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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.



"Ah,screw that." Cassandra took a step forward into the cafe and hugged Ryder,taking advantage of the fact that he had his back turned to her and couldn't punch her immediately. "I'm really sorry about your family."

She quickly pulled back and walked to Nico's side,noticing the shocked look he gave her.

Ryder recoiled the second he felt someone's arms around him, cringing slightly at the contact. The second he was released, he whipped around, fuming. "Don't ever do that again." He ordered in a low voice, just loud enough for her to hear. His eyes were bloodshot and red, as if he was trying hard not to cry. He hated being touched. He hadn't been hugged since he was a child, and he preferred it that way.



Cass nodded immediately,shyly looking at the ground. She couldn't help but wonder when was the last time someone had touched Ryder like she had.

"Sorry,bit of am impulse. I won't do that again."

It was a lie,of course. And her fingers crossed behind her back proved that.

She couldn't help but feel bad about her friends,specially because her life had been generally happy. Of course,she didn't have food most of the time. And never saw her mom. But still...it was a happy life.

Nico was the one who broke the awkward silence and Cassandra smiled to him gratefully.

"I'm getting a coffee for myself. Do you want something,Cass?"

"Just some tea. And thank you."

He quickly ran to the counter.
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Ryder glared at Cass, not believing her for a second. After a few seconds, he grabbed his coffee and stormed out of the shop, fuming silently. He found the nearest bench and sat down heavily, trying to calm his accelerated heartbeat and breathing.

"She's just a person. Calm your shit, Miller." He growled to himself.



Cass looked slightly hurt as she watched Ryder leaving the coffee place until Nico moved to her side and handed her the tea.

"You know it's nothing personal,right? It's just...Ryder."

"I know. But I do like Ryder. Well,sometimes anyway."

"If you had his life,you would be avoiding people as well."


She sat down in the table next to him,letting her thoughts fly around the place. Moments of silence were not uncomfortable when Nico was around. He always respected the rare moments that she needed to be quiet.

Toni noticed Ryder storming out of the coffee shop and sighed, rubbing her eyes. She had seen the failed hug, and feared for her new friend's life. Ryder and hugs just didn't mix. Toni grabbed Max's hand, what seemed to be becoming a habit of hers, and led him into the shop. She faced Cass. "It was a heroic try. One that, if you try it again, you'll probably get stabbed for. But it was heroic." She smirked.



Cass' lips pouted lightly at Toni's words. She pulled a chair so the girl could sit by her side.

"So maybe I am impulsive. Zeus had the idea to build Olympus in a moment of impulse! Which...is a little bit harder than getting through Ryder. So I still think I'm right." She leaned against her chair and smirked. Her logic made perfect sense to her.

"Zeus is a god. I think building Olympus was pretty easy. Getting through Ryder's thick skull? That'd take an army of gods and goddesses. I hate to say it... But I don't even think Zeus could do it." She sighed. Immediately, the sky rumbled slightly. "Calm down, I still tremble at your feet or whatever." Toni scoffed before looking out the window at Ryder. He was hunched over, face buried in his hands. "He never told me about his family. I didn't even know for sure if they were dead. How can a person live with themselves knowing that they're the reason that their entire family is... Gone? My mother lives in Canada. She married a doctor, they're happy together. I have two half-siblings." She sighed. "I hate my father, but my family is whole. He doesn't have one."



Cass took a sip of her tea before looking up at Toni with a stubborn expression.

"He has a family. He has us. And we may not be the best band of misfits in the world,but we are still the only ones he has." She let her eyes wander to the window. "That is why I have to get through Ryder. It may not be as fun of a task as building Olympus,but Cassandra daughter of Zeus is not the type of person that gives up."

Nico had been quiet as usually,watching the situation unfold in front of him.

"It's your funeral,Cass."


"Yea, tell Ryder that you're his cousin and you'll never let him go. That'll end well for you." She scoffed, following her gaze once again. "He's killed people who tried that before. And I don't think Alec would appreciate following the quest this far just to find you dead." Toni said sharply.



"Godammit,fine! Just so you know,I wouldn't die so easily! And I won't give a fuck anymore then!"

Cass pulled her cup and stepped out of the coffee,the colour of her eyes blinking white of a second. She ignored the sounds of thunder that started to resonated around her as she stepped away from the other demigods.

Nico's mouth stood open. He stared in complete shock at Cass slamming the door.

"Hm,I don't think I ever saw Cass angry. Or swearing. Or looking like she is actually the daughter of Zeus and will start to murder everyone."

"I think she underestimates just how violent Ryder can get. How she can do that after watching him fight, I have no idea. It doesn't matter how hard it is to take her down, if she gets on Ryder's nerves enough, she'll go down." Toni shook her head. She walked out of the cafe, not really sure where to go. Thirty minutes in, and the quest is falling apart. As she passed the doorway, she felt like something was wrong. She had only gone about five feet when a chill of foreboding ran through her, and she whipped around. Immediately, a knife was stuck into her abdomen, and she gasped, jaw dropped. She couldn't move, stuck looking at the hand that had just stabbed her.

"You shouldn't have ever left that precious camp of yours, Toni O'Brian." The figure, a man, growled. He turned her around and pulled out the knife, making her groan. The knife was against her throat in an instant. Ryder was ten feet away, eyes blazing with fury, sword in hand.

"I'd suggest letting her go." Ryder snarled.

"I don't think so." The man laughed.



"You don't back away and you will die. Slowly,painfully."

In a second nothing was standing behind the man,and then Cass simply appeared in the blink of an eye. Her dagger was pointed to the sky,her hand firm around it's grip. What she was about to do was pretty obvious,specially considering the white glow around her eyes.

"Let her go."

Toni felt half-conscious, barely alive. She felt the figure behind her chuckle lowly.

