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Wild Cards

Sage laughed out loud, "Wait, Kai wasn't a dragqueen in the first place?" She said grinning. Sage leaned over and shook Ebony, Lucifer still holding on to her looking kind of worried. She supposed he was not freaking out because everyone else was still calm. "Wakie Wakie, the wedding is over."

Rhea sighed but smiled, she was wondering if Kai was really going to show up in a disguise.

"You know," Sage said, "I noticed that I tend to get away with more without getting hit then you Kai, I think Shania likes me more." Sage said smirking.
"I think you don't direct your actions at her as much," Kai mummbled rubbing the place where the shoe hit Shania wasn't the kind to hold back on anyone.

Shania smirked "his reactions are priceless," Shania said and rolled her eyes as Kai flipped his haiir dramatically.

Ebony slowly woke up "wedding?"
Sage laughed and smiled at Ebony, "Haha Never mind."

The rest of the week passed without incident, school moving quickly. before they knew it the weekend had gotten here. Rhea took note that the weekends are always the longest now because of the training. But with the activities they do together, she thought it kept them from getting completely burnt out.

Sage showed up first, she made a point to meet up with Shania and Lucifer before she went to see her parents. Sage a lot baked some brownies for Ebony's step mother. She knew she was the owner of the dance studio she was taking too. Lucifer was bouncing with excitement.

"Lucifer, listen to me."
Sage said quietly, getting the boys attention.

"Whats up Sage?" He said, eyeing her brownies for the seventh time.

Sage sighed but continued on,
"Listen, you were not at Ebony's house when she snuck out ok?"

Shania nodded "hell don't even talk about that night," she said she was wearing a dress, to her dismay. Kai sent it too her it was simple easy to dance in and only went to her knees so if she had to fight it wouldn't get in the way as much it was a vibrant green that matched her eyes. "wonder if when Kai will get here and if he'll be in a dress," she smirked blackmail material might come up thus in her purse she had a camera just in case.

Ebony ran to them she was in blue dress flat shoes and a flowing blue gown that was partially see through her leotard under it was white so she didn't worry to much about the see through material and her hair was braided tied with a blue rose clip "Kai sent this isn't it cute?" she asked spinning and the material flared out softly as she did so.
"Exactly. And I hope for something ridiculous as well. It will be worth a few laughs." Sage said back to Shania. When Ebony came out to meet them, she smiled at the girl.

"I would admit, Kai is good at what he does."
Sage said with a smile. "You look gorgeous Ebony." Sage said, offering the girl her arm. Sage was wearing her normal clothing, button with a tie with dress pants. She figured a jacket would be too fancy for such an event, so she put on a sleeveless black vest to match her pants. Sage made a rather dramatic face as they walked to back to her studio, "Kai always gets all the credit for his clothing, but my cooking every Saturday goes unnoticed."

Lucifer looked like he could hardly sit still, though his uncomfortableness in his own button up with easy to see. "I like your cooking! And Shania's cooking... but I usually don't like the cloths Kai puts me in...." Lucifer trailed off, thinking about the ridiculous things he gets puts in sometimes. For the most part he can't really tell the difference but ever now and again Lucifer did not like it.
Shania pet Lucifer on the head "Kai is an odd sort and I dispize this dress... I have curves." she pouted playfully. At least this one didn't feel like it was squeezing her breasts she thought to herself. She was brought out of her musing as a boy strolled up to them he had blonde hair that fell to his shoulders like cornsilk deep blue eyes and a lightly tanned complection he wore a blue button up shirt and black dress pants that showed off a sleak form while leaving a little to imagination. Ebony hid next to Lucifer watching this stranger approch with sure strides.
Sage let out a sigh, noticing a boy approaching them... that better not be who she thinks it is.

Lucifer watched with interest, tilting his head in confusion on why Ebony was hiding.
"W-what are you doing Ebony?"

He flashed a brilliant smile. "Hello clan do i look diferent without my hair dye?" he asked Shania was about to sock him with her purse but he caught her hand "Now now Lady Shania please be kind," he said and got an open handed slap from her other hand.

