh i love to dance," she said "It is my best talant," she watched the dancers fondly "do you dance?" she asked him.

Kai leaned closer to Rhea "I have a room full of clothes if you want to change," he said "I could make you into the belle of the ball," he smiled "Not that you aren't stunning as is of course," he said as they spun.

Shania took Sage's hand and alowed her to lead the dance Shania's kendo skills helpped her to be a good dancer but she still wasn't the best. She blushed when she missed a step a thing Sage has never seen the strong stoic woman do in the past week.
"So you are capable of feelings." Sage whispered as they continued to dance. Sage loved dancing, not in the way she knew Ebony dance, but in the way that it made women and men swoon. A horrible reason to love to dance she knew, but it was bring her joy to see the women who put her through he this week blush because she stepped on Sage's foot or stumbled a bit.

Lucifer shook his head,
"No, I never danced before." He grew up in a time of war, he has done very little... 'enjoyable' things. "It looks fun. You like it?" He asked.

Rhea blushed deeply,
"I-I can't." She said under her breath. She couldn't, her parents would be mad, not to mention she would be ashamed. Her parents are completely ashamed of Rhea's scarred arm. The Scar Levi gave her. She wish he had healed it like he healed the other's scars, but hers was to remain, the medium of her power. She ware things like this because her parents told her to hid the imperfection. She knew it was ugly, and she hated it. The Sacr reached around her arm, all the way to her shoulder.
"Nonesence!" he said and brought her back to the table "Dad I want to design a dress for Rhea... I want it to be equisit so beautiful in make even i will blush in it's presaance," he said then he looked to her parents "Please please alow me to do this it is the only way... i feel i can repay her kindness please," he begged with his eyes. Kai's dad smiled Kai almost always got his way when he used that look on people.

Ebony nodded "I'll teach you then... if you'd like." she smiled

Shania halfheartedly glared at Sage. "I'm not a statue," she commented
Rhea knew, her parents were stuck. If they refused, they would look bad. But they were worried about her scar. "Oh, surely Rhea is fine in her own dress? Aren't you dear?" Her mother said. Rheal wanted to glance at Kai, but she knew if she did she would get in trouble when she got home. "Yes... I am fine with my own dress..." Rhea said quietly. Rhea looked at Kai apologetically, she really did want to try. Even though Sage always said bad things about Kai's clothing, Rhea thought it was fantastic.

Sage smiled,
"What, I said no such thing my lady." She said, her eyes darting as she followed Rhea and Kai away. "Ah, Kai and Rhea are leaving somewhere together." pulling Shania into a quick spin. "I wounder where they possibly could be going." Sage said, not able to keep the want to know from her voice. Neither had spoken a word to their group all day, they just seem to keep to each other.

Lucifer smiled a large toothy smile,
"Yes!" He said, almost bouncing next to Ebony.
Kai looked at them "I may be bold in saying this but your daughter is easily the most beautiful model I have ever seen, you discrace her in something so plain," he said his voice regal a political Kai Rhea has never heard. "She holds herself down because her confidence has been crushed, people at school are cruel because she is shy. She is a rose waiting to bloom and when she does bloom the radiance will blind all those who didn't see her inner beauty, I promise the dress will be modest, but I am going to make her one," he said Kai's father smiled "It's best to let kai get his way when he is this passionate about someone pluse I wonder what she would look like in our clothes as well perhaps you will let her model for us?" he asked

Shania held close to sage after the spin this seemingly strong proud woman was redduced to an unsure girl all because of a dress.

Ebony giggled "oh it'll be fun! when do you want to start learning?"

(Kai lays it on thick doesn't he?)

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