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Wild Cards

Shania gave a soft smirk "I dont think Kai needs gaurds you haven't taken a punch from him yet," she gripped her dagger tightly as they followed on the second Luce went around the building a crab like claw went to grab him. Ebony squeeked and transformed her pendant to her bow "I... i can't get a good shot from this distance," she said but she was too scared to go close she was terrified. Shania didn't transform her dagger just yet she wanted to see the full demon first.
"I think it is gett-AHHHHH" Lucifer screamed when a Giant claw graved him, pulling him all the way to its ugly face. "What.... Let go of me!" He said, realizing what happen to him. Lucifer felt himself concentrating his demon strength, pulling power from the moon like he had learned to do, no longer in the demon world to draw power from. Reaching out to the demon with his fist, then landed one quick punch to its eye.

The demon growled, letting go of Lucifer,
"Guyys..." He called, "Help possibly maybe?" He said out loud, jumping back as the demon swung its claw at Lucifer.

Sage glance up and peaked her head around the corner to look at what they were against. It was rather large, the size of a car. They can take it, she hoped. Sage knew she was far from a pro fighter and had a long way to go, but both Lucifer and Shania were here, which meant they stood a large chance of not getting hurt.
"Shell we go?" She asked, turning the corner completely, taking a few calm steps to the larger demon.
Shania didn't bother to answer she had her dagger out and was goind straight at the creature not transforming the blade till she brought it down. Her eyes were full of pent up rage finaly seeing a demon she was ready to make it bleed. Ebony was shaking trying to aim her bow reminding herself of her archery practice. Sage and Shania are so brave... she however was not. Shania's long black dress was a hindrance to her speed making her attack less acurate.
Sage moved foreword, picking up speed as she pulled her scythe back for a swing. Swinging it low to the ground, aiming to maim the demon by chopping off one of its legs, she noted that the creature. When Sage go closer she thought it looked very much like a crab, but purple and its eyes were was big as bowling balls. (hehe the kids wanted this part in it.)

Lucifer took a few steps back, watching as Shania stabbed it straight in the middle of his head. It was moments later that the crab leaned foreword, its legs no longer supporting it. It was a lesser demon, one that was mindless, much like human animals. The demon's goal was to eat and survive. Running up to the demon again, Lucifer pulled on the crabs other leg, hard enough for it to rip off its body.

The demon itself did not make any noises except sharp gargling sounds, it flailed its claws around the air, snapping them at Shania to take her off its head.
Shania began to laugh hacking wildly into the crabs body not caring as one leg ripped her dress and cut a line down her left leg. Ebony was shaking even more Shania has gone mad! She was acting like someone would expect from the demons they were going to be facing. She ran her sword through one of the large eyes wanting to hear a scream! SCREAM! she yelled in her mind
Suddenly the demon shook itself, a very violent shake, knocking Lucifer and Sage away from it, the taking Shania from its head and tossed her away. When that was done, the demon let out a long hiss, its wounds regenerating and legs sprouting again from under it.

"I-its regenerating." Lucifer said, sitting up and staring at the crab.

Sage pushed herself up and graved her pen, letting it transform into the Scythe again.
"No it won't" She said, charging it again.
Shania had landed hard on her back and was stunned for a second in her fear Ebony let an arrow loose but she was shaky and it flew off hitting Lucifer in the arm. Shania shook herslef off and smiled seeing the blood and she went back at the creature even as it started to regenerate.
When the arrow hit Lucifer, he tripped and fell over, completely not expecting something to hit me where it had come from. Standing up he looked at his arm, noticing an arrow in it. The arrow burned a bit. The weapons that Levi had given them were special, weapons meant to take care of demons. Lucifer hissed, glancing at Ebony. Breaking off half the arrow, leaving the arrow head where it was, Lucifer got back up and ran to the crab again. Jumping onto the crab, Lucifer tried to take a hold of the demons claw, twisting it to break it.

Sage on the other hand, brought the Scythe down on the back of the crab, a bit worried for Shania, as she saw the manic look in her eyes. Not even Sage was that manic, but in fact a bit scared. The demon was not dying as easily as she thought it would.
Ebony's eyes were wide she was horrified. "I'm sorry," she said then drew her boy and with a cry she let it loose this time it hit it's mark the demon right between it's huge eyes. Shania sliced the demons claw off then down to it's crab like body.
With the combination of Shania's slice in the front, Sage's slice on the back and Lucifer pulling on its claw, the crab ripped in half.

