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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Isabelle got onto the bis, sitting in a seat by herself. she pulled out her pad and pen (just a normal pen) and started to draw the graveyard. she smiled. it was art in a way. everything could be art if you looked at it the right way.

Nitch appraised Alec. "Your face is symmetrical, which is a trait humans have always admired in possible love interests. In fact, it's the reason you might say someone has a nice jawline, it's actually just quite symmetrical." Nitch said matter-of-factly before boarding the bus, Ryder at his heels.

Alec touched his jaw lightly, not sure if he had been complimented or not. "I'm going to be on the safe side. Thank you?" He chuckled, leading Cass into the bus. "Oh, gods, high school flashback. I'll just run after the bus for nostalgia reasons." He groaned, sitting at the first empty seat.
Amber stopped looking at Alec when the boy put his 'pen' away. Amber turned away with a little huff flicking his hair girlishly as he walked on to the bus and sat next to Isabelle. He wanted to talk to the girl but she seemed at peace so he stayed silent and closed his eyes.
"Ouch," C said, though he was smiling. "That was harsh." He turned off his phone to avoid anymore unwelcome calls and put his phone away. He joined the others on the bus and paused as he passed Amber, realizing that another Demi-god had joined their quest and he hadn't even noticed. Resisting the urge to sigh, C decided not to ask and sat in an empty seat behind the others.



'Well,isn't it a good day.'

His eyes drifted towards the lady laying in the bed by his side,sleeping deeply. Her husband would be home soon,and yet she had still tried to drag
Evan to her bed. Not that he had actually touched her. His interest in that house was other.

He smirked as he quickly moved towards her cupboard and opened her box of jewelry. There weren't as many as he had expected,which made him roll his eyes.

"I expected more of your husband,Lizzie. Doesn't he ever give you some nice gifts?"

She didn't reply,of course. Evan quickly stole all of the valuable rings and necklaces,burying them into his pocket. He turned away to sneak out of the house,but stopped at the door.

"Have nice dreams,Lizzie."

A smile appeared in the woman's face once the dream started. Evan chuckled and left the mansion,jumping through the window.
It took him a while but he had found the satyr, zeke."Yo, Zeke can help me with something?" He asked the bearded satyr."Yeah, what?" Zeke asked questionly."I need you to track Ryder and the rest." "Aren't they on a quest?" The satyr asked. "Yeah, but I know they're gonna need my help." He wasn't even sure if they needed his help, he himestly just wanted to come.


Ryder jerked awake when the bus stopped, looking around. He stared blearily at the sign nearby. Pennsylvania. He quickly roused the other quest members and led them from the bus, thanking and tipping the bus driver.

Pennsylvania. One of the many places Ryder had never been. He was born in Manchester, England, and moved to New York when he was six, right before the death of his family. "Nice place." He offered, giving every mortal around a hostile look.


"Never been out of New York." Nitch admitted, looking around curiously. "Stop glaring at the nice people, Ryder. I'll go to the bus station, figure out when a bus to get us a bit further will come in." He offered, walking alone toward the nearest building, the bus station.

@KaalysBR (Hint hint)

Alec stepped off the bus and stretched, hearing his limbs crack. "Ouch." He grunted. "Hmm. Are all American cities so... American?" He asked, remembering the crowded alleyways of Italy, the beautiful canals. "Gross."

"Oh, shut up, you tourist." Kara scoffed, shoving him.

"Tourists go back to their home. And I'm never going back to Italy. So I'm just a new citizen. " He corrected with a smirk.

"Tourist." Blair agreed, shrugging.
Arya, Alexander, and Jenna

Alex walked of the bus, hand gripping Jenna's tightly. He had no idea how to get around this city, and he had no interest in losing his sister there. Everyone looked like a new threat, it made him grip his sword nervously. "Don't talk to anyone you don't know." He muttered in warning.

"I'm not an idiot, Alex." Jenna snapped, staring around with an interested kind of curiosity that had gotten her in trouble before.

"It's not being idiotic to be curious, it's being human. In places you don't know, being human is dangerous." Arya cut in, tapping on the girl's head gently.

Nitch stiffened, feeling like he was being watched. He turned, but saw nothing that looked dangerous. Nonetheless, he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, which he was sure mortals saw as a phone pouch or a baseball bat or something. He walked up to the attendant.

"Excuse me, my friends and I are looking to get to California, do you have any buses that cater to that need?" He asked politely. The attendant looked dully up at him.

"No." She said simply.

"Okay. Thank you." Nitch said, struggling to hold in his annoyance. He looked around once more before walking out of the station and sitting at a bench, trying to think of the next step.
The psycho jumps out from behind, sticks his knife in your throat and you die…”

The music burst through
Evan's headphones as he walked distractedly through the Bus station of Pennsylvania,noticing the looks of the other robbers as he passed. He glared openly at them,which made them all turn away immediately.

He mostly just wanted to take a bus somewhere. Pennsylvania wasn't all that good for robbing today. His thoughts were turn towards the kid that entered the new station. Nerdy type. Nice clothes. Probably had some money.

"Go get his wallet,Evan. He looks interesting."

Evan didn't see what was interesting about the guy anyway. But he wasn't about to disagree with the voice in his head. He approached his chair slowly,tapping the back of his pocket seamlessly.

But suddenly the sound of someone breaking a glass turned his attention away,and he had to pull his hand quickly. He mentally cringed,knowing that he would have to run away.

