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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.



Nico saw the attack of the dracanae in time to teleport and kick the woman away from Nitch. He started to pant,the excessive teleporting wearing him down.


He had a slightly crazy look in his eyes as he pulled his sword and started to decapitate monsters.
Reiner Falkenhausten

Reiner half-turned as he heard choking sounds directly behind, and his heart froze for a split-second as he saw exactly how close to death he came. His eyes flicked to the male that choked her and reluctantly inclined his head in thanks.

Then he turned back to the fight, absently noting that a slender guy was now next to him, sword clumsily held in hand. He didn't dwell on the nerdy looking kid, instead striking out with his glaive and impaling another snake through the chest. He turned to search for another target just in time to see another dracanae rise up behind the boy.

"Behind!" He barked, throwing himself forward as roots shot towards the snake. Only he needn't have bothered as the male teleported over, easily knocking her away.

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"Ha!" Alex shouted gleefully, somersaulting in the air and cutting a head in half. He landed lightly on his feet and made a snake-kebab with his sword, unable to stop his wild grin. He was good at fighting, it made him feel free.

Nitch whirled around, eyes wide. He was putting his friends in danger by being so stupid. His will hardened, and he lashed out once again, his blow falling, accurate and fatal, on a snake woman. "I am not weak!" He snarled, seeing the crowd dwindle down dramatically. It took just a few more moments for there to be one left, who Nitch decapitated quickly, sweating slightly. He had been the most useless warrior, by far.

Alex cocked his head, walking through the monster dust. "That's... Not the strangest battle cry I've ever heard." He admitted. He looked over at Ryder. "You're a good swordsman, but you need to work on clearing your head. Remove all distractions. See only you, your weapon, and your enemies." He instructed, predicting that the guy would ignore his advice. "I'm Alex, by the way. Son of Aeolus."
Reiner Falkenhausten

He snorted loudly even as he took deep, even breaths to calm himself from the battle-high. The adrenaline rush was only starting to fade but he did not relax, not yet, at least.

"Of course you're not weak. You have a god's blood running through you. It's whether or not you choose to use it to its full potential that determines if you are strong or not." Reiner said lowly as he flicked a finger, dismissing the roots and watched them retreat back into the ground.

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Ryder inspected Blondie. Or Alex. "Thanks for the advice." He muttered. "Ryder, son of Hades. Although I'm sure you've guessed that by now." He wiped the sludge from his sword and transformed it quickly back into a glove, slipping it on. "You're a pretty good fighter yourself."


"I have Athena's blood running through me. I'm a strategist. A planner. Not a warrior." Nitch snorted. "I'm Nitch." He forced himself to say after a minute. If Ryder would be friendly, then Nitch certainly had no reason not to be.



Nico sat down on the ground after the fight,still breathing heavily. He imagined that falling down after the battle was over wasn't very heroic. His powers were exhausting,but he controlled then anyway.

He turned as he felt Cassandra's hand on his shoulder and looked up to meet her glance.

"You okay?"

"Yeah...just....give me a moment."
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Reiner Falkenhausten

"I'm Reiner. Son of Dionysus...unfortunately." Reiner nodded in acknowledgement. "A strategist can be a warrior too. You forget your strengths lie in analysing your foes, on maps or on the battlefield, it doesn't matter. That's your advantage right there. Analyse the moves of your opponents, read their intentions, and you can be as good a warrior as any. That is, of course, if you continue to brush up your swordsmanship at the same time."

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"I'm normally not that bad." Nitch said defensively. "I didn't forget my strengths, I just... I forgot." He admitted. He perked up, searching for Ryder. He noticed him talking to the blonde guy, Alex. He was sweaty, but seemed unharmed. Alex, on the other hand, had a bleeding leg. "Hey, what happened to you? Did that just happen?" He asked, walking over and pulling a bottle of nectar from his bag.

"I was distracted saving Ryder's ass." Alex admitted, inspecting the wound. "It's fine. Shallow." He shrugged. But he accepted the offered nectar and took a swig before handing it back. Immediately, the pain in his leg faded dramatically. "Thanks." He said graciously.

"So... Alex, Reiner. I'm assuming you two aren't a team, are you both alone? Seems a bit depressing for most people, my dream come true." Ryder asked bluntly. He didn't trust Reiner, but Alex had taken a hit in the leg to save his ass, so he couldn't quite complain.

"Yes. I'm alone." Alex said immediately, hoping nobody noticed the lie. He had to get back soon, she'd be worried. Before he could make some really bad excuse to leave, he noticed a flash of blonde hair and bright blue eyes, and groaned inwardly. Not now, I don't trust these people. Stay back...

It was no use. Jenna crept out of the crowd, looking concerned, and ran toward him. He hesitated, torn. If he went over to stop her, or gave a sign, he'd give her away. If he didn't she'd run over and give herself away. Before he could decide, she caught up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Where've you been? You've been gone for hours!" Jenna demanded, not seeming to notice the people around him.

