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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Ryder followed her gaze, eyes landing on the hole in the wall before falling to his still-bloody fist. "I had a bit of a temper tantrum." He said, clenching his jaw. "Long story. But I got mad and threw some things around. And broke a window." He admitted.
It took them about 2 hours, but Demetrius and Zeke the satyr arrived in New York City"So, where are they now?" He asked worriedly. "It seems that they have left westward." Zeke replied sniffing for scents."they left? Just when we arrived." He pouted, "So, when is the next bus coming for there", he points to the west direction. "In about 4 hours" Zeke the satyr replied while looking at a map. "Then, w'ell wait then" He took a seat by a bench and fell asleep.
"Do you if I ask what happened? or will that cause more distress?" she sighed as she took some kleenex and held it against his hand, with both of her hands.

To say that Evan looked like shit would be an understatement. He had overused his powers,nearly died and didn't get a single hour of sleep. All in a few hours.

He leaned against his chair,the bottle of whiskey mostly finished by his side. He heard the gasps of some of the humans when they came downstairs and heard that their rooms had been paid for.

That only made him want to drink more.

"Let's just say I had a very bad night where I was... Confronted by a few of my worst fears." Ryder said, staring down at the tissue. "I'll be fine. I've punched worse." He said, clenching his fist slightly.

Ryder stood stiffly, not hugging her back. Cassandra had been the last person to hug him, and he had hated it. He just wasn't used to things like hugs or affection.
after a bit she pulled away awkwardly but didn't care much that he didn't hug back. she never let go of his hand though, and she laid her head on his chest to just sit with him. she sighed happily.

I should say something. Or do something. Do anything aside from just standing there. Come on. Say anything. Anything is better than nothing, it can't be worse than silence. But what anything should I say?

"Are you... Okay?" He asked awkwardly, patting her shoulder. That's what I chose. Wow. That's... Definitely worse than nothing.
"I don't know...I mean, its not easy living with d-depression" she said in a shaky voice, she never talked about it, it made her cringe saying the word. It's harder with no one to talk to about it, but I mean, I just can't stand the thought of everyone knowing." she sighed

"You can tell people on your own terms. And I'm here to talk to." He promised, hoping he could keep the promise without dying. "Always." He said softly, realizing how uncomfortable she was.
She smiled "Thank you Ryder. It means alot to me. and thank you for acting like it's no big deal. I don't need people giving me special treatment that only constantly reminds me of it."

Ryder shrugged. "There's no reason to thank me. It's not a big deal. It's just... A word. It doesn't make you any different, or handicapped." He muttered, scratching the back of his neck as he always did when confused or stressed.
"I mean, It kind of has a big affect on my life. but talking helps. so thank you." she closed here eyes. she was comfortable like this

"Any time. I have to do some research for the quest, you're welcome to stay and keep me company, save me from dying of boredom?" He offered teasingly.

"Well truth is Evan, I don't really want anything in return. With my abilities I could understand what you were going through. Now, I don't know what exactly you were seeing, but everything you were feeling was everything I've sensed again and again at some point or another." He shrugged after pausing for a bit. "And I don't know, just felt like I should stop you. You know lend a hand, don't really care for a reward. Just doing what's right."


Alexx V. Bane

"Where's my 200 bucks, bitch?!"

*BANG! Bang!*


Alexx jumped awake. She looked around her empty motel room, gaining a grasp on reality again. "Get a grip, man... Just a bad dream..." She thought to herself. She got up and walked over to the window, pushing the curtains to the side to look out. It was still dark out. Alexx sat back down on the edge of the bed and put her boots and jacket on. She figured she should dip out now since she didn't have the money to pay for the extra night she stayed here.

Alexx took the elevator down to the loby, and spotted the motel manager behind the desk. She was planning on making a quick, casual escape. Make her way to the exit and run while the manager isn't looking; and even if he did see her, all she'd have to say was that she running to McDonald's and will be right back. It was too easy to steal nights at a motel. At least it was for Alexx, because she's been doing it for years now.

When the manager was surely distracted by his computer, Alexx swiftly made her way to the exit. Just as she thought she was in the clear... "Excuse me! Sir?"

Alexx stopped and turned to face the man with a heavy Indian accent. She saw the look of confusion and embarrassment flash over his face, not entirely sure if he was correct with his choice of pronoun. "Ya?" She answered, not bothering to correct him. She secretly liked being androgynous, and it wasn't like she'd ever see this dude again.

"I just wanted to inform you that your night has been paid in full by a generous benefactor." He said smiling with a few missing teeth. "Have a nice day and come again!" Surprised, Alexx walked out of the motel and back onto the streets. She wasn't going to pay anyways, but the generosity was okay by her.