Nitch looked up sharply, hearing the sound of breaking glass. He stood up, gripping his sword more tightly and looking for the source of the noise. Luckily, it was just a man nearby that dropped a glass cup, and was now cursing loudly. Nitch released his breath, sitting back down.

"One day without commotion would be wonderful." He muttered. "Just one day."
Evan sighed with relief once the guy didn't notice him. He was about to move to another target until his attention was caught by some gang members approaching.

And they were looking straight at the nerdy guy.

Evan considered simply walking away and letting the kid fend from himself. But still...something told him not do so. He looked around. No guards. Not any humans at this hour either. Only him caring to help the guy.

He mentally cringed at himself for his stupidity. Trying to be a good guy never worked,and that was surely going to bite his ass lately. So he jumped forward and grabbed the nerdy kid,not giving him time to react before his dagger was pointing straight at his neck and the kid was pinned against his chest.

"Okay. This is going to sound weird,but I need you to trust me in this moment of stupidity. You see those guys over there?" He pointed to the gang members,who had stopped walking to give them distrustful looks. "They are assholes,and not the good kind. They will mug you and leave you lying in a pool of you own blood in some alleyway. But they won't attack if they think that I'm the one mugging you. So let's leave the station and please pretend to be scared."

He dragged the boy out as he talked,not waiting for his response.
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Amber was sleeping peacefully before waking with a loud yawn. " That was...uncomfortable. " He muttered as he got out of the bus and stretched. As he walked he noticed some gang members approaching a nerdy boy before another grabbed. Slowly he walked up with a cute smile and wave. " What you doing. " He asked sickly sweet.

"It's fine, Amber. Go back to the group." Nitch ordered in a low voice, keeping a terrified look on his face. He had practice in looking scared when he wasn't. He could tell that the guy didn't want to hurt him, yet at least. "Go back now." He continued, letting the fake mugger drag him away.
C trailed off the bus after the others, following them into the bus station. He stretched, having taken a nap on the bus like almost everyone else, but froze when he saw Nitch being dragged away. His hand twitched towards his bow instinctively, but he didn't grab it, waiting to see how the others would handle this situation. Why was this suddenly happening? Was Nitch being kidnapped?
Evan ignored the new kid that arrived,pretending that he didn't hear his words. If he did,twenty gang members would be falling on top of their heads. He would prefer to avoid that kind of attention.

He quickly dragged the nerdy kid outside,wanting to frown at the situation. It wasn't usual for him to point a knife at someone and not stab them afterwards. His hand twitched a bit,but he managed to control himself until they were out the station and the gang wasn't close anymore.

"All right,see you around."

Evan turned away nonchalantly,looking like he did things like that everyday. But he stopped on his heels once he saw the part of the gang that stood outside,the ones he hadn't notice before. He sighed with annoyance once they started to run towards their direction.

"Well...I tried. Game is on."

Evan rose his hand,making three gang members fall to the floor in profound sleep. He pulled his sword,hitting the fourth one straight across his head with the blunt side of it.
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Nitch drew his own sword. "Wait, are you...?" He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. "Wow, we really are a beacon for Demigods, aren't we?" He laughed disbelievingly. "You're a Morpheus kid. You made them fall asleep." He noted.
"I don't know what you are talking about,kiddo."

Evan's tone was ironic as he pushed a gang member away from the top of him,pinning the man against the ground. He looked up as a guy aimed a punch towards Nitch's face,looking crazier than Evan was.

"Watch out!"

Nitch dodged with ease, years of battle training helping his reflexes. He dropped to the ground and kicked the man's legs out from under him, knocking him over before standing once again. The second the man tried to get up again, Nitch grabbed his wrist and twisted it savagely, making him cry out.

"You're going to go bye-bye now." Nitch grunted, releasing him and kicking him away.
Amber's eyes light up when he saw a fight going on. Amber smirked and started fighting as well , using his charm , speed and flexibility to distract and take down gang members all the while smiling sadistic as the more cowardly of the gang members ran while screaming something about ' Satan is a girl'. (I could help myself)

Nitch watched as the last of the 'gang members' ran off, and wiped some of the blood from his fists. Luckily, this time, he hadn't had to stab or seriously maim anyone, just delivered a few pressure point blows and broken noses. He dusted himself off and looked around. "Thanks for the save." He said sincerely, pulling out a drachma and tossing it to the guy. "Amber, come on, we have to talk to Ryder about... Methods." Nitch shrugged, walking away, toward the rest of the group.
Evan couldn't help but snicker at the scene as the kids walked away. That was definitely unexpected. The gang members had run away by now,only the ones in the ground remaining.

He turned to reply to Nitch's thanks until one of the muggers in the ground woke up and pulled the boy's leg. And he saw the dagger.

Evan didn't think straight before he jumped forward and grabbed the mugger,rolling with him on the floor. He headbutted the guy before pushing himself away from him.

He didn't notice the pain until he was standing,the adrenaline wearing down. Looking to his side,he saw the blood soaking his black shirt. The knife came back to his mind and he knew that he been stabbed.

"Ah,shit. No good deed goes unpunished."

Evan fell to his knees,his face pale as he tried not to pass out.
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Amber was about to start walking away when he noticed Evan take down the gang member and injure himself. He was instantly crouching beside the injured boy. " Shit , Shit , shit. " He cursed before putting a thin layer of ice over the cut on Evan's wound to stop the bleeding. " Ryder help ! " He called before turning to Evan. " Don't close your eyes , stay awake. " He said urgently.

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