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Wild Cards

"Do you have our mics with you? if not we are going to have to be careful, regardless we have neither Ebony or Rhea watching out backs like we have had. those two are more useful then they think they are." Sage said, counting the number of times one of Ebony's arrows had saved her hide. Sage looked at Shania, "That means you need to think, keep your head on you."

Lucifer look up and then into the back again at the weapons. They all looked kind of useless to him, but pretty and different, interesting, Fun? No they gave a bit of dangerous air to them.
"I have mic's they aren't as good as the ones in the van but they work anyway they are under your seat death," he said and true to his word under her seat were ear mics a bit old styled but still functional.

"I'm not the best at keeping my head in a fight," Shania admitted "but a wound isn't going to stop me from killing anything that touches my friends,"
Sage leaned over and pulled out the head phones. She hoped they would stay on her and not fall off. "Just try not to get hurt and become be a hindrance to us." She said, tossing two of the mics behind her to Lucifer and Shania.

"We are almost there." Lucifer said, the mental Image Levi gave him ringing through his head.
Shania put on the headset "even if i get hit i wont be a hindrance," she swore which made Kai glare at Sage she made the fight obsessed girl even more keen to keep fighting. He was tiered of trying Shania will be who she is dispite efferts against it.
Sage sighed, "That's not my point, my point is don't get hurt at all you thick sulk." Sage rubbed her head and the waved Kai off, in a slightly apologetic.

Lucifer pointed at the window,
"That's it right there!"

Kai slammed the brakes and spun into a parking space. "It's a mirical I passed Drivers ed," He mused and hopped out of the car.

Shania who slammed into the seat when he slamed the brakes had to agree with him and made a mental note to kick his a$$ later.
Sage wanted to make a retort, but Kai had jumped out of the car way too soon for her to do so. Getting out with them, Sage took out her Scythe immediately, heading towards the building. She was not really sure what she was going to expect, in all honesty she was afraid they would be too late and they they really were going to try and kill them one by one.

Lucifer looked up at the sun, there would still be several hours before the moon even came up. Looking at his hands he flexed it into a fist, frowning.
"Please be careful," Shania said to him. "If you get hurt I'll never forgive you." she transformed her sword and went after Kai.

Kai smirked he knew Shania's type to well the kind who only cared about herself if others needed her. As long as the kid was weak she'd fight for not just her but for him aswell. "Ok gang what''s the infeltry plan and what do we do if the kidnapped humans are already dead?" he asked
"Nothing." Sage said, "What can we do but what we usually do? Which is clear them out.At least that that's how I see it. If the kidnapped people and.... our two girls... are still alive then I do have a plan. After this is all done... we should give an anonymous tip to the police, have them come pick up everyone." Sage suggested, walking up to the door. She wiggled the door nob. It was locked.

Lucifer smiled at Shania a bit, "
I will try, you be careful too. I am not the only one weak though. Every demon here should be weak."
Shania nodded and smiled at Lucifer. Kai laughed "you my dear need to come join our underworld life you might live a good life," he chuckled "expect to find death it doesn't hurt as much when you are wrong if you expect it now back to how we are going in,"
Sage let out a long sigh, "I would not be able to work under your prince-ship." Sage said, no she would kill Kai before she worked for him. Taking a few steps back, Sage braught her Scythe down on the door nob, breaking it. Not her most graceful entrance. Kicking the door open she sighed, she could use the money though, sadly her pride would not allow it.

Lucifer went through first, trying to locate the demon that he knows should be around.
"the underworld prince is a title i don't own it," he laughed "graceful death very elogant."

Shania twirled her sword a few times getting herself ready for a fight Kai had yet to change his weapon though,
Sage let out a dark laugh, but did not say anything further, just looking around the area. She was in all honest, expecting everyone to be dead, which made her sick to think Ebony and Rhea. Her grip on the scythe whiten but she kept silent.

Lucifer walked around the area, trying to sense anything or anyone.
"I sense the demon.... hes this way." Lucifer said, pointing down a hall way, before sprinting down it.
Lucifer slowed down his pace a little, only because he knew he could not do this alone.

Sage took the rear, although she had started to do that out of habit to protect the two that where missing.

Lucifer stopped at a door, reaching for the nob he opened it. Walking in he was taken by surprise when the demon they knew was going to be there graved Lucifer and quickly knocked everyone else back, into the room.

"I knew you fools would appear. Levi might had killed Fredric, but I knew you Lucifer would turn up. I plan on returning the favor to Levi by send him your head on a pike." The demon said pining Lucifer to the wall.

