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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


glance caught the blush in Isabelle's face and he couldn't help but smirk a little. The one virgin in the country was standing by his side,apparently in love with Ryder. He kept that information for himself before sitting in one of the chairs in the bar.

"I want your number,but I will settle for orange juice." The waitress smirked to him at that.

Ryder raised an eyebrow at Evan, waiting until the waitress walked away before speaking. "She's like thirty." He said, staring at him curiously. "And we're going to be here for like an hour before we're out of Pennsylvania." He continued slowly. "If you can seal the deal that fast, you'd be a role model to men around the country."
C squinted at the door when he heard knocking, and then heard Ryder's voice as he moved onto the next demi-god next door. For once, C hadn't slept deeply through the entire night and missed everything. Well, he still missed everything, but for a different reason. He had muttered complaints the whole way to the motel about having to walk the whole way, but eventually found his room and had barely crashed onto the bed when he was woken violently by a nightmare. He had dreamed of a twisted version of the day he'd been sent to Camp Half-Blood. In it, his mom had shielded his younger brothers from him as if he was a monster sent to destroy them, yelling for help and screaming insults at him when he tried to reason with her and convince him that he was her son. The worst of it had been when his mom had slapped him when he got too close, claiming that her real children were worth protecting more than him.

C hadn't gone back to sleep after that, and the screams coming from all around him hadn't made him want to. He had only stayed in bed all night, hiding in his room. Now though C dragged himself up, feeling terrible and sure his appearance showed that. He took a quick shower that didn't help anything and avoided looking in the mirror as he shuffled towards the door. C needed some coffee, even though he didn't like the stuff. He took the elevator down to the first floor, feeling weirdly off balance the whole time, and walked into the nearest cafe. He didn't feel like himself. He hadn't had a nightmare like that in almost two full years.
Isabelle giggled at that. It was true. But the waitress was pretty, no denying that. Her stomach growled again and she blushed, giggling.

frowned when Ryder mentioned her age.

"So what? Women age like fine wine." A smirk pulled the corner of his lips at those last words. "Was that a challenge? I think I smelled a challenge."

He pushed himself up and followed the waitress into the kitchen.

Ryder laughed, watching him go. "I think that was my second grade teacher." He admitted, holding back more laughter. Every time Ryder entered the mortal world, he acted like a typical guy, he flirted a little. But he normally kept it to his own age group, and he never really acted on it. Still, his cheeks hurt from grinning so much over the course of the quest, he had never... Enjoyed being around people so much.

"Wow." He said simply, plucking a napkin from the dispenser and pulling a pen from his pocket, sketching on the weak paper.
"gross" Isabelle groaned and rolled her eyes. "They are gonna contaminate our food." she looked at him "Whatcha doin?" she asked.



(New face claim? Yes, no, maybe?)

"Just... Drawing." Ryder said, dipping his finger in his drink and smudging one of the lines slightly, eyes focused. The drawing wasn't nearly as good as it would've been on actual paper, but it wasn't his worst. It was an older woman, who looked slightly similar to Ryder himself.

Demetrius took a seat a few spaces away from Ryder and the griup. When the waitress xame to him he asked for omelet and asked to get omelet for everybody at the table a gew spaces from his."Tell them, compliment to Demetrius." Excitement was bubbling through him as he watched the group converse and they not being able to recognize him.
C stopped in the entrance when he saw that some of the others were already there. He hesitated, and glanced behind him, very tempted to make a hasty retreat and take the elevator back upstairs. He wasn't really in the mood to interact with anyone, and doubted he had enough energy to even be sarcastic. After standing there for what felt like a few minutes and almost getting trampled by a family of five, he sighed deeply and made his way to their table. Where would he sit if he didn't sit with them? At a table by himself? Yeah, like they wouldn't notice. C dropped down roughly in an empty seat and kept his eyes on the table.
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Ryder hesitated, not sure whether to answer or not. "It's my mother." He admitted softly, reaching into his inside jacket pocket and pulling out a photograph, laying it beside the napkin carefully. It was the same woman, in the same pose, with the same soft smile at the camera. He pulled out another picture and showed it to her. A group photo with his entire family, where Ryder, or at that time, Michael, was easily recognized, the only one in the family with his grey eyes and light brown hair.​

came back from the kitchen twenty minutes later looking absolutely terrified. His hair seemed like it had been hit by a tornado,red lipstick all over his face.

"Holy shit,guys. Don't ask." He looked like he was having war flashbacks as he cleaned the lipstick away.


Ryder looked up and smirked. "Wasn't going to. C stole your seat." He noted, taking another napkin and handing it to him. "Try that." He offered, holding back a smile. "Get it wet, lipstick doesn't come off faces easily." He noted.​
"wow...she's beautiful. they all are." she said softly, putting her hand on his. she wanted to comfort him, she could nevr understand what he was feeling, but she wanted to make it better.

He murmured before getting some water for the lipstick. "Not that I can't pull the red lipstick look. Who is C?"

He looked around and saw the new guy,paling lightly. He recognized C immediately from his dream. That guy's nightmare was something else. He felt sick just thinking about it.

"I'll just...go grab a chair." He moved away quickly,suddenly needing time by himself.


Ryder smiled slightly, tucking the pictures back into his jacket and turning the napkin over, sketching his six-year old self. Missing his two front teeth, just like every cliche ever. The picture had been taken about a week before he left Manchester. Twelve years of living in New York, and he still had a British accent.​
Isabelle made a puking motion at the idea of what just happened in the kitchen "Gross" she muttered. "I don't think I have an appetite anymore." she rolled her eyes.
C glanced up as the guy moved away, blinking curiously at his reaction. He paused, remembering that he'd taken Nitch hostage, and now he was... friends with everyone? Well, whatever. He shifted his gaze to Ryder and Isabelle. "Has the waitress come by yet?"

Seeing Ryder a bit occupied at the moment and Evan moving away, Arleos decided to approach C since he was the only one who could sense what the guy was going through. Getting up and excusing himself he moved over to C's position.

She's been here. I can signal her for you if you want."

@S n o w


Ryder smirked. "Yea, but I think Evan here scared her away." He admitted, not looking up. He heard a noise and tore his eyes from the drawing, seeing a new waitress with four plates of omelets.

"Compliments of a Demetrius?" She said, handing them out. Ryder denied his, jaw clenched.

"I'm going to take a walk." He growled, crumpling up the napkin and tossing it in the first trashcan he saw before leaving the cafe.​
"wait what?" she got up and followed him "Ryder what's wrong? who is demetrius?" She frowned, his mood changed so quickly, she was worried about him
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"An annoyance." Ryder said simply. "And someone who can't keep his nose out of other people's business. And he's in the diner if you want to meet him, I don't." He grunted, heading back to the motel.​

sat on the corner of the bar,pulling a cigarette to his mouth. No one tried to stop him from smoking,not that he would stop either way. Seeing C was a not so friendly reminder of what he did to people,and what would happen again if he tried to follow on this mission.

The voice in his mind seemed amused.

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