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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"I can't transport five people fifty miles, Alec." Blair hissed. "I can barely take myself 100. I could die." She insisted.

"I have faith in you. I don't care what you do, Isabelle, but decide fast." Alec snarled.
"OMG, I'll build you something, a weapon, or armour. pleeaaasse?" she begged/whined. she needed to see Max and make sure everyone was okay

"She had a choice. Every day, she still does. But she chose me, she knows I'll never go to that place." Alex said, digging his hands in his pockets. "I don't have much of a choice, now do I? Of course I'm coming." He continued, walking back with the kid. "You're travelling with some good people, I'll admit that. But if any of you hurt my sister, I will kill you."

Blair turned on the new girl. "You can't heal a dead person!" She snarled. Alec shot her a glare.

"Come on." He muttered, grabbing Isabelle and pulling her closer. "Grab onto Blair. This will be unpleasant, but do not let go, or you will die. This is not a two-way trip. It's not a check-up. We're seeing this quest through to the end." He warned, reaching out and grabbing Blair's hand, standing firm in his decision. Kara did the same, nodding to C.
She smiled sweetly and apologetically at Blair, showing off her braces. She touched her softly, and closed her eyes. She had to admit she was scared. Then she thought about the monsters. She was about to pull away but it was too late.



Nico looked up at Alex with a light frown,walking by his side as they entered the building.

"I like to think that none of us have stepped low enough to hurt a little girl. So you don't have to worry."

His eyes drifted through the motel until he found Nitch nearby,sighing with some relief once he noticed that he seemed better.

"So...you didn't need a teacher when learning how to handle a sword." Nico sounded a bit impressed.

Blair grit her teeth and pulled the group into the shadow of a nearby tree. She focused hard on the location Alec had whispered in her ear, smelling the coffee from the cafe, feeling the pavement under her feet. Within just a few moments, she had that familiar sensation of ice cold, claustrophobic shadow travelling. Chills ran down her spine, screams echoed in her ear. And then they landed hard in New York City.

"Nope. I'm a big boy, did it all by myself." Alex smirked. His smile faded as he remembered years in the woods, slashing at trees, hurting himself, all to make his father proud. Back when he cared. He followed Nico's gaze. "Now I don't pretend to know you, but you seem to have special interest in Tough Guy over there. If you need someone to talk to, I don't like him enough to tell him. Or my sister, she actually likes people."

Max walked in after them, looking at the ground. Great, now I'm the moody outsider, He thought. He guessed he always would be. The only reason he was on this quest was because of Toni. She was gone now. and nobody else wanted him there. what use was he? he laughed at himself. "I can't even save my own girlfr-" he whispered, then laughed again. Why would an Ares girl want a scrawny Apollo kid? Why would she want a bully?


She fell to the ground panting "Wha..." she looked around. She has never seen anything like this. All she ever knew was the camp. "Woah" She looked around with the eyes of a baby doe.

The second Alec could walk, he looked around. The first thing he noticed was Maximus. "Guys." He muttered, walking toward him. Max had to be with the rest of the group. "Max!" He shouted, crossing the street and catching up quickly. "Max." He called again.

Still smiling despite Ryder's state he nodded with acceptance. "Ah yes I agree" he said knowingly. "These are the emotions that help no one. Pleasure to meet you, son of death. The inevitable thing that catches up to us all." With a slight bow. Arleos directed his attention at the task at hand. "So when do we leave?" he asked, hoping to change the topic and not trade witty comebacks for the next five minutes.
The second they hit the ground, C's legs buckled and he fell forward onto his hands and knees. He felt sick and dizzy, and never wanted to shadow travel again. He squeezed his eyes shut, knowing that he, or someone, should call out for Max so the useful Apollo kid on this quest could help Blair, but no words came out when he opened his mouth. He fell forward completely, groaning into the pavement.
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"In the morning. We've had a long enough day, we need a fresh head to start tomorrow." Ryder replied bluntly. He heard a familiar voice, shouting Max's name. He turned around, and his jaw dropped. "Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me." He growled, walking toward Alec and intercepting him. "What the hell are you doing here?" He demanded in a low voice.



Nico turned to glare at Alex in complete shock,although he eventually ended up laughing,which was something rare.

"I already lost my first boyfriend,Alex. I won't be looking for another one so soon." He looked over at Nitch again before sighing. "Either way,he is too clever to be interested in someone like me. I am the Walking Dead,after all. He deserves a nice person."

Nico gave Alex a faint smile.

"And don't worry,I doubt that he will be throwing a tantrum like that again. Although he did kinda of deserve that punch."

"Hey, hey. Look, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you aren't the only one affected by the missing campers. You aren't the only one who cares. We came to help, and we're going to stay, whether you want us to or not." Alec said firmly, looking for Cass subtly. If Ryder killed him, hopefully he could die without Cassandra watching his failure.



Cass heard the familiar voice of Alec and burst out of her bench,completely ignoring Ryder's angry words as she jumped into Alec's arms.

"You're alive! I mean,of course you are. But still,I'm really happy for that!"

"I don't know. Maybe you should ask him what he wants before deciding on your own that you aren't deserved. Most people could care less what they deserve, they fall for all the wrong people. And it turns out being the perfect thing for them. And don't mock the Walking Dead, that's a great show." Alex laughed, something he rarely did. After a moment, he paused.

"And he deserved both punches, plus about thirty more. I just didn't want to have to hit you to give that to him." He smirked.

Alec grinned when he saw Cass, wrapping his arms around her. "Back at you." He laughed, kissing her. "Let's try to keep it that way, yea? Keep everyone alive." He suggested, ignoring Ryder for the moment. He had bigger concerns. "You were only gone a few hours, and I think I had a thousand heart attacks."

"Calm down" Arleos stated, patting Ryder's shoulder. The tension for this one was starting to get a little too high for his liking. "We wouldn't want anymore trouble here would we?" he asked the leader of the group as he casted a few glances between the girl and Alec himself.
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"Oh woah...oh god damn it" Max yelled "What the fuuuck" he groaned. then he saw Isabelle. "What the hell are you doing here?!" he asked, facepalming. he was secretly glad to see her, but he didn't think she could handle a quest.


Isabelle stared in shock and imbarassment. "Uh, well, I wanted..." she looked at Ryder and quickly had a frightened look in her eyes

Ryder turned and glared at Arleos. "I'm only going to warn you once. If you ever touch me again, I will dismember you." He threatened in a low voice. He then turned to the newcomers.

"I appreciate the concern, really, I do. And now that you're all caught up, it's time for you to leave. Now." Ryder continued.
"Max," C said, turning onto his side so that his voice wasn't muffled by the ground. "Heal Blair. I think... I'll just stay on the ground for a little while." He wheezed.


Ryder's statement did indeed cause him to release the young one. He had caught that spike in rise in anger just a bit too late. He nodded at the statement, and moved back to a corner to watch the others in silence.
"Ryder, I..." his fear of the dark was less important than her safety "I need to heal blair as best I can, or they can't leave" he said trying to be reasonable. he agreed that they needed to go. He wouldn't let whatever happened to Toni happen to Izzy.
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