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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

C took a quick shower, if only because he didn't want to spend more time in the bathtub than he had to, and changed just as quickly. He left the bathroom, seeing that almost everyone was up, but paused at Ryder's words. "I didn't expect anything less." He said mostly to himself, shaking his head. His eyes landed on the new girl, who had apparently joined their quest? His eyebrow twitched. "How many demi-gods are on this quest?"

@Graecus Scum

Alec laughed with her, kissing her back. "What can I say, I'm a lucky man." He teased. "Do you need anything? Ryder went for coffee, he should be back soon."
Isabelle skipped after Ryder, seeing nothing better to do "Hiya!" she smiled walking with him. Max was showering.

Arya looked up at the boy before standing. "Well... However many you had last night... Add one to that." She explained slowly, her usual sarcasm marring her voice. "Hey, you should be hoping for as many Big Three kids as you can get, we don't come easily. We're a bit of a rare breed." She shrugged.

Watching everything unfold comfortably from his seat, Arleos had to admit. These people had some crazy mornings. Suppose it was better than having an attack occur though. He leaned back in his seat and continued to watch from the sides, noticing Ryder had left with the girl he'd seen the day before.
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Ryder turned to Isabelle. "Hey." He nodded. "Sorry about the... Towel... And the door." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "I heard you scream, and I didn't realize why, so I got concerned." He trailed off. "Doesn't matter. Still, I'm sorry." He managed.
Nico nodded,running one hand through his dark hair. It was never really fixed in one place,always messy and falling on his eyes. He didn't really care to brush it unless it was an emergency.

"What do you mean about a stupid plan?"


"You definitely are. But I'm a lucky girl as well."

Cass winked to Alec before sitting on the bed and brushing her hair distractedly. She wondered if she could find a sink somewhere.

"How about we get some breakfast downstairs?"

Alec smiled at her. "Or the cafe sells some good looking stuff. Whatever you want." He promised. "Let me change shirts really... Fast." He trailed off, remembering the distinct lack of bathrooms. "In the corner. Very quickly." He finished, digging a black shirt from his bag and rushing to the corner, stripping off his shirt and replacing it at lightning thief. If it had just been Cass, he probably wouldn't have felt AS awkward, but in a motel room full of Demigods? No chance in Hades.

Nitch faltered, staring at Nico. "Uh, nothing. Just an idea of Ryder's that he thinks will work." Nitch said, giving him most of the truth. "He wants me to be the one that puts it into action, and I'm not looking forward to it." He shrugged.

"Oh" she blushed a bit "That's fine, I get it, you are just looking out for us." She smiled at him.


Max walked out of his room dressed, and headed straight for Alec's room. He knocked, not realizing he may have been disturbing a special moment between him and Cass
C scratched the back of his head, looking away. There were way too many sarcastic demi-gods on this quest, himself included. "I don't have a problem with you being one of the Big Three, but you're pretty defensive about it when I don't even know who you are," He shot her a curious look. "My problem was more with the fact that I went to sleep for a few minutes, and during that time you joined our quest. I'm almost afraid of how many new people will be here the next time I fall asleep."

"Simple solution." She fell into her creepiest voice. "Don't go to sleep." She chuckled, winking at him before leaving the motel room. "I'll be back with supplies for you guys." She called carelessly behind her.


Alex squinted after the girl before looking at C. "No, but seriously, who is that?" He asked wearily.
Nico rose one eyebrow at Nitch's words,detecting that he was probably hiding something for him. But he didn't really want to push the boy,specially after what they had been through together.

"Okay. Will you be all right,though? I'm imagining this could be dangerous."


Cassandra watched Alec go with a smile,following him with her eyes. Now that was something she would have liked to see. Shame they were in a full room.

Alec turned to see Cass watching him. "Enjoying the show, sweetheart?" He teased, picking up his backpack and pulling it on. "Let's get you some food, come on." He suggested. He wanted some alone time with her anyways.

"It's not my health I'm concerned about." Nitch muttered, patting his hair down quickly and standing up, brushing off his jeans. "Presentable. Not great, but presentable." He shrugged, attaching his sheath and sword to his belt.
"One of the Big Three apparently." C said airily, shrugging. "If you want an answer, you'll have to take it up with Ryder or Max. They were the ones that were awake last night, though when you find out I want to know too."

"I'll get right on that." Alex said, staring at Jenna. "Someone looks far too happy." He noticed, appraising the broad grin on her face.

"We're around other people." She said simply, shrugging.

"Yea, too many of them." He grumbled.
Cass jumped from the bed immediately,walking to Alec with a smirk. She hated to be stuck in one place,too much energy inside of her body. She had to move.

"Let's go,then. I will check if these Americans can actually cook."

She turned to C with a frown once he mentioned that the girl was one of the big three.

"Really? I wonder who is her father."

She didn't know yet,but she definitely would as soon as she stood in front the girl.


"You look great,actually." Nico let that out without giving it much thought. He blushed afterwards,looking at the ground. "Nitch...about what happened yesterday..." He tried to find words to apologize or even just explain the situation,but nothing came out of his mouth.

Nitch smiled shyly at the words. "You don't have to apologize or... Say anything. No explanation needed." Nitch assured him. "It's not easy being what we are, we all have moments of weakness."
Max walked into the room. "Hey everyone. I um, I wanted to apologize. To all of you. I have been an asshole since before the quest even started. Alec, and I especially wanted to say sorry to you. It's not your fault Izzy came. And Nico and Blair, I'm sorry for walking away when you guys were in danger. I'm an idiot. but I hope you all can forgive me." he said, after he finished his eyes were on the floor.

"I overheard Ryder talking about it last night, couldn't sleep. She's a Poseidon kid." Alec cut in, taking Cassandra's hand. "And Americans can cook. I make really good... Ramen noodles. And ravioli out of the can. Chef Boyardee all the way." Alec chuckled.
C hummed thoughtfully at learning her parentage. "That's nice and all, but do you know her name? I think that would be more helpful." He walked closer to Alec and took a second to claim their now empty bed, stretching out on it as Max made his speech.
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"Okay. Thank you,Nitch." Nico rose his eyes to the son of Athena,looking happy for once. He pushed himself away from the bed and stood by his side. "Do you want to eat anything? It's on me. I think I own you a coffee for saving my life and all." He chuckled at his words.


"Poseidon?" Cassandra cringed lightly. "She hates me already and we don't even know each other."

She felt a light grumble in her stomach and started to pull Alec towards the door,just like she did in their first date.

"Once all of this is over you are showing me those skills with food that comes out of cans."

She passes through Nico and Nitch on her way out,smiling brightly when she noticed the expression in Nico's face when he looked at Nitch.

"Hey,Nico. Do you feel better already?"

"Oh,definitely." He blushed and looked at the ground. Cass knew he was hiding something,but also knew that she couldn't pull it out of him.

"Yea, it's... Uh, Aya? Aura. No, Arya! It's Arya!" Alec blurted out, feeling like he was in an intense game of Jeopardy.

Who is Arya, daughter of Poseidon!

"I've never been known to turn down a free coffee. But you don't owe me anything. Seriously." Nitch chided, smiling at Nico.

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