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Wild Cards

"well we'll all blame kai," Shania said "he can charm his way into your brothers heart the weasle,"

"Talking about me so early in the morning," Kai said walking in. "Morning princess how do ou feel?"
Rhea jumped dropping the biscket that was in her hand when Kai spoke up, not even realizing he had come in the house. The quiet had lulled her into a false sense of security from noise, so she was not prepared for anything loud yet. Rhea took a deep breath, relaxing her shoulders and taking back her composer, "Good morning Kai... I am doing fine." She said, picking up the biscket again and taking another bite.

Lucifer nearly screamed when Rhea jumped, but he had a mouth full of food.
"Hi Kai. I got rid of that stuff last night. Gave it to my father."
"thanks kid," he pat Lucy on the head "thank you priestess you saved me last night."

Shania was still mad at Kai but she could wait for her revenge. "Hungry?" she asked him when he said no she went onto the kitchen to clean up.
Rhea smiled, "I don't remember much last night." she said, taking another bite of the biscuit. "Everything was kind of a blur after I healed the concision." Gently, Rhea dipped the biscuit into the gravy before taking a small bite. "I am going to my brother's today. I guess I will be living there from now on. Things should be much more relaxed now and I will be able to lead a normal life. Make my own choices... stuff like that." She said. She had been trying to look on the bright side between all the stuff that had been happening... Shania's brother would have done it.
"So i dont have to charm him?" Kai asked "though i dobt he'd fall for my normal tricks," he smiled at Rhea and sat down. "You will do wonderfully in a clean clear open loving enviroment I think it'll really let you bloom,"
Rhea smiled, Kai and her brother would be interesting. her brother was a lot like Shania but a tad bit louder and assertive... but no one has had the time to get to know him."No I don't think normal tricks would work. My brother says the same thing." She said, "Are you feeling well Kai? Did I heal everything last night?" finishing off the biscuit Rhea picked up the glass of Juice. When she was done, she pushed the tray away from herself.
"I am healed and fit as a fiddle, I din't mean to worry you," Kai smiled one of his dashing smiles and winked at her. "I will be a good boy for a while," he chuckled "if I survive Sage and shania they look about to murder me," he noted.
Rhea smiled back at Kai, "It's ok. I was a bit mad too. I don't like people getting hurt. I think you might survive... maybe." She said, thinking about all the things they can put him through. "But thank you... you saved a lot of people yesterday." She said with a smile, "You saved us too."

Sage had later called Shania letting her know she will be spending Sunday with her mother and was not going to show up.
"Sage won't be showing up today," Shania told the group "I dont know about Ebony though."

Kai had an odd look "I think i struck a cord... or maybe she really is thinking of joining... her and her mom are going through tough times at the moment,"
Rhea glanced at Kai, staring him down a bit, wondering if he knew something they did not. Rhea was always bad at reading people... Kai and Sage just made it harder. Sometimes though, Rhea swore those two knew. "Is something wrong with Sage?"
"You do know she lost her father in the train accident and she's moving houses her finantial situation is not all that good either... I do my research." he said softly "She's got pride she wont outright ask for help,"

Shania looked at kai "thats why you offered her a job in the hell you call a life," Shania said more as a statment then a question.

"Partialy why yes," he addmitted
"Whats the other part to it?" Rhea asked, she did not know that about Sage. Kai sounded worried for her too. Everyone is worried for everyone else. Even Sage worries.
"she has a good head on her shoulders i like to push her buttons because it's amusing," he said "she stays calm under most pressure and has a strong sence of family and protections," Kai smiled "I hate for her to be my enemy,"
Rhea laughed and smiled, "Kai, I would never think you would say something like that out loud." Rhea guessed Kai was a vanity and Sage was pride. For a while Rhea thought Kai ran more on pride then anyone.

Luicfer had already gone back to sleep, he always would eat breakfast then sleep again.
He smiled "she's not here, if you tell her i said anything good about her i will denie it," he laughed. "Nah i think I have most of our group figured out."
Rhea nodded, "I have a good idea as well... but I bet all our idea's would clash. I am not very good at reading people." Rhea looked up to Shania and smiled.

"I should go home soon. I still have no phone... so my brother has no way to contact me but through Kai."
"Need a lift?" Kai asked "need a phone?" he smirked

Shania pat Rhea on the head before hugging her "be careful," she said to her.
Rhea smiled and got up, still a bit weak before hugging Shania, "Thank you Shania... for everything. I hope I can stay again some time. I would like a ride if you could Kai... I still feel a bit weak."
"Naturaly," Kai smiled.

Shania nodded "you are welcome here anytime," she said hugging Rhea back before letting her go with kai.
"I don't mind being your ride Rhea just because i'm not needed to steal you away doesn't mean i wont escort you to wherever you want to go," he said as he drove.
Rhea smiled, not really sure what else to say to that but to thank him again. It did not take long for them to get to the apartment. They were rather nice looking. Rhea let out a nervious breath, not really moving from the passenger's seat, "I feel more nevious now then I do when finding demons..."
Rhea smiled at the offer and squeeze Kai's hand back. "No... I think I want to take these first steps alone." Rhea looked at Kai with a smile before she did what he did to her often, kiss his hand. "Thank you again. I don't know what I would do without all of you."
He chuckled at her she was the only member he didn't have figured out yet. "Good luck and thank you, you showed this old idiot he did still have a heart," he winked at her and smiled.

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