She walked across the empty street, and to the diner she spotted from her motel room earlier. Figuring she should get some food with the last five dollars on her, she walked into the quaint food establishment. Alexx took a seat on the red cushioned stool at the high-top counter. "I'll take a large coffee, black. And, the number one breakfast meal. Cheese on the eggs, scrambled. Sausage instead of bacon." She ordered.

Alexx grabbed a morning paper, and was about to start reading when she noticed two guys where the only other patrons in the place. And, the one guy was slumped with a bottle of whisky next to him.

She turned towards them halfway, leaning one elbow still on the diner counter top. "So, are ya getting late night hammered? Or morning drunk?" Alexx jests, since it was still dark, but probably only a few hours until day break. (@KaalysBR @The Regal Rper)
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Evan frowned to Arleos,confusion marked in his dark eyes. He couldn't understand the point of helping someone if they couldn't return your favor somehow. By now he was completely sure that good people only existed in the nice dreams he created in his mind.

"I don't get it. But thank you anyway." Evan knew that he would have problem trying to wrap his mind around this new concept : generosity.

He was about to ask another question when someone approached them. It was dark,and her voice was rough. For a second he didn't know whether it was a girl or a boy,but then her tone set in. She was another one of his victims from last night.

"I don't know how late it is but we are toasting our pathetic lives. Well..mine,anyway. Do you wanna join us?" he asked,not caring much if she was on drinking age or not. @3theReality @The Regal Rper
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Alexx V. Bane

"Order up!" The cook called out as he hit the silver bell on the kitchen counter. The waitress set the plate and large cup of hot coffee in front of Alexx. From there, Alexx picked up her plate and coffee cup and walked over to the two guys.

She held her cup out to the guy with the whisky as she sat down. "I feel ya guys. Life's tough. You just gotta be tougher. What's gottcha down?" Alexx asked as she started chowing down on her eggs, sausage and jelly toast. (@KaalysBR @The Regal Rper)
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"Bad dreams. I couldn't sleep much last night." A dark smirk pulled his lips up. He wasn't lying,of course. Just hiding part of the truth. He still had no idea that the woman sitting next to him was a demigod,and wouldn't trust her with the truth for now. Pulling the whiskey bottle,he poured it on her cup.

"What about you? You got a name? Have you been living here in Pennsylvania for long?" Evan asked with some curiosity. He knew most of the people that lived in this region. Mostly because he stole from their houses all the time. @3theReality
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Alexx V. Bane

Alexx briefly remembered her bad dream last night as well... But, quickly dismissed it from her thoughts.

"Alexx Bane's the name."
She said as she took a swig of her coffee/whisky mix. Alexx paused, as she quickly debated on how she would present herself to these people. "I move around a lot because mythical creatures only I can see attack me if I stay in one place for too long, and I just got here three days ago?...... Yeah, that sounds like a great way to make friends, dude." Alexx sarcasticly thought to herself as she poked another fork full of eggs into her mouth.

"Nah, I haven't been here long. I'm from Detroit. I... Uhh, I'm... On my way to NYC. I've always wanted ta see that city." Alexx lied, just trying to sound like she was on vacation. She needed the subject off of her, fast. "So whatabout you two?" (@KaalysBR @The Regal Rper)

Evan himself had to take a minute to think of an answer.

So I'm a thief and a professional asshole in general. I move around a lot because I can't be bothered to go to Camp Half-blood and keep everyone awake with fucking nightmares.

Oh,and I may be going crazy.

He took a sip of the whiskey to hide his smirk. Yeah,that was a way to appeal to the general public.

"I live here in Pennsylvania,I came to meet some friends in the motel close to here. They are all weirdos,you might have seen them around already." Evan took a moment to consider telling the girl the truth and seeing her run off in terror. Although she kinda of looked like she could beat the crap out of him. "I've been trying to look for jobs here in town,no success so far. When are you leaving for New York?"

The voice in his head suddenly popped in his mind.
"You,Evan?Working on a real,honest job? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Evan had to hold himself back so he wouldn't snap at the voice. @3theReality
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Arianna awakens near the camp covered in bruises, scratches and cuts, her hair is in a raggedy mess. She limps around looking for shelter. She gazes at the camp. "Hello? Is anyone here?" She calls into the camp.

Ryder gathered up his notes and papers, including a large map of the U.S., and spread them on the bed, eying it. He started to mumble to himself as he traced a thick, red line from their location in Pennsylvania to the correct area of California, following major highways and roads. "We could try driving to California. A few of us know how." He muttered, staring at the long line. "Or a train. Too many people that hate flight for a plane." He continued softly.

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