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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

"Good luck with that." C said, mock saluting at him before moving towards the far corner of the room. He layed on the floor against the wall, quickly finding that it was impossibly worse than sleeping outside, and not comfortable at all. Well, whatever, at least it's not the bathtub, he thought to himself, and tried to fall asleep.

Ryder stared in distaste at the tub. It smelled like death, and had looks to match. The floor was worse, if that was possible. "Oh, fun." He managed, peeking back out into the main room. He shook his head, walking to a bare spot on the floor and easing himself down. "I'm not dying in a bathtub, even I have some dignity." He grumbled.

Alex led Jenna up the stairs and into the hotel room. He smirked at the sight in front of him. Two guys together on the bed, two more on the floor. Only two girls on the quest, not including the one who had been taken. He picked Jenna up carefully, because her clumsiness would've surely resulted in her tripping over Ryder, and carried her to the bed. "Come on, we're sharing." He muttered softly, lying down beside her. "Don't get under the covers." He warned.

"Why? I'm cold." She whined.

"Sh.... Because things have happened under these covers that you're not allowed to do until you're 30." He explained, smiling.

Alec walked up beside Cass, not sure what the bed situation would be. He had heard Ryder talking about him and Cass sharing a bed, and sincerely doubted she'd be okay with that. Instead, he offered her the bed and lay down on the floor beside it, arms behind his head. It wasn't that bad, he had slept on worse.


Kara and Blair walked up together, almost falling over themselves in exhaustion. They had no idea if they were invited into the motel room, but that wouldn't stop them, especially Kara. She stumbled into the room beside Alec and each found a spare bit of floor, passing out. The entire scene looked like a college party gone wrong. Which probably wasn't good, saying there was a 23-year old and a 12-year old together on a bed.
C opened his eyes when he heard noises and voices around him, and blinked at Ryder on the floor. "Were you too good for the bathtub?" He asked jokingly, but was extremely curious about what the tub looked like if even Ryder refused to sleep in it. Seeing even more people crowd into the room, C curled farther against the wall and tried not to be in the way.
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Max walked into his room. He sighed, sitting on the bed. "What the fuck is happening to me?" He wondered. His life seemed to be falling apart. It was always so good. Or was it? He had Isabelle. Even then she seemed to be hiding something from him. He knew she was. He just wanted to get along with everyone. Finally he decided to do something with a conscience. He made his own choice instead of making everyone else happy. And now what? he was hated by everyone. His life was falling apart.

Then he realised something. He had it good. Possibly the best of anyone here. What about Nico or Ryder, who had always had rough lives? or Toni, who was fucking kidnapped. Blair who could have died, but he couldn't see past the danger to the one he cared about more. He had to stop feeling sorry for himself. He needed to apologize for being such an ass. It wasn't Alec's fault Isabelle decided to come onto the quest. She came to see him and he completely...oh gods, how could he say that about her. And where was she now? Well they were supposed to be sharing a room, but now he didn't know if she ever wanted to see him again. He got up, he decided it was time to grow up. He went to Ryder and C's door, and knocked, then leaned against the wall sighing.

Ryder sat up in an instant. "Who's there?" He called softly, standing and stretching. He walked over to the door and looked through the peephole, sighing when he saw Max. He opened the door and stared at the Apollo kid. "This'd better be good." He grunted.
C squinted at the carpet when he heard the knock, wondering why he wasn't still sleeping. He saw Ryder moving for the door, and turned to face the wall, deciding that there were enough demigods in the room that were woken by the noise to handle whoever it was without his help.



Cass had been lying down on the bed,feeling completely uncomfortable for being the chosen person to be there. She felt like an asshole,the Zeus asshole.

Her eyes drifted towards Alec lying on the ground. She actually
wouldn't have mind to have him in her bed,but was a bit shy to admit that. But now she brushed that shyness away and leaned towards Alec,pulling him to the bed.

"We are together,you sleep with me."

She buried her face in his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist to make sure that he wouldn't complain.

Alec opened his eyes when was pulled onto the bed, and smiled slightly. "Yes ma'am." He murmured, kissing her softly and wrapping his arms around her.

He fell asleep almost immediately, his exhaustion and Cassandra's warmth lulling him to sleep quickly. And for once, he didn't dream at all.
"I'm sorry. for everything. For not taking action against the bullies when it counted, for getting TOni upset, and not going after her, for Not being able to help Toni when she...was kidnapped. And for blowing up like that. I just, when I saw Isabelle, I couldn't stand the thought of her being hurt. It clouded my vision to what was important. I am an asshole. I just..." he sighed "Am scared to be alone" He paused "That being said, I'm not trying to come in between you and Toni. It's obvious you guys...ya know..." He said believing they were interested in eachother.

Ryder frowned at the words. "Me and Toni? Listen, I appreciate the apology, but what in Hades' name are you talking about? There's nothing between me and Toni." He said disbelievingly. He shook his head and walked past Max to the hallway, pulling him along and closing the door. "Listen to me, Max. If you help me get her back, I will sing praises about you to her. I don't care who she dates, I never have. But right now, I have more important concerns than her love life. You know, like her actual life." Ryder said firmly.

Arya walked out of her motel room and heard the tail end of the conversation between the two men. What in Hade's name are you talking about? Were those Demigods? They had to be. She crept down the hall until she was just a corner away and proceeded to eavesdrop. It wasn't like her, but she had no choice. She hadn't seen another Demigod in years, ever since she got off the grid. Stolen credit cards, stolen cash, even stolen cars. Anything to make sure nobody knew her name.
Awakening with a snort Arleos rose from his slumber in a separate room, all the way down the opposite side of the hall from the others. Deciding it best to stay in a separate room after seeing the list, and noticing everyone would be staying in a single room Arleos decided it would be best he stay else where and not quite literally cramp everyone.

