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Wild Cards

Rhea smiled, "I feel it. The energy that comes off the sword. I think that sometimes it is what Lucy feels naturally when he leads us demon hunting." Rhea then reached with her good hand and touched the flat side of the blade, "Its a sickening feeling, like sludge running through your veins. When I took in that energy that portal I closed, there were things that I could hear." Rhea shook a bit thinking about the portal she had closed. Standing up she turned around to look at everyone, "Sorry. I was just trying to say they feel the same. Just a speculation."

Lucifer look actually rather interested in what Rhea had said,
"The energy's are the same... The sword was probably the thing used to open the portal up in the first place. Of course it was a one time use only because once all the energy is used up it just a sword again."

Rhea nodded, understanding. "I have a few questions I have been Saving for Levi, I want to make much more sense of our current situation. I am having trouble floundering in the darkness." Rhea said quietly.
Kai smirked "Levi is a really bad babysitter," he rolled his eyes "but if you have questions I guess he's a good guy to ask... too touchy grabby though," Kai said plopping onto the couch

Shania nodded "I don't much like him but Luce trusts him so he can't be all that bad... I'd still love you punch him," she muttered the lst part.

Ebony looked at Lucifer "You guys don't look alike I though you are related right?"
Rhea nodded, thinking about how Levi always picked her up. Picking up and sword, Rhea moved to sit on the couch next to Kai, placing the blade on her lap. The sword felt like it was drawing her to it.

Lucifer looked up at Ebony and thought for moment,
"Really? I thought we actually looked a like... Yeah Levi is my uncle. He and my father are brothers. Both say I act more like my mother. Levi is not fond of my mother, but he does not treat her badly, he still treats her like family." He said, really thinking about his family. He missed them, he missed home.

Rhea stared at the sword, she wanted to know what the encarvings in the sword said.
Kai hugged Rhea as Shania did the same to Lucifer. "I'm sorry you are stuck here," she said softly to the demon she's grown to think of as a little brother.

Ebony looked at everyone it seems their group is more of a family now then just a club but she kinda felt like her place was missing.
Rhea was slightly taken aback when Kai hugged her, "Kai?"

Lucifer pulled Ebony into a hug when she looked lonely, holding both her and Shania close,
"Its ok, I love you guys like my family now. The human world is my new home now."
"Home is where the heart is," Kai said with a smile he looked at Rhea "and you look way to lonely to be home," he leaned to rest his head on hers.

Shania smiled and hugged the 'children' in her arms "we are family even the songbird in the kitchen is now one of us weather she likes it or not," Ebony giggled at that statment
"Preferably not, but you are right." Sage said, "What is this a hug fest?" She had finished preparing the food and had stuck it in the ovan, not it would be a few hours before it was done. "Lets play game. I think I want to play something with a bit of rush to it."

Rhea smiled at Kai, she did not feel as lonely as she use too around everyone. But now the lonely feeling she had was not the cause of the group, but cured by them. Surprisingly, Rhea reached over and wrapped a timid arm back around Kai.

Lucifer looked up from Shania's arms,
"A game? I want to play!"
"A game would be fun," Shania agreed "one with a rush ... lets see we could modify a classical game," she said thinking

Ebony looked at Sage and went to hug her so she didn't feel left out

Kai made a content sound much like a cat purring.
"I think we can. We can play truth or dare extream addition" Sage said, patting Ebony on the head when she hugged her, She noticed the girl was slightly more attached to her today then normal.

Rhea laughed,
"That was an odd sound." She noted quietly.

Lucifer just waited to be told what to do. He loved playing games.
"nothing r-rated i don't feel like giving Luce 'the talk,' " Shania said patting his head

Kai began to laughed "that would be so priceless though," he said

Ebony smiled when she was patted.
"I think Kai and I can do that for you. What do you say Lucifer? What to hear about something really fun?" Sage asked the boy.

Lucifer looked up, looking rather skeptical, but took the bait.

Rhea had an unmistakable blush rush across her face.
"should we go the birds and the bee's rout or plain hard x rated graphic?" Kai asked and as predicted got the matchng house shoe to the one previously thrown in his face.

"we are not telling him about that... he might want to try it," Shania said and Ebony nearly exloded hiding her face in sage's chest.
Sage laughed as Kai got something thrown at him again, "I think we should just show him the hard core stuff." Sage was fully aware how hard Ebony was blushing while she was attached to her.

