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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"Demigods are so hostile these days. I'm not threatening anyone. I'm friendly, unlike you." Alex smirked. As if the girl could hurt him. He inspected them. "You two." He noted, pointing to the hostile guy and the gothic kid. "You make my skin crawl. Underworld kids. And you." He looked the girl. "You seem a bit more like me. Air, wind. Either a wind girl, or we're in the presence of a Zeus girl and a Hades boy. I'm good with parent guessing." He shrugged before looking at the other newcomer. "Let's be courteous. It's my hometown, too. But I'm playing nice. They've been through a tragedy." Alex chuckled, voice heavy with sarcasm. As if he cared about their friend.
Reiner Falkenhausten

He couldn't help but scoff as he rested the butt of his glaive on the pavement and regarded the man with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't act like you care when you don't." Reiner commented with a smirk. "If you truly were concerned for their friend, you wouldn't have antagonised the crying one nor delayed them from their search, now would you? Especially since you refuse to have any contact with the Camp they hail from, given your disdain for these little Campers."

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Nico shrugged at Ryder's words,seeming uncaring as always.


He listened to the stranger's words with no expression upon his face,tapping his pocket lightly.

I usually cause that reaction on people. I'm a son of Thanatos,and you talk too much."

He turned around to inspect the patch of blood left by Toni,ignoring completely the happenings around him.

Alex inspected the Hades boy. "He doesn't seem to be crying. None of them do. They just seem mildly upset." Alex smiled, playing with his sword. "And why the hell would I go to Camp? I could care less about the Olympians. Deadbeat parents, for sure. Trained better on my own anyways. I couldn't care less about their friend. And you don't seem to be helping much either, now do you?



"And you sound like an arrogant prick,but nothing surprising in there. Stop pretending that you care. Good for you that you survived on your own. But we have a quest to complete."

Cass turned her attention back to Ryder,waiting for his next command. Which would probably be the following the prophecy.

Ryder stared between the two men. "I feel like this no longer concerns us." He said slowly, taking a slight step back. He looked down at Nico. "There aren't exactly clues there. Our best bet is to make a new plan. Our old one no longer applies." He sighed, trying not to stare at the blood. He had no idea why the stranger kept saying he was crying. Sure, he was tempted to break down and just be numb, but he didn't cry. Ever.

"So touchy. I'll be the first to admit that I don't care. But you seem to be in over your heads, and I'm curious. What exactly is happening at Camp Godly?" He asked, having no doubt that he'd be ignored. "God out of control? Zeus-y lost his bolt again? Or is it another obscure prophecy that's impossible to understand?"



Nico ignored the stranger,turning his attention to Ryder's glance.

"Why don't we try to contact my father? I know your relationship with yours isn't the best,and we need information about travelling in the Underworld. I don't think I pissed my father much,not yet at least."
Reiner Falkenhausten

"There's something called 'internal sorrow', you know." Reiner responded drily before shrugging. "But true, I'm not here to help. Just drawn by the short little scuffle that ensued upon their arrival here."

He heard one of the demi-gods mention a prophecy and in spite of himself, he was curious. "Is dear old Dionysus still lounging that drunkard arse of his around the Camp? Man, it must suck to be in a place with him there all the time and then sent on random quests. A prophecy, I heard you say. The Oracle babbling again?" Reiner commented after hearing the older male voice his question.

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"Can everyone be quiet, please?" Nishan asked in a low voice. He had been thinking hard since the second Toni had disappeared. That was all he could do, think. "The first guy's right, this is neither the time nor the place to plan. I'd suggest finding a safe place for the day, spend the night in New York City, and leave first thing tomorrow. But it's your call, Ryder." Nitch offered. Ryder seemed to be considering it.


"We aren't traveling through the Underworld. It's too dangerous." Ryder said firmly. "And I have a feeling the gods don't know much more about this than we do. We're on our own." He looked up at the two men talking next to them. "You know, we're fine. We really don't need your help. We're leaving. Isn't that exactly what you wanted?" He asked sharply.

Alex laughed. "So snappy. Don't you get it? The gods don't care. They never have and they never will. We're just toys to them. The unfortunate results of a good time. Why would you help them? What have they ever done for you?" Alex asked slowly.



Nico slowly rose his eyes to meet Alexander's glance,still no expression in his face.

"Sorry,you seem to be under the false impression that I care about your little grudge with the Gods. Go get a therapist." He pulled a cigarette from his pocket,lighting it up. That was a habit he rarely showed in the camp. "Whatever you say,Ryder. We have enough money for a hotel room."

