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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Arleos didn't respond when he saw the bloodshot look of Ryder's eyes. It was sad really, mainly because he himself could feel Ryder's sadness. Man having these powers suck he thought morosely, doing his best to keep his face calm. But in the end couldn't.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, after Ryder said 'Yes', and just walked right into the room instead of saying anything, pushing himself right past Ryder and pulling up a chair within the room he sat across the bed and waited. When Ryder didn't move he looked at him and said quietly. "Close the door...I'd rather not ask you this in front of your door, nor would I like to have you shove me out. Then again, I don't think you can, you look to tired to do it." He said then waited for a few seconds of silence to pass.

He nodded his head towards the bed. "Take a seat, I wanna talk to you. Not as a demigod, as a person."
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Ryder's frown deepened at the words. Arleos was beginning to sound a lot like Chiron, and that wasn't appreciated. But nonetheless, Ryder closed the door and leaned against the wall facing Arleos. "I'd rather stand, if that's alright with you." He said abruptly. "And I'm fine. Whatever you want to talk about, make it quick. Quest to plan, and all that." Ryder stared at the son of Zelus, half wondering where this was going and half terrified of the answer.
Evan still felt dead to the world,although his eyes turned around to meet Nico's glance once the boy kneeled next to him.

He felt the pain from the cut,although that hurt less than his head did right now.

"Evan." His glance was focused on the boy now. "Why do you care? Why did your friend stop me from..." He rose two fingers and pointed them to his head,imitating the shooting of a gun to symbolise his words.

The demigod couldn't help but sport a small yet weak smile at Ryder. He rubbed both his hands before speaking sensing that pinch of fear in the mix. "Did I ever tell you, how I found you guys?" he asked then continued without waiting for an answer.

You see Ryder, I know each one of the campers has had it tough, well okay I don't know but I can guess based off my ability to sense emotions; negative ones. We all have. The first time I sensed you guys, it was blinding. The anger, the fear, the confusion. I got all of that out of all the other emotions I could've sensed while waiting for a bus with a crowd of people. And managed to find you and your friends not too far away.

By now we each have a sense of what one can do. I have a basic understanding of yours, you with mine, and so on and so on. But back there in that room" he said looking at the door then looking at Ryder. "I felt something from you, I've been feeling within you for quite some time. Though this time it was strong enough to make an actual impact on me. Whatever you saw due to that guy's powers, it wasn't good. It's even clearer to me now based off how red your eyes are getting and your body language.

So Ryder... from one person to another. Talk to me. What did you see back there before I found you and Nico?" Arleos asked, his smile gone, his face serious, yet his tone still gentle, inviting almost.

And" he chuckled a bit. "Don't try and lie to me, I will be able to tell."
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Nico considered the question for a moment,finishing the bandages around Evan's arm and dropping by his side.

"Because I know how it feels to lose control of your body. Also,my name is Nico."

He kept his glance on the sky outside,not knowing what else to say. There wasn't anything else to say besides something simple.

"I'm sorry."

From the other demigods,he was apparently the only one who didn't feel any anger for Evan.

tried to focus on Nico's words,but his head was a complete mess of feelings. He was currently reviving all of the dreams he saw in the motel,one of them gathering his attention.

Ryder. Michael. Guy that wanted to kill him.

So he killed his family as well. What a morbid coincidence. If Evan had been in a good day,he would have tried to find a way to manipulate Ryder with this new knowledge. But he was currently just wanting to slid through the ground and into the Underworld.

His attention turned back to Nico in time to hear his last words.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too,Nico."

Ryder stared down at the the guy, jaw clenched. He was about to blow him off, kick him out of his room, or make some excuse. But he was tired of ignoring what had happened. Instead of trying to avoid it, he slid down the wall, sitting on the ground.

"I got to Camp Half-Blood when I was six. Nobody knows what my life was like before that. Not Chiron, not Toni. Nobody. I was in Manchester with my stepfather, my mom, and my siblings. The graves I looked at back in Green-Wood Cemetery, they died right after we moved here. I killed them." Ryder said shakily. "My stepfather was a drunk, he'd hit me and my mom when he got mad. I could deal with him abusing me. Even then, I could... Detach myself, only feel the physical pain, I could deal with it. But it killed me to see him hurt my mom. One day, he started in on my little sister, she was only three. She was a late developer, she still had some trouble walking. She tripped, and knocked over his beer, and he just blew up. He picked her up, started to shake her. I lost it." Ryder ducked his head, guilt eating at his insides.

