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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Nitch caught the boy, pulling his canteen of nectar from his bag. "Calm down." Nitch told Amber, dripping some of the magical drink into the stranger's mouth. "That'll do it." He nodded firmly, watching Ryder approach.

"What the hell's... Who's that?" Ryder asked, pausing and frowning.

"Long story. We're fine." Nitch smiled.
Amber blushed lightly. " I over reacted again , I really need to stop acting like a mother to people I like. " He said before turning to Evan again with a slightly worried expression.
Evan's look was glazed as he meet the eyes of the kid who had approached them in the station,still breathing with difficult.

"See kids? That why you never...help anyone."

He sighed with relief when Nitch dropped the nectar in his mouth and the wound seemed to hurt less. He was feeling lightheaded and fought to stay awake,not fancing the idea of being left unconscious against the floor.


Evan started to fall sideways,losing the battle. He went limp as he passed out and hit the ground by his side.
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Nitch held the boy up, grunting. "We need to take him with us. He'll get killed if we leave him here." He told Ryder firmly. Ryder nodded slowly.

"He saved your life. Of course we'll try to return the favor. There's a motel nearby, it's getting dark. I don't want us to walk during the night. We'll shadow travel closer in the morning, maybe take a train after. We're getting closer. For now, Amber, tell the others that we're going to find a place to stay for the night, tell them that we have a new, albeit temporary, friend. Nobody touches him." Ryder said firmly.
Nico had been patrolling the streets nearby,worried that any monsters could try to sneak on them again. It didn't happen,thankfully. He moved back to the main group,looking for Ryder and Nitch.

He stopped,blinking in surprise once he saw the pile of humans and his friends standing in front of it. He quickly rushed to Nitch's side,worry obvious in his face.

"Are you hurt? What happened?" He noticed the stranger Nico was carrying and frowned,moving to his side to help him. "Should I know this guy? I don't think I have seen him at the camp."

"Our new buddy here saved my life. Twice. After, I think, he was about to take it. Talk about mood swings." Nico chuckled, adjusting his grip on the unconscious teen. "And if you know this guy, you're the only one. Have you seen any motels around? Ryder says we should shack up for the night." Nitch blushed when he heard his voice. "That came out wrong. You know what I mean." He continued quickly.

Alec noticed the scene and rushed forward, clicking his pen and turning it into his ax quickly. "Um... Bloody Nitch, holding bloody, unconscious stranger. I love quests." He said, taking the stranger's other side to take some of the weight off Nitch. "Motel down the street. Cheap, nicer quality than last night's. Perfect place to bunk." He offered, answering Ryder's question. "Shall we?"
Nico let off a nervous laugh at Nitch's words,blushing lightly when he thought about the motel Ryder mentioned.

"That place seems good enough for a night."


Cass stood a bit far from the main group now,staying to keep watch over the others campers. The worried mom,you could say. She followed Alec with her gaze,but frowned once she saw the stranger they had been carrying. She was almost afraid of knowing what happened.
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"Alec, do me a favor, book a room? For people who can't afford their own, we're going to try to be a bit more comfortable this time around. Anyone who can gets their own room with their own bed. If you want to share, go for it." Nitch said authoritatively, half-expecting the older boy to ignore him and get his orders from Ryder.

Alec nodded, releasing the unconscious boy carefully and stared at Cass, sending her an unspoken message.

You coming?

He began to walk away, keeping his pace slow in case she decided to follow. The motel they spoke about was just down the street, but he still kept his weapon out, not trusting his surroundings.

Cass smiled once she met Alec's glance,the warm sensation in her chest starting immediately. She walked by his side as he headed down the street,keeping close attention for anything that could randomly jump at them.

"Do you want me to book the room?" She turned to wink at him.

Alec smiled, wrapping his arm around her. "Sure. You book ours, I'll book the funhouse. I feel bad for anyone staying in the same room as Ryder, he is freezing. He brought the room temperature down by like two degrees." Alec teased. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous about the coming night, thinking of everything that could go wrong. Monster attacks, the motel catching on fire...

Nitch looked up at Ryder. "You going to be okay tonight?" He asked softly. Ryder looked over, jaw clenched.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked brusquely, taking over Alec's side of the unconscious teenager and helping Nitch walk him to the motel.

"You were talking in your sleep last night. I woke up at around two, I was parched. Heard you talking about someone named Maggie?" Nitch asked curiously. Ryder froze, staring down at the Athena camper.

