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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Nico's head turned when Carlos was mentioned,but he quickly shifted his glance back to the ground and sighed through his nose. His heart hurt,but he ignored it.


Cass was sat on the ground,far away from the other campers and cleaning the dracanae ashes away from her daggers. She was tired and stressed enough that she had begun to consider asking for the help of the Gods. Even though she knew that they wouldn't reply at all,she still buried her face in her hands and sent a mental message to Zeus.

"Father...if you are listening,sending me a sign. Anything."

She rose her head and blinked in surprise as suddenly the blurred image of Alec appeared in front of her,his features showing through the mist.

"Alec! It's...really good to see you." She nearly stepped through the mist until she was reminded that it was just a image. "Is everything all right at the camp?"

Alec sighed with relief when he saw her. "Everything's fine. God, I've been so worried." He admitted, sagging slightly. He took in the setting behind her. He could see the Empire State building in the background, he could get there in three second with Blair's help. "What about you guys? I know you haven't been gone for long, but... How is it going?" How is it going? God, you suck at this. "You're all okay? You, Ryder, Nico, Toni, everyone?" He rambled on.

Nitch stiffened when he heard Carlos' name, and looked at Ryder. "Don't." He warned softly, flicking a glance to Nico. Ryder seemed to understand, and nodded.

"We need to get all of them. No time to lose. There's a Brooklyn Motor Inn nearby, we can get a room there." Ryder announced.
C, after listening to what was going on with the 'official' quest, decided to heed Kara's advice and take a nap. It wasn't like they were doing anything important anyway, and it was better to be at peak form during the quest, or that's what he told himself to justify the nap anyway. He was laying against the tree, clutching Jamison's bow and muttering to himself about the sun.



"Whatever you guys decide. I really need to smoke."

Nico stepped away from the main group,lighting a cigarette as he walked forward towards the street. He didn't turn around to check if anyone was following him.



The smile on Cass' face disappeared as soon as Alec mentioned Toni. She stared at his through the mist,wondering if he would be the next person to be taken.

"It's not...going well,Alec. We've been attacked twice already. And Toni...I will explain when you get here."

She had half a mind to tell him not to come,but she knew that wouldn't be right.

Alex watched him go. "Make that two of us." He said, pulling out his box of cigarettes and selecting one, putting it between his teeth and lighting it as he followed Nico. He didn't want to kill the others with secondhand smoke. He didn't attempt to talk to Nico, instead just puffing peacefully on his cigarette. Jenna hated him smoking, but he ignored her complaints. He was far more likely to die of a monster attack than of lung disease.

"Okay. Where are you guys? I can be there in five minutes." Alec said immediately, seeing her distress. He knew she was probably tempted to forbid him from coming, but he had enough information to find them on his own. He wouldn't leave her alone through this.

With attention now no longer on him Arleos moved around freely. Though the feelings of caution, regret, and few other things he could detect from the group along with hints of suspicion were still there. Not wanting to push his luck he simply decided to roam around silently. And would wait to see what this leader of theirs, Ryder, would do next before making a move. If they planned on going to the Inn he would surely join with them.

"Any arguments?" Ryder asked, looking around.

"You're the boss, Ryder. I'll go book us. We need, what, nine beds?" Nitch replied. Ryder rolled his eyes.

"Get as many as they offer. Alex and Jenna can share a bed. I'll take the floor, the rest of you can fight for the beds or couch. I could care less." He replied, pulling a wad of mortal cash out of his pocket and handing it to Nitch. "I don't know their rates, but we're only staying one night." He ordered. Nitch nodded and walked away briskly, heading toward the motel. Immediately, Ryder turned to Arleos. "Two questions. Who's your parent? Why should we let you tag along?" He asked calmly.



Cass smiled to Alec,although that obviously wasn't her typical,bright smile.

"We are in front of a Cafeteria named Delux Coffee,near the Empire State Building. But since you will be coming...I should probably let you known that Ryder has extra reasons to be pissed right now. So prepare for a scold."

"I'll be there as soon as I can. And I'll handle Ryder. Maybe he'll be happy to see a friendly face? Or maybe I just run really fast so he doesn't kill me?" Alex teased, hoping to bring out a genuine smile. "Stay where you are, delay as long as you can. I'll be there as soon as possible. I'll go back to Blair and Kara right now. Be careful, Cass." He pleaded, swiping his hand through the mist and sprinting back to Kara and Blair.

Isabelle had a backpack on, she got her weeks medication from Chiron, and was walking out of the Big House. She was wondering how Max was doing. She suddenly had her doubts about the quest. what if he got hurt?! and Nico was there, and he was super nice to her. she frowned, she was getting scared.


Max was on a bench away from everyone. he couldn't save her. he could have been healing her right now. saving her life. but he knew she was alive. she is. he wont give up.
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Nico followed Alex with his eyes when the man approached him,blowing the smoke away and focusing on the patterns. He wondered if he was required to speak to him. Social interactions weren't his strong point.