The was a small silence and stillness for a moment, before Sage brought her Scythe down on the corpus. She was speechless... unsure if it is dead or not.
Shania didn't stop but this time her bloodstained sword was after Lucy "DIE!" she yelled before bringing the sword down. Ebony was crying tears flowing down her eyes even more then the day on the train.
Lucifer turned, his eyes wide when Shania yelled at him, her sword coming down.

Sage acted quickly, pulling her own Scythe up and pushing it in front of the sword. She made it, barely in time, the sword coming down on the wooden part of the Scythe. Sage at this point was breathing rather hard. Pushing the Scythe towards Shania, Sage tried to hit her in the stomach with the part she had stopped with the sword.

When the sword came down on him, Lucifer did not move. When he heard a clink in front of him, he saw that Sage had stopped the blow. Not taking any changes, Lucifer got up and ran, disappearing behind some building.

"The battle is OVER." Sage hissed at Shania.
Her expression was that of pure rage her eyes unseeing and rather glazed she grabbed the blade of Sage's scythe and pulled Sage off stance and into her Shania's knee her hand now sliced through and bleeding she was about to bring her sword down on Sage. Ebony shot her bow again it hit Shania in the leg and she fell of stance and her leg gave out.
Sage was taken by complete surprise when she had taken the blade of her weapon, but was even more surprised when she kneed Sage. Gasping for air, she looked up, realizing she was about to suffer the fate she had in mind for Lucifer. Untill Sage saw the arrow hit Shania in the leg, causing her to fall. Taking advantage, Sage did much like Shania had done to her, graving the blade of the sword, but Sage turned to her back and kicked Shania in the stomach as hard as she could, separating the girl from her blade.

Rhea looked up from her brother, feeling like something was wrong.
"Hey Roen... It looks like the party might be over soon.. I think you should go home before mom and dad see you." She said, for once desperate to get away from her brother. Roen looked at her, a bit of concern, he had not had the chance to talk. "Ok... call me if you need anything." He said, before kissing his sister on the forehead and leaving. That was easier then I thought... She thought, looking at Kai, Rhea made a desperait face.
"And with that honored guest i thank you for your time please finish enjoying your night and when you are ready our drivers will escort you to your cars," he bowed then went to Rhea "They senced a demon outside I was stalling... what's up?" he asked

Shania had fainted after the kick her dagger a dagger once more. Ebony ran to Lucifer "I'm so sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry!" she said.
"That what?" Rhea said, it came out more like a squeak. "I know something is wrong, Something has to be wrong... I think we should go find them..."

Lucifer hissed at Ebony when she ran up to him,
"Every single one of you humans stay away from me." He said, his usual childish personality very much gone. Lucifer wanted to flee, he wanted to leave. he felt cornered, trapped. "Step away from me." He hissed again at Ebony. His eyes were burning with rage and fear. He was not suppose to hurt or kill any of the guardians, but protect them. How was he suppose to do that when he was the one in danger?

Sage gasped, completely surprised when Shania passed out... but grateful. That knee hurt like hell, and she had taken quite a few of hits from the girl. Pocketing the Dagger, Sage also pocketed her pen.
"Ebony, are you ok? How is Lucy?" Sage yelled to Ebony, walking up to Shania to make sure she was ok. "God, I thought you were cute tonight." Sage whispered.
Ebony fell to the ground crying sobbing really muttering rapid appologies. Kai lead Rhea out back seeing as nobody was out front "My god what happened here?" he asked shocked.

Shania groaned and sat up "what...what the hell?" she asked in a daze (sorry it somehow got cut)
Sage laughed bitterly, "We did more damage to ourselves then the demon did to us, in fact the demon never once touched us. Rhea, Shania and I are fine, check Lucy first." Sage stood up, taking off her jacket part of her tuxedo, "tch. Consider both these suits ruined." Sage said, she was more pissed then when she saw the demon. This was a disaster. "Ebony shoot Lucy, Shania tried to kill Lucy, I tried to stop her, she almost killed me, Ebony shot Shania and then Shania got knocked out by me." Sage said, giving Kai the run down of the events that had happened. Looking at the corpse of the crab, it seem to bubble and steam, like it was slowly dissolving into the ground. It gave off a putrid smell. "There is no way I can return to my mother with cloths like this. To much blood and dirt."

