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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"You're not the one I'm hiding it from." He growled, casting a glance behind him to Cassandra and Nico. "And fine. Nitch has his sword. Let's go." He offered, turning on his heel and following him. Nitch was bone pale, hands shaking. But he followed, hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Okay." He whispered softly, trying to keep his cool.

Alec followed her gaze just in time to watch the trio leave the cafe. "That's... Interesting." He admitted. "Since we've proven I'm a nosy guy who goes places I have no business going... Should we follow them?" He offered, pulling out his wallet.
Nico followed Nitch and Ryder outside. He stepped closer to the son of Athena and wrapped his fingers around one of his hands,pressing it gently.

"You can do this,Nitch. Let's keep going."


Cass opened his mouth to reply to Alec,about to say that they should definitely follow them. But at that moment Nico turned around and gave her a look that was almost...pleading.

He was begging her not to follow.

Cass closed her mouth and looked back to Alec.

"Maybe...maybe we should give them some time. May Zeus protect us all..." Sighing,she rubbed the locket in her neck. She changed the subject to keep herself from going crazy. "Can you tell me more about you,Alec? Favorite color,favorite band,favorite way to kill monsters...I feel like we should know these things."

"Yes, what kind of relationship would it be without you knowing my killing methods. Let's see...." He paused, thinking. "My favorite colors are green, white, and red. Colors of the Italian flag. They remind me of home. My favorite band is a little known punk rock band called Set It Off. And my favorite way to kill monsters is with my axe. How about you?" He asked, smiling.

Nitch nodded, determined. He kept an image of Toni at the forefront of his mind. That's what he was fighting for. He waited until Ryder led them into an abandoned alley and faced him, pulling out his sword. "I'm sorry, Ryder." He whispered.


Ryder took a deep breath, staring at the Athena camper. "Don't miss. And remember. Ten minutes." He said, placing his hands behind his back and closing his eyes. Nitch swallowed, walking up to Ryder and pressing the tip of his sword against his chest. He couldn't do this. He couldn't kill Ryder. Before he could stop, Ryder's hands gripped the hilt, pushing it forward. "It's okay." He whispered. Nitch nodded shakily and shoved the sword forward, feeling a tear escape his eye. Ryder grunted, eyes flying open. The second Nitch pulled out the sword, he collapsed, heartbeat fading.
Cass thought about her own answers for a moment before giving them.

"My favorite colour changes everyday depending on my mood. I'd say that today it is orange. My favorite band is The Smiths. Most people would think that my favorite way is just shocking them to death,but I actually prefer to jump really high and then drop at them from the sky."

Cass chuckled before looking down at her hands. She played with her fingers distractedly.

"Can you imagine how it would be if we were normal? Maybe we would go to a concert of this band you like instead of fighting for our lives everyday. I...kinda of wonder about it sometimes."


Nico didn't turn away when Nitch stabbed Ryder's chest. He could feel the death walking through his body and clutched his chest by reflex,feeling a faint pain in his heart. The death wanted to walk through him,but he kept it away. Ryder wouldn't forgive him if he screwed this plan.

Nico snapped out of his stupor and gently rubbed Nitch's shoulder.

"That was really brave of you. Now...we need to wait."

Alec smiled. "If we were normal, you'd never know me. If you saw me, you wouldn't look twice. You'd have friends and a jock boyfriend. And I'd still live in Italy, where I'd read at my favorite cafe every morning before school, watching the sun rise. Being a half blood is the best thing that's ever happened to me, side effects and all." He admitted. "And if we succeed in this quest, I'll take you to a concert. We can be front row, almost nobody knows them. And we can embarrass ourselves and be mortals for a day before we go back to camp. Deal?" He offered, smiling again.

"Oh gods... I killed him... I killed Ryder." Nitch groaned, backing away and dropping his bloody sword. "I killed him. The plan. I have to stick to the plan." He gasped, checking Ryder for a pulse. He had to swallow the bile raising from his throat when he felt nothing. "He's dead. Bind the wound." He muttered, pulling some first-aid supplies out of his bad and stitching up the wound quickly, stopping the blood flow. "And now I wait ten minutes before starting CPR."


