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With a hunger both for food and magic, Sirius led the way out of their room and from Gryffindor Tower down to the Great Hall. The three other boys were in tow. Sirius couldn’t wait to finally have his first class. “Keep an eye out for Evans, yea?” Sirius said with a wink to James as they entered the Great Hall.
James flushed. “Yeah, yeah. You can focus on yourselves, you know. It’s be awkward if I’m the only one dating someone.”
“But I’m your friend, I’m trying to help you out! I want you to be successful mate,” replied Sirius. “You clearly like her right? You’ve gotta win her over! I want to see you happy.”
Sirius followed James over to the Gryffindor table and sat next to him. Peter came with them as well. Sirius served himself some breakfast but looked for Lily Evans. “Maybe she’s still thinking about how you helped her last night. I bet she’s been thinking about how nice that was,” he said to James.
James grinned. “You think so?” He looked around the dining hall to see if he could spot Lily. Maybe they could compare schedules!
“Of course! You helped her out a lot didn’t you? Helped her get better. She probably digs you. You should talk to her again,” suggested Sirius.
“I’m trying to find her.” James frowned.

Snape was by the entrance, trying to talk to Lily before he sat down. He wanted to see if they had any overlap, so he could spend some time with her during a free period.
Lily had just approached the entrance to the Great Hall. There, she met her good friend from back home, Severus Snape. He had been sorted into Slytherin and she Gryffindor, but it didn’t matter to her. She could still would still be his friend. Lily was rather hungry but didn’t mind stopping to chat with Severus. “Hey Sev,” she greeted the Slytherin boy pleasantly with her sweet smile. “Excited for today?” she asked him.
Snape immediately blushed at Lily’s smile. He had been besotted with the girl ever since they met but was much too shy to say anything. He nodded. “Do… do you have any free periods today?”

James’ jaw dropped. “Mates, look at the entrance. Don’t make it obvious.”
“I think so,” she replied with her pretty smile. “I’ve got some free time after lunch,” Lily told him. Meanwhile Sirius directed his eyes towards the entrance and widened them. “Twat!” he hissed as he saw Severus Snape talking to Lily Evans.
Snape nodded. “I-I do too! Maybe we can go to the library? I want to see if all the rumors about it are true.”

“We have to warn her about what a prick he is!” James angrily crammed toast into his mouth.

Remus shifted in his seat. “I don’t know. They seem… awfully friendly.”
Lily giggled, and smiled at Severus. “Rumors? And what might those rumors be you’ve heard?” she asked. “It’s never good to take rumors seriously,” said Lily.

“Absolutely!” Sirius agreed. “Now’s your chance James. Go and show her who is the better lad!” he urged him. He then looked at Remus. “Doesn’t matter mate. Slytherins are bad news.”
"But the rumors say that the library has every book ever written by a wizard." Snape looked at the floor. "So I wanted to see if it's true. I thought you'd like to join me."

"But last night, James said that Lily doesn't think that!"

James rolled his eyes. "That's just because she didn't see how they treated you!"

"I don't think she'd care."
“Well, at least that rumor isn’t very dangerous. You’ve got me curious now, Sev,” replied Lily with a soft smile. “I’m in. I’ll come along with you,” she told him.

Sirius scoffed, “Of course she’d care!” He said. “She hasn’t seen the side to him we saw. His true dark side!” he proclaimed. “I won’t let him continue to bully any more Gryffindors. He was awful to you, Remus.”
"Okay! I'll see you after lunch, then?" Snape brushed his greasy hair out of his face.

'He wasn't that bad," Remus muttered.

"In what world is that not bad?" James crossed his arms.
“Definitely,” said Lily with a grin. “See you then,” she said as she gracefully flicked her red hair over her shoulder and turned to go to the Gryffindor table. She was certainly hungry and breakfast smelled great.

“Bloody hell Remus! How could you say such a thing? He was awful! The things he said to you were not right! Evil! He’s gutless!” Sirius said.
Remus shrugged. It wasn't anything he hadn't heard before but that didn't seem to be the right thing to say. "I don't know. I just don't think it's worth causing problems over."

"They're the ones who caused the problems!"
“Well, here she comes now,” said Sirius, looking up and seeing the red haired girl come over to the Gryffindor table. “James right Remus. This isn’t over. Now go on James, make your move.”
Lily had just sat down but looked over to the side. There was James Potter, waving to her. Lily gave a little nod to James and a small smile. “Yes. Much better. My stomach’s l back to normal,” she told him.
"Yay! I'm glad!" James leaned on his hand. "Say, how do you know that boy you were talking to?"

Remus elbowed James. "Stop it," he whispered.
Lily nodded, glad she felt better but now did she did, she was hungry and wanted to eat. She was in the middle of serving herself some pancakes when James asked her about the boy she was talking to. It wasn’t really any of his business in her mind. She looked at James and furrowed her brows. “I don’t see why that matters or is of concern to you,” she replied. Sirius tugged at Remus and shook his head, seeing that he was telling James to stop.
James blushed. "It's just... he was pretty nasty to us last night. He called my friend here a dog."

Remus nervously laughed. "He was probably just joking, James! You don't need to tell anyone about it."
Lily widened her eyes and blinked. Surely this wasn’t true. The Severus Snape she knew would never! Seeing one of James’ friends’ nervous reaction, she didn’t know what to think. Was Potter just pulling her leg. “Sev- err, Severus wouldn’t say such a thing Potter,” she responded.

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