Now that he was awake, he exited the room and decided to make his way to the others. Sleeping had not been easy, nor fun. Perhaps they were still awake. However making his way down said hall Arleos did not expect to see someone standing clandestine at the corner where he could hear two other voices. In an instant Ars was behind this girl, he had no idea what she was up to but it was obvious she was interested in whatever his 'comrades' were discussing.

Standing a good distance away so he wouldn't get kicked, he tapped her shoulder. @Graecus Scum

Arya whipped around, almost getting her trident before stopping herself. There was no sense in giving herself away, there was no proof of what she was. "Hi. Do you know where the ice machine is, by any chance? I prefer my wine chilled, but my ice bucket was empty." She said, making up a lie on the spot. She knew it was convincing, she even mixed in a shy smile at the guy. She shuffled her feet slightly, giving him no reason to suspect.


Arleos remained silent for a second. Damn he thought. There was nothing he could detect from her, sometimes he wished he was just psychic but we can't all be winners can we. His eyes slightly narrowed for a second but once that second passed his expression returned to one of friendly naivety. "Sorry." He said clearing his throat. "I don't work here, I was actually coming here to check on my friends, thought you were lost from the way you were looking around" he said with a well practiced fake smile.

Arya returned the smile before waving shyly and returning to her room, closing and locking the door behind her. "Fucking idiot." She muttered, smirking as she looked out the window. "Thank you, gods, for making men gullible." She chuckled, picking up the ice bucket and returning to the hallway. Maybe some chilled wine wouldn't be a bad idea. She walked in the opposite direction, to where she knew the ice machine was, and filled it up. She found herself pausing a bit away from where the two men had been talking. She could go back and eavesdrop some more... But that other one would probably catch her again, and she would have no excuse. She stood, torn.
Holding the smile till the girl left and disappeared into her own room Arleos kept his smile wide and open for this new stranger when he saw her exit her room, no doubt heading to the ice machine. Once he was sure she was gone said smile disappeared and his normally blank calm expression took over once again. "..." Strange girl...I'll keep an eye out on her. Turning his attention back to where he could vaguely recall Ryder and another person's voice Arleos decided it was best to confront them about this sooner rather than later. Maybe getting a fragment of trust on his side would help also.

Walking out of the corner he moved towards the two that were talking. @Play On Words @Bloodybeans @Graecus Scum

Ryder looked away from Max when Arleos walked in, and raised his chin. "Can we help you?" He asked bluntly. He didn't appreciate being eavesdropped on, and it seemed like that was what the Zelus kid was doing. "Or are you just trying really hard to be 'one of the group'?" He scoffed.

After a while, Arya gave in to her natural curiosity. How bad could it be? Worst case scenario, she kills anyone that sees her, it wouldn't be the first time. She crept back to her corner, leaving the ice bucket outside her door to prevent unnecessary noise, and pressed herself against the wall to overhear. She hadn't seemed to miss much, but there was definitely a grumpy person in the conversation. And someone who didn't belong, probably the guy she had spoken to. The grumpy one wouldn't have asked if he could help the guy he was already talking to. So... Grumpy, Newcomer, and Lovesick Fool.

"Easy there" Arleos said calmly. "I wasn't eavesdropping on you, and I'm not trying to force myself in your group. I'm just trying to help. Someone was here earlier, looked like she was interested in what you were saying. Just came here to let you know that, in case there turned out to be a later issue in the future" he explained.

Immediately, Ryder's asshole-face disappeared. "She? You can't get any more specific? Looks, maybe, so we know what to look out for?" He asked in a slightly nicer tone. He wouldn't admit it, but he appreciated the information. It seemed that Arleos was trying to help them. Yippee. "And was it a Demigod, do you know?"

"It's possible, she could be a demigod. It wouldn't surprise me, it'd explain her purpose for ease dropping. If I'm not wrong there's a chance she could pop in again. As for looks well" hmm Ars thought. Face descriptions were never his strong suit, what could he say that was even defining. Her decently dark blonde hair? There were a lot of people that had that, besides it wasn't necessarily defining. Nor were her eyes a unique color, no extremely definitive cheek bones that he saw in that short minute they'd met, so what was there he could tell them? Hmm... "Possibly" he began slowly. "Her smile?" he said more to himself than to Ryder or his fellow friend.

Arya stiffened when Newcomer brought her up. Damn it, of course he'd sell her out. Not that he had any reason whatsoever not to, but still! She had a quick rundown of her options. She could expose herself, maybe win some honesty points. And lose and more eavesdropping. Or she could stay hidden, hear a bit more, and probably get stabbed.

Not getting stabbed is always the best option. She decided quickly. She walked out of hiding, clearing her throat. "What a testosterone-filled group of men, hmm?" She smirked. She quickly tried to identify the voices to people. She was normally good at that. Grumpy was probably the brunette wearing the... Grumpy expression. Newcomer, she recognized instantly. And Lovesick Fool had to be the last guy. She looked over at Newcomer. "My smile? Sweetheart, I'm flattered I made such an impression." She laughed.

Ryder whipped around, drawing his sword. The girl in front of him didn't look like much of a threat, but looks could be deceiving. "What, do we have a fucking GPS on us? Every bored Demigod, hop aboard?" He scoffed. He knew from one look that the girl was a Demigod, although he had no idea who her parent was. The way she held herself, though. Confident, Not afraid. A powerful god or goddess, that was for sure. He could see what Arleos meant about her smile. It was disarming, but dangerous. He immediately distrusted her. "Why are you following us?"

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