Ryder felt the life drain from him. He felt his soul sinking to the Underworld. He walked straight past the judgment area, where his father waited with a tapping foot. "This is your brilliant plan? Kill yourself?" Hades demanded, fists clenched.

"I want information, and I know you have it." Ryder said, just as firmly. "You're done hiding from me. Who is the kidnapper? Where are they?" He snarled. Hades hesitated.

"You're dead. As far as I'm aware, your friend isn't going to save your life in a few minutes. There could be no harm." Hades said, mostly to himself. "The kidnapper is unknown, shrouded from our gaze. But the location, I can tell you. Mount Diablo. In California, where Atlas holds up the sky. After the usurper Percy Jackson defeated Atlas there, and the Romans finished the job during the last Titan War, it was considered sacred. An immortal sign of the Titans' weakness. And so it was taken as a symbol of someone else rising to power." Hades explained. He lifted his head. "Time is slower here. Your friend... He's trying to resuscitate you. Beware, son. Someone in your group is a traitor. Someone--" Hades' voice cut off, although his lips continued to move. HE seemed to be getting blurry. Within seconds, Ryder was back in his own body, gasping for breath.
Nico felt it as Ryder passed through the Underworld,a sense of dread crossing his body. He quickly pushed it away,focusing on Nitch trying to revive the son of Hades instead. He knew everything about death. It was too long...why didn't Ryder come back?

"C'mon Ryder...you can do this..."

He felt the dread breaking away as Ryder grasped for breath,nearly falling backwards from the relief.

"Thank the gods..." He burst those words for the first time in his life before running to Ryder's side. "Ryder,take it easy. We did it. Plan worked."

He pulled a bottle of Nectar from his bag and handed it to him.


Cass still looked slightly sad,although she ended up smiling at Alec.

"You're right. I would still be a girl in France, and maybe I would be going to the gym and doing make up. The dread." He laughed before holding Alec's hands over the table. "I will be holding you into that promise,so don't dare to get hurt in this mission. I will enjoy to see you making enemies go crazy while I blow them with electricity. But I will also enjoy to spend a day just embarrassing each other."

Alec returned the sad smile. "No promises. But I'll try. I knew what I was getting myself into when I followed the quest. I know the risk, I know that there's a decent chance of me dying. I'm okay with that." Alec shrugged, squeezing her hand. "But I'll book the tickets in advance either way. Just in case."

"Gods, dying sucks." He grunted. "How long was I out?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"About twenty minutes. You didn't want to come back, I did CPR for a while before you started breathing again." Nitch said, hands covered in blood. He still looked a bit weak, but stayed on his feet. "That was probably the scariest thing I've ever done in my life." He admitted. Ryder reached out clumsily, still not fully in control of his body, and patted Nitch's shoulder.

"You did good. Sorry it took so long for the whole death thing, I have orthostatic hypotension." Ryder laughed.

"You do? Oh, shit." Nitch said, feeling a bit guiltier.
"You may be okay with that but I am not. I am not losing you after we just started dating. We are still going to spend time together and watch the sunshine and do cheesy stuff. I will make sure of that."

She smiled before leaning forward and kissing Alec deeply. The waiter soon approached with their food.


Nico didn't know what else to say. He stood silently in the background,feeling a bit Iike an outside in Ryder's and Nitch's friendship. Still,he was really happy that Ryder was back.

"You should get some rest,Ryder. You did just...die."

"Not tired. Kind of... Energized." Ryder admitted. His nerves felt like they were buzzing with energy. "I need to talk to Cass. You guys coming?" He asked, getting to his feet and handing the nectar back to Nico without drinking any. He'd heal naturally.
Nico nodded and followed Ryder silently,turning his glance towards Nitch.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be sure to tell that to Thanatos if he comes for me. 'My girlfriend won't let me die, sorry.'" He laughed. He looked at the cornetto. "Close enough." He shrugged, taking a bite.
"You didn't have much choice. The idea was a good one,even though it was really dangerous. We may be closer to finding the campers now thanks to you and Ryder. So thank you."

Nico sighed as he stood in front of the inn's door. He really needed some time alone,but he wanted to be by Nitch's side as well.

