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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Amber whimpered lightly , he let his secret out. " Please. " he called out weakly to Ryder. " Don't tell anyone about my past, please." He said weakly covering his mouth. Amber , ever since that day he killed his father , has always hated himself for doing it and then becoming a slut for money.

"We're going to be pretty busy. You know, on a quest and all." Ryder called back, still staring in shock at Nitch. He knew he'd probably get punched for his next words, but he said them anyways. "Are you coming, or what?"

"Wait, what?" Nitch cut in, glaring at him.

"You heard me. All hands on deck. If they're coming, I suggest they hurry up. We're sending a message, and then we're leaving. I hate this place." Ryder said testily, staring over in the direction of the graves of his family. "Actually... Nitch, do me a favor. IM Arleos. I'll be back in a few minutes." He ordered, digging his mist-maker from his bag and tossing it to the son of Athena before jogging over to the graves.
Isabelle stood behind the Ryder and Nitch. She would...fight...to the best of her abilities, if she had too. she hated people getting in fights, so she stayed out of them at camp. It was easy to stay out of drama there. on a quest, it didn't seem like it as much.
Amber looked at Ryder in shock before nodding dumbly and whipping tears that appeared" Thank you , thank you so much. ' He said weakly. Slowly he walked over , standing next Isabelle. He crossed his arms and tried and failed to give the girl a smile. " Hi. " He said , he hated crying he felt weaker than he normally was. He was upset he was brought to tears by people he didn't even know for a hour. When commented about the grave , Amber nodded in agreement. " Agreed , I hate this place actually for obvious reasons. " He muttered weakly , still not his normal self but getting there.
"Whats wrong?" Isabelle asked softly. she could tell when someone was sad, as she suffered from depression herself. she looked up at him. from the encounter he was scary, but she has grown more trusting since the quest started. She wished felt all alone without max. she felt exposed. or maybe she felt that way because the coldness that arrived with the son of hecates magic.

Ryder readied his sword as he approached his stepfather's grave. "I'll see you in hell, asshole." He muttered, swinging his sword with a grunt. As he had hoped, it cut through the grave like soft cheese, slicing it in half. "I'll kill you again, too." He put his sword away and returned to the group. "All done. Shall we?"


Nitch placed down the mist-maker and poured some water into it. Immediately, a spray of mist came out, dousing him. He tossed in a drachma quickly.

"Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Arleos." He pleaded, not knowing Arleos' last name.

@The Regal Rper
Amber looked at her tears pricking again. " I'm a fool , I made so many terrible decisions to try and help the ones I care about. I became as bad as the kidnappers. " He said weakly , he had taken Nitch's words to heart. Glancing to the side , he saw Ryder slicing a grave in half and looked at his father's grave. Slowly he raised his hand , ice surrouding the grave stone as he took a deep breath. After a few seconds the ice melted because he couldn't do it.
"everyone makes bad decisions. Its what makes us Demi-gods. I probably did to, I just.. I have no memory of my life before camp half blood. you can't change the past. but you can change your future." she smiled at him
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Toni woke up, her body stiff with pain. She heard noises nearby, and squinted through the darkness. Within moments, the heavy door opened, and the figure who had stabbed her appeared. Just seeing him made her abdomen hurt.

"I got you another present." He murmured softly.

"Go to hell." She spat back. His chuckle echoed around the room.

"You might think differently in a moment." He shrugged. He made a gesture, and two more figures walked in, one carrying the other. She frowned, trying to see. Finally, her eyes adjusted to the low light levels, and she gasped.

"No!" She cried out, seeing Max.

"I thought you liked this one. I could kill him instead." The figure offered.

"Don't touch him." Toni snarled as Max was tied to the other side of her pole.

"I thought so. I'll be back soon." The figure said smugly, leaving and closing the door behind him. Toni sagged against the pole, straining against her bonds without success.
@Play On Words


Arleos immediately sat up straight staring at this image. "Whoa...." was all he really had to say. Was this some kind of ability or something he had awoken while just sitting here. If so props to him.

"Arleos? It's me." Nitch said, waving a hand at the shocked teen. "It's just an Iris-Message, nothing to fear from the friendly Athena camper. Listen, you guys need to get moving. Tell everyone to meet us at Green-Wood Cemetery, same city as you guys. Be careful, there might still be come cops around." He said slowly, making sure he caught all of it.

