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Wild Cards

"Whoa.." Lucifer said, falling back with the force of Ebony falling on top of him. He did not want to push her out of the way. "Sorry." he murmurered, before moving Ebony off him and trying to scramble towards Kai.

Sage got up, reaching for her pen and taking a few steps towards the group as well. Her mind making a quick last minute decision.

Rhea got up and took a defensive stance with the wooden sword, just as Shania taught her. She was shaking, but her voice was a bit more brave,
"No... Kai stop this..."
"I don't want to hurt you Rhea," he said simply he had his hand around his card prepared to use it if Rhea didn't move a poisoned dipped blade might be overkill on someone as small as Rhea. Shania pushed up her head was spinning what the hell was going on. She saw Rhea.. protecting her? no this is backwwards! Shania's mind screamed at her Ebony was still a bit shocked Kai was always scary but gentle.
"No..." She said again, She realized kai was about to actually attack her with his weapon. Why did she not get a weapon? it was ridiculous how defenseless she was. Moving her feet, Rhea got ready to take on Kai, hopping she could actually do something. Just before Lucifer tackled Kai from behind. "Got you you little jerk." He said, rolling over with the male.

Sage took a step beside Ebony he scythe materialization into her hands. She watched quietly, observing.
Kai transformed his card to his axe and was trying to slice into Lucifer shania took a Sakaba from the ground but when she tried to stand a wave of nasia rose in her and she fell back down panting. Ebony held her pendant even if it transformed she'd not have a decent shot.
Sage let out a sigh and smiled at Ebony, "I guess I really can't down right watch murder happen. Don't shoot, this needs to get under control." She said, moving her Scythe in a fashion where her blade curled around the underside of Kai's Axe. Sage then yanked her scythe with as much power as she could, trying to yanking the blade from Kai's hand.

Lucifer eyes began to glow, summoning the powers from the moon again.
"Back down or ill kill you." Lucifer tried to warn again, Levi was going to be pissed.
"Took long enough get off," Kai said sheathing his blade. "I mean it you are messing up my hair," he huffed. Ebony looked stunned as did shania.

"huh?" she asked wondering if she was dead.

"See if we work together and protect each other we are strong if we leave one member or set a brand on her or him we weaken ourselves. Had Rhea not came to Shania's defence I'd have slain her had Luce not jumpped me i'd have wounded Rhea had Sage not disarmed Me I'd have hurt Lucy had Sage not stopped Ebony from fireing her arrow I'd prolly be in alot of pain."
Lucifer scrambled off Kai, confusion on his face.

Sage twitched.... this guy, she knew it. She knew he was bluffing. But at the same time she knew it was not a bluff. It was something she was sure only she would understand, but the fact that he was pissed at her because she was the only one who had not agreed to defend the girl who almost killed her. Moving over to Kai, Sage stomped on him, straight in the middle of his stomach,
"You little... I knew it all this time. Waiting for me... Now I am going to kill you." Sage said, yeah.. Kai pushed her over the edge this time.

Rhea sighed, dropping to her knees, the wooden sword dropping from her hands. Rhea glanced over to Shania,
"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Sage!" Lucifer almost yelled, pulling the girl off him.
Kai coughed and dispite the pain was laughing "It's your fault for being dence, I'm called the trickster for a reason just glad you got the hint before someone died," he sat up but fell back "Ow that really hurt!" he whined cluching his stomach.

"Yeah I'm ok... glad i didn't have a full stomach or i might not be as ok," Shania hugged Rhea "Don't scare me like that, Kai could have really hurt you," she said
Sage smirked, feeling satisfaction in Kai rolling on the ground in pain. "Good..." She hissed, "I am going home. See you guys tomorrow." Sage said, before turning around and leaving.

Rhea hugs Shania back and let out a heavy sigh,
"Its ok Shania... you need protection too... I told you I wouldn't be a burden. Beside... you told me not 10 minutes ago that i need to think of protection my family... not let them die... I count my friends in that statement." She said, feeling rather proud of herself.

Lucifer watched Sage go, he was pretty confused. He felt his powers slowly leak out of him again, he glanced at Ebony.
Ebony gave a deep sigh of releif. "Looks like everything settled out," she said.

Shania gave Rhea a small smile "I did say that didn't i," she then looked at Lucifer and pain flashed in her eyes before she stood herself up and went to put up the equipment and toss out the broken wooden sword. Kai sat up "owowow... anyway Rhea time to get you back to those protective parents of yours i had to lie to them to get them to stay calm,"
Rhea's face dropped from happiness to a bit fearful, "Oh no... I completely forgot... They might not let me come tomorrow... I did not ask permission to come anywhere. Wait wait.. give me a moment." She said, before turning to Shania. Taking her hands, she healed them until they were smooth once more. "Please... take better care of yourself," Rhea swooned a bit, pretty sure healing took energy from her now. She will tell them later.

