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Wild Cards

Kai chuckled "I think we did good though i agree with you," Kai streached and his back popped.

"Jumping on it's back seemed like a good idea at the time," shania said and stood up to go to the others.
Rhea graved Shania's good hand and pulled her back to her, "The battle is over... let me heal you the rest of the way." She said quietly.

To Lucifer on the other hand, the battle was not over. Glancing around the forest, that the demon rushed through, Lucifer took off again. Look for the one demon that had run off. Sage glanced up and sighed,
"You... ugh we don't have a name for you, get back here." She said, before getting up, but her legs hurt so much.
"Rhea i'm fine a wound like this will be fine with regular medicine," she smiled at Rhea "and what if the others got hurt we are too far away to tell," she was holding her shoulder trying not to let the pain show in her eyes.

"let him do his thing," Kai said "how the hell does he run so much?"
Sage gritted her teeth, "I would like to know myself, I did not run nearly as much as he did. GAH! My calf's are burning! Can you give me a hand? I don't think I can get back up."

Rhea smiled softly,
"Its ok. let me heal a bit more ok?"

Shania looked at Rhea she was hurt seems she was now the weak link of the group. "do what you thinks best, are you still chasing the one that got away kid?" shania asked Lucifer.

Kai helpped Sage up "Got away?" he asked
Lucifer growled back in the mic, "He is long gone... I am coming back."

Sage laughed,"Kid, that actually rings pretty good for him!" taking kai's hand and standing up, man she did not want to walk. Using her Scythe as a walking stick she slowly started to make her way with Kay back the group, the demon behind them's corpus already rotting away.

Rhea leaned closer to Shania and pressed her hands on the wound again, healing it slowly. When Sage and Kai got to them, Rhea had finished completely healing the wound. Sitting down on the ground she healed Sage's legs a bit, the muscles a bit stretched. Feeling a bit dizzy, Rhea felt her head spin a bit. Shania's wound was deep, she had to heal bone, so Sage's smaller heal kind of pushed her a bit.

Sage leaned foreword and gently swatted Rhea's hands away, seeing her tiredness, "Leave it Princess, I can still walk."

Lucifer was seen coming out of the edge of the forest minutes later, looking a bit farsighted.
"We'll find it," Shania said "we didn't see this thing comeing we have to be careful," she grimaced the person she should be preaching to was herself.

"Yeah says the girl who got laied out on her back," Kai siad "you have to think before acting or you'll get yourself killed," each word kai said dug like a knife into her.
Sage agreed, she did say she was going to get herself killed when she jumped on its back, "I agree, and I am pretty sure Rhea might die trying to bring you back after you kill yourself."

Lucifer finally meandered up to the group, reaching into his pocket and handing Shania her dagger back,
"You ok? You really scared me for a moment." He said worry in his voice, but he noticed Rhea had already healed her injury.

Rhea sighed, this group was so harsh with each other, but that was how they worked best together. She knew they were pushing Shania to think, but Rhea had a feeling it was only going to push the girl to work herself harder.
each word stabbed her "look all I'm good at is fighting getting hurt is a risk i had to get it away from him and had my attack succeded i would have severed its spine unfortunatly i got thrown before that could happen." Shania said "as for healing i told Rhea i was fine she insisted on finishing it," shania said "grill me later," she ruffled her own hair and huffed.

Kai raised an eyebrow had they hit a nerve? Seemed Shania had enough mental issues to star in a mental ward he said to himself.
Lucifer looked surprise but then a little hurt, "I wasn't trying to say anything... I was just worried." He said.

Sage smirked, noticing the same thing as Kai,
"Alright... lets make ourselves walk back to the car... its time to go home." She said, forcing herself off the ground again, useing her Scythe to help her.

Rhea made a worried face at Shania, she really hoped this did not turn into something. Shania could always learn... Thats why everyone was telling her now.
"I know kid I'm just p!ssed off at myself," Shania said and ruffled his hair softly. Ebony looked at the group thanking Levi for making her a ranged gaurdian.

"I'll help you," she told sage "you can lean on me if you want,"
Sage smiled at Sage, actually really greatful, she felt like her legs should have been cut off over the Demon's. "Thanks a lot Archer."

Lucifer puffed his cheeks up like a little kid who was about the throw a temper tantrum, but did not really say anything, following the group back to the car. Rhea was able to walk straight for the most part, and made it to the car without looking too weak.

