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Students started leaving the Great Hall. "It looks like it's class time. We should head out." Remus grabbed his schedule. "All the first years are together. Come on."
Sirius could see that there were many students flowing out of the Great Hall. Breakfast was over- it was time for classes. Sirius nodded, “Yea let’s go. At least classes should be fun,” he said.
Remus nodded as he followed one of the Gryffindor first-years he recognized from last night. It would be okay. James and Sirius would drop it. Now he had to find a way to stop them from fighting.
All of the Gryffindor first years began to leave the Great Hall and go to their first class. “What class do we have first?” Sirius asked Remus, hoping he’d know.
"Transfiguration." Remus looked around. "What's that?"

James cleared his throat. "Well, Hogwarts expert here says it's magic that transforms one object into another."
Sirius nodded at James’ explanation of Transfiguration. “That’s right. This should be fun!” he said excitedly with a smile.
After Transfiguration, which was mostly a lecture about how dangerous transfiguration was and how much trouble they could get in if they messed around, they had Charms. Remus was a little shaken by the lecture, unable to shake the uneasy feeling that he was going to do something horrible.

James groaned. "That was soooo boring."
In their first class, Transfiguration, taught by Gryffindor’s very own head of house, Professor McGonogall, they didn’t do anything hands on with magic. The older witch just lectured them on the dangers of Transfiguration and a bunch of safety crap that Sirius honestly didn’t listen too much to. Next they had Charms class. Sirius was glad to get out of that classroom and hoped they’d actually be doing magic in Charms class. “You’re telling me. That sucked!” Sirius agreed with James.
Remus wrung his hands. "Do you really think we could kill someone if we're not careful?"

James sighed. "Mate, you're overthinking this. No one's ever died at Hogwarts!"
“She’s just trying to scare us,” said Sirius reassuringly. “We’ll be fine. No one’s getting killed,” he chuckled as they walked to the Charms classroom.
A short man stood at the door, ushering the students in. "Welcome, welcome. It's always exciting to meet new students. Come in."

Remus shrank in on himself as he passed the man. At least he was taller than him.
As the first year Gryffindors entered the Charms classroom, they were greeted by a very small man. Sirius had never seen someone so tiny. He tried not to stare as he sat down at one of the seats.
Remus sat beside Sirius, lightly scratching at his thigh.

Once everyone was inside, he went behind his desk and stood on a pile of books to see over it. "Welcome first-years to Charms! Here, you will learn the proper pronunciation of spells and correct wrist movements. My name is Professor Flitwick. I am one of the newer professors at Hogwarts, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to be pushed around. Understood?"
Sirius smiled at Remus, happy he sat next to him. Meanwhile Peter sat with James. Sirius was excited to get learning some magic. The class nodded and acknowledged Professor Flitwick.
Professor Flitwick held out his wand. “We’re going to start simple.” He flicked his wrist at a book on his desk. “Wingardium Leviosa!”
Sirius watched on eagerly and drew his wand. Today they were learning the levitation charm. He couldn’t wait to try it out. It seemed simple enough.
Remus pulled out his wand. It used to be his mothers. It didn’t feel right to have any other kind of wand. He knew he’d never go to Diagon Alley and buy one. But this way, she’d be with him. He looked to Sirius. He was still nervous.
Remus nodded, taking another deep breath.” He flicked his wrist once for practice. It felt okay. This wasn’t going to go wrong. “Wingardium Leviosa.”
Sirius began to practice the wrist movement so he could get the hang of it. Once he was satisfied, he pointed his wand at the book. “Wingardium Leviosa!” he said. But nothing happened. The book did not move.
Remus frowned. “I think we need to time the flick right. Like: Wingardium-“ He lifted his wrist. “Leviosa.” He flicked it.

The book in front of him started to hover. Remus froze, his mouth hanging slightly open.
Sirius frowned at his initial failure. He looked over to Remus who gave him some advice and then tried for himself. Sirius’ eyes widened and mouth opened with surprise as Remus performed it flawlessly on his first time. Impressively, the book began to levitate.
“Amazing!” Sirius said, a massive smile coming across his face. “You’re the first to do it! You’re brilliant!” he complimented in awe of Remus.

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