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Merlin, Remus’ laugh was heavenly. Everything about it was perfect. Sirius was happy to have finally heard it. It was a joyful one, one right from the belly that made Remus’ whole body move. Sirius couldn’t help but smile as he watched.
James narrowed his eyes slightly. Merlin's beard, those two looked lovesick. He nudged Peter to get the boy's attention before subtly gesturing to the two boys.

"You... did really good, Sirius." Remus' eyes fell for a moment before he looked back up. "I'm really proud of you."
Peter had given up at this point and when he got a nudge from James, looked over to Sirius and Remus. He couldn’t tell what was going on between them but it was certainly something.

Sirius’ heart swelled with joy. Remus’ words made him so happy. Lupin was proud of him- he was on top of the world. “Thanks mate. And you too. You’re gonna be a bloody brilliant wizard.”
"But you're going to beat me to it." Remus nudged his shoulder.

James nodded. Okay. Sirius was playing matchmaker for him and Lily. Clearly, he needed to repay the favor for his very oblivious best friend and his other oblivious best friend. That wasn't going to be hard at all.
Peter remained silent as he watched both Remus and Sirius. “I doubt it,” replied Sirius with a little snicker. “You got it perfectly on your first try! I needed your help before I got it.”
'This is just for Charms! There are a lot of other magic types. Transfiguration, potions, herbology! And that's just what we're allowed to get. Some of the older students take some intense electives." Remus shook his head. "Just you wait. You'll find your craft."
“Potions should be fun! I wonder what we can brew!” Sirius said excitedly. “We have that next, right?” he asked. “I bet we’ll be good at that too.”
Remus double-checked the schedule. "Yeah, we do! I wonder what house we have that with. We were with the Raveclaws for Transfiguration and Hufflepuffs for Charms."
"I have no idea." Remus shrugged. He didn't know potions. He had to remember he didn't know potions. "I don't know any. But we should be partners! If we're allowed to pick."
“Maybe we’ll brew a potion to make us giant! Or at least grow a couple of inches! It’d be pretty cool to be tall,” said Sirius, suggesting some outrageous ideas.
“You’d be unstoppable. No one could pick on you if you were a giant!” Sirius said. “You could smoosh that stupid Severus Snape.”
"Class is dismissed! Make sure to practice those wrist movements." Professor Flitwick stepped down from his books.

James groaned. "Ugh, I got distracted and now I can only do a couple of inches."

Remus stood up. "You just need a bit more practice. That's all."
Soon class was dismissed and Sirius went along with his three friends down to the dungeons for potions. “You’ll get it James. Now we’ve got to focus on potions! I wonder what we’ll brew!”
“It is,” said Sirius with a look of disgust. “Whatever. I don’t want to linger down here for too long. Let’s get to the classroom.”
Remus felt his heart rate spike. He could smell Snape and the other boy who was with him last night. He didn't say anything, but if he stood a little closer to Sirius, no one had to know. The first years lined up outside of a classroom door. Across from a line of the Slytherin first years.

James groaned. "Ew."
It appeared that the Gryffindors shared this class with Slytherin. Sirius scowled at the green robed first years waiting outside of the door.
Snape nudged his first-year friend Mulciber. "Look, it's the dog. I thought only cats were allowed at Hogwarts."

Remus' ears burned. They couldn't do that in class, right?
The door opened and the students flowed in. Mulciber, a first year Slytherin, looked behind him as his friend Snape pointed out the Remus Lupin boy from yesterday. Mulciber snorted, “Surprised they let freaks like that in here.”
James glared at those two. "You're the ones to talk. Sentient slime ball and escaped tarantula over there."
“You’d best find your seat, Potter,” spat Mulciber. He looked to Snape and nodded towards an empty desk.
"You best find a reason we don't kick your arse right now," James muttered, but he entered the class. Remus practically grabbed Sirius' wrist and led him to an empty desk.

Snape sat at a desk right next to Remus and Sirius. Snape wrinkled his nose. "Smells like wet mutt."
Sirius wanted to punch Snape and Mulciber right then and there but felt Remus grab him on the wrist. He glared at the two Slytherin boys and went to sit down with Remus. Meanwhile Lily Evans had just entered the room alone with no partner for the day. As Sirius sat down, he glared at Snape who took a seat near them. “Shut your trap greaseball,” he hissed.

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