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Wild Cards

Ebony pulled out her phone "I had it off because of the dance and didn't turn it back on," she went to her messages and opened Sage's.

Shania helpped Luce get his on before she put on her own "these are pretty nifty," she comented softly.

"I'm glad i don't have to kidnap Ebony this time Sage what did you say to her parents anyway?" Kai asked
"Mostly that we all hate your guts and your lucky we keep you around. Something a long those lines." Sage said with a smile, while fidgeting her microphone to make sure it was on her correctly. "The text message, Ebony, is just has my address. You don't have to worry about dressing nice, my house is nothing like Kai and Rhea's."

Sage let out a long sigh,
"We were so concentration on getting Rhea's parents to like us that we forgot Ebony and my own during that party. They were pretty offended you did not talk to them the whole night. Luckily I might actually have Ebony's parents under wraps. Dinner should seal the deal tomorrow." Sage said, fixing the way the color sat under her shirt.

Lucifer smiled, thankful for the help.
"Yeah they are cool!"

Rhea looked up at the group and then let out a long sigh. What was she even supposed to do? What if they ran into a portal?
Ebony smiled and put her phone back up "Dad can be a tad bit stubborn so he still hates Kai and he's afraid Lucy is going to break my heart," she giggled.

Shania couldn't help but laugh a bit Lucifer breaking anyones heart was hard to see happening. She ruffled his hair as she always did now days and laid on the matress looking up at the van's roof.

"So glad you guys keep me around," Kai said "I'd be devistated if you all left who ever would i banter with?"
"With your reflection would be my best guess." Sage commented, leaning back and chuckling to herself. "Tell me, you seem fascinated with Rhea lately. Not planing on taking her all to yourself are you?" Sage asked, "After all, you have to share the princess."

Lucifer looked at Ebony in shock, "But... I would have to kill you to break your heart... I would never kill you Ebony..."

Rhea laughed when Lucifer said that, he was thinking about him literally taking Ebony's heart and snapping it in half.
Ebony hugged Lucy "I know," she giggled. Sometimes Lucy was just too cute and innocent.

"It's a figure of speach sometimes when someone loves someone else the other person hurts them emotionaly and there is a pain in their heart it can feel like it is breaking though it's really fine." Shania said.

Kai shrugged "I might just take her all for myself I did propose marrage to her today she hasn't said no," he grinned Watching for Sage's reaction.
Sage raised an eyebrow, very unbelieving at first, but when Kai showed no change in attitude she looked away and snickered quietly to herself. Kai and Rhea marry? They were complete opposites. Sage herself would date people like Rhea just to watch them cry after she breaks their hearts. heck... Sage almost did that to Ebony, but later thought better of it... Regardless... Kai was mystery while Rhea was a bomb waiting to self destruct.

"Oh... well I would not do that either!" Lucifer said, hugging Ebony back looking rather determined.

Rhea opened her book, like usual listening vegly to the conversation closest to her.
Shania was half tempted to pluck the book away from Rhea she was like shania more then she thought. Shania would loose herself in selfdestructive training while Rhea would distance herself with a book.

Kai smiled "so you like the little dancer?" he asked Sage Ebony seemed to be the only one of the group Sage didn't pick on.
"She is rather adorable." Sage said simply. "But this is not about Ebony and I now is it?"

Lucifer rolled on the ground,
"Are we there yeet?" he whined.
Kai rolled his eyes "We are almost there," he called to Lucifer in the back. "and you bringer of death have a worse reputation for being a heartbreaker then i do for being a trickster," he said he had done the research after all.

"Thank god," Shania said she disliked long rides.
Sage grinned, "I do? Funny I would not have thought that. Although with Shania's recent endeavors with our jock, I have not been approached by a single person." Sage let out a dramatic sigh, "A shame. Been to busy training to put the effort into it like I use too. Part of me wounder's if you are doing to Rhea the same as myself."

Lucifer jumped up,
"Yeah! I have no sensed anything yet so I think it might be quiet tonight."
Kai laughed "I'm not that cruel," he said "I charm people I don't do it with the intent to harm them," he pulled the car in an available space when they reached the destination.

"seem's we are here," Shania said sitting up.
"Hmmm, well I guess that is where the line gets drawn." She said, jumping out of the car. Looking around, she took note that the grass was cut and most of the equipment was used. "We should be careful, people still around here. Lets Transform into out disguises before we start walking around. Don't want cameras tracking us."

Lucifer jumped out, looking around the area. So far he did not sense anything. Taking in the moons energy like he usually did, he felt himself take his demon form. It was almost like crawling back into his own skin sometimes. He liked when the heavy weight of his horns returned on his head. Of course when ever Lucifer turned into his demon form, the childish piece of him seemed to go into hiding.

