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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"None of you idiots understand." Blair spat angrily, barely able to stand. "It isn't a physical wound. It's Underworld lingering on me. No Apollo magic whisks it away. Nectar does nothing. Ryder, please tell them." She asked the older male.

"She's right. Too much contact with the Underworld, like shadow travelling a lot of people, can kill a person, but it's nothing that you can heal, Max. I'll get them a cab instead." Ryder said, biting the inside of his lip to stop himself from screaming.
Nico frowned at Alex's words. He had never actually considered the situation like that. People did fall for the wrong ones all the time. And he was definitely one of the wrong ones.

"Maybe...but you're right about the punching,I would have defended him even if he was wrong." He admitted with some embarrassment. "I can take a beating though,so you don't have to worry much."

An idea crossed his mind at that. Nico wasn't exactly a prideful person he would definitely ask for help and needed.

"You seem to have some skill with a sword. Do you think you could teach me a few things?"


"Nico could help." Cass replied immediately,although that was supposed to be a secret. "Although she might have to go back to camp afterwards. She can barely stand,let alone fight."

She gripped a little tighter onto Alec's hand.
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"I understand" He turned to Isabelle "listen Izzy, Im super glad to see you, but..something happened. Toni is gone. I can't risk you either.


"O-oh..." she said, looking around. she felt so stupid for coming.

"You can't make me leave, Ryder." Alec insisted, before pausing and looking at Max. "Wait, what happened to Toni?" He demanded, realizing what Cass hadn't told him. He looked at her. "She's not...?"

"Sure, I can teach you a lot of things. But let's see how this thing all pans out. Seems to me like you guys are on a rush, so we only have a few days together, until this quest is over." Alex shrugged.
Max was trying to be quiet. he sighed "Listen you guys need to leave" he said standing beside Ryder "You have no place being here. Cass is the Daughter of Zeus, she can take care of herself. And you three? C? why are you guys even here? This is Important. Your own lust for glory isn't worth risking the quest." He said sternly
Cass looked at the ground as she felt Alec's glance fall on her. She felt her eyes getting red,but her voice was firm when she replied.

"She isn't dead. But they took her. Probably the same people who took the other campers."

She rose her eyes to Max with a frown as he spoke.

"Max...they are just trying to save the campers. Like we are as well."
"Cassandra, that may be, but they weren't chosen to be on this quest. they are breaking the rules. and right now, they are slowing us down." he said.

Alec clenched his jaw. "You think I care about glory? What makes you allowed to go on this quest, and not us? Ryder didn't invite you, I'm sure. You don't control me. You aren't the only ones affected by the missing people. If you get to be here, then so do we." Alec said calmly.
C thought about asking who Toni was, then decided that it would be extremely inappropriate and he'd probably be punched by at least one person here for it. He sat up, glancing up at Max. "For glory? That's what I asked them." He said approvingly. "I think that I should be offended that you're implying that we're not important enough to be on this quest." He scratched his chin thoughtfully as he listened to Alec and Ryder arguing.
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Nico opened his mouth to reply to Alex,but then he heard the commotion outside. Turning his head around,he saw a small crowd of campers that had escaped from the camp.

"Shit...seriously? Sorry Alex,I need to go see that."

He quickly stormed out of the hotel to enter the conversation,but he stopped once he noticed that Blair looked wounded.

"Blair,are you all right? I-"

Nico's hand brushed Blair's arm and suddenly he went stiff as his body absorbed all of the Underworld Energy accumulated into her. His eyes went completely black and he fell straight to the ground,staying unmoved.

Ryder felt himself fighting a losing battle against his temper. They were standing in the middle of the street, fighting about who got to risk their lives. "Everyone, shut up!" He shouted. "Max, they have just as much right to be here as you, so back off." He began before looking at the newcomers. "You want to stay and risk your lives, fine. I don't care. If you slow us down for one minute, I won't make you go back. I'll send you back in a damned body bag." He warned, glaring at all of them. "And that goes for all of you. I don't care about your petty arguments, lives are at stake, and all you can do is sit around and argue! What the hell's the matter with you?" He demanded. Before he could continue, he noticed Nico collapsing, and lunged forward to catch him. He could feel the amount of Underworld essence in him, and focused, drawing some of it away.
Max was about to comment about who invited him on the quest, which was Toni, which made his eyes burn with Fury. "What makes me think that?! Because Ryder is the leader, so whatever he says goes...why did you bring her?!" he pointed at Isabelle "She can barely hold a sheild up, and for Gods's sakes she can't handle Monsters!" He didn't realize how much of an asshole he was being to his best friend. He just wanted Toni to be safe. Isabelle stared at him with a look of pain. in reality he just didn't want her to be hurt too. "You have no right-" he looked at Nico "Fuck, now look whats happened!" he stormed away.