When they made it into the car, Lucifer had gotten in the back an almost immediately passed out on the mattress. Rhea also doze off, completely exhausted from healing Shania.

Sage flopped into the front seat, taking off her collor and letting out a long sigh,
"You ok to drive Kai?" She asked.
"Yeah i'm fine, if we do this everyweek we might just die where is Levi's extra powers he suposed to give us anyway?" Kai said and started the van.

Shania looked at Luce "can i have my dagger?" she asked
"I tried to give it to you when I asked if you were okie... but you got mad." He said, reaching into his pocket again.

Sage sighed,
"I think he said he was suppose to give them to us as we closed portals. Or something a long those lines..." Not really remembering, or particularly caring at the moment.
"the number of demons killed." Kai said "i do beleive he said it was the number of demons we killed."

"Sorry like i said i'm mad at myself." She took her dagger "when i saw that thing chase you I had to get it to stop somehow... jumping it seemed my best course of action."
"Hmmm..." Sage said lazily. "well I do believe that is a rather low number as of now."

Lucifer smiled at Shania, "I am not mad at you, you helped me. I just am glad nothing bad happened to you."
She nodded "If i keep training maybe i can learn to do blocks," she said knowing full well her defence sucked. "might save me a bit of pain and Rhea a bit of energy,"

"Hell yeah, out of all of us you are the only one who never fails to get injured,"
Sage grinned, "You know Shania, I consider myself the one with the best defense here. Although I don't defend so much as go with the flow. I will admit, I also consider myself the weakest attacker." Sage said, considering her place in the group.

Lucifer yawned looking up to see what Ebony was doing. He just wanted to go home and sleep.
Ebony was flexing her hands seems loosing that many arrows was hard on her hands and arms. "you all are really good I just stand and fire arrows and hope i don't hit anyone," she said softly.

Shania sighed "yeah let's fuse my attack your defence we might win everyfight without getting hurt."
"Not true Ebony... You already saved a bunch of us with your attacks." Lucifer said, reaching out and taking her hand, he smiled at her.

Rhea smiled softly at the two, she did not want to go home. She wanted to stay here with her friends.

Sage smiled, everyone was so tired, you could hear it in their voices, but it was another victory for them.
"Mind giving me a ride home Kai... I really can't walk home like normal..." She was not really keen on Kai taking her home because she did not really want others to see her house. Did not matter, she was moving houses soon anyway.
"Sure thing I wouldn't let you go home as you are anyway what kind of man do you think i am?" Kai asked pretending to be affended. How he still had so much energy was anyone's guess.

"Will you be ok Rhea? or would you like to spend the night?" Shania asked.

Ebony hugged Lucifer tightly "I was worried about you."
Rhea shook her head, "I have to go home tonight. Thank you Shania, for the offer." She said, smiling weakly.

Sage laughed,
"I think you a lot of things Kai, a man is not one of them."

Lucifer smiled and hugged Ebony back,
"Nah, you should have worried for Shania or Sage more. I run to fast for that stupid demon to get me." Lucifer said happily.
She laughed "you were super fast!" she said.

Shania smiled at them even though she was mad at herself she still found Luce's childishnes cute.

Kai rolled his eyes "yes and you are as ladylike as a thug," he said
Sage made flattered face, "Why thank you Kai!" She said with a smile. "By the way, Rhea."

Rhea looked up from where she sat,
"yes?" She asked.

"How did you know we were about to get into a fight earlier? None of us can understand Lucifer's language." she asked.

Rhea could be heard shuffling in the back, sit up and against the wall of the car.
"Lucifer had said the name of the demon his family followed. After that the other demons reacted badly. I only made a common guess after that."

Lucifer huffed,
"The bastereds slandered our lords name. They were just here to cause trouble. I have no idea what the bigger guy was doing here though." Lucifer said, laying on his back.
"seems your wars aren't much different then our old wars one high power against another high power some on both sides to weak to fight cause problems and stir up trouble," Kai said softly "well i hope we all live to see this war end, I'd think it'd be a great story to tell grandchildren." he chuckled

Shania rolled her eyes "the pretty boy is thinking of having kids already," she said. Ebony was looking at Rhea really impressed she caught a word of the launguage the demons spoke.

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