Rhea climbed out of the car last, taking a deep breath to steady herself.

Shania came out twirling her dagger and Ebony came out with her bow just incase she saw something. Kai rolled his eyes and came out his card still hidden as he didn't see the point of having it out if he didn't ned it.
"Lets just walk around the area until Lucy senses something. If he doesn't... then we can just go home and call it a night." Rhea suggested.

Lucifer nodded and began to walk around the area. Rhea waited for the group to go ahead of her before taking her place next to Ebony. Sage fell behind, thinking they were no in an enclosed tunnel, it would be best for someone to take the back so they did not get flanked. She let out a long sigh, thinking that they might not actually see anything tonight.
Shania was still on alert if fighting was all she was good for she'd be sure to be ready to do it. Kai however was rediculously relaxed humming softly to the tune of the anamaniacs intro theme. Ebony smiled at Rhea even though she was worried.
Sage sighed, it was off-ly quietly. She much rather be conversing right now. But she guessed being... semi quiet was better.

Lucifer was really almost like a dog tracking something down. He wondered around completely concentrated, on the tasked of find something. There was a few times he would pause in his walking. But end up walking again soon afterwords.

Sage sighed loudly after they had been walking around for a good 20 minutes. With all the training they have been doing, walking does not really tire anyone out.
"Do we really need to walk in silence?" Sage asked board out of her mind.
"No but we must be as quiet as we can just incase, still nights like this carry sound a bit too well," Shania said she was content with silence it let her hear more but the others weren't as used to silance as she was her life was only noisy when Lucifer was awake.

"I have to agree this earie quiet night will cary our voices well," Kai said in an amused tone "but poor little grim reaper over here can't take the silence." he smirked.
"Yes it is very scary!" Sage said laughter in her voice. Rhea kind of cringed at everyone's sudden talking.

Lucifer looked up for a moment and drastically changed course, obviously following something he sensed.

He really is like a dog, Sage thought.
"It's not demons i'm worried about finding us," Shania said folowing lucy "humans are much more troublesome,"

"I agree a guy with a camera phone putting us on youtube would be... problematic even though we are disguised," Kai agreed "demon boy you can talk to us if you smell something,"
"Sorry..." He said slightly distracted. "Ehm... I sense a few smaller demons."

"Not as problematic as we might think. It could all be considered a hoax. You know how easy it is to make something LOOK real."
Sage said. Rhea agreed with both, it was something they might not be able to control but at the same time not be as big of problem as they think. However, it would be something they would have to deal with when the time presented itself.

Lucifer approached a building and walked around, in the back of the building were several piles of dirty and cenderblocks strewn everywhere. Lots of places to hide.
"I sense a few demons hanging around here. I have no idea if they are here hunting or just hiding. I don't sense a portal or anything." He speculated.
"Should we draw them out? maybe they are like you and are non threataning," Kai said he didn't want to kill a friendly demon after all.

Shania twirled her dagger she'd kill them if they attacked but not otherwise she had lost the desire to kill all demons when she nearly killed Lucifer.
Lucifer nodded then jumped on top of one of the larger cinder blocks and started to speak in a language that not even Rhea recognized. He squatted down and looked around, waiting for an answer. After a few moments, he tried again, but this time he sounded a bit angry. As far as Rhea could tell there was no answer.

Lucifer glanced at Shania, he made a worry look.
"They are not answering me. I don't think they will come out of hiding either."
"We may have to scare them out but then they'd come out fighting," Kai said softly "I have smoke granades," he offered.

Shania looked at kai "What don't you have?" she asked dryly seems he was always prepared. "could they be stuck maybe or just scared..." Shania asked.

Ebony walked to the blocks "I don't know if you can understand me or not but come out," she said softly she wasn't scared because Lucy was right next to her.
Lucifer smiled, "I don't know if they would understand. I came from a family that serves royalty, so I actually verse in common human tongues. Only three of them. As far as I can tell, these demons are just normal every day demons."

Sage sighed,
"Well we can leave them be, but I really don't want to leave something that could be exponentially harmful to other humans. After all, that is what Levi put us here for."

Sudden there was several chatting noises from around the area, Lucifer pulled Ebony behind him, alert. Lucifer paused and when it died down he spoke again. Rhea actually caught a word, "Axesort" In Lucifer's Speech. There was a long paused again till there were several hisses come from around the area. At this, Lucifer stood up and was talking again, waving his arms.

Rhea looked away and around at everyone,
"I think we are about to be in for a fight. You should get ready."
Kai took out his card and it transformed Shania also transformed her weapon Ebony drew her bow ready if they attacked. Shania tenced the wait was worse then the fight. Kai took place protecting the princess just incase.

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