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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Nico looked over as well,frowning lightly at the scene. Cass was like a sister to him,which made him automatically want to punch Alec.

"I want to punch him." His frown turned into a chuckle. "Cass wouldn't forgive me,though. And he is too nice of a person. Not to mention that I have someone that has all my attention right now."

He turned to Nitch with a smile.
He found two girls talking. The other one seems to be crying while the other seems to be comforting them. Then a boy ran up there two. Wally approached them and said, "Hello. What is this camp? My dad--a voice said to come here."
She couldnt stop. she was limp in their arms. she hadn't taken her medicine today, and she needed it. not that it would help instantly. it might have prevented this moment. she couldn't respond, she just needed to cry. to let out her pent up frustration of keeping her feelings a secret to everyone she knew, the ones she loved. the one she lost.

In an instant Arleos was in front of the two slightly huffing from the distance. He stopped when ge felt Izzy's spiral hit him like a wave. Oof.. He thought with a frown as he stared at the two. Awkwardky coughing Arleos nodded at Ryder and increased his distance to gove the two privacy.

"We'll get him back, Izzy. I swear that to you." Ryder promised, stroking her hair gently. "Even if the cost is my life, I'll get him back, we'll get them all back." Ryder murmured. "I'm far too stubborn to let them go."
Amber stayed silent unsure if he should stop hugging or not , soon he came a decision to stay and nuzzle his face into her shoulder.
Wally approached Arleos to ask questions loaded in his head, he said, "Hello. Uh, is your camp director or anyone that runs this camp here? I'd like to talk to them. I was said to go this camp."
"I...I need to go to my backpack" she said, trying to get out of the boys' grip. sniffled and her heart was pounding. No one had seen her cry like this before.

Following after them Arleos soon took note of rhis new person and his question greatly confused him. "Camp?" he said slightly astounded. "You're not in a camp you're- a demigod. Aren't you?" he asked Wally.
Well, nobody was noticing him so he decided to walk back to his cabin."Not the right time," he thought. as he walked to his cabin and lit up the Forge, waiting to get a response from anybody else.
C turned his attention back to his phone, deciding on whether he wanted to answer or ignore it, though if they had his number, they must be from camp half-blood. He quickly responded with 'who is this?' instead of answering the question. He decided to keep his distance from what was going on, though he'd heard everything. Max was taken, and what was worse was that he didn't know how to feel about that. They were half-siblings, sure, but he hadn't really known Max at all or enough to feel more than uncomfortable.

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Ryder trudged after Izzy, feeling a bit strange. He looked at the assembled questers and cleared his throat. "Everyone ready to go? We aren't sticking around, we have things to do, people to save!" He called loudly, staring with distaste at the tombstones around him. "We're going to California! And if you aren't willing to do whatever it takes to get these people home, you might as well stay here. We're taking a bus, there's one nearby that'll get us to Pennsylvania tonight, then we'll shack up in motel rooms." He shouted, walking toward the edge of the cemetery without waiting for a response.
Isabelle took her bag and walked away from the group behind a tree. she took out the container labeled: Prozac, Isabelle Gallo, best before 11/10/16

she took to capsules and swallowed them with water. she quickly caught up to the group.
Amber followed silently , his eyes down cast. (Gotta go to sleep , don't go too far without me and control my character when necessary)

"Blah blah, killing, blah blah, California, blah blah, let's go." Kara said, bouncing on her feet. She was jazzed up, thrilled to be on a quest. When Ryder finished talking, she ran up and jumped into Alec's arm, separating him from his girlfriend. "We're going on a quest." She said, hoping he wouldn't drop her.

"I'm letting you down now." Alec grunted, placing her on the ground and staring at Cass. "We're going on a quest." He repeated with a smirk.
Finally, the phone ringed,"This is Demetrius from the Hephaestus cabin, I am calling about where everybody is." He spoke in a fast sense. Finally, I can join them on the quest. He sighed as he thought over what he was gonna say, when he sees them.
C quietly followed after Ryder, focused on his phone. "You want to join the quest? I don't know if I should tell you, since whether you can join or not isn't really up to me." He said in slight amusement. "How did you get this number, anyway?"
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Cass replied to Alec's smile now,feeling more confident that before.

"We definitely are. And I can't wait to kick some ass."

Alec turned and kissed her once again. "A few more hours, we'll be alone in the motel. A really shitty, gross, disgusting motel. But at least there won't be a group of adolescents on the floor." He laughed, wrapping his arm around her as they walked.
"That is so romantic. You should be careful,I might try to have my way with you right here."

Cass chuckled and wrapped her arms around Alec as they walked,feeling happy once more. She felt more comfortable now,able to recognize herself.

"I really like you,Alec."

"Then I should definitely keep talking, scar these people for life." Alec smirked. He hesitated, throat drying up suddenly as if sensing his nervousness.

"Ti amo, Cassandra." He whispered in her ear.
Cass turned around to look at Alec's face,her expression shocked. She hadn't been expecting that,at least not yet. He had spoken it in Italian,but she understood it completely.

The warm sensation in her chest rose and she found herself blushing. She was afraid of being so close to someone,having a serious relationship. But she couldn't lie to Alec.

"Je t'aime aussi. I love you too." She admitted it quickly,blushing even more now.
"I have everybody's number from camp, but I know I can join the quest. I just need to know where tou guys are since I was skeeping while the quest was about to start."

Ryder turned and saw C on the phone. "Are you trying to get us killed? Who the hell is worth a phone call?" He demanded, glaring at the guy. Did he not know how dangerous using a phone was for Demigods?

"Good. I probably would've been really embarrassed if you had left me hanging." Alec smiled, seeing how... Scared she looked? "What's wrong? Did I... Do something?" He asked, panic immediately rising. He lived his life in a constant state of crippling terror that he had messed up one of his few friendships, or gods forbid his relationship with Cass.

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