"I blacked out. I wasn't in control of what I was, what I could do. When I came to again, I was in the middle of my living room, and my house was in shambles. Windows blown out, walls blasted down to the core. And my family was dead around me. My twin brothers, they were just five. My mom. My sister. My stepfather, they were all dead. That was when my father first appeared to me, like I had called to him. He told me I couldn't lose control that way ever again, or I'd end up dying myself. A human body just isn't supposed to handle that kind of destruction. But in the end, the only thing that stuck with me was the fact that my entire family, their blood was on my hands. I had killed them. My worst fear is being confronted by that. Seeing their blame, seeing Maggie's blame because I killed her. She'd be 16 now." Ryder paused again, digging his nails into his arm to stop the tears. His nails were covered in his own blood, breaking skin on his forearm.

"That's what I saw. I saw them, blaming me. I saw my stepfather, beating me down again, and I couldn't stop him. And all I could think was that I had to occupy him as long as possible, or I'd watch them die all over again. I see them dying every night." He whispered, feeling disgusted with himself. "Happy now?" There was only one thing he had held back from Arleos. What his family had called him, Michael. That was the name on his birth certificate. Michael James Miller. But after what he had done, he didn't want to be that person anymore. He had seen a guy riding a motorcycle when he was 10, and it just... It had been better than Michael. Better than cringing every time he heard his own name.
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Nico wanted to ask Evan about what had happened to him. A person doesn't just lose complete control of their powers without a good reason. But he didn't really want to see Evan's reaction to that question. As far as he was concerned,this guy was a good fighter and could hurt him a lot if he wanted.

"You should probably stay clear from Ryder for some time. He might want to kill you right now."

When Ryder finished, Arleos didn't say a word. He just got up from his seat, moved over to Ryder, crouched down and simply patted him on the shoulder staring him right in the eyes. His face was anything but happy. A sullen expression filled his features, and a heavy frown filled his face. "I'm sorry" he said patting Ryder gently on the shoulder.

That...must've been awful. All those years, making friends and never telling a soul. Truly, I apologize, and I am sorry. It may not be much, but if you want" he pointed to Ryder's chest. "You can let out that dam you've been building all this time, and continue to do so now. Your secret's safe with me. Till death." he promised, sitting down in front of the demigod.

I promise."

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"I don't care who you tell. It's not a secret. Nobody cares enough to bother trying to find out." Ryder corrected, his body immediately shrinking away from the contact on his shoulder. Touch. One of the many things he had done his damnedest to avoid, at any cost. His torso was covered in scars that a mere child had suffered through. All because one drunk didn't know how to play nice.

"I've had enough therapy for the night, if you don't mind. Don't take this the wrong way, but get out." He said, swallowing hard and avoiding Arleos' eyes firmly. He'd let some emotions out, alright. Starting with some anger.

Evan turned his attention back to Nico. Good kid. Didn't really deserve to have Evan be an asshole to him,even on times where he had the strength to do so.

"I'm used to getting punched,actually. Wish he would stab me instead." He stood quiet for a moment,as if listening to something. "Weird. I want to apologize. Let's go."

Not waiting for a response,Evan walked out of the room and lightly tapped on the door of everyone he had influenced. He gave them gorgeous dreams,making them see everything they ever wanted. When he was done,he had mostly exhausted his powers. He allowed himself to slid to the floor of the corridor,listening to the happy slumber of the people in the motel.
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Arleos sighed a heavy sigh. "I understand" he said rising slowly. "Irregardless, I will not tell anyone. And you're wrong about no one trying to find out. I asked didn't I?" he said waiting for a response. When he didn't get one Arleos merely nodded, before getting up, and making his way towards the door.

Whenever you need to talk Ryder. I'll be there. I'm sure you're friends would and will be there for you also. Try to get some rest." With that Arleos left the room, closing it silently behind him


Evan turned his eyes around as he saw Arleos leaving the room next to him. He shifted to a sitting position on the floor,wondering if the guy was angry with him. His head was a mess right now,and maybe he wanted his face to be a mess as well.

Closing his eyes,Evan leaned against the wall and waited for some reaction or punching to be aimed towards him.

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Ryder lost it the second the door was closed. He grabbed the lamp off the nightstand and threw it as hard as he could, watching it shatter against the far wall. In an instant, the contents of the dresser were on the ground, the nightstand was thrown, and the window broken. He knew he'd have to pay for the extensive damage, but at that point, he didn't care.

"I don't have friends." He spat furiously. "I don't want to talk." He continued, catapulting the pot of dead flower at the door. "And nobody asked you to pretend you care!" He finished, punching the wall hard enough to make a sizable hole and break his knuckle. He groaned, holding his fist. "Damn it, that's harder than an Ares skull." He grunted, sitting down on the noisy bed.

Arleos sighed. The sounds of things flipping over and shattering was expected, Ryder's anger was already sprouting as he was leaving the room. I suppose I should be glad he didn't stab me for being so forward let alone snap in the beginning he thought with a light chuckle to himself.

Walking over to the room where the stranger from before was Arleos smiled at him lightly. "How are you feeling?" he asked.


Evan had to hold back a shocked expression at the boy's question. He had expected judgement,not...that.

