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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"Alex, don't!" Jenna cried, but too late. Alex lunged, punching the nerdy boy as hard as he could. "Alex!" Jenna screamed. Mortals nearby were whispering in alarm, but nobody moved to stop him. Smart. Alex moved again, swinging his fist for Nitch's jaw.

The first punch almost knocked Nitch out. The second one made him fall backwards, scrambling away with a bloody face. "Violence! Maybe that's how your sister will die! You'll just get so pissed--" Nitch began, his fury forcing him to speak.

"Shut up, Nitch!" Ryder shouted, jumping between them. His hands were empty, and he looked calmly at Alex. "He deserved that, we all know it. But please stop, this isn't helping anyone. He's wrong. Everyone can see how much you care about your sister." Nitch couldn't believe Ryder's words. He was being... Kind. Caring, concerned.



Nico appeared behind Nitch,holding him tightly so he wouldn't fall backwards. Ignoring any kind of protest that could arrive,he held his face tightly and started to clean off the blood from his nose. He didn't say a word as he worked.

Nitch thrashed, trying to get free of Nico's grip. "I'm fine." He snapped, glaring at Alex. He had no idea what had made him goad the guy, he hadn't done anything to deserve it. But he still didn't feel bad about it.

Alex glowered at the kid, half tempted to hit him again. "What the hell is your problem?" He demanded in a low voice, taking a step forward.
"Yeah,obviously. That is just red tint coming out of your nose."

Nico grabbed the nectar canteen from his bag and pushed into Nitch's hands. Once Alex took a step forward towards him again,he stepped between them. Nico was used to being hit.


"I don't need your help!" Nitch snarled, advancing until he was just inches from Alex. "Go ahead." He knew he didn't look threatening. Glasses messed up, much shorter than the adult in front of him. "Do it, I dare you."
Nico didn't move at Nitch's protest,pushing him behind as he stood in front of Alex. His expression was blank as he prepared for the blow that was obviously coming.

Alex had no idea what was wrong with the Athena kid, and he didn't particularly care. He looked down at him, fists clenched, two seconds from killing him. Before he could, his sister grabbed his arm.

"Alex, don't. He isn't worth it." Jenna insisted. He clenched his jaw, letting her pull him back. "Please." She whispered, pulling him away from the conflict.
Nico followed Alex with his eyes,making sure that he was far away from Nitch before he turned back to the Athena kid.

"Come with me,now."

He pulled the boy towards a corner,holding his arm tightly. Once they were too far to be heard,Nico pulled a picture from his hand.

"As far as I'm concerned,Alex could be our ally now. And we could use his help. I can't afford to fuck this mission,so please try to control your bloody temper."

He pushed the picture into Nitch's hands and walked away.

The picture showed Nico and Carlos,the first camper that had disappeared. They had his arms wrapped around each other and the son of Thanatos seemed happier than he had ever been.

Nitch didn't even look at the picture. A large spike of pain in his head, made him groan softly. Like a drill was slowly entering his cranium. He heard nothing but a ghostly chuckle before his anger faded, and he crumpled to his knees.


Toni slumped against the pole, staring at the puddle of blood around her. How was she still alive? Why hadn't she bled out already? She head a heavy door open and looked around, eyes wide.

"I have a gift for you." A smooth voice murmured. There was a slight movement, and light appeared in her prison. It was some kind of screen, showing her friends. She watched Nitch yell something before getting punched by a strange blonde man. There seemed to be some kind of confrontation before Nitch was pulled away by Nico, who handed him something. "Watch your rescuers fall apart the second they lose you. You'll die here. Slowly, painfully." The man continued.

"Better than listening to you talk for another minute." Toni spat. The screen disappeared, and the man left the room, leaving her alone.

A loud cough came in amidst all the anger. As random and as sudden as it had been, it didn't surprise Ars much that no one had noticed him slip in here once the first punch had been thrown. On the ground, acting as if he'd just run a marathon was a young man staring at the group that was now trying to settle the situation. Arleos had been watching from a distance, but seeing fellow Campers fight was probably as much as he could handle. If they were to face an enemy, the amount of anger here would need to change.

So he'd blindly stepped in and improvise from there. He offered a weak smile at the group and waved from his position on the ground. "Hello" he said with a nervous chuckle at the end.

Alex whipped around, sword drawn in an instant. "Wow, lightning girl was right. This is a damned party." He chuckled, staring down the newcomer. "Who the hell are you?"
Nico turned in time to see Nitch falling and immediately ran forward,keeping him from falling to the ground.


Nitch clutched his head, cringing as the pain faded. The second he could see straight again, he looked around for whoever had laughed. "Who's there?" He called loudly.

Arleos backed up a bit at the sword being drawn. "I- My name is Arleos" he said a bit nervously. Maybe I should've waited till the tension died down a bit Ars thought. The negativity that still lingered was still making him overly cautious. Sometime he wished he could just ignore that slight kink in his abilities but...what you have is what you have he supposed.
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Alex rolled his eyes. "Maybe I should simplify. What do you want and why are you bothering us?" He asked slowly. He manipulated the air and hovered a few inches, for the towering-over-you effect.

Ryder walked up beside Alex and transformed his own sword, glaring at the stranger. "We just pull in all the friendlies around here, don't we?" Ryder said grimly.

Arleos cleared his throat. Suspicion huh, not surprised with what you guys just went through. "Bothering? I'd assume I was coming to aid if not anything else. I mean judging from that spot over there" he said before pausing a bit to gesture at the stain of blood, his nerves calming down once more. "I'd -ahem- assume someone was injured, maybe even lost perhaps. I thought I could be of help. Especially after I saw those two trading punches." He finished, picking himself up from the ground, and smiling nervously at Ryder's comment.

@Play On Words @Graecus Scum
Nico sighed,being apparently the only non aggressive person in the city. He stepped forward,still holding onto Nitch to make sure that he wouldn't fall.

"I don't think he will be able to talk much while two swords are pointed to him.

"I haven't cut his throat yet, shouldn't affect his talking at all." Ryder shrugged. He looked at Nitch. "What's wrong with you?" He asked, frowning.

"I have no idea." He groaned, rubbing his head as if he had a hangover.


Taking his finger and gently pushing Ryder's blade away from himself, Arleos cleared his throat once again. "Like I said, I'm only here to offer some help." He stated once the blade was far enough before keeping both his arms up mildly in the air.
Nico took a quick worried glance towards Nitch before turning his attention back to the new stranger.

"I don't think we need it,although that is nice of you. Unless Ryder says otherwise."

"I could care less what he does. I don't care what any of you do. I can't control you, I just want to find Toni and Carlos and everyone else and bring them home." Ryder said in a low voice. "Until then, we need to find a motel to spend the night, we can't stay out in the open any longer." He ordered.

After what felt like an eternity, Alec left Kara and Blair, going to his favorite place at Camp. It was a small waterfall, very serene. And, for the purposes of IM-ing, it cast off a fantastic spray of mist. He dug out one of his few drachmas and tossed it through the mist.

"Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Cassandra Delevigne." He pleaded, hoping she was alone. His hand was ready to cut the connection if he saw anyone but her.

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