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James found a seat, further away from his friends than he liked. But the class was filling up fast, so he had to make do. He tried to get Peter's attention but the poor boy had been lost to the sea of people.
Soon, the professor, a man with a round belly and mustache, entered the room. “Everyone, please take a seat. Find a partner,” said the man. Peter couldn’t find James but they didn’t really have much time to linger.
James tried to save the seat, looking through the crowd.

Snape looked around. "Is it too late to change seats? I don't want fur to get in my potion."

Remus was tapping his foot under the desk. He felt sick.
“I’ll make you wish you changed your seat in about a few seconds,” threatened Sirius. Meanwhile the professor saw Lily looking for a seat and a boy sitting at a desk with a spot open. “Ah young lady, why don’t you pair up with that young boy over there,” said the professor, smiling as he pointed to James. Lily widened her eyes. The last thing she wanted to do was sit next to James Potter. “Oh uhh, sure. Of course. Y- yes sir,” she said politely as she tried to hide her displeasure and sat down next to James.
Snape rolled his eyes. "The failed and pathetic Black acting all tough. You think taking in strays makes you special?"

James stiffened but didn't say anything. He did not want to sit next to Lily while Snape was by Remus.
Lily sighed, making it known she wasn’t too thrilled about the seating arrangement. Sirius was about to respond to Snape but the professor grabbed everyone’s attention. “Alright students, settle down! Good morning! I am Professor Horace Slughorn, and I’ll be teaching you potions here at Hogwarts,” he said. “Now, can anyone tell me what potions can do?” he asked the class. “If you’ve done some reading beforehand in your textbooks perhaps you can give us some specific names of potions we will be working on in this first year.”
Remus shrunk on himself. He didn’t want to be called on and have to reveal he knew more than he let off. He was not going to look stupid in front of everyone.

Snape looked back at Lily as discreetly as he could. Would Lily like it if he answered? He knew a lot about potions.

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