"Ok ready..." She said to Kai, not really wanting to touch him. Lucifer just watched, taking in a deep breath, stuffing his hands in his pocket. His should was burning from all that energy he had pushed, new blood had wet the new shirt he was wearing. He moved close to Ebony, "You should go with them... make sure Rhea and you protect each other." He told her.

"Kai call a cab, I don't want Rhea walking," Shania said seeing the swoon. She saw the blood "I can get actuall wrappings ... if you wish. After you can get a ride with Kai i'm sure his invitation still stands," Shania was trying to be distant but her voice shook ever so slightly whaen she spoke
"I am not going anywhere." Lucifer said with a sigh, "We will see you guys tomorrow... leave Shania and I alone for a bit."

Rhea gave a worried look at them, unsure if she should stay now or not. She glanced more at Shania. She did not think Lucifer would really do anything bad, but she had seen a side of Lucy today she did not know he had.
Kai dragged Rhea out and shut the door Shania couldn't look straight at Lucifer not after what she did "I made dinner its on your table already... I'll rewarm it if you'd like," she said softly
Lucifer smiled softly after the door shut, "Nah, not really all that hungry. I think you got beat up enough today, so ill save the punch for later. Look, I am over the whole situation... but just tell me one thing. Do you hate me?" He asked her.
"No i don't," she said "I wanted to at first but i don't think i ever really did," she sighed "Atleast let me get that looked at," she pointed to his arm
Lucifer smiled, taking off his shirt and looking at the warped up wound, "Yeah... you probably should. I guess I need to be slightly more careful then the rest of you. I wounder if I should contact Levi and ask him." He said. suddenly letting out a loud laugh he look at Shania, "We beat out first demon! One that regenerated to boot!" Lucifer was obviously sliding back to his childlike personality.
She sighed and shook her head before going to her first aid kit "Iff you ever get hit again I'll manke sure you wake up black and blue the next morning," she opened it getting disinfectant and some cloth wrapps. "Ok this will probably siting," she warned after unwrapping the shreads of dress that were the makeshift bandages.
"What?! Whhhy?" He whined, "I would be hurt! You should be nursing me back to health! Like they show in those TV shows!" he said. He hissed a bit when the disinfectant touched his skin. "Ooww..."
"Yes well i'm not normal as we know," once clean she began to wrap the wound "You're lucky i don't have to stitch you up," she tied the wrapps and made sure it wasn't too tight before kissing his shoulder. "There," she said and ruffled his hair she was still unsure of if she sould let him stay so close to her. She was quite fond of the boy.
"I should probably.... no never mind. I am going to bed. Thanks for the bandages Shania. Oh and..." Lucifer warped his arms around the girl for a big hug, "I just want to say sorry for being so dense sometimes." Letting go of the girl, he flashed her a smile before turning to go lay down and sleep.


The next, bright early morning Sage barged into Shania's house. How her house had turned into the 'club room 'of their P.A. meeting area, she was unsure. Putting down the groceries she had brought for lunch, Sage let out a long sigh. Unsure that Shania would be training or asleep still this early in the morning, she knew Lucifer would still be in bed. Quietly Sage started to stick all the cold stuff into the fridge, then putting the kettle on for tea or coffee. Shania's fridge was also starting to get full with things Sage had started to bring over, it turning more into a group effort. Completely over yesterdays events, yawned as she closed the fridge and began to pull out the tea cups.
Shania's houes was ... open the sheets were gone the table set up the curtains open... her house looked like a house and on the couch Shania was asleep curled up under a red blanket. Breackfast was already cooked looked like she fixed french toast for Lucy. The furnature was old fashioned wood with red hued cushioning, and Shania had put up her pictures mostly of family.
Sage took a few long steps back into the living room, gazing around the area... "What the..." Shania was sleeping. Shaking her head Sage went back into the kitchen to clean up the mess and put away left overs. Shania must be exhausted from yesterday. Sage was, she died as soon as she got home. But he house had transformed over night and the girl was sleeping. Perhaps last night was better for her then Sage had thought. Hopefully her a Lucy were in a good state as well. trying not to wake Shania, Sage served the tea on the table sitting down on the couch opposite of the girl. To think this girl tried to kill her last night .
Shania slowly opened her eyes. "Am i late?" she asked refering to the club meeting. she sat up and rubbed her eyes she was in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt dust was covering her clothes from the cleaning fit she had had. "What am i saying? we are at my house I can't be late," she looked at Sage serching for any signs of hostility or hate.
Sage smiled and leaned forward on to the back of her hand, "Mmm no, in fact I am early. So what made this house transform? Did yesterday's events turn into a momentous event?" She asked.

Sage was slightly interrupted when Shania's phone rang.

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