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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"Well, they're right below us. So it's probably worse." He admitted, smirking slightly. He sat on the bed, and cringed when he heard the most awful, dreadful creaking noise. "It sounds like a piece of metal is just slowly dying." He said, unable to stop his laughter. "God, if we move at all, the neighbors will call the cops on us." He noticed her look and paused, standing up.

"Hey, it'll be fine. Everything will be okay." He assured her.
Cass nodded,trying to relax. She had to believe that no one would die tonight or she would go crazy.

"Yeah,no point in trying to predict stuff." She went to the bed and pulled the sheets and blankets off,throwing them against the ground and making a improvised bed on the floor. She smirked wickedly to Alec once she finished her work. "Now no one can hear the bed,although I can't promise that they won't hear other stuff."

Alec's jaw dropped at her words. "You know, you are far less innocent than people make you out to be. Here I was expecting Sweet Cassandra, and I get a monster." He teased, leaning down and kissing her. "I love you." He murmured softly, pulling her into his arms. He couldn't lose her, not on this quest. It just wasn't an option.
Cassandra leaned against Alec's chest,teasing him back as she smiled up at him.

"Well...I can be innocent. How about I change rooms with Ryder and you stay here with him and I just go sleep on my own...leaving you all by yourself in this cold bedroom...thinking about me all night..."

He still didn't figured out who his dad is. He's turning fifteen tomorrow though. But for now, he's placed on Hermes' Cabin, where unclaimed demigods here can stay. The cabins are fairly empty today though. He just lied down his bed, and think about who his dad is. Meanwhile, Wally has been putting out items inside his toolbelt, a dice, a bottle of water, and a container with Tic-Tacs in it. He doesn't know how awesome to put out rational items inside a toolbelt.

Alec smirked. "Oh, Ryder is your type then? I have to say, can't blame you, he's not hard on the eyes." Alec grinned, leaning in awkwardly and kissing her neck softly. "I'll go give him a call, he'll be thrilled that you chose the macho man instead of the... Me."
Cass kissed Alec so he would stop talking,wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. Her lips were swollen she pulled back from the kiss.

"I don't care about anyone else,Alec. Let's skip through the talking."

Her smile was wicked as she stared at him,looking like she was about to set something in fire. She pulled his hands to her back and dropped them both on top of the sheets,going back to his lips as soon as they landed.



Ryder wasn't pleased when he realized he was in a room a floor above and one to the side of the others. He was much less pleased when he heard some... Less than desirable noises from the next room over. And he felt sick to his stomach when he recognized Alec's and Cass' voice. He looked around, horrified.

"Oh, gods no." He whispered, eyes wide. "I'm just going to... Leave. Quickly." He groaned, opening the door and fleeing quickly, shaking his head.
Nico got their keys and walked into the elevator,helping Nitch to carry the stranger inside. It quickly arrived to the right floor and Nico pointed to room,shifting the guy on his shoulder to carry him.

"I will drop him in the bed,he doesn't seem like he will wake up for a while."

He unlocked the room and dropped Evan on the bed as gently as he could before walking back out.

"All right,let's go to our room."

"Okay, which floor are we on?" Nitch shrugged. Before he could say anything else, he saw Ryder coming out of the elevator, eyes wide with terror. Nitch drew his sword, advancing. "What's wrong?" He asked as Ryder breezed past.

"Don't go upstairs!" Ryder said simply.

It wasn't long until the nightmares started,although this time they were fuelled by the pain from Evan's wound combined with his exhaustion.

He saw himself in the dark room again,but this time he couldn't control his moves. He knew exactly what would happen.

Get up.

Grab the knife.


Evan grabbed the sides of his head,cringing loudly as he couldn't wake up. His powers exploded,giving nightmares to all the humans in the floor and making them scream out of their lungs.
Nico pulled his sword as soon as he saw the look on Ryder's face,holding onto it tightly. But he stopped with a frown once he heard Ryder's words.