"Don't thank me. Not for that." Nitch pleaded. He stared at his bloody hands with disgust. "I'll talk to Ryder, find out what he knows now. We'll get Carlos back, Nico. I promise." He said firmly. He stared at the inn, knowing that there was about to be a scene. Ryder's shirt was covered in blood, and he looked paler than usual even still. Cass would probably be out to kill him any second. "Game on."


Ryder stumbled to Cassandra and Alec's table and almost fell down in the empty chair beside them. He felt shaky, which was unlike him. "We need to get going." He managed to say to the happy couple. "People are calling the cops now. We need to go." He continued. His shirt was wet with blood, and he could see people whispering on their phones.

Alec looked at Ryder, and his jaw dropped. "What the hell happened to you?" He hissed, abandoning his pastry and standing up. "Cass, maybe you should start making sure everyone is packed. I'll take care of this." He said, his voice firm for once. "And get him a new shirt."
Cass didn't seem to have listened to Alec as she ran forward towards Ryder,worry obvious in her expression.

"What the hell happened to you?! Did they attack again?" She held onto Ryder's arm,afraid that he could fall down to the floor. Her head frantically turned to Nitch and Nico,until she saw the blood on Nitch's sword.

Her mind blanked afterwards and she found herself launching towards Nitch. She was suddenly launched backwards as Nico grabbed her,pushing them both to the ground.

"Cass! Nitch didn't do anything,we can explai-"

An uncontrolled wave of electricity burst out of Cassandra,hitting Nico in the chest. His eyes rolled on his head and he fell to the floor sideways,trembling from the shock.

"Nico! Oh my gods, I-i didn't mean to."

"No!" Nitch cried, lunging for Nico and checking for a pulse. Immediately, he sagged with relief. "Oh, thank the gods." He panted, reaching in his bag for nectar and dripping it down Nico's throat.


Ryder grabbed Cassandra's arm. "Calm down!" He barked. The mortals were all backed up. "Time to go." He muttered, picking up Cassandra and dragging her out the door. "You coming, Alec?" He called behind him. Nitch was carrying Nico out, and it was not a pretty scene. Anyone who hadn't called the cops before certainly had now. Ryder dropped Cassandra and glared at her. "What the hell is your problem?!" He demanded.

Alec dropped some cash on the table by habit and followed the group out, pausing at the doorway and turning to the mortals. He thrust out a hand and focused. Immediately, they all started rolling on the ground, acting like various animals, or biting themselves. When he saw cops outside, he gave them the same treatment, almost falling over from the sudden wave of exhaustion that rolled over him. "I bought us some time. Let's go." He managed, stumbling after them.
Cass looked back the humans,seeing them start to gather the others. Smoke was coming out of Nico's clothes,but she sighed with relief once she saw his chest going up and down. At least he was breathing. Even though she nearly made him stop doing so.

She looked up at Ryder when he asked what was wrong with her.

"I don't know. I saw you wounded and blood in Nitch's sword..." She felt tears upon her eyes,but quickly pushed them away. She had to be controlled,had to be herself. "You can punish me for that later,Ryder. But we need to go."

She quickly ran towards Alec,holding him when he seemed about to fall. She barely managed to look at Nico,guilt pressing her chest.

"Alec,can you run? We need to go. The others will be following us,we made a lot of noise. You brought us time but it won't last long."


Nico opened his eyes,noticing that he was practically being dragged away by Nitch. His vision was blurry,but he tried to shake himself out of it.

"D-don't worry about me. Is Ryder okay?" He tapped his clothes to brush the smoke away,trying to awake fully.

"She didn't understand, Ryder. You can't blame her for that, you would've done the same thing." Alec managed. He looked at the cops and glared at them, giving them the curse of madness. A migraine was slowly building in his head. "Never used my powers this much. I can walk, I'm too slow. Go without me, I'll catch up later." He offered, stumbling over his own feet.

"He's fine. Don't worry about him. Alec, more cops incoming!" Nitch called to the Mania kid. He looked over and glared at Cassandra.


"I asked him to stab me!" Ryder hissed, taking Nico's other side and helping him along. "And it's the reason I know where to go right now." He snarled. He saw Alec stumble, and left Nico to Nitch, supporting Alec instead. "Not a chance in hell, buddy. You wanted to come, now you're stuck with us. Just keep driving them mad, we'll do the rest." Ryder suggested, his British accent coming out as it always did when he was stressed.

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