"You're judging us." Nico observed,keeping his eyes on the smoke. It wasn't a question,it was a statement. "You don't really respect camp half-blood,maybe because you managed to live on your own. Is that right?"
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Alex thought about the words. "Judging is a strong word. And an inaccurate one. It'd be more correct to say that I'm wondering if I'd be like you if I had gone a different way. Of course I don't respect that camp. How many of you went missing before Chiron decided to send a quest? Don't get me wrong, I respect the gods. Aeolus gave me life. He gave me a special life. I managed to live on my own with his help, I don't consider it an achievement. I could've gone to that camp. I would've been an outsider, Aeolus doesn't have many halfblood kids. I would've been a lot like that Ryder kid. Except five years older and a thousand times less respected. He's probably feared, too. But whether they admit it or not, those people respect him. He's a Big Three kid. Me? I'm the bastard son of a minor god." Alex blew out a smoke ring, smiling sarcastically. "I respect you guys, too. You still have faith in the gods, no matter how little they give you back in return. I don't have that kind of faith. I believe in them. I'm grateful to them. But I never loved them." He said, not sure why he answered at all.
Arleos stopped his rounds and turned his attention fully to Ryder. He smiled, having fully expected questioning of this kind out of his sudden arrival. "I hope you'll tell me yours once you know mine, Ryder." When he didn't get much of a response he continued to answer Ryder's question. "My name is Arleos, Ars for short. And I am the son of Zelus" he offered his hand. "Pleasure to meet you." He said with an added gesture.

@Play On Words



Nico paid close attention to Alex's words,letting his glance fall onto him as the demigod spoke. He hadn't expected a honest reply to his question. So he could as well be honest too.

"I have lived eighteen years into camp half-blood and I was never claimed. I was the weird kid who smelled of Death but wasn't Hades' son. Trust me,I know exactly who you would be if you lived in the camp. You would be me." He blew the smoke away again,shifting his glance to his hands. "I don't worship the Gods. I don't love my father. But I do care about the campers. You have your sister and I have them. If I have to suck up some random God of Death to bring them back,I will do it."

The image of Carlos crossed his mind once more.

Alex sighed again. "I hate to say this, but you guys need to be prepared. I know they're your friends and all, but have you ever considered the possibility that they left by choice? Or, more tragically, that they were some kind of sacrifice? I'd hate to go all the way to find your friends and know that they're already gone. That pain? It never goes away. That's a promise." Alex finished his cigarette and stubbed it out.

"I'm 23 years old, Nico. My father never sent me some stupid sign telling the world that I was his. He visited me in my dreams and in real life. I wish every day that I was normal. That I didn't have to know how to hold a sword or how to kill someone with it. That I didn't care about Greek mythology, but I do. Because I am Greek mythology. I owe the gods nothing. They bring nothing but pain and suffering. My sister doesn't know her father, she just assumes that she's Aeolus' kid as well. I can't tell her, because she'd be crushed. Her entire life is a lie because I'm too selfish to lose her. She's only 12. She'd die without me, she doesn't fight. That camp would crush her like a bug. That's why I hate Camp Half-Blood. It favors the strong and leaves the weak to die." He said, fists clenched.
Isabelle walked over to the bush, smelling some cider trees. then she saw something. were those... campers? she walked in, and she gasped when she saw them. "K-kara?" she was the only one Isabelle really knew. "what are you guys doing out here?" she asked with a very confused look on her face.

Ryder appraised the stranger. Most unwillingly, he shook his hand briefly, snatching his hand back immediately. "Zelus. Patron of all of my least favorite emotions. Of course." Ryder said in a low voice. Jealousy, envy, rivalry, emulation... Petty emotions that helped nobody. "Ryder, son of Hades." He forced himself to say.

Kara looked up sharply, eyes widening. At that exact moment, Alec burst through the treeline, grinning broadly. The second he saw Isabelle, his smile faded, turning into a grimace.

"Uh... Isabelle. We're just... Um..." Kara's mind blanked.

"Leaving. To follow the quest. Now." Alec cut in, walking over to C and shaking him awake. "It's time to go. The quest isn't going well, and they need our help." He said hurriedly, looking at Blair

"Right. Shadow travelling. My job. With three other people to bring with me. I might pass out, just drip some nectar into my mouth, I'll be fine." Blair ordered, making sure she was touching everyone. It felt strange to just leave Isabelle, so she paused.
"Say whaaat?" Isabelle had to take a step back. "But...that's breaking the rules...." she suddenly thought of Max. And Nico. and everyone else. "Uh...Could I come?" she asked timidly, crossing her legs and fiddling with her fingers. She was never a Rebel, but she realllly wanted to see Max

"Well, the rules also say no smuggling in alcohol, but the Hermes kids do that on a daily basis." Alec said, pausing at her request. He looked at Blair, who shook her head. "It'll be really dangerous. Like, deadly dangerous. And we're in a time crunch." Alec said, already feeling restless.
C blinked up at Alec. "What? Something happened already?" He asked him in surprise, standing. The quest had just started, didn't it? He stretched, and blinked once at the girl who had apparently found them and wanted to come. Since the others seemed to be handling it, he only shifted closer to Blair so she could touch him.
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"I...like to think that I would have felt if he was dead." Nico replied in a low tone,the odds sounding slim even to himself. He took a deep breath before looking back at Alex. "I can deal with the pain. I can even deal with his death. But I can't deal with this uncertainty. If they are dead or alive,I need to know."

The cigarette was over,so he threw it away and hugged his legs. He gave Alex's thoughts some thinking before replying.

"Not every camper in Camp Half Blood is an incredible warrior. You have seen Nitch. He may not be the best fighter,but he has many other qualities. I wouldn't say that it's selfish to try and protect your sister,but she does deserve to make a decision on this matter."

He pushed himself up now,gesturing towards the Hotel.

"I'm going to check on Nitch and Ryder. Will to stay with us?"

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