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“Well I wouldn’t say that. I think all the houses are equal and each have their own unique things to add,” said Lily with a shrug. “They wouldn’t put a bad house in the most prestigious magic school in the world now would they?”
Sirius looked down the table curiously to see how James was doing. His friend seemed to be blushing and a little nervous, but he was sure James had it in the bag. Lily seemed rather uninterested but as if she were merely entertaining the boy out of formality to be polite. “Gryffindor is rather nice though,” she said.
James nodded. "Yeah! All of my best mates got in, so it could be the best because of that. Bonds and friendship and companionship and all that..." He wiped his palms on his pants.
“That’s nice,” commented Lily with a soft smile, just trying to be polite. She took a quick sip of pumpkin juice from her chalice. The feast was going on and Lily was still eating and hungry, but didn’t want to be rude and stuff her face in front of this boy or anyone.
James gave her finger guns. "Well, maybe we can hang out during free period or something. That would be fun. Okay, bye!" He practically ran back to his friends, his face burning.
Finger guns? Really? How cliche. Lily had to refrain from rolling her eyes to be rude it was so silly to her. Stupid boys, she thought. Lily just gave him a fake soft smile and nodded, neither confirming nor denying that she’d accept James’ offer to hang out some other time. She returned to eating as James scurried on off back to his friends. Peter was too busy stuffing his face but Sirius looked over curiously at James as he came back. “So? How’d it go?” Sirius asked.
James groaned and put his face on the table. "She hates me. She's never going to speak to me again."

Remus winced. "What... makes you say that?"

"I said something she didn't agree with."
Sirius looked curious and frowned as James seemed to have thought he failed and did badly with talking to the girl. “I’m sure you’re overblowing it. To me it didn’t seem like she was hating you,” he chimed in. “What did you say? That she disagreed with,” asked Peter.
"I said Gryffindor was the best house and she said that was that all of the houses are equal." James looked up. "I can never show my face to her again."
“Ah come on, that’s not that bad,” said Sirius shrugging it off. “You were right anyway. She’s wrong. Gryffindor’s the best house and Slytherin the worst,” he claimed.
“James, you’re over thinking this. She didn’t yell at you did she? You’ll be fine. You just try talking to her again later,” said Sirius casually. “Maybe bring her some food or something. The quickest way to a girl’s heart is through her stomach, right?”
“Is it?” James frowned. “But what food do I bring her? All we have is the Great Hall food and she already gets that!”
“I dunno, chocolates? Girls like food,” said Sirius, as if he at eleven years old was a complete expert on the opposite sex. “You’ve got to be persistent Potter. Talk to her and do enough nice things for her and she’ll be sure to like ya!”
James nodded. “Okay. Okay!”

Remus winced. “Or… if she doesn’t like you, maybe you should just… leave her alone?” Persistence sounded like bothering people. And the idea of that made him feel slightly sick.
“That’s a load of hippogriff crap,” said Sirius, shaking his head at Remus. “Girls like persistency in boys,” he told them. “You’ve got to show them that you want them,” he lectured.
“Of course I have, plenty of times,” said Sirius with a grin. He certainly was a ladies man, even if he didn’t purposely pursue girls. He was attractive with smooth skin and silky soft long hair, girls loved that. Sirius couldn’t help it- he was a bit of a flirt to any girl that would entertain him. “If there’s two things I know about girls, it’s one, that they love persistence, and two, the way to a girl’s heart is through her stomach,” claimed Sirius.

Peter scrunched up his face. “Bloody hell that sounds gross! James has got to get Lily to eat him?” he asked. Sirius looked at Peter, confused. “No you dunce! I mean with food! Not himself!” Sirius replied to Peter, who clearly took that literally. Peter looked a bit embarrassed for his silly mistake. “I didn’t mean it literally as in he’s gotta go through her belly. I mean like give her food. Girls are happy when they have good food to fill them. Makes ‘em more flirty,” said Sirius, hoping James was taking note of his “professional” advice.
Remus shrank in on himself. He couldn’t really claim to have more experience. He was basing it off of himself and he was weird. A freak.

A monster.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” He drummed his fingers on the table.
“Don’t worry Remus. You’ll get a girl in no time with my tips and tricks,” Sirius reassured him, patting the meek boy on the shoulder, grinning. “Anyway, got all that James?” Sirius asked.
James nodded. “Yeah! I’ll have to find chocolate. But we can do that.”

Remus looked away. “I doubt it.”
“I bet she’ll love chocolate. Everybody loves chocolate!” Sirius replied to James. Sirius then looked at Remus and frowned. “Why’s that Remus? You’re plenty cool! And good lo- and a good friend!” Sirius told him, catching himself before he made a weird slip up. He wasn’t about to tell his new friend that he was good looking, was he?
Remus looked at the table. “I’m just… I’m not supposed to find a girl, I guess. My dad would kill me.” It was a half truth. His dad would be furious if he started dating someone. But it was because of the monster within him. Not any sort of protectiveness.
“What? Why’s that?” Sirius asked. “Is your dad like mine and wants to marry you off to some cousin?” he asked Remus. “Parents don’t know much, don’t listen to him.”

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