Ebony looked the boy over he did not look like kai not one bit. KAi was pale this guy was tan Kai's eyes are a darker blue and this boy's blonde. Not only all of that but wearing loosefitting clothes for a change.
"Your blond? HAHA!" Sage said, "That explains so much!" Sage was already laughing loudly, Kai was too.... normal. Sage on the other hand, intended to never revile her natural hair color.

Rhea walked behind Kai awokordly, again wearing what ever he had brought to her to wear. She herself could hardly believe how he looked when he had come to pick her up.

Lucifer seemed to have an realization and was about to say something loudly before Sage covered him mouth,
"Whats your name again club member?" Sage asked with a smile.
The dress Kai gave to Rhea was lightly poffed at the bottom but still flowed nicelt it was a soft corall color with pink undertones like Ebony's some of the material at the bottom was a bit see through but the red roses that made her belt drew all eyes away as well as the rose in her hair.

"Yes yes I'm blonde," he said rubbing his cheek. "Figured my best bet was to go as simple as i possibly could," he shrugged "I have my dye and my real clothes in my dads car since my car is known to the family. Her pointed at the black 64 ford mustange.

Shania rubbed her hand that smack had hurt her too to her annoyance "You look lovely Rhea,"
"T-thank you Shania." Rhea said, looking up at the girl blushing a little.

Sage laughed and ran her hand through her hair, before she started to walk to the door of the studio,
"Why don't you invite us in Ebony?" Sage said, getting her attention.
"oh ok..." she said and ran to the door "Please come in," she smiled shyly. Shania couldn't help but chuckle at the timid girl Kai just bowed and kissd her hand "thank you."
Rhea smiled at Ebony as she went in "Thank you." She said. She was so glad that this would be slightly informal dancing.

When everyone got inside, Lucifer started to talk to Ebony about the dinner he had had last night, over excited about what they would have later.

Sage made it a point to find Ebony's mother, or father. Both would be just as fine as well.
They had both finished a dance and were going to get punch Shania followed Sage since she was suposed to be the feminine friend. Ebony smiled and kissed Lucy's cheek "Wanna dance?" she asked as music began to play. Kai watched the girla as he himself did his best to become a wall flower.
Lucifer blushed a little and smiled, "Yeah! Teach me how to dance more!"

Rhea smiled as she watched the two, there was nearly never a moment Lucifer was not smiling. Unsure of what to do with herself, she stood next to Kai. She tried not to stare at him, blond looked rather well on him. She supposed it would since it was his natural hair color.

Sage approached Ebony's parents and smiled brightly at them,
"Mr. and Mrs. Rose? Hi, my name is Sage Ruusu. I believe you spent the evening at out other club member's party with my mother. She was very please to have talked with you all. When she found out I would be visiting with you two today she absolutely insisted on giving you all some of my home made brownies and an invite to dinner some time." Sage said, presenting the plate of Brownies to her parents, "Oh also, this is my friend Shania, also one of Ebony's friends."
Shania, to every who knew her's ,smiled pleasantly "It is so nice to see you again."

"I am Emily this is my husband Rocky, it's nice to see you both here and thank you very much next time you can bring your mother too," Ebony's mother said. Ebony's father was trying to see through the guise he knew they were friends with the Sohma boy.

Kai flashed Rhea a smile "So Rhea the dress suits you well,"
Sage laughed, "My mother has not been dancing since I took her that last time. I am afraid she does not get out much since my father died on that collapse with the train." Sage said, she genuinely looked sad. She missed her father. "He liked to dance. He liked to make my mother dress up for him so he could take her out." Sage said, "You two's dancing really made me remember my father."

Rhea blushed and laughed nervously, "You made it, of course it does. You look like a prince in one of my books that I have read."
Kai flipped hs hair "Even plan and boring me is like a prince eah?" he smiled at her "come dance with me princess," he smiled at her.

