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“I uhh, I just ate too much I-“ said Lily, but, a magical healing potion that could make her feel better sounded nice. “Err, thanks, if you don’t mind. That’s actually rather nice,” said Lily.
Lily tried to ignore the aching in her gut and grumble in her belly and gave James a soft smile. Sirius looked on and glanced at Remus and Peter, grinning at them seeing as James was doing well it seemed. The prefect began to lead the first years up some stairs.
Remus blinked. So he had been wrong. Typical. Maybe he should just stop disagreeing with James and Sirius. He never seemed to be right.

James smiled softly. He wanted to talk but he didn’t want to bother Lily. But he didn’t handle being quiet well.
Sirius just grinned, pleased with himself. Lily was glad for the silence because she wasn’t exactly in the greatest mood to talk with this stomachache. Soon, the prefect and the first year Gryffindors arrived at the entrance to the dorms. There was a large painting of an overweight woman hanging on the wall. Suddenly, the woman inside began to move. “Password?” she asked the prefect. “Acromantula!” said the prefect. With that, the painting swung to the side to reveal an entrance.
No way in hell Sirius was going to remember that password. He’d just ask someone smart like Remus for it. Lily just shrugged, “I suppose so no one from any other houses can get in,” she guessed. With that, the first years flowed into the room, getting their first look at the cozy Gryffindor common room.
James nodded. “Wait here! I’ll go get the potion and be right back.”

Remus gasped quietly. It was warm. So warm in here. It smelled like so many people. Much more than the great hall. It smelled like people lived here. It was almost too much. So many strangers in his living space. The wolf didn’t like it.
Lily rubbed her tummy and frowned, but looked up at James and offered him a smile as the boy said he’d come back with a potion for her. Lily went to go take a seat on the couch, feeling as if she might vomit. Meanwhile, Sirius quickly followed James towards the boys dorm rooms. Peter grinned as he held a piece of paper with the room assignments. Together sharing a room were James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin.
Remus went to Peter. “So we’re all together. Good.” He smiled softly. That was good. Familiar. Safe. It eased the wolf.

James went into the bedroom to pull a potion out of his bag. He spotted everyone’s luggage. Peter had a couple of bags, Sirius had several. Remus… just had his one briefcase. It looked wet, like the water had seeped inside. He frowned. Hopefully there was a way to dry that. He grabbed the potion and practically ran downstairs.
Peter smiled back at Remus and nodded. He was glad to be rooming with his three new friends. Soon, Sirius, Peter, and Remus filed into their new room. Sirius could see his trunk at the foot of one of the four poster beds. Their room looked very nice and cozy. Sirius noticed James running out of the room with a potion bottle. He looked confused but didn’t have a chance to ask James what he was doing because the boy was out of the room. Meanwhile Lily sat in the common room on the couch, bothered by her aching and loudly growling stomach. Perhaps she’d eaten too much, or maybe she didn’t like meat. Maybe it served her right for eating an animal. It seemed rather cruel to her.
Remus blinked. He was going to sleep in a bed. A large, thick bed. He couldn’t act like that was weird. “The room is… nice.”

James sat next to Lily and handed her the potion. “Here. I hope it helps. I find it good to sleep right after taking it. I don’t like how it makes my stomach feel when it’s kicking in.”
Sirius’ room at home was much nicer, but the Gryffindor dorm rooms were by no means low quality. It was like living conditions for a king. Meanwhile in the common room, Lily looked up as James came back and sat down next to her on the couch. He seemed to have a bottle of some sort of liquid- the healing potion. Lily nodded at James, “Thanks,” she said softly. “And uhh, you’re sure this will help?” Lily asked unsurely. She’d never drank a magical potion before.
Remus approached his briefcase, wincing at the small puddle around it. “Sorry,” he muttered. He picked it up.

