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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Isabelle sighed, she watched everyone walk away. she felt so stupid. what would Chiron say when she got back? now Max hated her. she was all alone. she had no one. she started to cry softly, her face buried in her knees.

Following behind Arleos, kept a good distance between him and the others as they moved. It wouldn't do to have them or more in particular the leader, turn on him now that things had only slightly settled down, but then he stopped. He could feel it...sadness. Turn around he turned his attention to the crying girl then looked back at the others moving towards the motel or wherever they were staying.

Ars moved back towards her. "Hey" he said gently to the sobbing girl. "What's wrong?" although judging from all the sadness he could sense was coming from her he had a pretty good idea just what the issue was. He just thought it best to ask@Bloodybeans
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Nico nodded to Nitch,making sure that he wasn't putting much weight against the Athena boy. He turned around to give Ryder a grateful glance before entering the hotel.


Neither of them were all that good with expressing feelings,so he hoped that those words were enough.

He stumbled into a bench as soon as they were inside,breathing heavily.

"I think I'm going to get knocked out tonight and only wake three days later." He chuckled,leaning against the wall. Trying to find the right words for Nitch,he burst out the first ones that came to his mind. "Thanks for being there for me,Nitch."
C scoffed. "I'm on this quest because Kara wasn't going to take no for an answer. It wasn't the Fates." He stopped to look at Ryder. "Max is the only Apollo kid who could do any life saving. The only thing I can do is watch you bleed to death." He smiled a little. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, I could be the worst person you've ever met for all you know." He glanced at two other demigods as the pair moved past them.
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"Why is it you that Kara stumbled upon, hmm? Why not any other camper? Why did she happen to look in your direction when you were standing there? You didn't have to come, C. Nobody forced you to. You want to be here." Ryder said with a smile, rare for him.


"I think you could use three days of sleep." Nitch shrugged before staring at Nico. "I'll be here whenever you need me to be. That's a promise." He said awkwardly, not sure what to say or how to say it.
She looked up, and suddenly she had fear in her eyes "W-who are you?" she scooted away ineffectively. this guy didn't go to camp half-blood. she knew everyone at camp half blood

"Take it easy" Ars said gently, upon noticing her fear. He smiled a bit at the slight confusion he saw on her face. Wasn't much of a surprise since he never lived on the Camp.

"Tell me, what's wrong" Arleos asked soothingly, trying once again. This time he didn't bother moving towards her. The fear alone was a bad sign and seeing as the others knew her it would be unwise to upset the girl and in turn upset them.
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"Hmmm...Nitch? Can I ask why you said those things to Alex? It was okay,I wouldn't mind taking a punch for you if I have to. But I just wanted to know."

Nico's head tilted lightly,his eyes looking curious.
"Ah, I wasn't aware that you were in my head." C said sarcastically, faltering when he saw Ryder's smile. "Let's agree to disagree, but if you're going to keep being nice to me, you might as well be useful and tell me who everyone is." He didn't know what kind of reaction Ryder would have to him playfully ordering him around, but really hoped he didn't take it the wrong way. He didn't have complete faith in his dodging skills.

Nitch paused, eyes haunted. "I don't know. I wasn't myself. I knew what I was saying, but I couldn't stop myself. Like I was possessed or something." He whispered.


"Well, if you insist. I'm Ryder. I'm assuming you know the people you came with. Uh, kid with the glasses is Nitch, guy he's with is Nico. The girl over there is Cassandra. The asshole who got in a fight with Alec is Max. Blonde and really old guy is Alex, we met him today. Other guy we met is the guy that smells like wine, who is Reiner. And the last newcomer is the guy talking to Isabelle, who is Arleos. I think that's everyone." Ryder said, smirking.
C rolled his eyes. "I knew who Max was. Kinda hard not to." His eyebrow twitched at him. "It's so helpful that you left out who everyone's parents are. I didn't think I needed to be specific but don't tell me who yours or Cassandra's are. Or Max's. Or wine guy's. I think I can figure that one out." Ryder was making it really hard not to be sarcastic.
"Oh. I...know that feeling." Nico turned his eyes to the ground,feeling grateful that none of his blackouts happened during the mission. At least not yet. He sighed,looking up at Nitch. "I promise I will be there to hold you down in case it happens again. I won't let anyone else hurt you. But Nitch...you are the most intelligent person I know. And you wouldn't lie to me. So do you think that we will able to get the campers back?"
"N-nothing" she said. she wiped her face, she got up, wanting to get off the streets and into the motel "I just... need to be alone"

"So demanding. Now I have to start over. Uh, Alex's father is Aeolus. I forgot his sister, Jenna. I'm assuming the same father, but I don't know. Arleos' parent is Zelus, Izzy is Hephaestus, Nitch is Athena, and Nico is Thanatos. That everyone?" Ryder asked.


