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Wild Cards

"None." Sage said, crossing her arms and nodding. She was as ready as she was ever going to be... The thought of being where her father was slightly sickened her. Where the monsters that killed him going to be there?

Rhea fidgeted, almost feeling sick. She had tired her best to study. She has tried her best to not be defenseless. Shes tried her best to keep herself sharp, but she was about to find out if she was truly ready for this.
Shania's fists clenched "If we find demons there we slay them and we go home and get a nice visit from Levi saying we were finaly doing our job," Shania said trying to sound relaxed.

Kai smirked "we'll kick a** and take names!" he said as they pulled into the area.
Lucifer immediately perked up, looking down when the van stopped. Getting up, Lucifer pushed open the doors too the van, getting out and walking outside. Rhea got out, following him quietly. Sage did the same, meeting Kai when he had gotten out, handing him his device. Next, she took out her pen, letting the familre weapon take weight in her palms.

Rhea was not sure how to activate her powers to make herself look different like the others, she only hoped she did that naturally.

Lucifer seemed to walk a while, he was mostly quiet and concentrated,
"Well?" Sage asked, interrupting him.

"I feel it, the portal, and several demons. but it seems like a bit that direction." He said, pointing one way.

"I think we should go under." Rhea said, pointing at the portion that collapsed on the train, it was basically a hole in the ground at this point. "I don't think the portal in going to be above ground." she said, making a slight speculation. She could be wrong, but she was so focused right now it seemed right.
Shania nodded and clenched her weapon her knuckles white from the strain. "Luce can you tell how powerful the demons are?" she asked him quietly.

Ebony had her bow and was holding it close she was sticking to Rhea's side she was a range fighter and still worried she'd hit a teammate again.

Kai examined the area. "do be careful some of the foundation seems weak from the construction,"
"I can... when we are closer." He said, jumping down into the hole. It was really dark, but Lucifer could see just fine, and he was sure as long as the others were using their powers they could see it.

Sage smiled at Ebony and Rhea,
"Do you ladies need help getting down?" It was a several foot drop down into the closed tunnel, but Sage had experimented several time with how much her body can take with the new power.

Lucifer looked up, waiting for the others to get down. When he heard something move in the distance, he glanced the detection. He searched the darkness for anything, when he thought nothing, he looked back to see if they were down yet.
Sage smiled and picked Ebony up with the arm she was not holding her Scythe. When she reached the bottom and put Ebony down then motioned for Rhea to jump. Rhea sighed then jumped down, easily caught by Sage.

Lucifer moved as soon as he saw everyone was down, walking deeper into the darkness. Lucifer felt himself get tense, the hair on his head stood on end, causing him to build up his power and transform. He narrowed his eyes, extreamly sure that there were demons coming closer.
"Here they come... there are a few of them... they feel rather weak." He said. Getting himself ready to attack.
Shania was ready she was calm her sword relaxed but ready as soon as she saw movment she was going to strike Kai spun his weapon with a practced motion waiting silently tenced weak or not he wasn't sure what was going to happen. Ebony drew her bow the motion seemed second nature to her now.
Lucifer was correct when he said, 'just a few' but they were fast. about 8 demons, dog looking beasts came sprinting down the long tracks. One of them jumped on top of Lucifer without warning. Lucifer was pushed back with force as both went tumbling backwards, rolling.

Sage had no time to watch the rest of what happen to Lucifer because what ever dog did not attack Lucifer was not heading to group. Sage took a long breath, calming herself, spreading her feet and pulling her scythe back. They were fast, but what was seconds started feeling like long minutes, as if she already knew the outcome of this, and with their deaths. Sage knew that she could take them, that she was more powerful then them, and that made her feel calmer then her first battle. Much more sure. Letting out out a breath, Sage swung at what came at her and killed it in one swing, hearing the yelp of distress as it died.

After the demon tackled Lucifer, he tumbled away, the demon trying to snap at Lucifer. Of course after he tumbled Lucifer took the demons neck, digging his claws into the sides of it neck before ripping its throat out. Some demons were just so fragile... Lucifer pitied them. Lucifer kept the roll in motion long enough for him to push the demon off him and jump onto his feet.
Shania impaled her attacker her sword spearing it through the chest she flung it off as it yelped in agony and she was attacked by another only to kick it in the mouth "It's sad i really like dogs," Shania mused.

Kai grined "I'm a cat person myself," he swung his axe a wide broad swing nicking the hing leg of one demon and the front paws of another.

