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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Ryder jumped up and made sure his towel was secure when Izzy walked in. "It's fine. I was just... Sewing." He chuckled, gesturing to the stab wound on his chest. "I'm covered, it's fine." He assured her.

Blair shrugged. "My father is Erebus, god of darkness. My biggest fears are fire and Apollo. One thing they have in common, they're both... Really bright. I'm not scared of light, it just makes my skin crawl." She admitted, walking over to the coffee machine and filling up two cups, handing one to him. "Enjoy." She chuckled, taking a sip and grimacing. "Wow, that's... Pretty disgusting." She laughed.
"Right" she said smirking, her hair covering most of her face but one of her eyes obviously eyeing him before she walked into the bathroom. what in tartarus was that?! she thought to herself, as she shook her head and fixed her hair, before taking her medication. she looked at her self in the mirror, frowning a bit, before walking outside. "So uh, I'll just be going?"

"Erebus." Evan repeated the name,the dream finally making sense to him. Just thinking of all that light was making his head hurt. "I get it now. My father is Morpheus,although I guess that last night made that really obvious. Nice to meet you,Blair."

He took the coffee in his hands,inspecting it.

"It's not half as disgusting as the whiskey I drank last night. Or was it this morning? Ah,whatever. A toast to darkness,may all the light in the world go fuck itself." He smirked ironically as he rose his cup to Blair.
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"Yea, not the hardest guess I've ever had to make. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." She said in a mock-formal voice.

"Hey, whiskey isn't bad. And I can cheers to that. Fuck light, go dark." She smirked, tapping her cup to his. He seemed like a nice enough guy, overall.

"You can stay, it's not a big deal." Ryder shrugged. He resumed his stitching with his teeth grit. He accidentally missed and poked the open wound itself, making him spit out a curse.

"Fucking hell!" He grunted, clenching his fist.

smirked as Blair hit her cup against his. Another person that apparently didn't hate him. What a weird day that was. He reached for the napkins in the table distractedly,hitting his hand against it and making them dropped on the floor. He rolled his eyes at his own clumsiness before stretching his arm to pick them.

A sound of something tearing popped in his arm and Evan sighed through his nose,seeing the blood from the cut he had done to himself. The wound was open again.

"Can you...do stitches? I apparently can't." He frowned,feeling uncomfortable for having to ask for help right after he met this girl.

"Well, I'm no Apollo camper, but I've done it before, didn't end up too bad. I can certainly give it my best shot, I have a first-aid kit in my bag." She offered, pulling out the kit and looking for the wound. She noticed blood on his arm and nodded. "On your arm? Yea, I can do that, no problem." She smirked.

"In case I start screaming,please pretend that you didn't hear it and that I'm being very mainly."

Evan pulled his sleeve upwards,allowing her to see the cut. He frowned once he realized that it was deeper and uglier than he had initially thought. That was really close. If Arleos hadn't stopped him...

He ignored the voice in his head,stretching his arm for Blair.

"Ouch. That probably didn't feel good." She noted, inspecting the wound. "This will need some antiseptic or it will get infected." She purposely avoided asking how it happened, not sure if it was a personal issue. Instead, she pulled out some antiseptic and dabbed it on the wound with her gentlest touch, knowing that it hurt. "Sorry." She murmured, pulling out the needle and threading it quickly. "This will hurt." She continued softly, beginning to stitch.
"Oh my god are you okay?!" Isabelle rushed to him "Do you need any nectar and ambrosia?" she asked with a worried look on her face

Evan closed his hand in a fist,but that was his only acknowledgment of pain when Blair started to work on his arm. That was a weird thing to say,but pain was comforting for him. If he was feeling it,he knew that he was still alive and sane and not madly drooling in some dark corner.

"It's okay,I can take it." He turned his eyes away. The crimson blood affected him much more than the pain itself. "Have you...seen Ryder today? I sent him some dreams that were...not nice at all. I want to apologize,although I guess he would try to ruin my pretty face and- Ouch." He cringed a little when Blair hit a particular soft spot,but didn't move.