Rhea covered her face, she reflected the expersion much like Ebony's.
"Oh Lucy if shania were.. " he was cut off by a punch and a blushing shania.

"My body does not get to be made an example Sage i'll punch you too Kai was just closer.,"she said she looked embarassed, and she was her body was a sensitive subject for her.
Sage laughed awkwardly and waved her hands, "Oh no of course not. I think lasagna might be ready...." She said, making her escape to the kitchen all while laughing before she got hit too.

Rhea had practicably jumped off the couch when she saw Shania get up to run for Kai. She was holding the sword tightly looking slightly horrored.

Lucifer got up, also looking kind of shocked,
"Ah Shania! Why did you do that?"
"I didn't hit him hard!" she said and it was true she used her non dominant hand and Kai was to busy laughing to really be hurt.

Ebony looked shocked Shania hadn't actualy hit kai with her hands in a long while.
Rhea smiled holding the sword tightly.

Sage peaked in, the food still not done,
"Is it safe for me to come back out now?" Sage asked jokingly.

Lucifer laughed, a little less shocked.
"Yeah it's safe," Kai said "though i'd like to play that truth or dare of yours," his eyes glittered with ,mischeif.

Shania looked at Rhea "can I have the sharp object?" she asked her holding out a hand.
Sage jumped around the corner, "That did not sound like a safe comment to me." She said laughing

Rhea laughed, hiding the sword behind her. She was going to say something, until the room went black.

Lucifer looked up from where he was sitting to look around the blackness.
"could he knock or something?" Shania asked crossing her arms.

Kai laughed "doesn't seem his style," he commented as Ebony hid behind Lucifer.
"Of course not." He said, appearing next to Rhea and picking up her and the sword. "Rhea my dear, where ever did you get this beautiful weapon?"

Rhea huffed,
"C-can you put me down please?" Levi laughed and ignored her.

"We got it from that Spider demon... He got away though. I think it is what he used to open the portal." Lucifer said, taking Ebony's hand to reassure her.

"Ah, that makes a lot of sense. Well I actually came here for three things, one of them is to give Rhea what she needs to close the portals." Levi said, he let go of the sword. Sage watch the sword float into the air and then disappear. "What is it you are going to do about it?" Sage asked.
Shania crossed her arms and watched Levi her fists clenched oh she wanted to punch him and she had no idea why she hated him so. Kai smiled pleasantly "ah i was expecting you sometime this week Levi," he said his voice sweet as ever Shania shuddered Kai was a creepy guy at times the look in his eyes was more mischeivious then malicious but it was still worrysome. Ebony squeezed Luci's hand and smiled softly happy to have him.
"Well here I am dear Kai." Levi said, he was never phased by anyone in this room. He found himself actually rather amused by them. opening another hole he pulled out a large necklace with a Red pendent. "Sillia says this should work... but it is not 100 percent. If not she will remain on standby to come cleanse Rhea again." He said putting the necklace around Rhea before placing the girl down. Rhea this time instead of running back to the group turned around to face Levi, so many questions she wanted to ask him.

Sage walked a few steps to stand next to Ebony and Lucifer, her hands in her pocket.

"Next piece of news is the vampire I sealed back in the demon world had hid before I even got back to take care of him. He is the crafty of the two, I am sure that he will find a way back into the human world. So I suggest you find and kill the spider before his partner gets back." Levi said, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Oh great... That was fantastic news." Sage said with sarcasm.

Levi scoffed,
"My third piece of news is that I can grant one of you powers now. I am giving you a choice now as to who gets them."
Kai looked around the group "why only one of us? me and Shania do the best fighter wise we are a bit more versitile then the other group members, so we could go on just as well without new power," Shania had to agree they did well in fights but she was sceptic if they could keep going as they have.

Ebony was hiding still she was not a fighter she's a range damage dealer she was having problems with her bow still.
Sage felt herself twitch a bit when she felt a cord be struck, "Excuse me... but I lift more of a finger then you pretty boy. I may be more defensive but I think I do just as much as you two..." Sage said. "But I agree... we all do best... perhaps we should give the power to Ebony."

Levi frowned, he was hoping they would all fight it out, but they had come together more as a team then he thought.
"I can only give one because you have defeated enough demons for one. The powers have to come from somewhere and you are not taking it out of my own power." he said crossing his arms.

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