Nitch thought for a moment. "I think that... Toni is the bait. They want us to follow them, for some reason. They'll keep Toni alive. As for the others... If they're being stolen, they're dead weight. If it were me, and I hate to say this, but I'd probably kill them. It's not as if the camp would know what happened to them, so there's no danger to me for doing it. It's either that, or the campers left of their own accord, for some kind of army. That'd make the most sense, logically. Get people to come on their own, they'd be loyal, they wouldn't betray you. An army of people who resent the gods. Everyone who was taken hated their parents." Nitch shrugged. "That's the only connection I can see."
"'Demanding'?" C scoffed again. "I didn't know that wanting to know the names of the people I'm supposed to be willing to risk my life for is apparently 'demanding'. Next time I'll make sure to stay in the background and take a sword when needed for a complete stranger."

"You're making me act like I know and care about them. That hurts." Ryder teased, smirking. "Don't risk your life for these people, C. Not one of them deserve that. Unless you can't imagine living your life without them in it, don't give up yours." He said, serious for a moment.
Nico's face turned emotionless once Nitch mentioned the first campers. It made sense,of course.

"I don't see them trying to make an arm against us. But the first theory...you're right,they are dead weight. Specially the first camper,since he has been captured for a longer time. I don't see any reason as to why they should keep him alive." Nico's eyes turned red,but he continued to speak frantically. "We should focus our mission on Toni,anyway. She has a chance to survive. We need...to focus."

Nico felt himself losing it,so he pushed himself away from the bench and stumbled towards the elevator,hoping to enter their rooms as soon as possible.

Nitch immediately cursed his stupidity. He jumped to his feet and followed Nico, hating himself. Before he could catch up, an idea hit him with the force of an atomic bomb. In the second War. The one where Percy Jackson himself and the rest of Camp Half-Blood defended Olympus. On the winning side, who would've still held grudges...?

In that instant, Nitch realized that he knew exactly who was taking the campers.
C looked at Ryder for a long moment. "I think that's the most ironic sentence I've ever heard. The whole point of this quest is risking our lives for strangers." He shook his head again. "Unless of course all the campers that went missing were your best friends?"

"It's not them that I'm doing this for. The only connection between these campers is their hatred of the gods. It took me a while for me to realize why I took it so personally, until it hit me. I hate the gods. I resent Hades for ever giving me this life. I'm a logical target. I'm not doing this for some stupid, noble reason. I'm doing it because I'm selfish. I'm doing it because Toni was a target, and she got taken anyways. I'm doing it because I'm greedy, and I don't want to get brainwashed or kidnapped and held hostage like a child." He scoffed.
Nico didn't seem to realize that Nitch had even tried to follow him as he stepped into the elevator and slammed the button to their floor. Or at least,he hoped that it was the right button.

The demigod slid through the wall and sat into the ground. He pulled the crumpled picture from his pocket,unwrapping it gently. Carlos wasn't his boyfriend anymore,but he was still one of his closest friends. Probably the closest one. He sighed and pushed the picture back into his pocket,waiting for the elevator to reach it's destination.

Frowning as he watched Izzy leave Arleos rose and followed her back to the motel. Perhaps it was best he kept his distance for now and watched the others. Act when necessary and not stick out too much.

He sighed as he followed the trail of depression towards the motel before moving inside. This night is going to be a long one.

Nitch shook himself out of his stupor. Mindnumbing revelations could wait. He jumped into the second elevator and hit the button to their floor about thirty times. The second he was out, he started looking for Nico. "Nico!" He hissed.
C paused. "That was pretty deep." He half-grinned. "Do you usually get this deep with almost-strangers?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"What can I say? I'm an honest and psychological fellow." Ryder shrugged, getting into the elevator and holding the door open for C, hitting the correct button.

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