"I don't think so." He said simply. He seemed to fall backward, pulling Toni along with him. She didn't understand, but someone obviously did.

"No!" Ryder bellowed, lunging forward. But he was a second too slow, and Toni melted into shadows with her assailant.


Ryder looked around wildly, but it was no use. Whoever had taken his best friend was of the Underworld, and could shadow travel. "No!" He yelled again, eyes wide with fear. He couldn't lose her. She was all he had. But the only evidence that she had ever been there was a small bloodstain on the pavement.



Cass took a step forward towards the shadows,but her hand grasped only air. She stared in shock at the place where Toni had disappeared,looking down at the patch of blood left by the girl.

The last conversation they had and she was screaming at Toni.

Cass felt a slight shift in the air as Nico appeared behind her.

"What- oh. I'm...so sorry."

He understood what happened immediately,seeing the blood on the ground.

Cass looked about to freak out,but she quickly pushed her feelings back like she always had.

"W-we can find her. She is alive,I know that. We just...we need to keep going."

Ryder fell to his knees without meaning to, his legs too weak to support him. "Please, gods, no." He whispered, voice shaking. "Not her. Not Toni." Every bit of strength he had was just gone. His best friend could be dead. He had no idea where she was. He glared up at Cass as she spoke. He didn't voice his thoughts, but he was screaming mentally.

Oh, you know that? How? How the fuck do you know that she's alive?!

Ryder shook his head slightly, reaching out with one hand to the spot where they had disappeared. He knew it was a far stretch, but hoped that, because he was a son of Hades, he could tell where they had shadow traveled to. Unfortunately, he found nothing.
Reiner Falkenhausten

Reiner had been on his daily patrol of the town for monsters. Things were usually quiet around here but one could never be too sure. And he knew this more intimately than most. How many times when he was younger did he let his guard down, only to be jumped on by monsters hiding in the dark? Well, now caution was practically ingrained within his being.

As he slipped through the Mist, Reiner gripped his glaive tightly, holding it close to his side as the sense of wrongness deepened. He had no idea what was causing it, so he moved towards the source, just in time to see a group of demi-gods enter the town. A frown furrowed his brow but he stuck to the Mist, silently observing them whilst keeping an eye out for monsters on their trail. A group such as this - no matter how small - would undoubtedly attract trouble.

However, the trouble that came was unexpected. Even he had no time to react as he watched a figure slip through the darkness, stab one of the female demi-god and vanished with her. Reiner clicked his teeth in irritation and annoyance as the others began making a ruckus in the middle of town. Slipping out of the Mist, he spoke lowly, making sure his glaive was pointing to the ground to convey no threat.

"Get off your feet and move. I don't care if you want to bawl your eyes out, just don't do it out in the open unless you want to be monster chow." Reiner snarked, eyes darting around for further threats.




Cass took a step forward by reflex when Ryder fell to the ground,reaching towards him. But then she felt herself being pulled back by Nico. The son of Thanatos gave her a warning look before stepping forward.

"We need to keep going. We're not doing Toni any good by standing around crying for her. If she is alive,every minute we are losing could mean life or death for her. So get off that floor,Ryder. You're not the only one who lost someone who was important to you in these disappearances."

Cass glared at Nico,shocked. She didn't understand what he was talking about,but his shy personality seemed to be gone.
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Ryder didn't move, or even react, as the newcomer spoke. He didn't seem to notice, eyes hollow. Even Nico's words had no effect on him. After a few moments, seemingly accidentally, he stood up and walked away from the group, ignoring all of them. He didn't say a word, clenching and unclenching his fists.

Alex watched the scene from a distance, not altogether troubled. He sighed, lighting his cigarette and walking toward the demigod that separated himself from the group. He knew he looked like a mortal, and walked past the group of Half-bloods unnoticed as he caught up with the outlier.

"Wow, Camp Half-Blood really lowered their standards. I didn't expect emotional messes." Alex noted.

Ryder had his sword out in an instant, turning toward the stranger. "I don't know or care about you. But I would not advise getting on my nerves right now." He snarled furiously. The guy had to be in his twenties, and looked like he had seen some shit. "I will happily kill you at this point." He continued, raising his sword to the man's throat.

"Oh, I'm terrified, I assure you." Alex smirked, nudging the sword away carefully. "No need to go around stabbing people. Put that away before the idiotic mortals call the cops." He scoffed. "You're fighting a losing battle, kid. Save yourself the trouble. Whatever is happening at Camp, let it go. Or you'll be the next one to get stabbed. Pick your battles, and pick them carefully. Picking a fight with me, for example, would be a mistake. I don't want to hurt you."



"Is this a secret mission or a fucking party?" Cassandra stepped forward so she could be by Ryder's side,pressing her daggers tightly. "You threaten him and you will be threatening me and Nico as well. Let's see you take your chances against three demigods."

Nico didn't move,although the look on his face obviously meant that he was up for the fight.

Ryder listened suspiciously. But after years of being as cautious as he was, he knew tells of a liar, and this guy showed none. Either he was being sincere, or he was a very skilled manipulator. Either way, Ryder transformed his sword back into a glove and adjusted it. "Calm down, Cassandra." He said hollowly. His anger faded as quickly as it had flared up. He didn't have the strength to be angry.
Reiner Falkenhausten

Reiner glared at the group of bickering demi-gods in annoyance. "If you are going to fight, I would appreciate it if you bring it elsewhere. Don't do ruining my hometown just because you can't control yourselves like some infantile brats."

Honestly, this was why he did not wish to associate with Camp Half-Blood and his father. All the trouble they cause was simply not worth the effort. He had managed to avoid other demi-gods for a few years now and suddenly a bunch of them decided to take a pit-stop here?

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