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James nodded. “I’ll do my best. I wonder if she’d be impressed if we win the fight against those Slytherins.”

Remus sighed. “You’re still on that?”
“Oh right- I almost forgot about that,” said Sirius, remembering the fight he challenged those Slytherin boys to. “Evans is going to be all over you when we win. Girls dig lads who can win fights,” he said confidently with a grin.
“Yea but all girls seem gentle. They like a man who can fight James, trust me on this one,” said Sirius. “Beat those Slytherin’s arses and she’ll be kissing you before you know it!”
“That’s what you do with a girl, isn’t it? Especially a pretty one you like,” said Sirius. “You’re not telling me you wouldn’t want to kiss Evans are you?”
“I want her to kiss me! But… it has to happen naturally. I want her for other things too! Kissing isn’t the whole good thing about a girlfriend.”
“Yes James and it will happen naturally because if you keep charming her and following my advice, she’ll be into you,” said Sirius. “Trust me, she’s going to want to date you in no time!”
Sirius nodded and smiled. “Good night then,” he said, before yawning and letting his head hit the pillow. Finally, Sirius had a good night’s sleep. He was finally happy- he had met three awesome boys and was away from his awful parents. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow morning and his first time learning magic.
Remus slept fitfully that night, waking up suddenly because of a distant noise or a strange smell. He felt trapped, threatened. But he didn’t want to risk waking up his mates with leaving his bed. He just needed to make it through the night.
The next morning, Sirius awoke to the sun peaking through the window and illuminating the room. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, slowly awaking. It was officially his first day at Hogwarts! He was going to learn magic in his classes today! He couldn’t wait.
James was already up and about, dressed and his hair what he called styled. He was double checking that he had all of his books. He tended to forget things if he wasn’t careful.

Remus, meanwhile, was still out cold, curled tightly into a ball.
Sirius began to get prepared for the day today. He got dressed in his robes, did his tie, and went into the bathroom to comb his long black hair. Once he looked flawless, he came out to check in on his roommates. Peter seemed to be waking up and James was getting his books ready. Remus though laid sleeping, curled up in a ball almost like a dog.
James grinned. “Do you think we have the same classes everyday? Or is it more of a “this class on Monday, different class on Tuesday”?” He frowned. “Should I bring all of my books? Do we not need them for class?”

Remus just curled tighter at all of the noise, but didn’t seem any closer to waking up.
“I dunno I didn’t read the schedule. How about you Peter?” Sirius asked. Sure he had the schedule of their first year classes but he hadn’t bothered checking it. That was stuffed somewhere in the pockets of his robes. Peter just blinked and looked at Sirius, shaking his head no, clueless. “I bet Remus knows,” said Sirius as he went over to Remus’ bed. “Oi, Remus,” he said softly, gently shaking Remus awake on his back.
Remus yelped and practically launched himself out of bed, scrambling to land on his feet and not on his face. He looked at his friends, embarrassment slowly filling him as he caught up to where he was. “M-Morning.”
Sirius quickly widened his eyes and took a step back, a little stunned as Remus so suddenly woke up and stumbled onto his feet. Peter looked on surprised too, but silent. “Uhh, you alright Remus?” Sirius asked.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure the teachers heard you with… that.” James fixed his glasses.

Remus laughed nervously. “Yeah, no. I’m fine. I was just… having a bad dream. Sorry.”
Sirius frowned, “Oh. I’m sorry to hear that,” he said softly. “But hey, you’re awake now and not dreaming! We’ve got our first day of classes today!” he said excitedly. “Come on get ready so we can head on down to breakfast!” Sirius urged him. Peter was busy fiddling with his tie.
James nodded. “Yeah! We don’t want to be late!”

Remus nodded and pulled out his robes. “Okay. I’ll go… change then.” He slipped into the bathroom. He didn’t want any of the boys to see every ugly detail about him.
Sirius nodded along in agreement with James. He was hungry and excited for class. He gave a thumbs up to Remus as he excused himself to go change into his robes in the bathroom.
Remus didn’t look at himself as he changed. He moved gingerly, some of his injuries still fresh enough to ache if he moved wrong. But he was fine. It wasn’t bad. He’d be fine. He came back out in robes just as big as what he came in. They were dusty and smelled like an attic trunk.
Eventually Remus came out of the bathroom. His robes were a lot less smooth and pristine than the other three boys. But with that, they all appeared ready to go. “Alright let’s go then! Come on! Breakfast!” Sirius urged then, heading towards the door.
James happily kept up while Remus took a moment to prepare for the day. He was exhausted, but the stress would keep him awake. It was his first time practicing magic. The first time someone would even think to allow him to practice magic. It was a big deal. He followed his friends, trying to brush his long bangs out of his eyes.

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