"It's fine, Nico. At least this guy makes sense." Ryder said humorlessly as he appraised the blonde. He looked around warily, not liking being out in the open for so long. Before he could say anything else, he noticed something. A sound. It sounded like sand paper rubbing against itself. He narrowed his eyes, looking a bit harder. That's when he saw it. "Uh... Guys. I'd suggest your get your weapons out." He said, transforming his sword quickly.

"Why?" Nitch asked, following his gaze. His jaw dropped. "Those are..."

"Dracanae." Ryder nodded. "Yep. Not hard to kill, but that's... Quite a few."

"Dracanae? They don't normally come around here." Alex noted, pulling out his sword and facing the snake women. "Fine by me. I've been looking forward to a fight." He said with a slow grin. He took advantage of his powers over air and hovered about a foot in the air. Aerial advantage.
Reiner Falkenhausten

"Goddamn you campers and your quest." Reiner hissed, twirling his glaive around as he shot glares towards the Campers. "I was happy living an unchaotic life, thank you very much."

The pavement around his feet cracked and shifted as he called upon the roots beneath this town. Part of the reason he chose to stay here was the natural defence the plants around and below provided. The roots thickened as they shot out of the ground around his feet, curling and twisting in the air before whipping towards the nearest Dracanae.

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"You're welcome to leave us alone, you know!" Ryder shot back, charging and swinging his sword. One down. But another dozen snake women followed the first group, all laughing gleefully at the thought of godly blood. "Wow, we must be really important." He noted. He found himself surrounded with his back to Blondie's. He got distracted, thinking about how easy it would be for Blondie to kill him. Before he could snap back into action, a sword was headed straight for his throat, too quickly for him to dodge. He cursed himself for being so distracted, knowing he was too slow to block the strike.

Alex swung his sword, shouting triumphantly as the target disintegrated. Absentmindedly, he wondered what the mortals saw. Gang fight? Before he could delve too deeply into that thought, he noticed a sword going straight for Ryder's throat. He reacted instinctively, pushing the kid back and blocking the strike. In the same instant, pain flew up his leg as one of the snake women stabbed him with a trident. He snarled viciously, killing her quickly. "Damn it." He gasped, not pausing in his battle.

Ryder gasped when Blondie pushed him out of the way, and noticed that he got stabbed for his efforts. He had no idea if it had been an accident, not realizing what the consequences would've been, but he still realized what it meant. The guy had saved his life. "Thanks." He managed to say before returning his attention to the snake women.
Reiner Falkenhausten

"I would leave if this wasn't my home," Reiner growled lowly as he ducked a trident and lashed out in a counter-attack. The blade of his glaive severed the snake's arm and he whirled around, bringing the blunt end of his weapon up and swinging as he did. The butt collided satisfyingly with her jaw, knocking her back. The roots enveloped her and she disintegrated with a shriek.

Taking his attention away from the still approaching Dracanae, Reiner swept his eyes over the others, seeing if they needed help. However, the second of inattention nearly cost him his left arm. Leaping back with a curse, he still acquired a long, thin scratch. Deciding to buy the others some time, Reiner pushed more of his powers into the plants, willing them to twist together and create a fairly solid wall. This way, they would less likely be backstabbed as they focused on thinning the enemy out.

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"That's it." Ryder spat. He let out a shout, raising one hand. Immediately, the ground rumbled slightly, and skeletal hands rose, pulling their bodies up. In seconds, there was a group of undead warriors fighting along side of them. "You can leave us alone, though! That's a promise." Ryder yelled back. He didn't like owing people anything.



Nico walked through the battlefield,lowering his body as he felt a dracanae striking against him. His shadows wrapped around them,pulling the oxygen out of their bodies.

His eyes drifted towards Reiner,seeing a monster sneak up on his back and aiming towards his throat before the wall of plants was up. He considered the idea of allowing the monster to kill him before he rose his hand and started to choke her as well,keeping the attack from happening.

A wave of electricity fell behind him,making three dracanae explode. Cass was working as well.


"Girls, girls, you're both pretty!" Alex cut in, killing two snake women with one slash. "You can shut up now!" He flew five feet in the air, jumping over the heads of the snake women and landing perfectly on top of one.

Nitch whirled his blade. He was just a few feet from the plant guy, and not doing as well as his companions. He couldn't focus, and his sword was clumsy. He lunged for one woman and missed, leaving his back open without realizing it. Unknown to him, a dracanae moved in for the kill.



A sword was aimed towards the place where Cass stood,but then she wasn't there anymore. The blow of the dracanae was met with air before Cass appeared behind them and repeatedly stabbed their chests with her dagger.

Alex thrust out a hand, causing a huge burst of wind to send three snake women flying against a nearby building, killing them immediately. He flew another three feet in the air, stabbing at heads with very little danger.

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