"Yea, I'm fine." Ryder grunted. "Just not very good at this." He laughed, taking a break. "No godly food for me, I want to recover from this like a human for once." He said firmly.
"Really? the one wound you choose to recover from like a human is a wound that killed you temporarily" she rolled her eyes and took out a some God food, extending her arm to him. "here, take it. seriously."

"Shit, sorry." She said, focusing completely. "Ryder? I haven't seen him, but I'm sure he's in his room. He won't hurt you, you know. I'm in his cabin back at Camp, he's not a bad guy. Misunderstood, for the most part. I don't like him because I know he could kick my ass if he wanted to. But I know he wouldn't." She said, looking up at him as she finished the stitching.

"Worst part's over. Let me cover it." She said with a smile, pulling out a roll of gauze and carefully covering the cut. "Perfect, if I do say so myself. Not bad for someone with almost no experience, huh?" She teased, rolling his sleeve down.

Ryder looked at the food and hesitated. He knew that if there was a battle in California, he would have to be at full strength. With that in mind, he took the ambrosia, winking at her.

"You win." He sighed, feeling the pain subside almost immediately. He let out a sigh of relief, watching the wound shrink slightly. He pulled out the stitches with a wince, noticing that the wound had already almost turned into nothing but a stark white scar, which he'd probably be stuck with for the rest of his life.
She cracked a small smile when he winked at her. She couldn't help it. "Another one to add to the collection" she giggled motioning to the scar. she really felt comfortable around him now. smiling around him was as natural as breathing.

Ryder looked down at his torso, which was covered in scars. "I might lose it soon. Either that, or I'll just collapse into a pile of old wounds." He laughed, standing up. "Here, let me put on some clothes." He said, grabbing his bag and walking back into the bathroom. He was back out in about thirty seconds, wearing a pair of black jeans and a shirt that felt a bit too small and tight. He used a pocketknife to expand the neckline before walking back out.
She walked out after him, super excited to go to california. "So, why california?" she asked, wondering what his plan was.

Evan inspected the stitches with a face of mocking criticism,watching his arm intently.

"My arm may or may not fall in three days. Besides that,pretty good work." He teased Blair before allowing her to pull his sleeve up. She mentioned Ryder being able to kick her ass and he simply nodded,going along with that. He wasn't about to admit that he was pretty good himself,although his experience came from fighting on the streets from more than ten years. These people were nice and all,but trust took time. "Don't worry. If he touches you,I will send him dreams about bunnies and warm light. That would surely terrify him."

He leaned back in his chair,considering her words.

"How is Camp Half-Blood,anyway? Nice place?"
Finally, the bus had arrived.He woke the satyr Zeke and dragged him onto the bus. I'm getting closer to them. I can feel it. Mixed emotions were running through his mind as he went over jow he was going to approach them.
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"Terrifies me just thinking about it." She laughed. "He wouldn't dare hurt me, Erebus is a bit of a big deal, wouldn't want to risk the wrath." She said cryptically before thinking about his question.

"Camp Half-Blood is for people who are good at being a Demigod. People like Cassandra and Alec and Kara. People like me don't really fit in. So you should probably ask someone better equipped to answer." She said slowly. She shook her head. "Do you know where Ryder's room is? If you awnt to talk to him, I can show you."

"According to my father, that's where the kidnapper is. And where Toni and Max and all the others are. Still haven't figured out the best mode of transportation, although we're probably going to shadow travel for as much of it as possible. Between me, Nico, and Blair, we can get some distance." He smirked.

Evan rose one eyebrow at her reply,imagining exactly what kind of Demigod he would be in Camp Half-blood.

"I am the weird ass guy that terrifies people by sending them their worst nightmares. I guess I would be the type that didn't fit in. And that got stabbed in the first week." He hesitated a bit at her question. The reason for his hesitance to see Ryder wasn't fear for his life. He just knew that the leader guy would kick him out. And he wasn't looking forward for that,because these people were starting to grow on him. He liked them. "Yeah,I guess I should see him. Let's go."

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