Ebony stayed by Rhea if one came at them through the fighters she would shoot them before they got to Rhea.
Lucifer reached for the one Shania had kicked, garbing it by the back of the neck with his claws. He had squeezed hard enough until he was stratified with a crack under his palms before dropping it. He turned from Shania and stared into the tunnel more, before taking a few steps foreword "There is more up ahead, we should move before they gather to try and stop us."

Sage swung low, pulling the Scythe up in a motion that impale one of Kai's maimed demon dogs in the chest. Swinging her scythe again, she watched as the dog flung lose from the blade and skirted a few feet away.
"That explain's why Shania takes care of Lucy." She said, laughing.

Rhea smiled at Ebony when she was sure they were done,
"Thanks. Relax some, I know you will do great." Rhea encouraged, tighting hugging Ebony's arm.
Ebony smiled lightly and nodded. Shania nodded at Lucifer "Lets go then," she said and began to quickly and cautiously head forward her sword ready even with blood still dripping from the blade.

Kai smirked "nice swing Death bringer," KAi complemented Sage,
"Thanks. I am hoping all this training is going to pay off." Sage said, following the group. Keeping Scythe distance from everyone so if she swung friendly fire could be avoided.

Lucifer felt tense, unsure of what to really expect, hoping he was not leading his new friends into something bad or something they could not handle.

Rhea followed closely behind Ebony, calculating everything that could possibly happen, or that she could think that would happen.

Lucifer lead them a bit further in, the demon swarms getting a bit thicker every time they ran into a mob. Lucifer had started to keep track of everyone and their energy levels. It was most likely 2 hours of walking a fighting before Lucifer came to a stop to look at everyone, he could feel the portal closing in along with a few bigger demons. The one who opened the portal he could tell was no where near here. Most likely gone home or somewhere else.
"Is everyone doing ok?" Luicfer asked.

Rhea nodded, Sage was a bit out of breath from the last battle, but when she caught it, she let out a sigh,
"Yeah, fine." Why has she not seen the demons that had killer her and her father?
Shania looked fine to anyone who didn't know her but the effects of constant fighting was hard on her style of swordsmanship "I'm good as long as it's not another two hours of fighting ahaead," she said

Kai chuckled "Ah i do love a good exersize experiance, you sence the big guys yet Lucy?"
Rhea had done minimal healing, Lucifer had been careful enough to remain unscathed through everything.

Lucifer looked up sighed, noticing everyone exhaustion,
"No, we are almost there. I sense two bigger demons. We should hurry then... everyone be careful..." He said, a bit of worry reflected off his eyes. Sage laughed, "We have a bit less to worry about, you watch your own back Lucy."

They continued onward, until Lucifer stopped swinging his head around, looking for something.
"Where is... there!" He said, pointing at a wall a few long feet away. The wall looked like a normal wall, but if you looked slightly closer there was almost like black electrical charges coming off it every now and again. "That is a broken portal... and those..." He said looking up. Connected to the ceiling were two rather large blobs.

Rhea gasped a bit, those where the things she saw before the train colaped on her Except there were two and these were much bigger. One of them seem to peel off the wall, slamming on the ground like a ball of gum. It rolled over, its large mouth that curved around its body made a rather large sharp toothed smile at the group.
Kai stood back as shania's rage became visable she clenched her sword tightly. she ran at it her stance purely offensiv Ebony drew her bow aiming for the one still on the wall she loosed her arrow hoping it would strike true Kai waited for the enemy tro move and he was slightly afraid to get near shasnia in her presant state.
When Ebony's arrow hit the one on the wall, I let out a long screech, trembling off the ceiling. The demon fell, laying on the ground in shock. Sage knew she should go attack it while it was still recovering from the shock, so she took several long steps to get into a run, charging the Demon laying on the ground. Lucifer started to move to go help Shania, but was cut on the side by a small demon. Turning around, Lucifer returned the favor by hitting the demon in the head with as much force as he could. When it remembered to the ground, he realized that the demons were slowly coming out of the portal every now and again. "We need to close the portal quickly."

