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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Delta had travelled for a few days with the satyr. They had finally reached the Camp and now she found herself living there.

She was sitting by a large tree close to the cabin she had been assigned, apparently it was tradition that everyone unclaimed stayed

in the hermes cabin. Reading the poems on the pages in front of her, she thought about her fathers identity. Once upon a time she

would have dismissed it, with no real interest but now she admitted to herself a small curiosity.

Closing the book, she decided to go and get something to eat. Walking towards the cabin for food, she also pulled out a chocolate bar

from her things. She had come prepared. Thinking back to the gods she knew most gods claimed their children after certain quests etc.

She wondered when her time would come but for now she was happy to train.
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Aria LeBlanche.

First thing and mainly her prominent thing to do every time she opens her eyes was immediately change and get out of the cabin she was stuck in for her whole life. All pink and pretty, roses everywhere and the worst thing it smelt as if a crap ton of perfume bottle fell and cracked open. Each time she enters she ends up either with a headache or her hay fever acting up, being a child of Aphrodite didn't seem like a good match for her but her looks and attire begged the differ. Making her way into some sport shorts, trainers and her CHB orange t-shirt, she tied her golden waves into a side braid before heading out she made sure her locket, which was her weapon was round her neck.

Aria made her usual jog around the lake, smelling the fresh grass and the water was always better than all the perfume she inhales during the night which unfortunately gets stuck to her clothing.


Ryder rubbed his tired eyes. Once again, he had spent the entire night planning out the quest instead of sleeping, and he was exhausted. He stifled a yawn behind his hand, feeling a light smattering of stubble across his jaw. He grimaced, walking into the bathroom and shaving quickly before going around the motel, knocking on the rooms with the quest members in it. For his own sake, he saved Alec and Cass' room for last, and didn't stick around to wait for them to open the door.


Nitch woke up as someone knocked at the door, presumably Ryder. He reached out and tapped Nico's shoulder gently. "Time to wake up." He groaned, sitting up.
Cass opened her eyes slowly in the morning,feelings the arms of Alec still wrapped around her body. She smirked once the memories came back to her,a light blush appearing in her face. Her hair was splattered all over her face and she was already cringing at how hard it would be to fix it.

Turning to more important thoughts,she rolled around and kissed Alec softly.

"Good morning,sleepyhead."


Nico was moving in his sleep,trashing around in the bed with a deep frown. He hadn't been affected by Evan's powers last night,but they reached him as soon as he closed his eyes. He didn't wake when Nitch tapped his shoulder,looking about to fall off the bed.

Kara and Blair jerked awake when they heard the knock at the door. "Why did nobody tell us that being in a quest involves waking up early?" Kara whined.

"I'm sure they would've, if we were supposed to go on the quest." Blair said neutrally.

"Fair point. Bathroom dibs." Kara shrugged, walking wearily into the bathroom


Alec opened his eyes slowly, smiling when he saw Cass. "Morning, beautiful." He said, rubbing his eyes. They were still lying in the makeshift bed on the floor, which was infinitely quieter than the actual bed. "How did you sleep?" He asked softly, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

Nitch frowned at Nico's thrashing, reacting too slow. One of his legs flew up, kicking Nitch in the stomach and pushing him off the bed. He groaned, holding his gut. "Ow." He breathed, standing up with some effort and gripping each of Nico's wrists. "Nico! Wake up!" He said loudly in the boy's ear.

One wouldn't think that the son of the God of Sleep would have insomnia,but
Evan definitely had. He had stayed the entire night awake in the cafe,drinking and feeling like he had been hit by a train. At least he wasn't drunk anymore.

He pushed himself away from the chair in the bar,taking a quick look at Arleos and Alexx.

"Well,see you guys at the hotel. I need to go...pack,I guess."

He held a yawn before walking away from the cafe,stumbling a bit until he reached the reception. Dropping in the nearest chair,he wondered what to do next.

While waiting for the shower, Blair jogged down to reception, hoping to find some kind of coffee machine. She happened to notice a young guy sitting at one of the chairs, and recognized him immediately as the guy from the train station. According to Kara, he was the one who had made her have her nightmare about being engulfed in light, her biggest fear. The main reason she hated Apollo kids. Her father was the god of darkness, why wouldn't she hate light? Either way, she sat beside him and smiled pleasantly.

"Evan, right?" She said cheerfully.
Nico stood at the camp again,running away in the forest. He was thirteen at the time,and the Ares camper was much bigger than he was. Running was something he was good at,but his legs were much shorter. The Ares camper was so close...

He didn't think about it twice. He just panicked as he rose one hand and started to strangle the bully with his shadows until the guy was starting to look blue,but Nico didn't stop.

