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At this, Sirius widened his eyes and blushed. He, date Remus? Preposterous, right? But it weirdly gave him butterflies in his stomach to think of that. “Remus and I are best friends, that’s all. Just like me you and Peter.”
Remus nodded, blushing just as brightly. "Y-Yeah. Blokes can't date other blokes. That's... not allowed." His dad always said that. Remus had talked about not wanting a wife when he started reading his mom's old books. He always found himself daydreaming about the suitors and princes. That made him a freak too.
“Right,” said Sirius, nodding, although the very thought of agreeing with that made him uncomfortable. Surely his own parents would agree with that statement though. “Don’t worry mates, we’ll all get girlfriends this year,” chimed in Peter.
“You have?” Peter asked, his eyes widening, astounded. Sirius stayed silent, but was rather surprised that James had met a boy who had liked boys. Sirius was taught that was wrong.
James shrugged. "Yeah! He's a family friend. He's nice. Always has the best candy." He frowned. "Who taught you all it was wrong?"
James scoffed. "You know what muggle parents are teaching their kids? That magic isn't natural!" He crossed his arms. "Just because your parents don't understand it doesn't mean it's not natural! What would you do if one of us four liked blokes? Would you tell him that it wasn't natural?"
Sirius remained silent. He didn’t really know any of his answers to James’ questions. “Okay James well this is different. Magic is normal- just not blokes liking blokes!” Peter said.
"It's not normal to muggles! Should they teach their kids that wizards are freaks?" James crossed his arms. "There are lots of things that aren't normal! Animagi aren't normal. You have to work and study a lot to become one. But would you be upset with them?"
“Well wizards and witches are normal! There’s plenty of us- just look at this whole school. But boys aren’t designed to like boys,” said Peter, parroting what his parents taught him. “Whatever- this conversation doesn’t even matter since none of us like boys.”
James crossed his arms. "How do you know, Peter?" He looked at the floor. "Look, just because your parents say something is normal doesn't mean it is. I... I read somewhere that a bunch of those kinds of people started rioting across the pond. Because the muggle Aurors were killing them. So, there's enough out there to make International News."
“Okay fine whatever, it’s not bad then. Merlin’s beard James,” said Peter rather dismissively. He just wanted to drop the conversation. Truthfully, so did Sirius.
James lied fully back down. "Thank you." Maybe he risked losing his friends over that, but he couldn't help but bristle up. No one was wrong for things like that. No one was wrong unless they were cruel or Slytherin, which was the house to be cruel.

Remus, meanwhile, felt sick to his stomach. That was a fight. Right? Were they not friends anymore? Was that another secret he had to keep because he was a freak like that too?
“I’m tired. I’m going to head to bed,” said Peter, yawning. “Good night lads,” he said to them all. “G’nite Peter,” replied Sirius. “I think I should hit the hay too,” he said.
Remus nodded silently. They were fighting. Everything was ruined all because of what Remus said. He ruined this. He never should've come to Hogwarts.
Sirius turned to look at Remus and offered him a soft and tired smile. “Good night Remus,” he said quietly. “I’m glad I met you.”
With that, Sirius nodded and headed off to his own bed. It was a very lavish and comfortable four poster bed adorned in Gryffindor colors. He was proud to be a Gryffindor and happy he’d met three excellent boys, especially Remus. “G’nite James!” Sirius called over. “Try not to dream too much about Lily,” he snickered, teasing.
James huffed. “And what if I do? It’s your problem!”

Remus went to the last bed, sitting on it as everyone settled down for the night. He wasn’t sure how well the wolf would let him sleep being so pent up. But maybe his friends would help.
Sirius just giggled. “Perhaps you can win her over more tomorrow during breakfast,” he said as he climbed into bed. Peter seemed to already be fast asleep.

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