"I'm sorry about your friend." He tried weakly,although that didn't sound convincing even to himself. He could hear the sounds of furniture breaking in the room by his side. "It wasn't his fault,what happened to his family. What happened tonight won't happen again,I will leave in the morning."

That sounded much more sincere. He could somehow relate to Ryder,although their cases were different. Ryder killed his family because he lost control.

Evan did it because he was bound to be a monster from the moment when he was born.
@The Regal Rper

"Yeah me too." He said with a knowing nod. Although upon hearing the other statement Arleos shook his head. "I'd rather you not. You know, leave that is. I suggest you stay well clear from Ryder however, but leaving wouldn't be the best idea. Not with your current state at least." He advised.

Ryder looked around at his destroyed motel room. His hands were bleeding heavily, and there was one thing he wanted. He left his motel room, freezing when he saw Arleos and Evan speaking. He wasn't mad at either of them, he just looked dully at them before pulling out his wallet, including his fake ID, and walked out of the motel, entering the liquor store next door.

"We're about to close." The attendant warned.

"Won't be here long." Ryder promised, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and returning to the counter, paying for it quickly.

Evan chuckled at his comment,taking a glance at the knife that Nico had kicked away from him.

"Why? Because I might jump from the first bridge I see? That would be a favor for humanity."

He stood up with some difficulty,leaning against the wall to support himself. Turning towards the boy,he frowned for a moment.

"Arleos." The name popped in his mind,memories coming back. "I saw you on my dream. You are powerful,but I don't recommend you to do that again. You really don't want to see what's on my mind."

He picked the knife from the floor and looked at it for a second before handing it to Arleos.

"I don't think I should have that near me. I was hoping to go downstairs,grab some coffee. Maybe pay for the room that Ryder broke. Do you want to come with me to make sure that I won't jump down the elevator pit?"

He only sounded like he was half-joking.
@The Regal Rper

Arleos merely chuckled. "Sure, I'll come with. And trust me, I've kinda seen a lot worse. Never got your name by the way" he stated as he moved over to trash can and threw the knife away when the stranger wasn't looking.

Ryder returned the motel, alcohol held loosely in his hands. The cap was already off, and it was quite a bit less full than it had been. When he got back to his motel room, he paused again when he saw the same pair nearby. He just took a swig of the whiskey, staring blankly at them, and fumbled with the doorknob, finally managing to get in the door. He wasn't drunk, not even close. But he was getting a bit clumsy.

Evan nodded to Arleos,walking by his side as they headed for the elevator. His arm was starting to hurt now. He was going to consider that his punishment for tonight.

"My name is Evan. Or that is what I remember,at least."

Before walking in the elevator,he met with Ryder's glance. Unable to hold it,he quickly walked into the elevator and hit the button to the first floor.

"I will take a wild guess and say that you kids are from Camp Half-Blood,probably off in some mission for the greater good or something. You guy's are rubbing off on me already,I feel guilty."

He sounded disgusted at the word. He quickly left the elevator when it reached the floor and handed the jewelry he had stolen to the woman in the counter. Her eyes rubbed as she looked at it.

"Sir...this could pay for the stay of every single person in your floor."

"Then do exactly that. Let's say it's my way to say sorry." @The Regal Rper

Arleos caught sight of Ryder just in time to see him clumsily disappear into his room. The young man mentally sighed, he'd have to check up on him later on after he'd seen to Evan. Seeing Evan pay for everything though, Arleos didn't object. In fact the last motel he hadn't payed. He'd used a false name and was lucky enough the commotion had got them out of there.

Yeah. That's what I assume. I'm not from Camp Half-Blood though. Was raised in Los Angelos for a bit, moved to New York later on in my childhood. Mom always wanted me to go but I refused. Couldn't leave her alone. Didn't feel right." He explained. "And thanks for paying also" he added.

Evan nodded to Arleos,moving to one of the tables after he was done paying for the rooms. He dropped down in the chair,feeling like he had been hit by a train.

"I have never been to Camp Half-blood either,and you saw the reason tonight. No one wants to be near the psycho." When the waiter approached,he asked for a bottle of whiskey. Screw coffee. "And don't worry about the money,I'm probably stealing more tomorrow. As soon as I can stand upright."

He sounded completely nonchalant about the stealing,knowing that these campers couldn't exactly call the police on him.

"Can I ask you a question? Why are you helping me? I know you will want something in return,everybody does. But there isn't much I can give. You could as well have allowed me to finish,useful as I am." @The Regal Rper

It took Ryder only a few minutes to finish half of the whiskey. By that time, he was exhausted, his reason for drinking. It had grown beyond being drunk, he had an incredible resilience to outside toxins. Being drunk just made him so incredibly tired, he could sleep with strange, disconfigured dreams. Nothing that would have him waking in a cold sweat.

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