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Wild Cards

"Yeah. I think I might stay the night as well. I have no idea if Lucy can properly take care of either one of these two... " Sage said, flipping her phone out and dialing her mother, "Thanks for the offer... Good eye on Rhea, I had a feeling that could have gotten worse if left uncheck." Sage said to Kai while handing him his Keys. "Lucy go put Shania on her bed."

"What? Shania doesn't have a bed..." Lucifer said confused.

When the phone was done ringing, Sage did not have time to correct Lucifer before she walked away to tell her mother she was spending the night.
"Lucy the bed she put you in was hers before you got here," Kai said "this is her house," Kai said trying not to laugh at his naivity. "Why do you think all her cloths are in that room?" he asked looking at the two "Wel i best get hom a boy up late with all you girls.. and sage is not appropriate," he waved and left the house.
Sage waved at Kai, "what he heck is that suppose to mean..." She asked as he left, "On second thought... take her to the bathroom... she is covered in blood and needs to be cleaned..."


The next morning rolled around, Sage got up early morning to check both Shania and Rhea. Both still fast asleep from all that energy loss. Both had slight fevers as well. Sage cooked breakfast for everyone in the house, unsure if anyone was going to show up today, everyone exhausted from their the night before.

Sage had instructed Lucy how to best help the two girls by keeping them cool and clean.
Sage opened the door staring at Kai, she had hardly gotten any sleep. "What a sight for soar eyes. I'll be honest I didn't think you or Ebony were going to show up."
"and leave two innocent defencless maidens in your care? I'm not stupid, now sit somewhere you look like you got as much sleep as Shania normaly does," he said hands on his hips. "Where's Lucy?" he asked looking around
Sage sighed and rubbed the back of her head, not really sitting down but walking over to Rhea to check her forehead, "Rhea kept getting up with nightmares and confusion... I spent most the night giving both Rhea and Shania a bath. They both have fevers that are not really going away. Lucy is in the other room with Shania, most likely asleep on the floor. I have yet to wake up him last night... Food, I doubt you have had breakfast."
"No i haven't; and thank you, but if you wear yourself sick who will care for these little girls? pluse shania is no glass doll she'll be up and ready to fight soon, " he said "so sit have you given them tylonol to try and drop the fever?" Kai asked
"Yeah..." Sage said, getting Kai some food and handing it to him before she did actually sit down, "It had gone down... but of course it comes back up. I am afraid to give Shania medication because of her diet. We both know she does not eat all that much... but like are seductive succubi last night said, this is going to take a bit of time. Any news on Ebony?" Sage asked.
"she is seriously grounded," Kai chuckled "like that's really going to stop her, timid girl climbs through second story window... should have made front page news," he said and began to eat. "And as I said Shania's a tough girl... you bathed them... as in took off their clothes and ..."
"I am a gentlemen Kai, you are a predator, there is a distinct difference between us," She said laughing. "Also, Lucifer had a cut under his arm. We took care of that too... I have no idea what else to tell you. Get any sleep?"
"No i had to explain to my dad why i needed him to tap police why i was home so late and covered in blood," he laughed "he eventually gave up on interagating me," he said with a grin. "so if you had to guess would our ladies be up soon? Rhea's parents are going to flip,"
"Yeah they are... We can always send Rhea home saying she was just tired..." Sage suggest, "Also... You father should be slightly concerned with you spending so much time with all your loves at the same time." She said, completely ignoring the covered in blood part. "I don't even know when they are going to wake up Kai..." She glanced at Rhea and sighed, ruffling her hair. "I need a comb... my hair is a mess... I don't feel nice at all." She said, as tie would probably improve her mood next to sleep.
Kai produced a come "Here," he said. Shania rolled over and pushed her body up she felt so heavy and weak.

