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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"And 'sweetheart'?" Arleos commented unable to hide the small grin. "I'm flattered you think of me that way but we just met" he said, backing away a bit as Ryder pulled out his weapon. Probably best to let the guy with the sword ask the questions rather than cause himself foolish harm.
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"Don't flatter yourself, I do have standards." Arya scoffed. "Go ahead, proceed with the interrogation. I'm terrified, really." She said, masking a yawn. "Or I could save time. The name's Arya. And, like you uncultured people, I am a Demigod. Daughter of Poseidon." She smirked. "Kind of a big deal." She continued sarcastically. As if her parentage had done her any good.

"Oh, a wisecrack. We needed another of those." Ryder shot back, his voice equally heavy with sarcasm. "You're very forthcoming, even for a girl that's outmatched three to one. Any particular reason, or are you just feeling giving today?" He asked, tightening his grip on his sword. He couldn't help but crack a slight smile at her comment to Arleos.

Don't flatter yourself, I do have standards. And interesting thing to say in that particular situation, but amusing nonetheless. Anything that insulted other people was fair game to him.

"Uncultured is a bit harsh don't you think, daughter of water? I mean you could at least take note of my eating habits before saying I'm uncultured" Arleos said, his small grin still quite live on his face. But within a few seconds it disappeared as he got serious once more. "Regardless, nice to meet you. Even if you may not find it as such to meet us." Ars stated with a slight bow for affect sensing a little something but not a hundred percent sure just what he was sensing yet. Maybe it was from the others, particularly Ryder who was showing a lot of suspicion towards this girl, it was understandable. He had to, or maybe it was from this other fellow beside them, whatever it was he'd find out later.

"Daughter of water, very witty." She scoffed. "And why wouldn't I find it nice to meet you? I have no problem with Demigods, no matter the parentage. Well, that's not true. Zeus kids aren't my favorite of the bunch. The whole 'Big Three rivalry' bullshit. Hades is fine by me, always admired the guy. Must be nice to have the dead in the palm of your hand. But Zeus? He and Water Boy don't get along, and that's genetic. None of you are Zeus kids, I presume? No? Then I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." She paused, frowning. "Well, I would be. If, you know, I knew your names, maybe parents if you're feeling generous. I was very forthcoming to you, as Grumpy noticed. I'd appreciate the same thing in return." She shrugged innocently, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

Ryder's jaw dropped slightly. "Grumpy?" He asked disbelievingly before turning to Arleos. "Did she just call me 'Grumpy'? I'm not grumpy." He said, a bit more offended than he should've been. Grumpy was what you called old men and toddlers. He preferred brooding. Or serious. Not grumpy. He forced himself to let it go. "Ryder, son of Hades. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree about Six Feet Under, huh? I've met him, he's an asshole." If she gave her father a stupid nickname, he felt obliged to do the same. 'Six Feet Under' probably wasn't the best, but he wasn't known for naming things. He purposely didn't introduce Max or Arleos, giving them the chance to give out their own information. It wasn't his right to do so.

(Gonna break the fourth wall with this one, may regret this may not.)

"I can't imagine why she'd call you Grumpy." Ars stated, no sense of sarcasm really in his voice. It was not one of his stronger suits, but it was there...somewhere. "I am Arleos, call me Ars for short if you want. Son of Zelus. Goofball of--" he cleared his throat as though he had unintentionally spoken out of turn, though by all means it was intentional. "Had something my throat there, God of Rivalry & Envy. And quick question, I've always wondered this. Does that make you some sort of waterbender, can you like control people and things if you really put your mind to it?" he inquired. He had no idea why he was asking this, it was just one of those thoughts that seemed to just pop into his head...strange, but it was a interesting question. Water did make up a majority of blood after all.

Arya didn't seem surprised by the question. Nothing really surprised her anymore. "Well... The human body is made up of about 70% water. So... In theory, yes I could. But Poseidon is the god of the oceans, not the god of all liquids everywhere. It'd be crossing the line. Normally, that wouldn't stop me for more than, like, a second. But it would take a long time to get that much focus. It's easier to just manipulate the water out of a water bottle and drown someone with it. Like this." She explained. She focused on the water outside of her door from the melting ice and forced it to float from the bucket and come to her, where it twirled around her fingers like a sadistic snake. "If I really wanted to, I could kill you with this. If one of you didn't stab me while I wasn't looking. Luckily, not my style." She shrugged, releasing the water and watching it splash onto the ground. "Now, if I was focusing, I could manipulate the water in your body, and make you stab yourselves. It'd be very difficult, and it's just not as efficient." She said calmly, inspecting her bracelet. "Are we all showing off the weapons, because I can fit in to that."

She tapped the middle of her bracelet. Immediately, it fell from her wrist, already growing. Within a second, a large trident was propped up and waiting for use, and she gripped the handle. "Ooh, now we're all threatening. And if the mortals walk in, we'll totally get arrested." She smirked.

Both Arleos' lips pursed together before he let out a whistle. Wow...she's good, he thought. During that entire explanation now a shrivel of hesitation had been with her from point A to point B. Having her on this team may prove to be useful, and he wasn't saying that just because she was a daughter of Poseidon. After the splash he looked back up at her and nodded his head slowly in interest, wondering just to what extent her powers could achieve.

