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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Cass had been mostly quiet through the entire exchange,something unlikely to her.

Nico himself waited for things to unfold,although that was much more usual.
For the second time that morning, C was woken up by someone clapping loudly, and he really really didn't appreciate it. He sat up and grabbed his bow, wondering darkly if the others would attack him if he shot an arrow at Arleos' hands. He barely caught the end of what Arleos said, and then realized how empty the room suddenly was. "Wait, cops?" He asked, jogging to catch up with the others. "Why... Why are there cops?"
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"Oh, you didn't notice. Grumpy and the rest of the motley crew made a scene. One where Grumpy got stabbed to death. And then brought back. I'm really good at spying on people." She said gleefully, following Arleos willingly. "I'll be honest, didn't think Nerd Boy had it in him to kill a companion, but I was mistaken. I could've stopped it, but Grumpy seemed to be telling him to do it. I decided to see where it went." She shrugged. Alex looked confused.

"You let him get stabbed?" He asked disbelievingly.

"Mhmm. He said he got some info from it, too. Whatever works." Arya laughed, sliding down the handrail instead of taking the stairs.

Alec walked off after the tension went down and approached Cass. "You okay?" He asked, smiling painfully. The left side of his face was not an attractive sight, but he tried to ignore it. After all, it's not like he had ever considered himself an attractive guy. "You look a bit shaken up."


"Fair enough." Kara agreed, jogging down the stairs like a normal person. "You know, they make stairs so that people can walk down them. Not so physically perfect people like you can totally ignore them." She noted nonchalantly.

"Someone's jealous." Blair laughed.

"You are just a handful at parties aren't you" Arleous asked watching Arya zoom by him as he took the stairs. Eventually though the stairs came to an end and when they did Arleos headed straight for the exit. "Since you saw everything mind telling me what they did to get the cops attention?"
C pressed a hand against his face, following everyone down the stairs. "Maybe I will follow your advice and never sleep again." He muttered, directing his words at Arya. "I think waiting on the elevator to come back up still would've been faster than this, and an energy-saver too."
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Isabelle walked up to Ryder. "so what happens now?" she wondered out loud.
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Cass looked up at Alec and gently touched his face,holding it between her fingers. She checked the wounded side before placing a gentle kiss on the side that looked healed.

"If that hurts too much I will find you some ice." Even Cass knew that her attempt at changing the subject wasn't very convincing. She sighed,answering him with sincerity. "I was optimistic when I came to this mission. Couldn't really avoid it,I am just a optimistic person. But now I know that I was just fooling myself. It's impossible for all of us to make it through. I'm mostly just waiting to see who will die next."
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Arya Chiari

"Enjoy exhaustion. It sucks. And as for the cops... Well, Pretty Boy walked into a restaurant with a bloody shirt on. Probably not his smartest move in the world. Then Lightning girl went zap zap on the little goth kid, when he got in the way of Nerd Boy Wonder. All that considered, it added up to quite a few cop calls. They were trying to get back here, with Crazy Train making all the cops go insane. Eventually, he passed out, and Pretty Boy poofed them away." Arya explained, not very helpfully.

"We're heading to sunny California. Maybe get a tan on the beach, bust a few heads, and get our friends back." Ryder shrugged.

"It would be faster if you could move faster down the stairs" Arleos called from the exit. "And thank you Arya, for that elegant explanation." Shaking his head as he crossed the lobby towards the exit Ars peeked outside. It looked clear, but in reality he knew it wasn't.

He shook his head. Not the brightest idea indeed.

Alec sighed, capturing her hand and staring down at her. "I know. It's not easy. But we'll make it through this. I promise. All we can do it try to help each other. You're my only priority here. I'd rather die than let you get hurt, I swear." Alec said, feeling stupid. He had barely started dating this girl, and he was already crazy about her, no pun intended.
"I don't think those are their actual names." C said mock seriously at Arya, and then blinked at Arleos, deciding to ignore the first half of his comment. He moved away from the stairwell, and walked closer to the exit. "Is there a plan here, or are we going the 'no plan is the best plan' way like Ryder and Kara?" If Arleos said there wasn't a plan, he'd just stop asking any demi-god completely.
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Arya Chiari

"I don't know your guys' names. Don't particularly care, either. Nicknames are the way of the future." Arya said, bowing slightly as she followed Arleos. "And of course we have a plan. Take a cab to the cemetery, then continue on the quest. How difficult is that?" She continued, mystified. These campers and their insistence to have a set plan and a prophecy and a quest. Life was just so much easier if you actually lived it.
"I'm being selfish for saying this." Cass admitted,holding his hands tightly. "But you are my priority too. I will do anything that I can to guarantee that you will make it through with me."

She brushed the tears away before giving him a playful smile.

"I'm all for the wounded,scarred look you know? Reeeally turns me on."
Amber ran after Ryder , suddenly starting the guy more. " Oppa wait for me. " He called out before he reached beside him.

"Oppa?" Ryder asked, confused. "Why is everyone giving me a weird nickname? Death Boy, Grumpy, now Oppa?" He sighed.
"what, can't tell me the plan?" she skipped after him insisting that he does "Please?" She gave the puppy dog look. its Isabelle, we all know she has the cutest face ever.

Alec's throat went dry at her words. "Well, if that's the case, I'm sure there's an empty spot in the woods around here." He teased, kissing her deeply. He had no idea if she was being serious or not, but he wouldn't stop to ask, lest she get mad.

"I'm a Demigod. Plans aren't my specialty. But we're going to California, where the kidnapper is. I learned some things from my father. Nitch and I are still working on a solid plan, preferably one without my dying this time around. We'll go at it from two fronts, and we'll bring down the bastards that stole our friends. And nobody will die." He said, being a bit more hopeful than he should've.

"Then call us a cab" Arleos said with a raised brow. "I'll wait here for the others, while you get the cab" he said while opening the door. "Once everyone's finally down here we leave. Sooner the better, right?"
Amber giggled lightly. " Oppa is a term for men who are older than the person speaking , its commonly used by females but I don't give a shit. " He said.

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