Emily looked shocked "Oh i'm so sorry," she said "if you ever need anything please come to us," she hugged Sage gently. Shania remained silent and statuelike as a propor lady should if they liked in the dark ages.
Sage smiled and hugged Emily back, "Thank you Mrs. Emily. My mother and I are doing what we can. Our offer for dinner stands. We would enjoy the company. My mother is always working someone other then me would be pleasant to have around." Sage encouraged. "Tell me, do you have classes that you offer?" Sage glanced at Shania, was she going to make her do all the talking? Which was fine, but still. If her parents knew she had strong female friends in the club it would be more helpful.

Rhea smiled,
"Well sometimes you look more like a princess yourself... well I mean... N-no offense Kai... I think you look very pretty.. or handsome." Rhea said, looking down at her feet. She did not want to be like Sage and Shania always saying hateful things, even if they were just kidding.
Rocky examined Shania "you're that kendo kid," he said bluntly.

Shania seemed unfased by the bluntness "I was a kendo master at the dojo but with school I had to take a break," she smiled and showed her hands "I still pratcice to keep me nimble though. And her hand did show the roughness of constant training while still holding onto their femininity. "I beleive a woman should never be defencless Mr, Rose," she said still speaking formaly Emily smiled at Sage.

"We would love coming over for dinner," she smiled then looked at her husband "you be nice, Shania you are a master so young?"

"I have been doing kendo since my mothers passing when i was very young and with my ... brothers recent death it's something i can do to make sure nobody else i love is ever hurt," she said.

Kai laughed "a princess huh? well since today i am aprince," he took her hand and lead her to the dancefloor. "do fall in love so i can steal you away forever,"
"If you two are free Sunday, that would be fantastic. I usually pack the lunches for all our P.A. club activities, I enjoy cooking for others. Please tell me, are you Vegetarian like Ebony? If so I have a perfect meal in mind. I think all of us in the P.A. has closely bonded with each other because we understand each other's struggles," That is in no way an exaggeration. "We enjoy activities like this with each other, it just brings us all that more closer. Lucifer is Ebony's best friend they are always together." Sage said, pointing at Lucifer and Ebony dancing together.

Rhea blushed hard,
"K-kai... what are you saying?" Letting him taker her to dance, Rhea fell into the motions, not sure how to take the statement.
"I am," Emily said "Rocky doesn't share in the life style like me and Ebony, and it's so good to see she has friends." Emily said happily watching the two.

"I don't like her with that Sohma boy i'm suprised i can't see the blue haired spawn of evil," he hissed out. Shania was going to defend kai but with how much they clash it wan't easy to do so. "he's in your little P.A club isn't he?"

Kai smiled "I'm saying i'm going to be your prince princess," he smiled.
"He did not come today. May I ask why you hate him so much?" Sage inquired. Pleased that she was able to bring the club up casually.

Rhea smiled back, but it was more of an embarrassed smile,
"I can never tell if what you say is serious or not..." Rhea said, her face still blushing.
"assume i am always serious that way you don't miss when i am," he spun her an then puled her close.

"His father is ... dangerous, I don't want my daughter around those thugs, I'm sure he is just as deadly as his father with words of gold and promises dripping with hidden poison,"

Emily remained silent she did not care for Shaeil either if fact very few people who actually knew the man did.
"Parden for my brashness Mr. Rose, but my mothers father, my grandfather, was a murderer and a drug dealer. He was abusive and a horrible person, but my mother today is a strong willed women with the kindest of tempers who teaches children to be their best. Do you hate my mother for her father's doings? Kai had done nothing wrong to us, but quite the opposite. He has always been willing to help when we need it. I hardly see anything... dangerous in his flamboyant brain of his. His father's skeletons should not reflect so harshly on someone who has to live in the shadow that has been casted way before his own time." Sage said, her voice never rose, but stayed quiet and reasonable. Now she knew for a fact a lot of what she just said was the truth, but stretched in a way that made her want to punch Kai. But she was, next to her cooking, best at lying.

Rhea smiled
, "I-I wish I could but then what if you are not?" She asked, her arms were on Kai's shoulder, although he was rather tall so it was more like the side of his arm.

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