Rhea nodded and ran the few feet to Ebony, when she turned the corner she saw Lucifer huddled against a wall. He looked more like a scared animal. "Lucifer..." Rhea called, moving past the crying Ebony, aproching Lucifer slowly. Lucifer bared his fangs, his demon self very much showing. Rhea took a few uneven steps towards him, "I am just going to help..." She said quietly.

"GET AWAY!" He snapped at Rhea. It startled her so badly, she tripped backwards, landing on her butt. getting up Rhea ran back over to Ebony, unsure of what to do or how to help.

"What happen she asks." Sage said in a sarcastic tone when Shania got up. "Fu-k I can't believe you blacked out through all that." Sage said, rather calm, although her voice was obviously pissed. Sage thought herself way above cussing. "Even Lucy is manic."
Ebony looked at lucy "It was an accadent i... i didn't mean to," she sobbed sniffling "I would never hurt you never on perpose... please let me make it better...." she said crying holding her arms open to him.

Kai was in shock "Holy hell," he said trying to process the information.

Shania walked to Lucy "I don't know what came over me but, hit me," she said ignoring his state at the moment and her own she looked like hell warmed over blood dripping from her leg and hand and covering her body but for the first time they saw tears fall from her eyes.
Lucifer watched the two girls, both where crying, "Just leave me alone..." He said, closing his eyes. "Just... leave me alone for a bit." He said quietly, covering his head with his arms, his horns disappearing. Rhea assumed that meant he was no longer going to jump up and hurt someone if they approached him.

Rhea got up quietly and took Shania's hand
"Come with me... let me heal you..." Rhea whispered, gently touching one of the tears off the girls eyes. "Please."

Sage sighed, moving to help Ebony,
"Its ok Ebony, relax, I am sure he wont hate you ok. We all know you would never hurt someone." Sage said, trying to coo the girl. She glanced up at Kai, "You should probably get some new cloths for us to wear... some of us have families to go home with." She said quietly.

"If you can stand my fashion," he said and went into the house Shania pulled away "I don't want to be healed let me remember this pain," she walked away and picked up her dagger from the ground. Stashing it back in her garted belt she started the walk home not caring that she looked like a murder scene. Ebony latched onto Sage sobbing "I hurt him and shania I hurt them!"
Sage sighed in furisghtion, she felt like a baby sitter, "Ebony, you did what you had too... just hold that thought ok?" Sage was about to get up and Tell Shania to stop throwing her pity party, until surprisingly Rhea ran up to the girl. Thinking she will just let the girl do the convincing she turned back to Ebony and spoke to her quietly, "Ebony, you saved my life. Do you realize this? Shania was going to kill me, and you stopped her. Do you understand this?"

Rhea ran up to Shania and graved the girl by the arm,
"No... Shania." Rhea said, she was shaking from seeing everything that was happening, it was all a confusing mess. "Shania... it hurts me too. To see everyone in pain." Rhea took Shania's hand, feeling the moist of Shania's blood on her own palm. Her arms began to glow a bit, starting the healing process.
Shania's expression was icy "I'm dangerous you shouldn't come near me, what if i attack you I doubt Ebony will hit me again," she said her voice cold.

Ebony nodded "but I hit Lucifer too," she said "he's scared now i scared him," she said she was in such a state of distress she was starting to go into shock.

Kai came back out with a hand full of his clothes he pulled from the closet.
"Thanks Kai... just.. try and help me do some damage control..." Sage said, her speech so unlike what she would usually spoke. She was bleeding and in pain. She just wanted clam... calmness. "Ebony... don't hyper ventilate now... I need you to take deep breaths..." Sage said, couching the girl on how to breath properly.

Rhea shook her head,
"You won't hurt me... I am your only way to revenge remember? This is why I am here..." She said slightly confidently, repeating what Sage had told her their first meeting. She knew when Shania's hand was done because... well it just was. A feeling of completeness. Leaning down, Rhea was unsure if she should pull the arrow from Shania's leg or just try and heal it like it was...
Kai scooped up Ebony in a hug and stroked her hair "Go get healed I got the archer," he said and whispered soothingly in her ear while stroking her hair it seemed to be working he glanced over at Lucy wondering if he'd be ok.

Shania looked at Rhea "I don't care about revenge if it turns me into that," she hissed. "Im ok go get everyone else I'll work this out while you do so," she pointed to the arrow in her calf.

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