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Wild Cards

Shania smiled and arched her back before pusshingf back aiming to smash their heads together she was prepared to be pinned and brute strength wise she was stronger but it helpped to get the opponate dazed with a good headshot
Sage rolled over, then played dead, holding her head, laughing rather loudly, but in a good way, "Hahaha, ow... good one, that hurt." Sage said, she was about to say something else, until there was a loud scream, making Sage roll over and look.

Lucy was running away from the swings, tripping and then falling over and laying on the ground,

Sage glanced looking around to see what was happening, "Why... what."
Shania went for her dagger and tossed Sage her Pen looking to see what had happened her body riged and tenced. The ran to Luce to gaurd him to protect him to protect her family her family.
"What is this about?" Sage said, catching the pen and moving towards Lucfier.

"There." He said, pointing at a butterfly fluttering away, "Its a mini demon, lunamoth.... they eat your dreams and give you nightmares!" He said, "They are the worst demons ever..." he said, clutching Shania's legs.

Sage burst out laughed, Lucy was afraid of a butterfly? Sage clutched her stomach and laughed harder. He was so scared right now.

Rhea laughed a bit too, Lucifer was really silly times.
"Oh Luce it's a butterfly, here they are harmless," she stroked his hair "now calm down and you can see there is no demonic aura and if there is i'll take care of it for you," she actually smiled for the first time since they had met her a true smile not the condesendng smirk or bloodlust grin. Ebony caught the butterfly on her finger.

"It's such a pretty butterfly," she said softly. Kai was busting out laughing his body shaking with the force of it.
Rhea watched as Sage and Kai laughed pretty much in an identical fashion.

Lucy looked at, Ebony touching the butterfly,
"It will suck your dreams! Don't touch him! It dose not need a demonic aura to be evil!" Lucifer said, pointing at the butterfly.
Shania hugged Lucy pulling him into her arms and off her leg. "Silly boy," she said. Ebony let the butterfly go shocked at Lucy's obvios fear. "Do you want me to kill it?" Shania asked the boy softly. Kai still had not recovered from his laughing fit so he couldn't state his normal comment on Lucy's actions
Lucy glared at the butterfly as it started to fly away, "No, it ok, it is running away!"

Sage took long breaths,
"Ah... oh... we should sit down and eat. hahaha." Sage could hardly breath, she was laughing so hard, placing the pen back in her pocket.

Rhea smiled, watching Shania smile. Everything seemed fun and funny, Rhea laughed quietly to herself.
Shania shook her head and sat down with Luce. "So other then being attacked by a butterfly are you having fun?" shania asked him. Ebony took a seat close to Sage she was giggling a little Lucy was so fun to be around like a little kid!

Kai went to the group trying to breath and not continue laughing. "So sage, how was your and Shania's wrestling match?" he asked. "you ontop of hers not a sight seen too often,"
"Yeaah.." He said, watching the butterfly until it was completely out of sight. "Ebony, watch out you might have your dreams eaten!"

Sage stuffed her hands into her pocket,
"No, it was luck." Sage said, her mood improved with a fight and a good laugh. "lets eat then get ready to train." Sage said quietly.
"Rhea had something to say as well," Shania said bringing the attention to Rhea.

Ebony was just happy to see Sage was happier maybe her and shania should just beat each other when they feel bad from now on.
Rhea looked up at Shania, "Oh yeah... umm, I thought I should tell everyone about everyone's weapons... I mean so we can make appropriate team tactics. I would be willing to do this... I actually wanted to talk to Ebony about helping me.... I think you would be able to help me more then you think." Rhea said, she paused and opened up a note book, "Ehm... if you guys would like to listen.. I don't want to tell you something you already know."

