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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

" So I take you all are the ones taking the demi gods ugh. " Amber asked as he turned to Ryder , his carefree grin turning to a sneer. " Don't mess with people who you are outclassed by. " He snarled out , gripping his sword handle.

Nitch relaxed his grip on the sword. "Wait, how do you know about that? We aren't taking them, we're trying to find them." He demanded.

"Quiet, Nitch. We don't know who this is." Ryder insisted.

"You don't go to Camp Half-Blood, who are you?" Nitch continued, ignoring Ryder.
Nico had pressed his hands a little tighter around his sword at the stranger's question. He didn't have an answer for that. Was he good or evil?

Staying silent through the conversation,he waited for some conclusion.
Amber's eyes flew open as he stared up at Nitch. " What , I have been going there for two years , but I haven't seen you guys before. Then again I tend to hang out in the Aphrodite cabin , and people usually don't like so you probably don't go around that cabin. " He said , he himself didn't like the children of Aphrodite , but its fun watching them be idiots and on occasions when one of the boys try and ask him out it especially fun to reject them brutally.
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Ryder looked at Nitch, who shrugged. "I've been there for twelve years, I would know him." He muttered.

"Because you're so social? You're Death Boy. And he does look a little familiar." Nitch shrugged. He never associated with Aphrodite campers, he stuck to his siblings in Athena's.

"Whatever. We're wasting time, we have to go." Ryder scoffed, gesturing toward the rest of the campers. "Come on, we can contact the others and leave."
" Wait , are helping find the lost campers? " He asked , looking up Ryder and Nitch. " If so can I come with you. " He asked , pouting little. (He is trying to use his appearance to get what he wants , its amazing I made him Hecate's child actually.)

Ryder glared down at him. "We have plenty of people. Thanks for the offer." He said bluntly. Nitch said nothing. It wasn't his call, and he didn't trust the guy. Besides, Ryder was right. They had far too many people already. They walked away, and Ryder dug out a drachma. "I brought this... Portable mist maker. Bought it from a muggle shop a while back, works like a charm. I can contact Max with it." Ryder explained.
Amber glared back at him albeit weaker cause he wasn't angry.... yet. " You think you can stop me. " He called to Ryder as he walked over. " How I rephrase wha I said before I AM coming with you. How about this , if I beat you in a fight you let me join and if I lose then I won't bother you again. I'll probably win but I want you to feel like you actually had a chance at stopping me. " He said as he folded his arms over his chest and cocked his hip , getting annoyed at the fact the two boys were taller than him. As he glanced around he noticed Nico and his behavior. " What is wrong ? " He asked looking at the skinny boy but was still standing by Ryder.

"Ryder, we're wasting time. Don't fight him, let's just go." Nitch sighed.

"I'm not going to fight him. Unfortunately for him, we can just shadow travel away, just like magic." Ryder scoffed, shaking his head. He waited for the guy to say something along the lines of, Why, are you scared? As if that would work. Ryder wasn't ruled by pride.

Alec opened his eyes, feeling like shit. He heard raised voices and looked around, squinting in the daylight. He noticed Ryder and got to his feet, jogging over. "What's going on? Want me to crazy him?" Alec offered, staring at the newcomer. Alec was hyper aware that they were standing in a cemetery, and felt a bit uncomfortable.
Emma Wells

With only a few seconds of speech Emma had picked up the groups personalities, and the color of their voices changed to match them accordingly. What they spoke of made her gasp, Campers? Camp-half blood?! She had found other Demi-gods! "Oi foun' dem, after so many years.. shud Oi? well 'tis nigh or never." Without a second thought she bolted out of behind the tree. Which many or many of not been a very good idea at this point in the confrontation.
Amber couldn't help but let out a loud laughing , falling into a crouch as his hair covered his face. " Oh god that is rich , oh the irony. " He said as his body was racked with giggles. Slowly he stood , wiping the tears that appeared. " Ah using magic to try and escape from the child of the Hecate , that is the funniest joke yet. " He said as he looked up at Ryder.

Ryder smiled at the new guy. "Underworld magic is a whole new breed of fucked up, that's a promise. Hecate campers have tried to stop me before, it's never worked. And they've been at the camp a lot longer than two years. But nice try." Nitch smirked. Ryder certainly had an answer for everything, that was for sure. Useful in some situations, annoying in others.
Amber smirked right back. " I have much more forceful ways than others , mainly freezing you solid and leaving only your head and upper chest unfrozen. " He said nonchalantly before a girl run out and Amber spun around , ice materlizing and shooting right past the girl's head. " Stop moving or the next won't miss. " He said.

Nitch leaned into Ryder's ear. "He seems like a bigot. Abusing his powers, threatening to kill people. Not someone we want around, especially when we're on a time limit to save lives." He breathed, far too quiet for the Hecate kid to hear. Ryder nodded slowly.

"Agreed. Options?" Ryder asked in an equally low voice.