Dispite the feeling she strugled to get up anyway she had to fix Lucifer his breakfast she had to check on Rhea she kept telling hrself as she pushed out of bed and used the wall to balance her as she slowly shuffled out of the room. How long has it been since she slept in a bed she mused to herself.
Lucifer, completely asleep and oblivious to the face that Shania had even gotten out of bed turned over in his sleep and continued to sleep.

Sage got up and took the comb gratefully and let out a long sigh,
"Does caring every make you feel weak Kai?" She asked suddenly, slowly running the comb through her hair. She needed a hair cut.
He laughed "No dear Sage careing makes picking on people more fun," he said "but in all seriousness this group here we are as close to family as a sertain member is going to ever have again and she's the hard a**, does her careing make her look weak to you?" Kai asked and got a shoe to the face.

"Don't talk about me in my own house pretty boy," Shania said still using the wall to hold herself up.
"Point taken." Sage said with a smirk when the shoe hit Kai, she continued to brush her hair, "Surprised Lucy did not get up, he laid by the bed with you all night. I stayed the night last night and took care you guys guys. Notice you are clean. Breakfast is already made, are you hungry?" Sage said, extending a hand to Shania when she had finished combing her hair.
"thank you," shania said "i'm not really hungry but somethng to drink would be nice," She took Sage's offered hand. Kai was shocked she hit him even like this she hit him and in the face
Sage laughed, Kai's face said it all, she can't believe Shania hit Kai with accrecey and strength in the state she was. "How are you feeling?" She asked, sitting Shania down where Sage as sitting before. She handed the comb back to Kai before returning to the kitchen to get a glass of water for Shania. Handing it to the girl, Sage let out a long sigh before moving to check Rhea again.
"I feel ... heavy," Shania said softly. she took a sipof the water and took a breath "Luce come eat," she called softly before she slumped to the floor leaning against the wall to sit up. She watched Rhea "I was kissed by a woman and bathed by one in the same night... I lead such a dul life,"
Sage only laughed, "Stay still Shania, I am sure Kai can go get Lucy.Stop moving so much and you might feel better." Sage said, pushing Shania back down to the chair.

Kai did not have to get Lucifer because the boy had gotten up on his own, walking in the room rubbing his eyes,
"ugh... Shania your suppose to be in bed..." Sage sighed, these two. "Lucy there is breakfast in the kitchen, go get some."

Sage watched and Lucifer walked into the kitchen, he was also still tired from last night's events.
Shania sneered "I'm fine," she said "a few hours and I'll be ready to kick the prettyboy out by force," she said "and Luce you need more sleep then i do," she said before taking another drink of her water.
Sage sighed, "I liked you better when you were sleeping, easier to take care of. You know you are only making this harder for me Shania." Sage said, she still looked warn even though she had brushed her hair.

Rhea sat up suddenly breathing kind of hard, her eyes darting around, "Where am I?" She said at first.

"This is the fourth time she woke up like this. I have no idea why." Sage said, walking to Rhea, "Rhea you are at Shania's."

Rhea nodded slowly her eyes looking heavy again as she looked around the room, "What are we doing? Why am I here? I need to go I am going to get in trouble." At this point Rhea was starting to struggle in the blankets.

Sage rubbed her eyes some, this is the fourth time she had answered these questions.
"Rhea lay down," Kai said "I'll handle your parents," he pushed her back onto the couch. Shania sighed and closed her eyes.

"Sorry Sage go rest I'll watch kai and be good," she said
"Good girl, now both of you hush... Sleep more. Rhea we will have you home before you know it ok? Its still really early in the morning." Sage said, trying to put the girl back to sleep. Sage sat down and leaned on the couch with Rhea, "Kai and I have this ok?" Rhea looked between Kai and Sage before closing her eyes again and almost instantly falling asleep. Sage also close her eyes taking a few moments to herself, "I hate caring this much..." she mumbled before she even could not keep herself awake.

Lucifer walked back from the kitchen with a plate full of food like usual. He sat down next to Shania and smiled at her while eating,
"Today is going to be a lazy day."

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