James nodded. “Yeah! I used to need them a lot growing up because… some foods made me sick.” He looked away. “I hope you feel better.”
“I’m not sure why but I guess the turkey didn’t really agree with my stomach,” replied Lily with a frown. “Perhaps it’s best I don’t eat meat,” she said, considering becoming a vegan. “Thanks for this,” she said, opening the bottle. Eying the liquid, she shrugged. “Down the hatch,” she said, opening her mouth and gulping the whole thing down. She swallowed and winced as the liquid flowed down her throat. James wasn’t lying- initially it did feel weird in her stomach. Lily gagged and stuck her tongue out. “Yuck!”

Sirius frowned as he took a look at Remus’ very wet and battered looking briefcase. It was the complete opposite of his own and Peter’s trunks which were in excellent condition. “It’s alright Remus. I can clean that up for ya,” offered Sirius.
James winced. “Yeah. It can be… a lot. It will help though. I find it worth it.”

“It’s fine,” Remus mumbled. “I just didn’t expect it to be raining.” He probably looked pathetic next to the others. They had nice things and money and good families. “I’ll go clean it up in the bathroom.”
“Bloody hell James, this doesn’t taste nor feel very good,” said a very uncomfortable Lily Evans, putting a hand on her stomach. The potion, like the food from early, didn’t really seem to agree with her stomach at first. But then, the churning and growling in her belly that was giving her such an aching pain began to slowly fade as the potion began to kick in. Lily remained silent, almost in awe as if it were too good to be true that this potion had worked. Her stomach had significantly calmed down now and the potion seemed to soothe it. “I- I think it worked,” she said in disbelief.

“Yea no worries mate. None of us did. It was pouring. I can help if you need,” offered Sirius. He didn’t want his friend to have to clean this mess up by himself.
James grinned. “Yeah? I’m glad! I used to fight with my mom for hours over it.”

“It’s okay. I’m sure there’s towels.” He frowned. “They provide towels, right?”
“The initial feeling is funky but guess it’s worth the relief. Thank you, James. That was real nice of you,” said Lily with a soft smile. Her stomach felt a lot better now that it wasn’t bugging her and because of it, her mood was brightened. It was very nice of James to help her out.

“Yea I’m sure they do mate,” replied Sirius. “And if they don’t, I’ve got a ton. You can use mine!” he offered with a smile.
“Yes, of course!” James grinned. “I have tons of them and my mom will send more if I ask. So if you need any, feel free to ask!”

“I’ll check first.” Remus went into the bathroom.
Lily continued to smile softly. “Thanks James. That’s mighty nice of you,” she said. A yawn soon escaped her lips. Most people lounging in the common room were beginning to get up and head to their rooms for bed. Perhaps Lily should do the same.

Sirius nodded and waited for Remus to go check in the bathroom. Sirius would do anything for his new friends, especially Remus. Hell, he’d give him the shirt off his damn back if he needed to.
“You should probably get to bed.” James stood up. “I’ll… catch you later then?” He pushed his hair back.

Remus stopped. Silver. The wolf inside prickled. The sinks were all silver. The towel racks were silver. He felt sick. How was he supposed to avoid all of this?
Lily nodded. She began to get up from the couch but looked at James and offered him a sweet little smile. “Yea, sounds good, Potter. Have a good night,” she told him. She had him to thank for her stomach feeling better so she couldn’t find a reason to be repulsed by a boy right now. She typically wasn’t a fan of boys- unless they were Severus Snape. Severus was a good friend of hers from back home. He’d been sorted into Slytherin.
“You too.” James grinned.

Remus couldn’t breathe. They were going to find out. Everyone was going to know he was a monster. He left the bathroom, trying to control his breathing. He should’ve just had Sirius help him. This wouldn’t have happened.
With that, Lily turned around and headed off to the girls dormitory. Meanwhile, Sirius found it odd that Remus was taking so long to look for towels. He approached the bathroom door but was suddenly greeted by a panting Remus. “Found any towels?” Sirius asked. “Say, you alright? You look a bit off.”

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