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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Ryder smirked against his will. "You'd be good for her, you know?" Ryder blurted out, thinking of Toni, wherever she was. "Toni needs someone like you in her life. Someone who isn't as damaged as the rest of us. She's had an easy life. That's why me and her never got together, among other reasons. I could never be right for her. And besides, you guys just make sense together. Me and her didn't. We never saw each other that way. She's a sister to me, and nothing more. I'm not in your way, Max. I'm cheering you on." Ryder smiled slightly before returning to his spot on the floor and lying down.
He smiled "Eh, Why would a skilled Ares fighter want a soft Apollo archer?" he smirked, taking out his bow. "by the way, is there any place I can test this thing out?" he said extending it.

"Because why would she want another idiotic Ares camper, they smell like dirty gym socks? Stop judging people based on their parents, you're starting to sound like a hybrid mix of me and your old self. And just shoot out the window, aim for the mortals." He said teasingly, hoping that the archer wouldn't take him seriously.
he laughed "Stop judging people on their parents, he says, after saying Ares kids smell like dirty Gym socks" he looked out the window "Mortals it is"

"That's not due to parentage. It's due to the fact that they have two brain cells. Ah, maybe I'm a little judgmental. I never claimed to be a saint." He chuckled. "Try not to make fatal shots so they can go to a... Hospital. That's what it is." He said, snapping his fingers.
"Nah, If I targeted mortals than that would be picking on people less than me" he said, "so I guess I'll just have to target Demi-gods?"

"Oh, that's why I hate archers. You're all assholes. Right." Ryder opened on eye to stare at the Apollo camper. "Pick on them, it'd be mean. Pick on me, it'd be stupid. Find a happy medium, bud."
"Gods, can't a guy sleep?" C asked in annoyance, sitting up. He'd managed to fall asleep for what felt like seconds, until everyone had came back into the room and apparently forgotten that there were Demi-gods who liked sleeping semi-peacefully. "Take your conversation outside, or better yet, sleep out in the hallway and you can talk all night there."
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"Well the only option would be to shoot myself. I would rather not do it. we need monsters" he looked at C, "Oh right. Ill go back to my room, see you guys in the morning" he said turning around

"God, Demigods are crabby. Yes, my liege." Ryder grunted, relaxing once again and folding his arms behind his head. "Night, Lovesick Fool." He said casually, smirking.
he rolled his eyes "Whatever you say Grumpy" he walked down the hall to his room, to see the door was open, he walked inside cautiously to see Isabelle. he walked inside and before they went to sleep they worked everything out. (dont feel the need to rp with myself)

Ryder was the first one awake, for once. He looked around at the comatose campers and grabbed his backpack, heading into the bathroom. He locked the door and took a very quick shower, hating the feeling of being dirty. When he finished, he put on a clean set of clothes, and felt about a thousand times better. He walked out to the room and clapped his hands loudly. "Wake up, ladies and gentlemen." He called.

Ars eyes snapped open in an instant and when he looked outside he saw nothing but sunlight from his room. He sat up in the bed, rubbed his face and looked around at the damp, dull, cockroach infested, and mold crawling spots that were his room. He blinked, then everything came back to him in a flash. "Ugh..." he groaned, his back felt like he'd been laying on tree bark. The he remembered what had happened yesterday. "Right, right" he said into his hands as everything came back. Getting up, slowly hearing a few pops from his spine, Ars opened the way to his bathroom and getting inside, Arleos took a quick cold shower and stepped out. Once he was set he made his way towards the others and knocked just after hearing a loud clap.
Isabelle got out of the shower when max was just waking up. she had a towel around herself and walked out of the bathroom to get clothes thinking max was still asleep

"Woah!" he said when seeing her, which caused her to shriek and run back into the bathroom. "Izzy, I'm not looking grab your clothes, quick." he groaned