"You've had quite a bit of practice haven't you?" he asked.
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Arya thought about the question. He asked some very thought-provoking brain-teasers, didn't he? Time to decide whether or not to be forthcoming. She shrugged. What did she have to lose? "I'm 21 years old and I've been on my own since I was 10. That's eleven years of practice. Yea, Skippy. I'd say I'm pretty good." She said calmly, inspecting her trident for nicks. With a flick of her fingers, the water rose from the rug and continued to swirl around her fingers. It was her version of tapping her foot, to play with water. It had sparked some interesting conversations with mortals.

Ryder leaned in to Arleos' ear. He would listen to the new kid for once. "What do you think? She's powerful, that's for sure. But you seem to be the one that's cozying up the most, your call." He muttered.

"I say we let her in. Not like it would benefit us to make her an enemy considering with what she just said. And if any of us has drank water recently or otherwise, well that'd just make it easier for her to take us out. So I'm up for bringing her, but you're the leader. If it's fine with you, then I'll tell her she can join."

@Play On Words @Graecus Scum

Ryder inspected the girl. The way she held the trident, it was obvious she could use it in a fight. Her water powers were phenomenal. He grit his teeth, not wanting to say his next words. "Do it." He growled.

Arya continued to play with the water. She heard every word being spoken, but she hid that. Men, and their inability to whisper. She looked at Lovesick Fool, the only one who hadn't given up his name. She'd still probably call them all demeaning nicknames, but at least she knew now what to call them in serious situations. If there ever was a situation serious enough to make her stop being sarcastic, she had never seen it.

"Alright, Arya" he said addressing the girl. "Welcome to the team" he said gesturing towards the door where the others were. In doing this he added a small, yet meager smile to show how 'excited' he was to have her join. Truth be told, Arleos was interested. He'd never met a Poseidon child, then again he'd never met another demigod before either till just a couple hours ago, but hey he wasn't complaining.

"Breathless with excitement. Do I get a cool nickname?" Arya asked playfully. "If so, I'm renaming all of you. Lovesick Fool gets to keep his, as does Grumpy." She continued, curious to see how long it'd take before they tried to kill her out of sheer annoyance. "Night, Grumpy. See you in the daytime." She smirked, walking into the motel room and sitting in the first chair she saw, crossing her hands on her lap.
Max had his bow out since the beginning of the encounter. He still didn't know what Isabelle meant when she said when she said that his father would help with the ammunition. He was kind of disappointed when Arleos let her in. He wanted to test his bow out. Men may have an inability to whisper, but that didn't mean Max could hear them. Kind of a placebo affect; if he thought they were whispering he couldn't hear them. Men were indeed stupid. "I'm not lovesick" he called after her in a grumpy tone, his first words of the encounter. he kept quiet so he didn't accidentally say something that would make everyone hate him again

Ryder looked at Max. "I'm Grumpy. And I suppose you're Lovesick Fool." He explained. "I meant what I said before we got our visitor. There's nothing between Toni and me. Never was, never will." He sighed, feeling stupid, before walking back inside after Arya. This would certainly be the most interesting quest in a while.
Max walked inside also, anything not to be alone. "Okay, and don't get me wrong, I don't want anything else but to save her and the rest of the campers." Max reassured him "And I will follow you to the styx to get them back. I have had a good life...Maybe I'm not strong enough to handle anything remotely bad. That being said, I would gladly die if it means saving the lives of the rest of the campers."
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"Death won't be necessary. For you, at least. Like I said, Nitch and I have a plan. A concrete plan that has a 50/50 shot of working. The other 50 is my death, but I'm willing to take that risk." Ryder shrugged.
"how is it a concrete plan if it only has a 50/50 chance of working? thats more like a...Jelly plan..." he thought. "Seriously, what the hell Ryder, what kind of plan is that?" he said fearing for his safety. weather Ryder liked Max or not, doesn't change the fact that Max looks up to him, and cares about him. "What is the plan?" he said in a deadpan voice, demanding to know.

Ryder looked at the son of Apollo. His gaze was just as even, and just as unrelenting. "I suppose you'll find out tomorrow. And whatever you do... Listen to Nitch. No matter what." Ryder said in a low voice, looking around to make sure nobody could hear. "And I was thinking concrete, as in we had the details as worked out as Demigods ever do. It should work. But it might not be something I can... Recover from. Fully, if at all." He said hesitantly, not sure how to explain without telling him the idea. And if he knew what Ryder was planning, Max would try to stop it, that was for sure.
"Listen, you can trust me. I want to help. If there is anything I can do to help you stay alive...ill even do it for you. Camp Half-Blood isn't a place I want to go back to. maybe the underworld will treat me better" he said. he didn't want anyone to die, and he was honestly okay with dying at this point.

"It's not something you can do. It has to be me. I wish it didn't, but there isn't a choice in the matter." Ryder insisted, fists clenched. "It has nothing to do with trust. If you knew what we were planning, you'd stop us. It's that simple, you're too damned stubborn. We have one shot at this, my body can't take doing it twice. So if telling you puts you in the way, I'm sorry, but you're being kept in the dark." He growled, staring at the guy in front of him. "Just trust me. One time." He pleaded.
"Okay. that explanation is good enough for me. I'm not in control of your life. Whatever you choose to do....Ill support you" he said softly "I care about you Ryder" he admitted "No homo" he smirked trying to lighten up the mood a bit

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