Sage looked up after she had gotten knocked away, the room was covered in web. A massive number of cocoons covered the room, the spider looked like a cenitar... half human and then the spiders butt on the other end. She watched as the Spider started to draw a sword, bringing up to stab Lucifer. Sage imeadiatly jumped up and tossed her scythe with as much force as she could muster, the weapon left her hands and lodged itself into the back side of the spider before transforming back into the pen and dropping to the ground. This is why they needed Ebony.

The Spider yelled, turning half of its body to look at the three on the floor,
"Fools, just because it is daylight won't make me easy to defeat. I have feasted on plenty of humans to have the strength to kill you." it threatened, not moving its grasp on Lucifer.

Lucifer tried to struggle out of his grasp.
Shania glared at the spider "then kill us, if you think you can," Shania said simply her voice cold as ice and fearless. Kai pulled oud a long needle like weapon and threw it with all his strength at the distracted spider demon aiming for it's eyes the weak part of any monster. Shania stood calm cold ready if the spider made a move then she would too she noted the webs around her and the group seeing if anyone was truthfully stuck in the webs yet.
"Oh I don't think human girl, I can. But my RevaAGH" the spider man screamed when Kai's weapon hit its eye, dropping Lucifer and his sword. Lucifer landed rather gracefully taking off for Sage's pen and tossing it at the group.

Sage ran foreword to grave the pen, making it take its weapon form as soon as it hit her hand. Next Sage ran to get to the other side of the demon. might as well not stay in one group, she had a feeling it would only leave them a target.
Shania instantly went into action rushing the spider head on as Kai went to it's rear his axe ready to strike. "kid the open side we'll take this spider down," Kai said and swung at the spiders legs. Shania lept into the air when she got in range and pointed her sword down intending to impale the spider through the chest.
Sage would have loved if the plan went as nice as their team worked seem to have gone, but the demon swatted all of them away, except Lucifer, which he garbed again. "You are all predicable. Child's play." The demon said, turning its large body to look at Shania. Moving over to her, the demon leaned down to grab her a long with Lucifer. Sage felt herself bounce a few feet when she was kicked, the spider was really kicking their butts despite the sun being up, but this battle was still proving much easier then the bull.

Lucifer suddenly bit the demons hand that was around him, he was tired of him taking a hold of him. The demon squeeze Lucifer harder, stopping mid grab for Shania.
Shania slashed her sword up wards she had managed to land on her back giving her a bit of leway to attack. Kai had landed next to a caccoon his axe nicking the silken webstrands he felt a blooming pain in his wrist he must have twisted it when his attack was deflected. He watched Shania seemed even more determined to fight this demon as even with the disadvantage of being on the ground she attaked.
Sage got up, not even bothering to see where Kai landed, she grind when Shania's rather pathetic attack nicked the hand of the Spider, lopping it right off. Out of all that attacks they had done, the desperate attacks worked. Sage thought this would be the best time to jump on in the battle again while the spider was licking its wounds.

One of the cocoons that Kai's axes cut fell open, reviling one of the missing humans inside, the human looked alive, but rather pale and sick.

Lucifer jumped out of his grasps before he kicked the demon in the face. The demon stumbled a few feet, Lucifer landed on the ground and grit his teeth, that kick hurt him more then the demon. The demon turned, this time it was furious, its eye flashed with the intention to kill. Sage came up behind it swinging her scythe underneath it, knocking it off its feet.
Shania got between the spider and Lucy her sword blade out in a defencive stance it was sloppy but if they were attacked she would be able to easily counter. Kai began to tear the web away from the human and to the other cacoons as well he wanted to save as many as possible aswell as find Rhea and ebony.
Kai ran across several humans still alive, a few of them were long dead. Ebony and Rhea were no where to be found in the room.

Sage huffed, about the attack the Spider again until it flew out out of the room suddenly.
"Should we give chase?" Sage asked, taking a few feet steps to follow.
Shania didn't even respond as she ran after it. "We can't have it killing anyone else and Rhea and sage aren't here," Kai said before going after Shania as well.
Lucifer was like Shania, not taking a moment to think but to just chase, he usual tactic. "Why did I even ask?" Sage said, following behind.

"It knows we have him beat, hes making a run for our friends, his goal is revenge right now." Lucifer said quickly.

They burst into another room that Lucifer lead them too, the Spider had picked a cocoons with his one good hand and looked like it was about to bite into one.

Lucifer moved quickly, charging into the spider, latching onto its arm,
"You brats are being a massive nuisance to me!" he screamed, trying to fling Lucifer off his arm.

Sage noticed there where were another dozen of the cocoons around the area, laying around the floor and walls. How long has him and his buddy been around?

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