Nitch reached for Nico, terrified. He looked up and glared at Max. "I hope he realizes that nobody wants him here soon, because he's really starting to piss me off." He growled, uncharacteristically angry. He dug in his pack for nectar and dribbled some into Nico's mouth, being as gentle as he could. "Come on, Nico. Open your eyes, show me you're alright. Please." He muttered.
Isabelle rushed over to Nico "What happened to him?!" she asked Nitch. Nico was someone she considered a close friend, even though they really only spoke once. she had no true friends except Max, she was just friendly



Nico's face started to slowly return to it's normal tone instead of the sickly pale it had when he was overdosing on Underworld Energy,part of the excess going over for Ryder. He felt the taste of nectar in his mouth and opened his eyes,finding the worried glances of Cass and Nitch looking down at him. Nitch looked about to lose it,so Nico patted his arm lightly. His ears blushed once he realized how close the boy was. He smiled weakly at Isabelle once she approached.

"Don't worry...I'm okay. Why is Max pissed?" He leaned back against the ground,not looking like he would be getting up any time soon.
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As all this was unfolding Arleos rubbed his temple. All of this anger and shouting was staring to give him a headache, how upset did these Campers have to get? He understood the situation they were facing including a fellow camper being gone, but all this shouting and anger? Oi he thought hiding the frown that wanted to show itself.

Seeing one of the campers drop to the ground suddenly made Ars want to get up and see if he could assist, before he could though two others had done the job for him. After waiting a bit he heard the one called "Nico" speak.

Arleos sighed. "Alright" he said getting up and approaching the others. "I understand tensions are a bit high here." He said calmly, maintaining his distance from the others so they wouldn't get the wrong idea. "But shouldn't we try calming down a bit and not snapping at each other. Just now you're friend here could've found himself in trouble if these two hadn't been paying attention. If we keep this up, we'll be at each other's necks before the enemy can finish us off themselves don't you think?"
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"Because he's a dick. That's all. Forget about him. Are you okay, can you stand?" Nitch asked, backing away when Isabelle approached. After all, Izzy and Nico had a connection, and Nitch was just the nerd. As usual.


Ryder barely reacted as the Underworld Essence flowed into him. It didn't bother him unless he was quite literally drowning in it, he had grown accustomed to overdoing it. He looked up at Arleos. "Thanks for the advice. Feel free to stop giving it." Ryder snapped. Immediately, Nitch shot him a glare.

"Yes, thank you, Arleos. You're right. We're going to kill each other or get each other killed at this rate. Let's take a breather back at the motel, start fresh tomorrow morning. Everyone." Nitch ordered, staring firmly at Ryder.
C, feeling like the outsider of the group, stood up and backed away from the scene, wondering again to himself why he'd agreed to this. Seeing what was happening in front of him, adding 'lazy' to the group suddenly seemed like the worst possible thing one could add to the quest. Of course Max had been right. He wasn't important to the quest at all and had no business being there when he had no real connection to anyone here, except Max and even then not really, and they already had a more useful Apollo kid.
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Ryder looked up, shaking his head. He noticed C, and gestured for him to come over. "Come on, with me, let's go." He ordered, leading the kid toward the motel. "I know that look, and you're going to get it off your face right about now." Ryder said, turning toward him.
"Yeah...I think so."

Nico stood up with some difficulty,having to lean against Nitch so he wouldn't fall down. He turned over to Isabelle and shook his head lightly at her. He also considered Belle a friend.

"Belle,you came to a dangerous mission to protect your friend. I get it,and Max will as well. Just give him time."

He turned back to Nitch with embarassment,blushing heavily.

"Hmm...can you help me to get to the inn?"

Nico hated to ask for help,and that showed in his expression.
C forced a smile as he followed Ryder. "What look?" He shook his head, sliding his bow into a holster on his back so he could put his hands in his pockets. "I don't have a look." He gave Ryder a considering glance. "Is there a reason for this? I thought you thought all Apollo kids were terrible." He quirked a curious eyebrow at him. He'd never really had a problem with Ryder. Mostly because he felt indifferent to the whole parent thing and never used any energy to care either way.

"Of course." Nitch said immediately, cautiously wrapping his arm around Nico. "Come on." He muttered, helping him hobble to the Inn.


"You have one of my most common facial expressions. The brooding, I'm-So-Worthless look. And true, Apollo isn't my favorite godly patron, I'll admit that. But you don't act like an Apollo camper. You act like a human being. I can appreciate that, even if I can't relate. You're on this quest for a reason, C. Whether you know it or not. Nothing in this world happens on accident. later, you might save our lives." Ryder shrugged.

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