Sage started to give the sandwich and drinks to individual people, more listening then wanting to talk. Lucifer happily took the food,
"Sure." he said.
Shania nodded to Rhea Kai pat her shoulder incuraging her to continue not wanting to interupt her for fear she'd stop talking. Ebony perked up considerably when she was mentioned.
"Umm right.. we have Ebony who is a long range fighter. Two pole arms, which means each can take care of several fighters at once, and Lucy and Shania who would do best with one on one combat, close range." Rhea flipped a page in her note book, feeling nervous, "Ehm... we should keep in mind that I myself do not fight, both Ebony and I can do some close range fighting but not as well and Shania and Lucy. I believe the best tactic would be Ebony and I to be you guy's eyes. I think we need to see into getting a head set for us all... something where we can all talk to each other constantly no matter the distance. Communication is the name for the game if we really want to work together..."
"I can get us military grade ear pieces," Kai offered his dad used them so he had quite a few sets laying around. "We can get the ones with the cute choker mic's," he said smileing. Shania nodded to Rhea she was right she was much more a close range fighter.
Rhea smiled, feeling a bit more confident, "Er... Lucy and Shania would be usually who would be getting most of the attention when fighting... When fighting multiple demon... Kai and Sage would be best because, they would easily keep control of numbers were to get too high from the portals that we have been hearing about..."

Sage nodded, taking a few bites of her food, listening quietly.

Lucifer ate as well,
"Why do we need to know this?"
Shania took a sip of her drink relaxing as she listened she knew that knowing the strength and weakness's of the team was always smart, but she felt perhaps the personal strengths and weaknesses should be adressed but she held quiet. Kai raised an eyebrow at Lucy seriously he had asked that?
"Just listen Lucy." Sage said, "Ok so we are probably almost completely prepared to actually start hunting. Where would we even start anyway?" Sage asked.

Rhea rubbed her arms,
"Um... may I suggest maybe the first place we saw demons? Where the train wall collapsed?" She said, throwing the suggestion out there.
Shania had perposfully avoided that place and thinking of it made her clench her fists. "Would be the smartest bet," Kai said simply "what do you think Lucy you are our traking device,"
"I am sorry Shania..." Rhea said, she knew she should not have said anything, but she thought that would be the best.

"Hmmm well... that would be the best place. There is a possibility that there might not be anything there. Depends if there is a portal there or not. But we can look." Lucifer said, not really noticing everyone's distress.

Sage let out a long sigh and leaned back on her hands. She did not really want to go back over there too. She knew all the dead were already taken out and the debree was moved, but they had already started to rebuild. It was no where near complete, but it was getting close.
"We'll go we can't take a chance there is one there with workers going there so often they may be in danger," Shania said through gritted teeth. Kai noticed this and wondered if they shouls make Shania stay home... but she was a damage dealer a close combat specalist. Still if she snaps, he thought dryly.

"so when are we gonna go down there? broad daylight is not a good idea with all the workers Shania mentioned but demons are stronger at night," Kai said
"We would have to go at night because the works work during the day. In less we go on a day they are not working." Sage said board, "In less we want to look like monsters waging war... might get the police called, but escape would be easy I think."

Rhea nodded quietly, taking a bite of her sandwich
, "Night seems like the best option... it would have to be after 8pm possibly. I think I would have to convince to spend the night..." She said under her breath.

Lucifer smiled,
"This will be a piece of cake!"
"Uh.... No, asking for spending the night is not something a boy should do.... Though Kai, you do well in getting me out.. since well.. my family thinks we... that we.. uh... are umm.... dating now...." Rhea blushed at the thought, but kept talking, "My mother.. She really likes Kai... My father is a little wary of him, but stands to trust him."

Sage bust out laughing once more at the thought of Kai and Rhea dating, which kind of made Rhea blush a bit harder. Lucifer looked up, not sure about the conversation, Lucifer then offered Shania and Ebony sandwiches.

Shania took it and took a bite before setting it down the bite was to appease Lucy. Ebony smiled and took the sandwhich "thanks," she smile brightly.

"I was going to convince her that you and shania could be really good friends do each others hair and so forth... whats funny is my dad thinks I'm dating Sage and keeping you as a mistress while Lucy is my lover," With that shania began to shake with laughter she was trying to hold in "He is kind of afraid of Shania though."

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