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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Toni writhed, struggling to get free. Hours before, a few masked assholes had burst in, grabbing her and stringing her up by her wrists, healing her abdomen quickly. It all felt wrong, more terrifying than being tied up. After a while, a different figure came in, this one a woman, and appraised her.

"Yes, you'll do nicely." She said thoughtfully.

"Sorry, lady. I don't swing that way. Find yourself someone else." Toni said, looking wildly for an escape. The woman didn't react to the sarcasm.

"Time for my fun." She crooned. She made a gesture, and one of her attendants wheeled in a cart with various weapons. Toni swallowed hard, foreseeing what was about to happen to her. The woman picked up a small knife and used it to slice open Toni's shirt, revealing the white tank top she wore under. In a slash, the woman made a long cut on Toni's arm, making her groan, gritting her teeth. She wouldn't scream, they wouldn't get that satisfaction. "A strong one. Ares spawn. Let's see how long it takes for you to break." The woman offered, making an identical cut on the other arm.

"Ah!" Toni gasped, unable to stop herself. Another slash, this time right below her collarbone. She knew she was making it worse for herself by being so tense, every muscle in her body rigid, but it was hard to relax. Before she could take a breath, the woman mirrored the cut. "Well, if nothing else, you're symmetrical." Toni managed to say. She was biting her lip hard to keep from crying out. After two more cuts on her chest, she spat in the woman's face, a mixture of blood and saliva.

"Oh, that's it." The woman snarled, gripping the dagger and shoving it up to the hilt in Toni's shoulder. She couldn't help it. She screamed, her entire body rejecting the pain. She prayed for unconsciousness or death, anything to stop it. And at the same time, her eyes searched for Max, needing something to keep her sane.

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Max struggled against the binds."'You mother fuckers! I'll kill you all!" he said in rage, he couldn't stand seeing her hurt "Don't give up!" he called to Toni. He yelled and spat at their captors, trying to free himself.
Isabelle walked into Ryder's room quietly. She saw the carnage that took place, she gasped backing into the door. "Ryder?" she whispered. She saw him in bed. No response. Good. She walked into the bathroom to do what she had intended, as she turned on the tap and filled up a cup. She popped the pills into her mouth and swallowed them with the water hoping not to wake him up. She did it in his room so she didn't get caught by everyone in the other room. (Maybe he could like hear her and catch her with them?)

Toni forced her head up, glaring at the woman. "Is that... The best you can do?" She panted, giving Max a bloody smile.

"Not quite." The woman smiled. She traced the knife down Toni's face, and Toni couldn't hide her fear.

"Before being so sweet, shouldn't you buy me dinner first?" She asked steadily. Sarcasm. Final defense of the dying. The woman just smirked, flicking the dagger across her cheek, leaving a slight scratch. Toni grunted, but stayed silent otherwise.

"One more word, girl. I'll cut out your eye." The woman whispered, just loud enough for Max to overhear. "And the same goes for you, boy. Another peep from you, and you can watch me slit her pretty throat." She continued, trailing the knife down Toni's stomach, leaving a long cut in its wake. Toni groaned, her body folding in on itself.


Ryder opened his eyes at the sound of movement in his room. He got out of the bed, rubbing his eyes, and followed the source of the noise. Izzy was in his bathroom, popping pills.

"This certainly isn't my normal kind of dream." He said uncertainly, staring at her with an eyebrow raised. "Just one question: Do I even want to know?"

He writhed in rage. he kept silent. he looked at Toni in they eyes, trying to give her something to focus on.


she jumped back, shrieking slightly. she fell to the floor, the container falling of the sink , rolling to his foot,the capsules spilling out. she looked up at him in fear

Ryder bent down to pick up the pill bottle, helping her with his other hand. His mind was still a bit foggy from the whiskey, but he was steady on his feet, and could help her up easily before inspecting the bottle. "Prozac." He murmured, the name sounding familiar.

They're anti-depressants. He realized, offering them to her. "It's none of my business." He assured her with a smile. "Everyone deserves their privacy."


Toni stared dully at Max, barely able to keep her eyes open. Just when she was about to pass out, the woman reached out with her bare hand for Toni's forehead, ignoring her when she tried to duck away. Her touch immediately healed Toni, who gasped when she felt whole again.

"I wouldn't want you to die on me. No, no, no. I'm going to bring you an inch closer every time before bringing you back." The woman crooned, and Toni went pale.

"Wow, and I thought I was a bitch." She said without thinking. The scars from the cuts stayed, but they were healed. Instead of the bleeding wounds, there was just a stark white line for each one. The woman pressed the knife right above Toni's eye. "Oh, right. Eye threat. Whoops." She panted, trying to inch away without success.