"What are you talking about? Did you see some-"

That's when the screaming started.

Nico looked around in complete shook,running into the closest bedroom on the floor and kicking the door open. The woman inside was kicking and screaming on her sleep,apparently having a nightmare.

Ryder hadn't been prepared. After hearing Alec and Cass, he had retreated to the 'common room' for a few hours of sleep. Immediately, a wave of terror rolled over him, and he was standing in front of five people. His family. His twin brothers, his mother, his abusive stepfather, and... Maggie. His little sister.

"You did this to us." She whispered, her form ghostly and unclear.

"It was an accident. I wasn't in control of what I could do." Ryder argued in a shaky voice.

"It doesn't matter. You killed us. You killed your family. The only ones in the world that ever loved you. Now you're nothing. An outsider in a group that you consider your friends. They wouldn't die for you. They'd kill you if it was convenient to them. And soon enough, it will be. You're nothing, Michael. Nothing but a weak, stupid speck." His stepfather cut in. His fists clenched at the sound of his original name.

"You're wrong." He growled. His stepfather reached out and punched Ryder, knocking him down.

"You stupid little worm!" He bellowed.

"No!" Ryder shouted, covering his face. Immediately, he woke up, more terrified than he had ever been in his life. He was surrounded by screams, apparently people who suffered the same curse as him.

Sitting in your room alone, contemplating past events and trying to think of something else to do in the dimly lit light of your room is boring. Boring can change quite quickly when you suddenly start feeling writhing agony, fear, anguish, anything related to terror really in waves, while hearing screams from every known direction.

Arleos immediately ran out of his room in the direction of where he'd heard the others voices. Pain and anger written all over his face from the screams he could hear in certain rooms that no doubt harbored sleeping normals, or the even more confused and scared people coming out to see what was going on.

Seeing Nico first he stopped right in front of him and peered into the room he was staring at, his calm demeanor melting and being replaced with anger. "
What is going on here?!" he shouted at the others. This was agonizing, who was doing any of this.
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Evan pulled the knife from his pocket,not able to control his own movements. He pointed it towards his neck,approaching it slowly. His skin started to cut,blood dripping from the wound.
Nico didn't know what else to do as he frantically looked around the rooms,begging to Thanatos that the humans would forget about this as soon they woke.

"I don't know!" He replied to Arleo's question with a shout,not sure if the Demigod could even hear him.

Think Nico. For God's sake,think.

What had changed? Everything was exactly the same. Except...

Nico didn't have to think anymore. He turned around and burst into Evan's room,just in time to see him pointing the knife to his own neck. He jumped against the man,pulling the knife away from his hands and throwing it across the room.

"Hey,what is wrong with you?!" Nico finally realized that Evan wasn't awake and paled,realizing why he was losing control. He rose his hand and slapped Evan across the face with as much strength as he could gather.

Ryder burst into the room, fuming. Nitch had told him of the guy's parentage, and he had assumed what happened. And he wasn't happy. The memory of the nightmare was vivid in his mind, haunting him. Even seeing Nico slap the guy wasn't enough to sate his anger. The potted plants in the room wilted and died in response to his anger, as they did in every room in the building. "I don't care who the hell you are. If you ever do that again, I will kill you." He snarled, unable to rid the image of his little sister from his head.
Evan's head turned to the side at Nico's violent blow,the boy's five fingers marked against his face. But he still didn't wake up.

All that caused was for him to fight harder,kicking Nico away for him. His eyes were still closed as he dragged himself towards the knife,pulling it again and placing it on top of his arm. He started to slid it up,blood dripping from the wound.
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Arleos ran into the room just in time to see Nico and Ryder trying to wake up the very source of everyone's anguish. The source of all the suffering was because of this stranger right here, and between Nico's desperate attempts and Ryder's flaring rage, none of it compared to the negativity this one guy was giving off. It was...awful to sense, even worse to feel. In fact the feeling completely dimmed out his anger entirely.

