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Remus blinked. What was he supposed to say now. “Not exactly. He just… worries.” Worried about how Remus would get him in trouble. Worried that Remus would turn into a killer.
“Well he won’t need to worry. Any girl that wants to date you will have to go through me and get my approval! Only the best for our Remus Lupin!” Sirius said with a smile.
Remus nodded, very much hating being the center of this girl talk. “Thanks.” It wasn’t like any girl would like him. He looked poor, dirty, and sickly. Not exactly swooning material.
“Of course Remus,” said Sirius with a grin. “Have you had your fill?” he asked Lupin, pointing to the boy’s plate. “Eaten enough?”
Remus nodded. He was too nervous to eat much. Besides, he was used to eating scraps. This much food was almost a foreign concept. “Yeah.”
Sirius noticed he’d barely touched his food but smiled as Remus told him he’d been satisfied. He then looked over at James. “How about you James? Filled yer belly enough?” Sirius asked James with a little grin.
“So what?!” Peter asked, who had certainly eaten quite a bit. “Quiet you two or I’m jumping on both of your stomachs when we get to our dorms,” playfully threatened Sirius.
“Don’t over eat you fat arse,” teased Sirius, giggling as he poked James in the side. It seemed that everyone was finishing up their meals. With that, the prefects from each house began to get up and gather the first years to show them to the dormitories for the first time. “Alright! First year Gryffindors with me!” called the Gryffindor prefect, an older boy.
Remus stood up, hanging close to Sirius’ side. He was small compared to the other Gyffindor boys and he didn’t want to lose sight of Sirius.
With full bellies, satisfied with a delicious meal, the first year Gryffindors stood up and began to gather around their prefect. Sirius made sure that Remus was close by. “Oi James, maybe you can try again with Evans one last time before they send us off to bed,” he suggested with a grin.
“You’d better start early before some other lad pursues her and gets her first,” said Sirius. Perhaps he was being a bad influence but he really did have James’ best interest in mind. He wanted to see James end up with the pretty girl he was beginning to like.
James gasped. “What if she already has a boyfriend and that’s why she didn’t care for me? What if she got with someone on the train?” He covered his mouth.
“No way she already has a boyfriend. We just got to Hogwarts!” Sirius said. “Go on James go! Talk to her! Maybe now that she’s eaten she’ll be more willing to.”
“In the hallway?” James turned scarlet again. “What if she trips me? Or someone else trips me and she laughs?”
“You worry too much James. Walk and talk. She won’t trip you she’s not evil!” Sirius said. The prefect began to lead the group of Gryffindor first years out of the Great Hall. Lily Evans was just a bit ahead of the four boys.
James took a deep breath. “Okay. I can do this.” He caught up to her. “Hey, Lily! Uh, how did you like… dinner?”

Remus had to look away. He felt embarrassed just watching this.
Sirius grinned and nodded, giving James a reassuring thumbs up as he went to go catch up with the Evans girl. Lily was walking but rather silent, in a little discomfort, but she hid it well for the most part. She certainly wasn’t expecting the James Potter boy to pop up again. The red haired girl looked over at James as he walked up to her and asked her how dinner was. Lily gave him a rather uncomfortable look. “Oh uhh, it was alright,” she said, absentmindedly putting a hand on her tummy. Truthfully, the food hadn’t really agreed with her stomach and wasn’t sitting well. Perhaps it was either that the muggle born girl wasn’t used to magic food, had eaten too much, or just didn’t like turkey.
“You sure? You seem a little sick. If you want, my mom sent me with a ton of health potions. I could give you one!” James gave her a nervous smile.

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