"Alright" he said nodding slowly. "Green-Wood Cemetery right? Alright then we'll be there. I'll let the others know" he stated.
Max groaned. He opened his eyes, and cried out in fury. he struggled against the bonds. "aw fuck. this is what I get for taking too long in the shower."

he looked around the room. he struggled. suddenly he made light appear in his palm. he looked around "Were am I?" he called out? not expecting an answer. his body wracked with pain. he was beaten. kicked. his skin wasn't penetrated though. he had a broken rib, he could tell. he tried to heal himself, but he used to much of his power at once. he sagged against the pole.

Toni turned as much as she could. "Max?" She asked softly. She squinted in the sudden light, and the first thing she noticed was how pale and sallow her skin looked. She hadn't eaten since she'd been taken. The kidnappers had thrown some water at her, but not food. "Are you okay?" She asked, reaching out with her tied hand and brushing her fingers against his.
"Toni! holy shit you're alive" his heart melted. he grabbed ahold of her hands "Don't worry, we are getting out of this. Ryder, hes doing amazing, and Nitch is guiding him too. we recruited a couple new campers who decided to stow away in the cargo hold. Ryder was pissed and..." he left out his rage moment "Well as of right now they are helping, which i guess is a good thing. I was taken this morning. Ryder said he had a plan" he didn't mention to her that it probably involved endangering himself, and he didn't know that he had already done it. "they will be here soon" he said. "Toni...I'm so glad to spend another moment with you."
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"Well, if I'm going to die, at least it won't be with Ryder. He's too damned depressing." Toni laughed weakly. Just the movement made her stomach hurt. They had left the wound open the entire time, although it had slowed down the bleeding dramatically. She was sitting in a puddle of her own blood. Real rager for the appetite. "I hope he hurries. I don't know if I can keep this up much longer." Toni admitted.
Bloodybeans said:
"everyone makes bad decisions. Its what makes us Demi-gods. I probably did to, I just.. I have no memory of my life before camp half blood. you can't change the past. but you can change your future." she smiled at him
Amber's eyes widened slight before he gave the girl a watery smile and hugged her. " Thank you. " He said before pulling away and wiping his tears away. ' Can you show me where we have to go? " He asked.

"Toni, you are the strongest person I know. If anyone can make it through this, It's you." he said reassuringly. "and when we do get down, I'm gonna heal the shit out of you" he laughed, then groaned. "Fuck, yeah, definitely a broken rib"

"Don't move. They busted me up pretty good, hurts less if you stay still. I'm a real survivor, can't you tell?" She asked, already feeling exhausted. She hadn't spoken that much since she was dragged in. "If the bastard comes back in, stay quiet, don't say anything. I don't know why he's keeping us around and separate, but I'd like to keep it that way." She admitted, her eyes fluttering closed. "Goodbye." She muttered, passing out.
Isabelle smiled, but was thrown off by the hug. She didn't mind it however, it actually made her feel happy. "I just follow him" She pointed at Ryder. and continued to stare a bit subconsciously. he provided her a good thing to look at while she was lost in thought
@ThatOneWeirdo @S n o w


With the message received Arleos rose from his seat, cleared his throat then clapped really loud to get the others attention. Once he had he smiled at them. "So I just got news from Nitch, that they need us at Green-Wood Cemetery. So, let's go" he said moving towards the door. But upon reaching the doorway he stopped almost forgetting to tell them the best part.

"Oh yeah, Nitch also said "be careful there might be cops still around"" Looking around briefly at everyone's reaction he nodded then briskly made his way out the door in the direction of leaving the motel.
Max never let go of her hands. he started to sob quietly. he wasn't immune to pain, and wasn't trapped by the useless sense of pride everyone seemed to carry around. he was in pain, and crying helped, so he cried.

Kara and Blair got up immediately. Unlike the others, they hadn't gone back to sleep, they had just been chilling. "They left us? I thought they were getting us coffee! Assholes!" Kara said unhappily, following him out. "Come on, B." She called after Blair, who followed obediently. "I'm going to kill Alec."

Arya walked back to the motel room in time to see everyone leaving it. "Leaving? Leaving. Got it." She nodded, altering her track to stay in line. She noticed that the hot ones were gone. "Where's Grumpy? He's my favorite. Quite a looker." She noted.


"Wherever he is, it's not here. Let's go find out." Alex cut in falling in behind her with Jenna at his heels. "Green-Wood Cemetery? Not my favorite place." He looked down at Jenna, who looked a bit depressed.

"Green-Wood is the house of nightmares." Arya agreed.

"Never been much of a fan of coffee. And as for your question regarding Ryder he and the others are waiting for us. Follow if you want" he stated, passing right by the elevator as it was already in use, Arleos simply made a straight shot for the stairs.

@Graecus Scum @ThatOneWeirdo

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