"Come on, you lazy asses. I'm going to wake up Max and Izzy. Anyone still asleep when I get back is getting thrown out the window." He warned, jogging down the hall and knocking on Max's door. "You'd better be awake." He called through the wood. He heard a shriek and kicked the door in without hesitating, drawing his sword. He saw Izzy in only a towel, running into the bathroom, and immediately turned around. "So not a scream of fear or pain. Got it." He said, nodding.
If C wasn't up before, the clap made him jerk upright as if he'd been struck by Zeus' lightning bolt. Or Cassandra's. He didn't really think it made much of a difference whose lightning bolt it was. He glared at the ground, making an effort not to glare at Ryder. He didn't think he'd win in a glaring match with the Son of Hades. C ran a hand through his hair, which was mostly likely sticking up everywhere and covered in carpet grime, and made himself get up. He was not a fan of being woken up by surprise, and most of the Apollo cabin knew to leave him alone until he wanted to get up, but unfortunately he was on a quest. He moved past Ryder without a word and took the bathroom next, then stopped short of the tub. He clearly saw why Ryder didn't want to sleep in it.
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The shriek made Arleos burst into the room, though upon doing so he stopped moving as he saw some if not most of the campers were still asleep or at least trying to get back to sleep. Seeing one of the members begrudgingly follow after an open door where he assumed the scream had come from Ars decided it was best he just sit in this seat directly adjacent to the door.

And so he did.

Arya groaned when she heard the clap and sat up just in time to see Ryder leave. "I'm assuming it's against quest rules to kill the quest leader?" She growled, glaring after him. She did not appreciate being woken up. "I might have to bend that rule."


Alex had a similar reaction, bolting up and looking around. "What the hell is wrong with you people? Don't you understand the meaning of sleeping in?" He groaned, shaking Jenna awake. She slept like a coma victim.

"Five more minutes." She grunted, not moving.

"I'll throw you out the window." He warned, stealing Ryder's threat.

"Okay, I'm up!" She squealed.

"Gods, man" he said. looking at Ryder. He rolled his eyes, and took his toothbrush and soap out of his bag, next in line for the shower.


"O.M.G. get out of our room!" she yelled at everyone, freaking out behind the closed bathroom door

Alec woke up calmly, not bothered by the clapping or the yelling. He turned around, momentarily confused to find himself sharing a bed with Cassandra. The previous night came back to him in a flash, and he chuckled. Right, Cass had pulled him onto the bed. He rested a hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently. "Cass. Come on, quest time." He said in a gentle voice. @Rukia


Kara and Blair woke up simultaneously, looking almost like twins with equally bad bedhead. "Bathroom." Kara said firmly, frowning when she noticed it was taken. "Brush." She corrected herself, digging in her pack for one and fixing her hair quickly as Blair did the same.

"Why did we volunteer ourselves for this again?" Blair muttered, standing and stretching.

"No freaking clue." Kara shrugged.

"I'm sorry. I heard you scream and I panicked." He called, closing the door behind him and returning to his own room, mortified. "Starting off the day right. I'm going to go to the cafe next door and get some coffee. If you have any special requests... Deal with it, I guess, I'm not your servant. Black coffee for all." He announced, pulling his bag over his shoulder and walking out.


Nitch woke up to see a close-up of Nico's face. He blinked, surprised, before remembering the previous night. Quite a way to make a move on someone, stop them from jumping out of an open window. He certainly had flair, that was for sure. "Nico, it's time to wake up." He muttered.


Nico didn't usually sleep for as long as he did,always having problems with nightmares and images from the Underworld. But that night he felt peaceful,having the warmth of Nitch's body against his.

He opened his eyes slowly before looking up at his friend.

"Hmm? Okay." Nico blushed lightly,wondering if Nitch would judge him for last night. He had never broken down in front of anyone like he had with Nitch.



Cass groaned before pushing a pillow against her face. She slowly lowered it and looked up at Alec,hair splattered all over her face.

"I didn't think you would be taking me to bed so soon."

She chuckled and leaned in to place a kiss in Alec's face.
Isabelle came out with her hair done up nicely, an Aphrodite girl would be proud. She had on a T-shirt and denim shorts on, "Get up sleepy head" she giggled at Max, and skipped out of the room with her backpack on.

"If you're going to shower, I'd suggest killing someone for their place in line. I'll just... Wash my hair in a sink somewhere." Nitch shrugged, running a hand through his so-far clean hair. "Time to go hatch a stupid plan into action." He grumbled.

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