"Kill him, which I'd rather not do. Run, which I know won't work. Shadow travel, which could work. Or bring him along." Nitch whispered simply. Ryder grit his teeth, not particularly liking any of the options.
(Amber actually can't kill without becoming extremely guilty lol)

Amber watched the girl carefully. " Are you idiots just going to stand there or are you going help me interrogate her. " He asked , speaking to Ryder and Nitch while glancing at them and hoping the girl would not move.

"Yea, let's help the sadistic asshole. Sounds smart." Ryder scoffed, not moving. "You're not our friend. You're not our ally. And you're on your own." Ryder said calmly, not showing a pinch of emotion. Nitch was more troubled. If this guy made a move to hurt the girl, he'd defend her. She hadn't done anything wrong.

"She might be a mortal. You don't know her, why the hell are you so hostile?" Nitch demanded in a low voice.
Emma Wells

Emma realized her mistake almost immediately, while she was busy running one of the light shot soothing at her. The light bolted fast towards her, old instincts kicked in. She ducked down, puting her hand on the ground. Her blue eyes still not moving from their locked position. She didn't speak, that is until they mentioned her being mortal. " Oi'm loike yer, a demi-god, oi'm not mortal. "

Ryder raised an eyebrow as she spoke. "You're not helping yourself, you know." He called. He turned back to the guy. He couldn't imagine what had made him such a dick, but he still said nothing to him. Silence could be the best weapon at times.

"Ryder." Nitch warned, fists clenched. "I won't let him hurt her."

"I know." Ryder replied calmly.
Amber turned slowly towards Nitch. " Let me think, why am I hostile hm? Because I don't particularly trust people easily , this whole fucking situation is infuriating and that asshole's" He paused to gesture to Ryder. " Piss poor attitude isn't helping. First I get threatened to be teamed up on after I said i'll take someone down if they were taking the demi gods then he refuses to let me help save people. " He said , finally losing temper , the ground under his feet starting to freeze over , the ice slowly spreading.

" I see all demigods from camp half blood as family , that place took me off the street and I want to protect the people in it. It makes so upset that you won't let me help. " He yelled at Nitch.

(Part of Amber's past revealed and fast to lol)
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"Save people?! You're threatening an innocent girl! What makes you any better than the kidnappers!? You threatened our friend when you knew nothing about us! Why the hell would we want you with us?! You're a damned bully and nothing else!" Nitch shouted back.

"Nitch, calm down." Ryder warned, not trusting the look on the new guy's face. He readied his sword, watching the grass around the new guy freeze. In response, a circle of grass around Ryder died, spreading at the same rate as the ice. If Nitch got in a fight, he'd fight with him, but he'd have much rather avoided that.

"Camp Half-Blood is supposed to make people better! I've been there for eighteen years! Don't talk to me about it being your home, don't talk to me about getting picked up off the streets like you're the only one. Nobody at that camp has had an easy life, but we don't take it out on everyone who comes near them!" Nitch continued, anger rising.
Emma Wells

Emma stood, her hands going into her pockets. As they spoke more and more colors flashed though her vision, but the dominant color was Red. Blood red, bright and infuriating. Emma took out her Irish whistle, it grew into its proper size. She brought it up to her lips and played a same jig. Immediately the air around the two started to shift, blowing both of the angered boys to the ground." Wat de 'ell is wrong witcha two?! yisser millin' over a trivial tin'. yer two shud be ashamed av yisser selves."
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Ryder took a step back with the wind, but wasn't knocked over. He picked Nitch up quickly and handed him his sword, which he had dropped in the fall. "You okay?" He muttered under his breath.

"I'm fine." Nitch said firmly, gripping his sword tightly. He didn't appreciate the girl knocking him over, but he said nothing to her.
" Excuse me! " He screamed back. " Last I checked , I didn't hurt her also did you even hear what I said to your friend or did you hear the word kill and go off. " He screamed out. " You don't know shit about me , you try to not having a mother , having a abusive father before you kill him acidently after he tried to rape you. Then finally escaping one hell only to be haunted by that night and doing unspeakable things for money. I can't even kill ant without having a panic attack and being for guilty for moments. " He said gradually becoming lower and lower as anger ceased.

" I admit , i'm making terrible decisions but I..i only want to save them. " He said lowly before he was blown to the floor causing him to look at he girl. " The hell , was that magic. " He asked , standing up.

"I could care less about your past. It gives you no right to act like a toddler. Let's go, Ryder." Nitch scoffed. Even Ryder seemed surprised at the Athena camper's cold nature. He was no novice to having an abusive father, although his abuser was his stepfather. "And just because your mother is Hecate doesn't make you immune to magic, dumbass." Nitch continued, turning on his heel and walking away.

"Nitch." Ryder called, catching up to him quickly. "What's wrong?" He demanded in a low voice.

"I don't like people like him. Never have, never will. Everyone has a rough past if they're a Demigod. You move past it. You try to become a better person, it's just what you do. Unless you're like him, and you use it as an excuse." Nitch explained blankly.

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