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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.



Nico walked through the graveyard by himself,paying close attention to the names engraved. If he focused his attention,he could actually hear a few whispers coming from the Underworld.

The dead had a lot to say,but apparently he was the only one listening.

The souls waiting for punishment were the ones who seemed loneliest,so he focused on those. He couldn't quite make the words,but he got the hang of it.

Pulling a cigarette from his pocket,he leaned against a gravestone and started to smoke. He wasn't afraid of the dead. It was the living that scared him.
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Nitch noticed Nico, and frowned. He jogged over and caught up to him, hoping he wasn't intruding. "Are you okay? You look... Strange." Nitch asked curiously.


"Never said I disliked it did I?" Arleos asked as he opened the door for the others. "Now I suggest we head to the waiting cab before Ryder eventually blows a vessel on us making him and the others wait."
Arya Chiari

"I'm sure he'll live, but I call shotgun." Arya shrugged, getting into the passenger seat and looking at the driver. "Could you take us to Green-Wood Cemetery?" She asked politely when everyone was in. He nodded and started to drive.
Isabelle walked around, she saw Nico and Nitch. they were perfect for eachother. Cass and Alec. she couldnt help but smile, she loved love
C quickly held up his hands. "Wait, no. I take back everything I just said if I get to stick with TDA. You won't hear another word about my Apollo problems, I promise." He glanced at Arleos, and then back at Arya. "And I did laugh, actually." He did not like the idea of being called 'Sourpuss' the rest of the quest.
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Ryder looked down at Izzy and followed her gaze to the happy couples. "Are you jealous or happy for them?" He asked curiously, staring at her.
Nico didn't seem to have listened to Nitch at first,his eyes focused on one of the graveyards. But he eventually turned away from it,turning back to Nitch.

"Sorry. You will think that I'm crazy." He pointed to the graveyards bellow them. "I can hear the souls wandering through the Underworld. They have lots of regrets,and they just need someone to talk about it."

He tapped one of the graveyards lightly.

"Jessica here really wanted to be a veterinarian,but she kept pushing it away to do other things instead. And Martin over there never really got to declare his love for this one girl."

He imagined how cryptic he sound and smirked.

"Sorry,I don't want to scare you with this. But it really makes them feel better to have someone listening."
"Happy of course! Why would I be jealous?" she cocked her head like a confused puppy. she never considered any of them a love interest.

"Not cryptic or creepy at all." Nitch promised sincerely. "Makes sense. When I die, I'll have plenty of regrets. It'd be nice to tell them to someone." Nitch said logically. "It's understandable."

"Everyone thinks about falling in love, being happy with the person that makes them so." Ryder shrugged. "People like you, you have a chance. You don't have to be jealous of them in particular. Just jealous of what they have. It's human nature." He sighed wearily. "We forget that even though we're half god, we're half mortal, half human, as well. The heart wants what it wants."
Demetrius had nust woken up from his deep sleep. At first it felt normal but as soon as his eyes ckeared, he noticed his cabin mates were gone and that the forge was cold. "Something is going on, and I missed it." He whined as he quickly got out of his bed and packed up his equipment."They must need me, especially that cute girl Isabelle." He let his mind wonder over that and then turned on his phone. He quickly sent a text to everyone he knew at the camp and asked them where they were.

Meanwhile, while waiting for a text back, Demetrius was sneaking off the camp and it looked as desolate as a empty village. Man everybody is involved. He thought jealously. As soon as he left Camp Half-Blood, he made for a nearby cafe.

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"Me too." Admitted Nico,looking down at one of the graveyards. His eyes wandered back to the son of Athena. Now there was a regret he would probably have for eternity if he didn't burst it out. Before he could think better about it,the words left his mouth. "I really like you,Nitch. I think you're a great person. Probably the only good thing that happened in this mission so far was finding you."
She looked at him thoughtfully, a smile apearing on her lips "thanks. thats deep" she giggled, then thought for a moment. "Are you jealous?" she asked. probably Toni, everyone talked about them two. Max liked her, he told her that before. hopefully a fight didn't come of this. she started picking at her lip, staring into space the whole time.
With a rather loud and inapprops gasy belch from the exhaust the driver came to a stop at the cemetery and without a word looked at all his passengers as a means of saying: "Get out". Once everyone was out ans he'd been payed, said driver turned on a dime and like a well tuned car the taxi was gone in a hurried flash of dust and exhaust.

@S n o w @Graecus Scum


When the smoke had cleared Arleos was already making his way in the last direction he recalled Nitch's message from
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Cass stuck her tongue out to Alec at the teasing.

"You are one to say with that nice skin colour. I will just get sunburned. I have never been to California,actually. Is it really as pretty as everybody says?"

Nitch smiled at the son of Thanatos. "About time." He noted. "It's not a secret that I like you, Nico. I was just worried that you didn't feel the same way." Nitch smiled again.


"No reason for me to be. People like you get jealous. People like me don't get that kind of thing. And if you're thinking about Toni, that rumor is a lie. We're just friends." He said, seeing that look in her eyes. "Had that talk with Max already, that was fun. But people like me aren't really good at the whole relationship thing."
C waved at the air in front of his face as he watched the cab drive away, grimacing at the lingering smell that the man's belch alone had left behind. He was about to follow Arleos when his phone vibrated in his pocket, and he saw an unfamiliar number asking him where he was. He blinked at it, pausing when he saw that it had been sent to many other numbers. He glanced at his companions, waving his phone back and forth in the air. "Hey, did anyone else get this-" He blinked at Arya, remembering too late that she was new, and turned his gaze to Kara and Blair. "-text message."

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Amber listened to Ryder intently before walking away and pulling out his ipod and pulling on some music. It had been a long while since he danced and frankly now he was dancing his heart out , any time he spun the sweat would fly off. He sang along with the song.



"I've never been. I only moved to this country the day before I joined camp. I'm a glorified tourist." Alec laughed. "Two years ago, I was an Italian citizen who never wanted to leave. I had my little fake family. Then shit hit the fan."

Arya followed Arleos, looking around curiously. "Oh, look. It's Pretty Boy and Twitchy!" She said, pointing to Ryder and Izzy. "Then the Probably Sexually Active couple." She continued, looking at Alec and Cass. "And Boy Wonder and Goth. All together at least." She gushed with an obviously fake tone of joy.
Isabelle recoiled at 'Twitchy'. Its what the aphrodite girls called her. Twitch. she looked down at the ground, her legs crossed. she didn't deal with bullying well, not that Arya was bullying her intentionally, but the name hit home to her.

Arleos waved at the group upon seeing them. Completely deaf to Arya's new nicknames for each ally he decided to direct them towards a different approach before anyone asked what they were just called. "So what's next on the plan?" he asked in Ryder's direction.
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Nico's mouth opened at Nitch's words,staying like that for some time before he remembered to close it.

"Oh...I don't really know what to say. I never really thought I would get this far." He chuckled,and the souls from the graveyard were apparently telling him to rush it already. That made him blush.

"I might not be the best person for you. Or anyone else,really." He admitted,moving a bit closer to Nitch. "Not that I don't want to try."


Cass felt a weird sensation once Arya appeared. She really wanted to get up and start bickering with the girl. At least until she noticed that those feelings were probably just animosity because of their fathers.

How pathetic.

A chuckle escaped her mouth at the nickname giving to her and Alec.

"Oh,I wish." She whispered in his ear with a smirk.

Ryder glared at Arya. "Was that necessary?" He snapped, looking down at Izzy. "Ignore her." He murmured, looking back up when Arleos approached. "One word. California." Ryder smiled.

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