"I'll be merciful. Once." The woman offered. She slashed the knife down, making a deep cut from Toni's forehead to below her eye, but fortunately avoided the eye itself. Toni screamed once again, the pain too intense for her to handle. Blood was leaking freely down her face, making her feel sick to her stomach. Blood didn't bother her, unless it was enough to make her bleed out.

"no, no. they um, I just...." she hid her face feeling ashamed. her hair covered her face and she put her hands on her head, not knowing what to do. she held back tears of shame.


His eyes twitched "You are a disgrace to the Apollo family!" he shouted out, deducing it from her healing abilities. Rage was clouding his mind, he couldn't control himself. "Come here and show me what you can do, come on! or are you scared to make our father angry by hurting someone he cares more about?!" he hissed as he tried to get off the pole.
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"Hey. It's nothing to be embarrassed about." He assured her, not sure what to do. He slowly and awkwardly wrapped his arms around her, copying what he had seen others do while comforting people. "I'd never judge you, I don't exactly have the right to, all things considered. Don't be ashamed."


"Apollo?! Apollo is a bastard god!" The woman screamed back. She brandished the knife, pressing it against Toni's throat, who immediately froze. "Say one more word. You'll watch her die, knowing it was your fault, her blood would be on your hands!" The woman continued in a silky smooth voice. She put some pressure on the knife. Toni winced as it broke skin, and a drop of blood escaped. She silently prayed for Max to fall silent, he'd only make it worse.

He dropped his head, and smirked, all things considered. He had touched a nerve. He knew to use it later.


"I...you can't tell anyone" she sobbed gently, feeling comfort in his arms. she was scared of people finding out, they couldn't know. her mind was racing with all the possible situations that could happen. everyone looking at her differently. in her head she felt Ryder was already going to try to stay away from her.

Toni sagged slightly as the woman removed the knife. "Not the biggest fan of Sun Boy?" She scoffed. The woman ignored her, instead placing a deep cut on her arm. She groaned, teeth grit. "That's surprising. Most Greeks worship at his feet." She gasped out, following Max's lead. The woman's face hardened, but she said nothing, mirroring the cut. "Strong and silent type. I can appreciate that. I prefer strong and loud, though." Toni kicked out behind herself, getting support on the wall and using it to propel herself forward, slamming her foot into the woman's stomach. The woman groaned, hunching over, before straightening up, eyes filled with fire.

"You aren't worth the trouble." She snarled, gripping one of the larger knives and shoving it into Toni's midsection. Toni gasped, unable to voice her pain. The woman left the room with her cart, rubbing her stomach lightly.

"Fuck!" Toni hissed, staring at the knife. "Instant regret."


"It's not my secret to tell. But nobody here would judge you, you need to know that. I won't tell anyone, that's a promise." Ryder said, rubbing her arm gently and letting her cry into his chest for the second time in two days.

"Toni" he yelled out when the woman was gone. "Oh,Toni "he said, hoping she was still conscious. he struggled, by now his wrists had rope burn, but he was able to use his powers to keep the pain at bay, but he was too weak to actually heal it. The ropes were a little looser after constant struggling for almost 24 hours, but were far from escapable. he couldn't keep his eyes off her. Even now she was so beautiful, it brought him comfort.


"It's so hard. I don't have anyone to talk to about it. Chiron is too busy for me. My father doesn't talk to me. I don't even know my old life! I don't have any good memories, just...this." she gestured to herself, a broken husk of a girl.

"I'm okay. The knife's still in, slows blood flow." She managed. She waited warily before pulling up like a sit-up bar, trying to reach the knife with her manacled hand. "It's in for now." She shrugged, fumbling with the knife carefully, hoping she wouldn't give herself from terrible internal damage. "If I can get it out, I can probably get out of here--" She broke off as her grip slipped, and she knocked the knife, pushing it upward and making the wound worse. She lost her focus and fell back to her chained position, breathing heavily through the pain. "So that didn't work." She gasped, hanging with a resigned expression.


"Chiron doesn't care about the campers like he used to. And sometimes not knowing about your life can be a blessing. I envy that about you. You got a clean slate. You don't remember any of the terrible things you may've done before it happened. And the gods are all shitty parents. But you can talk to me." He offered hesitantly.

"Ryder and the rest will be here soon, don't worry. I know they will. we just need to push through it, then we can go back to camp half blood and we can lay in our cabins forever." he said. that's what he would like. he couldn't get sleep like this. it was impossible.


