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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Nico had already found his way into their room,although he didn't have the key. He managed to open the door using his shadows,although he would probably have to pay for that later.

He stood sitting in the window now,looking down at the huge fall bellow him.


The darkness inside of him told him that whenever he stood near heights. His eyes moved to the ground,the stupor marked in his face. He didn't seem like himself. If he just took a step forward...

Nitch burst into the room, seeing Nico and slowing down. "Nico. Please step back." He said slowly, advancing carefully until he was just a foot away from the guy.
C stepped into the elevator with him and leaned back against the wall, even though Jamison's bow made a pained sound. "That's not what the Apollo cabin says." He said, though he didn't mean it in an insulting way.
"Why?" Nico turned around to smirk ironically at Nitch,his voice seeming different all of a sudden. "We are all ending down there anyway. Why not make the trip shorter? Give me one good reason,Nitch."

He leaned against the window,still smirking at the son of Athena.
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Ryder laughed at the words. "Oh, I'm sure the Apollo cabin has a lot to say about me. We're close friends. We had a sleepover once, it was damned magical." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't believe everything you hear, C. If it were true... I suppose you'd be dead by now. After all, you're locked in a small box with Death Boy, right?" He smirked.


"Because nobody wants you dead, Nico. I don't want you dead. There's a reason you're here, and it's not to jump out of a window." Nitch said experimentally, standing beside the son of Thanatos. "Besides, why give your father the satisfaction?"
C made an effort to look as unimpressed as possible. "If I really believed what they said about you, I would have run screaming in the opposite direction the second you looked at me. Or, better yet, I would have fainted the moment I saw that I was surrounded by three death demigods." He was full on grinning now.
Nico's eyes flashed with anger at Nitch's words. The shadows around his feet started to tremble,reacting to his temper.

"No one cares if I live or die anymore,Nitch. All you feel is pity. Pity for the broken asshole who had everything taken away from him." He moved back a few inches,standing closer to the edge. "Just let me die,Nitch. Just let me die so I can go tell that jerk of a father that he is an idiot. Just let me die so I can see my mother again. If you really like me,just...let me..."

The glazed look around Nico's eyes started to disappear,the darkness pulling away,scared of his softer feelings for Nitch. Nico started to fall back towards the window's edge,looking half-unconscious.

"Well, I never said you were smart." Ryder smirked, stepping out of the elevator.


"That's not true." Nitch insisted. He noticed Nico beginning to fall forward and lunged by instinct, grabbing his arm and pulling him back before he could fall through the window. "Not on my watch." He grunted, staring at Nico.
Nico allowed Nitch to pull him back,leaning against the boy and sliding slowly to the ground. He wrapped his arms around Nitch by instinct,burying his face against Nitch's chest.

"I'm so sorry..."

Nitch rubbed Nico's back, stunned by the events that had just happened. "It's okay." He managed, panting slightly. "You're okay."
C stared at his back for a long moment in surprise, only stepping out when the doors almost closed in his face. He followed after Ryder. "That hurts," He said, mock sniffing. "I'm known for my intelligence, and is this you treat anyone who tries to put up with you?"
Nico closed his eyes,holding tightly onto Nitch. He was almost afraid that the boy would disappear if he let go.

"I didn't want to...I just really wanted a break. I've been holding everything into myself for so long and I think it's...killing me."

He started to sob against Nitch's chest,crying for the first time in eight years. He noticed that he was making the boy's shirt wet and tried to pull back.


"Well, I mean, if it is, it'd explain why not many people try, right? I am fluent in the languages of sarcasm and insult." Ryder admitted.


"Next time you want a break, try Bora Bora. Not out the window. And I don't care about the shirt, I have others." Nitch chuckled, holding Nico tightly. "It'll be okay. I promise, I'll do whatever I possibly can to make it okay."
"I think the whole 'son of Hades' thing is why not many people try, not your wonderful personality." C glanced at the rooms they were passing. "As one of the 'unplanned guests' on this quest, where am I going to sleep?" He paused. "Or is that whole 'body bag' threat still a thing, and you don't care?"
"Okay. I will...keep far away from it. Thank you,Nitch."

Nico sniffed,brushing away the tears from his eyes. He felt exhausted by the happenings of the day,leaning against the Son of Athena weakly.

"I might actually sleep for three days." He admitted with a chuckle,still wrapped around Nitch.

"Well, we could only get three beds, and we have fourteen people on this quest, so it'll be a tight squeeze. I figure Alex and Jenna share a bed, Nico can have another, and then Blair. Alex has a bad leg, he saved my ass and got punished for it. Nico is still weak from the Underworld thing, same with Blair. I figure we don't want to make a dog pile on the floor, so I'll sleep in the bathtub, the rest of you can fight over chairs and couches." Ryder shrugged. "If Blair is willing to give it up, maybe Alec and Cass can share a bed, if they're willing. I'd like as many people as possible to have a comfortable night's sleep."


"Don't apologize. You have no reason to be sorry, it was a moment of weakness. I've had many." Nitch said firmly. "Get some rest, Nico, you need it." He murmured, relaxing against the wall.
"Bathtub, huh? Sounds comfortable." C said neutrally, trying not to raise an eyebrow at him. "Well, what's the plan for tomorrow?"
Nico closed his eyes for a second and suddenly they weren't standing in the ground anymore as darkness involved around them both. He and Nitch were laying down on one of the beds,Nico's arms still wrapped around Nitch.

Nico looked much younger when he was sleeping,all the stress removed from his features. The son of Athena wouldn't be able to pull away from the bed without waking him up.

"Cold, just like my soul." Ryder said cryptically. "And tomorrow, we continue on our merry way to become heroes. After all, that's what everyone thinks we're trying to do, right?" He paused. "I only have one plan for the future, C. And that's to save my best friend. I don't intend on letting anyone get in my way." He shrugged.


Nitch moved slightly closer to Nico, feeling relaxed. The bed was far from comfortable, but he hardly noticed.
C actually snorted at his words. "So cold that you want your fellow questees to be as 'comfortable as possible'." He made air quotes. "I can feel the chill." He deadpanned. "And that sounds great and all, but I'm starting to think that no demigod knows what an 'actual' plan is."
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"Well, we're overconfident. It comes from having immortal, inconceivably powerful parents. Makes us cocky. Plans are for the weak. And you want cold?" He smirked, touching the guy's arm reluctantly. He knew his skin was ice cold, similar to a vampire's.
"Oh, so that's why I think plans are a good idea!" C said sarcastically, and then jumped back when Ryder touched him, shivering instinctively. "Is the Hades cabin a freezer?" He asked him in surprise, rubbing his arm.
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"Well, it is an Underworld thing, but I also have orthostatic hypotension. That doesn't make it better." Ryder smirked. "And yea, man up, leave plans behind with asking for directions." He noticed that the motel room door was open and sped up, drawing his sword. the second he burst in, he paused, confused. "Uh. That's new. That's a bed situation solved, though." He noted, seeing Nico and Nitch curled up together on the bed.
C leaned against the doorway, following Ryder's gaze to the two on the bed. "Well, you did say you were going to give Nico a bed." Or at least he assumed it was Nico, since he was curled up in bed with a guy with glasses. He was probably right. "The floor looks free and possibly comfortable." He said, glancing around the rest of the room.

"Go for it. I'm going to go sanitize the bathtub and set it up for sleeping." Ryder chuckled softly, making sure he didn't wake up the guys on the bed.

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