But it got even worse when he saw this guy dragging himself towards a knife like some kind of injured animal trying to shelter itself from a predator. And in an instant, before Evan could finish himself with that blade, Ars focused on all that negativity he was sensing- he was feeling from Evan and called out to him.

Stop!" his voice boomed in Evan's head. It was like thunder that moved past all the yelling and screaming all around them, and reached right out and stopped the guy right in his tracks as the blade drew more blood.

Ars didn't move after he gave that order. He wasn't sure if moving would break his power or if it would cause the guy to go a step further, even though he knew it to be ludicrous he wasn't about to take the chance.

@Rukia @KaalysBR @Play On Words

Ryder barely noticed when Arleos shouted. His hands were shaking, his face pale. He didn't wait for a response, turning on his heel and leaving the room. He'd rather listen to Alec and Cass all night than deal with this bullshit. He stormed up to his floor and walked into his room, slamming the door behind him before sitting on the bed, trying to focus.

"It was a dream. It just... Targeted the weakest part of my mind, that's all. They're dead. He's dead. I beat him, and they were just... Casualties." He whispered, his personal mantra.
In his mind,the knife wasn't pointed to his arm. It was pointed towards his mother's neck,the one he had slashed without giving it a second thought. And then it was pointed to his stepfather,the one who deserved it.

But did he deserve it? Who was
Evan to judge? Wasn't him as much of a monster as his stepfather was?

In the dream,he was begging. Begging himself to stop,begging his hands to drop the knife from his fingers. Until a voice managed to reach him in his dream,and for the first time in his life Evan heard something else in his thoughts.


But how? Evan wanted to scream back at the voice,tell him that it was too late. But he found the voice expanding in his mind until it was all he could hear,washing the dream away from him.

Evan woke up,the knife dropping from his hand. He stood panting against the room's wall,still bleeding from the cut in his arm. He didn't seem to notice it.

His eyes were red,but he didn't cry. Even in his current state he was extremely stubborn. The screaming in the floor stopped as the humans fell in a deep sleep.

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With Evan snapped out of it, Arleos immediately felt all the anguish he'd previously been feeling fade. All except for when Ryder passed by him. It was...bad to say the least what Arleos had sensed in that brief moment.

He stood there for a second debating whether he should use his abilities to calm this guy down, or turn his attention to Ryder and see if he could do anything to aid his comrade. Glancing up at Evan, Arleos frowned, he'd leave Nico to this while he went to see what was up with Ryder.

"Stay here with this one" Arleos said to Nico. "
If he starts acting up again call me. I'll see what I can do" he said glancing back to Evan before heading over to Ryder's.

Arleos didn't knock on the door immediately. He kind of just stood there, not sure what he should do. Unlike these campers he didn't know anyone here and him and Ryder weren't the best of friends or even friends at all. Buut...
He grimaced a bit at the levels of anxiety and paranoia he could sense... It doesn't look good in there.

He sighed, lifted a hand up, retracted it. Then spoke. "
Ryder" he said in a clear voice through the door, then waited for a response.

@Rukia @Play On Words @KaalysBR

Ryder looked up, eyes bloodshot from the effort of not crying. He took a deep breath, standing up and walking toward the door. He opened it and looked at Arleos. He looked him up and down, confused. "Yes?" He asked, fighting to keep his voice steady.
Evan didn't seem to hear Arleos,or anything else for that matter. He still stood against the floor,looking down at his hands and expecting to see blood on it. But there was none. Except for his own.

His eyes looked dead as he turned them to the window,focusing on the dark sky above him.
Nico sighed with relief as the screaming around the motel stopped. He could hear the loud sounds of snoring now,all the humans seemingly calm again.

He walked over to Evan slowly,kicking the dagger away from him. He wasn't very worried about being attacked,but he was afraid that the guy could try to stab himself again.

Nico kneeled on the ground,holding Evan's bloody arm. He cleaned the cut gently before wrapping bandages around it.

"You never told us your name."

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