The memory was pulled away from him once he heard Nitch's voice and woke up with low gasp. It took sometime for him to realize where he was.

"I'm...okay. Sorry. Did I hurt you?"

He held onto Nitch with a worried expression,checking him over.


Cass smiled at the question,pulling herself so she could be a little closer to Alec.

"Thanks to you I didn't sleep much at all." She chuckled before burying her face in his neck. "Someone is a natural."

Nitch smiled, shaking his head. "I've had worse. Just a sucker... Kick? Suckerkick? Is that a word?" He asked curiously. "I don't think it is. Anyways. What happened, a bad dream?" He asked curiously. His own sleep had been plagued with nightmares, mostly of his parents. He did have a picture of his father, and knew what his mother looked like. So his nightmares always consisted of them, laughing at him and telling him that they didn't want him, so on and so forth.

Alec blushed bright red. "You know, if we're not out of this room in like five minutes, Ryder will most definitely barge in." He chuckled, holding her close. "And I respect the guy, I like the guy... But I think that's a line that he and I won't cross and time soon. Or ever." He teased.
Isabelle had fallen asleep in Ryder's room. after Ryder left she took a quick shower then realized her bag was in the main motel room. she started freaking out, and she rushed around Ryder's room with a towel around her. she found one of his drachma's and turned on the sing, making mist, she threw the drachma in "Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Ryder Miller"

Ryder was returning to the motel room when he noticed a shimmering to his left. He turned, frowning. His jaw dropped slightly when the first thing he noticed was Izzy in nothing but a towel. He politely averted his gaze to the wall behind the message, and smiled.

"Yea, what's up?" He asked awkwardly.
"Uh, I, um" she blushed, but she couldn't think of any other way to get her clothes. "Could you get my bag from the main room please? It has all my things..." she looked at her feet blushing

"Yea. I'll be back in five minutes." He nodded. He noticed a couple mortals turning the corner. "Hold on." He said, swiping through the connection and turning on his heel quickly, not wanting to be seen. He jogged to the main room and picked up what he remembered to be Izzy's bag before returning to his room. He cracked open the door and whistled lowly. "Bag delivered." He said. "Is the shower free now?"

Evan cringed lightly once he heard someone talking to him,the voice making waves of pain go through his hungover head. Why the hell was someone talking to him? He was about to turn around and tell the person to go away until he recognized her face.


He knew her now,of course. He heard the dreams of every mind he had influenced last night. But her dream was one of the strangest he had ever seen. Why would someone be afraid of light? He pushed those thoughts away before replying.

"Yeah I'm...Evan. Sorry about last night. Did you come to scream or punch me in the face? I guess I can take both."

Blair saw that he seemed a bit sensitive to noise, and lowered her voice. "No need to apologize. Not going to scream or punch. I was just looking for some coffee, and based on the strong smell of alcohol on you, you could use some too." She shrugged nonchalantly. She didn't get angry easily. Besides, it was probably an accident, and it happened. Not everyone had full control of their powers.

"So did you see the dreams, or just cause them?" She continued.
Isabelle got dressed and brushed her teeth and hair. siling when she was done, she put her backpack on her back and walked out the door.

Ryder smiled pleasantly at Izzy when she walked out before walking into the motel. He was exhausted, he needed something to wake him up. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, relishing the hot water the second it touched him. It was scalding, almost burning his cold skin.

Arleos woke up with a snort. He found himself sleeping in a chair just in front of his bed within the chambers of his own room. After the talk with Evans and that other girl he assumed he must have came back up here to rest but fell asleep in a chair.

Running his hands through his face, Arleos went straight to the bathroom in his room and within a few minutes later, was out. Deciding to check up on Evan and possibly Ryder also, he exited his room and headed down the hall.

Ryder rinsed the suds out of his hair quickly before turning off the shower and stepping out, wrapping a towel around his waist. He walked out to the room and searched through his bags for his first-aid kit, pulling it out and grabbing a needle and thread. He looked down toward the large wound on his chest, covered by a bandage, and ripped off the gauze. It was unstitched, and ached like hell every time he moved. He stabbed himself with the needle, grunting, and slowly started to stitch himself back together again.

frowned at that. Another person being nice to him just for the hell of it. What was this,charity month in the United States? Or maybe he was just an asshole that saw second intentions in everyone.

"Yeah I...could use the coffee." He considered lying for a moment about the dreams. But honestly,what would be the point? He didn't really want to manipulate these people. They made his head hurt but they were really nice. "I did see the dreams,I'm weird as that. There are some that I really wish I could forget. But yours...will you go back on the "no punching" promise if I ask why you are afraid of light?
Isabelle remembered her meds. she walked got up and power walked into down the hall. she opened the door to the room. "Ryder?"

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