Ryder barely noticed the girl walking up, his attention drawn to Max. He had been quiet since Toni had disappeared, for obvious reasons. He wasn't sure what to do. He wasn't exactly a comforting influence, and he was still tempted to just sit down and numb it out. Instead of doing either, he went back to where she had been taken and inspected the area, trying to remove all emotions and see it from an outsider's viewpoint. Girl taken when hunting down a kidnapper. Logic might say that the kidnapper arranged for her assault, or even did it himself. But why take her as well...?


Toni tried to scream, thrashing back and forth. Her entire torso was on fire. Whoever had taken her was just letting her bleed out on the ground, bonded and gagged. She couldn't see anything of her surroundings, just darkness. She was tied firmly to a metal pole that supported the ceiling, giving her no way to release herself. Her gag was so tight it nearly cut the edges of her mouth, Joker style. Her shirt was soaked with blood.

This is the fate that comes to the mighty daughter of Ares. Tied to a metal stick and unable to draw her sword.

They hadn't taken her ring, but her hands were too far apart and tied too tightly. She was effectively fucked.

In the far off distance a young man watched the group. Surveying their past battle he sought it best to introduce himself later. And so for now he would stay within a well off distance, besides...the current events made this place full of wild emotions.

There was no way Arleos would approach them now. He'd need to wait. Wait and see before revealing himself.
Max got up, and saw Ryder inspecting the site. He walked over "Did anyone get a good look at the kidnapper?" he asked softly. He wasn't sure weather they should try to find her or continue searching with the clues the prophecy reveals. Guess that's why he isn't quest leader. He looked at Ryder, who seemed completely devoid of emotion. good, he knew when it is important to be efficient.

Nitch raised an eyebrow at Alex and the girl. "So, loner boy. Who's this?" He asked with an eyebrow raised and a slight smirk on his lips. He just couldn't resist, the timing had been beautiful.


Ryder looked up, hair falling over his eyes. "No. Hooded, cloaked, only saw his hands and heard his voice. It was definitely a guy, maybe an inch taller than me, bulky. Ornate dagger." He closed his eyes, trying to expel the image of Toni getting stabbed from his mind. "Nobody should've known why we left except for Camp. So whoever took her has reason to not want us following them. He's with the original kidnapper, he has to be."

Alex glared at the Ares kid, pushing Jenna carefully behind him. "Friend of mine." He answered in a low voice. Jenna sighed.

"I'm his sister. Jenna." She blurted out, and Alex sighed.

"Do you ever stop talking?" He asked exasperatedly.
"So what should we do?" he said looking up to Ryder. He was the leader, so he would follow him to the styx. It was his duty. Besides, he trusted Ryder. He had no reason not to.

"The only thing we can do. We continue the quest. And we pray to all the gods that she's waiting for us at the end, alive." His eyes seemed to flame with fury. "And if I ever find the bastard that hurt her, he'll be begging for death." He growled lowly.


Nitch looked at the girl, who could be no older than 13. "I can see the resemblance. Hey, Jenna. I'm Nitch." Nitch said with a smile.
"If you don't mind me making a suggestion, If we, or, Nitch, could find a way to track down Toni and the kidnapper, we could get their much quicker." Max said, knowing that the chances of that were slim, but he wanted to help in any way he could.

"Nitch and I have a plan. We'll have to fix it a bit, but we know what we're doing. We'll find Toni. We'll kill the kidnapper, get the campers back. And then we'll go back to camp, and act like nothing happened." Ryder said with his jaw clenched, unable to tear his eyes from the puddle of blood. After a few moments, he stood up and walked over to Nitch, pulling him to the side. "Tonight. It has to happen tonight, we're running out of time." Ryder ordered. Nitch went pale.

"Ryder, you could die." Nitch warned, shaking his head. "You said this was a last resort option."

"I don't see any other options. Do you?" Ryder insisted. Nitch hesitated, and shook his head again. "Then tonight."

"Don't talk to her." Alex said firmly, glaring at Nitch. "She's 12, I don't want her getting mixed up in your quest." He continued, jaw clenched. He had done everything he possibly could to protect Jenna from being a Demigod, but there was nothing he could do. She didn't even know her father. The truth was, they were only half-siblings. Their mother had been seduced by two gods. Aeolus and Morpheus. Eleven years apart. Of course, Jenna didn't need to know that, she just assumed that her powers were weak, she barely understood her life.

Nitch narrowed his eyes slightly, standing up and facing the man. "She already is. She's here, isn't she?" Nitch said experimentally. He wanted to push this guy, he wanted to see how sensitive he could be. "You brought her here. It's your fault that she's in danger right... Now. Any second, a monster could come around the corner and kill her, because you're too slow." He shrugged.

"Nitch." Ryder warned. Nitch ignored him.

"What a fantastic brother you are. Her blood will be on your hands." Nitch spat.

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