"Thank you Ryder" she looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. she sniffled, and rested her head on his chest. she was worn out from the day week. "was your life really that bad?" she asked softly, hoping he didn't get angry at her. she couldn't deal with him being angry at her at this point. he is all she had to keep going.

"I'll kick his ass if he stops for anything. I don't like this chick, she's better with a knife than me." Toni grunted, breathing heavily. "Second time on this quest I've been stabbed in the gut, and I'm really not liking the role I play." She admitted.


"For a six year old kid? Probably wasn't healthy." He wasn't sure if she was asking him to go into depth. He fell silent, waiting for her to explain further. He felt like a turtle, slow and stupid. "Not a typical entrance into the world, I guess."

"Toni...how are you making jokes after all that? I wouldn't even be conscious. You are amazing" she chuckled slightly.


"what happened?" she asked cautiously. she could hear his heart beating from in his chest, it was a soothing sound. she knew all Demi-gods had a bad life, but at least they didn't feel like they were born when they were 12.

"Sarcasm. Final defense of the dying." She said, voicing her sarcastic thoughts. "And I'm just a special girl like that." She gave him a wicked grin.


"I... Killed my family. When I was six." Ryder said softly, staring at the wall behind her to avoid seeing her eyes. "That's... Those were the graves I was looking at, back home. My mother, stepfather, younger twin brothers, and youngest sister." He whispered.

"You are very special. I'm glad to have known you. I mean, to know you. cause, we are still alive. and we will stay alive. I'll shut up now." he said feeling like an idiot.


"oh-oh my gods, Ryder...I had no idea." she said her eyes wide. she looked at him "I...I'm so sorry" she said tears filling her eyes. "I didn't know." she held onto him.

"Hey, I'm all for hoping for the best and preparing for the worst, but I have no intention of dying in a dungeon, I have standards that rate at least Camp Half-Blood." She said firmly, staring at the chains and trying to ignore the large knife sticking out of her. The pain was impossible to not think about.


"It's fine. No reason to apologize. It happens to people like us sometimes. We're born with these stupid, deadly powers and have no idea how to control them until we're trained, but nobody thought about the little kids that were at home, having no idea what they were, who lost control." He said, closing his eyes and seeing his stepfather's ugly, angry face in his mind, about to kill his little sister.

"I would hate to be a downer, but you might have to lower those standards. we are demigods, we don't tend to die peacefully at home, most do die in dungeons. but we wont die like this, I can assure you that" he said, actually believing it for some reason.


She saw him close his eyes. she put her hand on his face "Ryder, listen, you aren't at fault. I don't know what happen but like you said you lost control. We are demigods, we are designed to do that when we sense danger. we have all done things in the past that we regret..."' she didn't mention anything about what she has done. "even me." she looked into his eyes "You are not a bad person Ryder, no matter what people at camp say. you are leading a quest full of demigods, and getting closer than anyone else ever could. You risked your life for people you don't even know are alive..." she said thinking of Max, which brought tears to her eyes but she blinked through them and kept going "You are amazing, and whatever you have done in the past doesn't define you now" she said to him

"I beat the odds, baby. Bet you five drachmas, I'll die of old age at Camp." She challenged, feeling her strength sap slightly. She hung uncomfortably, eyelids drooping. "Hasta." She muttered, passing out.


"All I know is, if I die on this quest... I'm living on borrowed time anyways. When I go, I won't have any regrets." Ryder said firmly. He couldn't believe her, his mind just rejected it. Sure, he had been a kid, and sure, he hadn't known what he was doing. But it didn't change the fact that he had killed his little sister, his brothers, even his mother. His stepfather's death wasn't any source of regret to him, but the rest certainly were.

he sighed, "I think I'm in love" he said and tried just hung their.


"You already did die on this quest" she reminded him "That's how dedicated you are to saving people you probably never talked to." she said, and looked at him intently "You are probably one of the most gold hearted people I know. why do you try to hide it?"

"Hey, you know what they say. Third time's the charm." He chuckled. "Gold-hearted isn't a word that describes me. I prefer cold-hearted. Or black-hearted. Or just 'asshole' works." He offered. "I'm dedicated to finding Toni and Max. As for the others... Sure, I hope we get them back. But they aren't my priority."
"Even then, you had yourself killed for them"...."from experience, I can say you are far from those three things." she smiled softly at him.

"Well, the only logical explanation, then, is that you need more experience. I knew I wouldn't die. Probably. I trusted Nitch. Which is really weird for me." He noted.
"Then I guess we will have to agree to disagree." she giggled, surprising herself. she felt good right now, but didn't know why. a feeling she never felt before. "So um...what happened to your room?" she looked out the bathroom door and saw a broken potted plant.

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