Rhea looked up, knowing she needed to get to the portal, so she took off running to Kai, the only person who had not engaged battle yet,
"Kai clear the way, get me to the portal." She said, moving close enough to him to be safe, but not in the range of his weapon.
"Understood princess," he said and charged ahaed of Rhea slaying anything in his path. Shania was attacking with such force and rage that her attacks were rapid leaving little to no time to defend. Ebony drew her bow and tried to pick off small demons protecting the group.
Sage brought the Scythe down on the monsters side, sliding it across its body. It made a screeching sound before a hand Sage was not aware it had whipped out from its injured side and graved Sage's leg, pulling her down onto the ground. Sage felt herself hit the ground, the back of her head hitting the ground as well.

Lucifer was just struggling to just keep the little ones off Shania and Sage, Ebony was making the job easier. Lucifer saw Shania was attacking the demon so regularly the it was looking pretty bad from the constant pounding, Lucifer was pretty sure the demon would not last much longer.

Rhea huffed, getting the last few feet away from the group to the portal. When she reached it she took on long good look, trying to recognize it. It was like the portal was not there, but there almost seemed to be an aura around it. Rhea looked at Kai one last time before reaching out to the portal with her scarred hand.

Kai kept a watchful eye on Rhea and for anything that may come after her. Shania's rapid attacks slowed down and with a final slash she panted out blood slattered all over her from her slain foe "death bringer," Kai called through the mic "need backup?" he asked. He would get to her quickly and Lucy would be able to gaurd Rhea.

Ebony shot at the monster that got Sage and she squeeked when a demon snuck up behind her and latched to her leg she franticaly kicked it to dislodge it.
"Nah I got this Joker... Just keep the Priestess safe," She said, when the arrow had hit the monster again, it made it spaze, letting go of Sage. Sage responded quickly, picking herself up and taking several large steps back before slashing off the arm that had graved her the first time.

Lucifer looked up when he heard Ebony screech, he tossed the Demon he had in his hands currently at the one attacked to Ebony's legs. Everyone was tired, he could see it in there movement and attacks. Even he was starting to get tired. Luckily one of the bigger ones were just downed by Shania, although Sage was struggling to fight close range with her weapon.

Rhea reached out for the portal, touching it with her hand. She felt it move under her hand, much like she felt when healing something. Reaching for her power, she tried to use it like she has learned to, letting out a long breath. Everything felt fine, until she felt the jolt run through her body. It was dark and ugly, hurtful. Rhea gasped, but she could not move away, the portal seemed to have her attached to the wall. She felt like of like the energy was being taken out of her like she was healing, but it was being replaced with what ever was in the portal. Suddenly there was one last shock that ran through her body, before she felt like there was no longer anything... there. Rhea held her arm, a bit shocked, a sickness and tiredness washing over her.
Kai grabbed her wasit and leaned her on him "Princess?" he asked worried she looked sick tiered drained.

Shania lifted her sword and went to help Sage her attacks considerably slower now that most of her energy was spent.

Ebony gasped as the demons crashed into each other she shot them the arrow going through them both "Thank you," she said to Lucy
Lucifer flashed her small smile before he looked away from Ebony, noticed Sage and Shania making quick, or as quick as they could, work of the last demon. A few of the stranglers running away knowing the battle was lost because the portal was closed. Lucifer made it a point to go hunt them down.

Rhea felt Kai grab her,
"Uh.. yeah... that was not as bad as I thought it would be. I also manage to do it without any difficult like Levi said... are you ok?" She said, giving him a weak smile. Honestly she was not sure what she was going to expect.

Sage's blade found the demon's head for a final blow, the fight went much more smoothly when Shania was helping her. When the demon moved for the last time, letting out a ugly scream, Sage bent down letting out a long breath. That was the hardest battle yet... and she can only hope it got easier.
Shania looked herself over "I may have gone alittle bloodthirsty," she commented. her sword going back to its dagger state "I don't know about you but I could use a nap," she straightened her jacket.

Ebony ran to them after picking off any demon she saw "My aim's improved! I hit alot of moving targets!" she was so proud of herself.

"I think we did pretty good," Kai said and picked up Rhea bridal style after putting his card away.
Sage laughed, "How about an eternity of sleep? Ah.. is she ok?" Sage asked her own weapon taking back its mundain form.

"Kai, I can walk I promise, you guys are all tired too, I still have a lot of energy." Rhea said, struggling a bit to get put down.

Lucifer came back a few moments later, a demon in his hand. He dropped it before he even got all the way up to the group, the corpuses for the most part had already started to bubble and decay,
"Demon's bodies can stay in the human world if they completely die..." Lucifer said, looking over the amount of dead bodies around. He looked up at Rhea, his eyes narrowed.

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