"It's nobody." He lied immediately.
Nico frowned lightly once he heard Nitch's question towards Ryder. He took a feel steps backwards,not wanting to intrude in a subject that obviously didn't concern him.

His eyes shifted to the guy being carried. He made Nico wary. Somehow he knew that the demigod had a lot of power inside of him.

"We should probably leave him in a room by himself. Just to...guarantee."


Cass rose one eyebrow at that. She hadn't noticed that. Not that she ever noticed anything when she was sleeping.

"Something must be troubling him. I wish I could ask,but I don't want to be screamed at."

She quickly inspected the motel,trying to hold a frown before moving towards the counter.

"I don't think he'd scream. He'd probably tell you, he doesn't seem like the secretive type. Just the type that doesn't get asked much." Alec shrugged before looking at the second attendant. "Hey, can I get a three-bedder?" He asked hopefully, pulling out his wallet. The attendant nodded, taking his money and handing him a few keys. "Thanks."

"If you say so. I have some extra cash, I can buy him a bedroom for the night." Nitch offered. Ryder still looked troubled, and stayed silent. "Ryder? Your call." Nitch pressed.

"I don't care what you do with him. I'm going to catch up with Alec and Cass. Book my own room for the night." He said bluntly, dropping the full weight of the guy on Nitch, who stumbled, before walking off.
Nico followed Ryder with his eyes before moving to Nitch's side and helping him to support the stranger.

"Okay. Let's go."

Nico shadow teleported the three of them to the inside of the motel. As usually,the humans didn't seem to notice anything.

Nitch shuddered after they 'landed' in the motel. Shadow travelling was not his favorite mode of transportation. "Fun. Are we sharing a room, or...?" Nitch asked, blushing up to the tips of his ears.
" Get a small room for me please. " He said before he ran off to inform everyone about what has happened. After he was done he was walking towards the motel when he was grabbed and pulled into a alley. The next he knew he was being hugged by muscular arms and pushed in a wide chest, which was slightly crushing him , while drops of water hit his shoulder. Amber would have fought back if it wasn't for the familiar dark red hair. " Kai. " He muttered weakly as the taller man nuzzled his face into Amber's shoulder. " I missed you so much Bree. " The man sobbed out.

(Amber has informed everyone)
Nico smiled at Nitch's question,his face blushing lightly as well.

"It wouldn't be the first time that we sleep together."

He chuckled before moving to the counter and paying for their stay. The receptionist frowned once she saw Evan lying unconscious against them both,but made no comment on it.


Cass decided to consider what Alec told her before moving to the other attendee and booking their room. She blushed lightly when she noticed that her money would soon be gone. Most of the other campers seemed to have money enough,but she usually didn't. She pushed the frown away from her face before moving back to Alec.

"Okay,we are all set."

Alec picked up Cass' bag for her, being the polite boyfriend. "Stairs or another elevator attack?" He asked with a smirk. "I could probably go for either, exercise or making out." He teased.
"No elevator attack this time...because I need you to be rested to last the entire night."

Cass smiled sweetly to him,eyes shining playfully before she entered the elevator and waited for him inside.

Alec grinned crookedly and walked in, pressing the button and waiting. Time crawled, it felt like an eternity before it landed at their floor.

"We're a floor away from the others." He said, thinking of how dangerous it could be if there was an attack. "Hopefully, it stays quiet."

Sometimes I wish I was the son of freaking Hermes Arleos thought in annoyance as he ran down the street. Having his attention drawn elsewhere when they arrived to Pennsylvania was not doing him any favors when he heard the others say that there was a motel down the street, only to watch them shadow port out of here without anyone noticing.

Finally coming up to said motel he stopped his high paced jog into a slowing walk before he came to the motel's front door. Phew he both mentally and physically sighed. "Hermes has it lucky." He griped as he entered the building. Frankly just in time to see the others.
That made Cassandra hesitate a bit. She hoped they would be able to react in time in case something happened downstairs,or she wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

"That's okay,we just need to keep our eyes open. And ears too,preferably."

She opened the door to their room and walked inside,checking their surroundings. It really wasn't that bad. She moved close to the bed and pushed her hand against it,noticing with a laugh that it made a lot of noise.

"We are going to be bothering the neighbors tonight. Maybe the room on another floor was a good idea."

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